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Cross-Server PvP is upcoming - Why?


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I think that we should get into a mind set that combining servers is either NOT going to happen or, if it is, it is a Long ways off from being implemented.


I am currently on a dying server. The only diehard pvp guild on the pub side is "Watchmen" and the other one on the with side are "Exogenesis" both of our guilds are stoked to get cross server, why? Because we are going to be the only ones that are going to be making any kind of premades for rated wz. We are the only ones now that religiously make 4 man premades for what we have available now. It would be a very safe bet that only our pvp guilds will be the only ones making premades which will really screw us over , if non cross server, since we "watchmen" are not always on the same times as they are. Both guilds are ready to play other people that we can't face roll and want a great challenge. The only way this is going to happen is from a cross server solution. I understand completely how a server like maybe Harbringer or Fatman would be against this idea but, as stated by bioware beforehand, they will try to match up via your own server first. This implementation MAY not really "hurt" them as far as their sense of community. In my dilemma at my server we have no other choice BUT to look forward to a cross server solution. As it stands right now we are lucky to have over 60 on our pub fleet at peak times and have no way "out" of our situation in pvp. The problem in our community is that it there is not enough pvpers on either side.


Let me say this: If I was on a serer that actually had more than 120 on our COMBINED fleets at the same time I would too be hesitant about the change but as I stand right now the moment of cross server play can't come too soon.

Edited by sonarghost
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There's no reasonable reason for cross server warzones.


The reasons people give and the reasons it makes no sense:


1) Shorter queues. Wait, what? How does having 100 people in the pool vs 1000 people in the pool make a queue for your 16 man game shorter? It doesn't, because you're still going to have the exact same time for a game for the first 6 games in the 100 people scenario, and the first 62 games in the 1000 people scenario. The ONLY time it makes queues faster is if you didn't have 16 people to start a game at all, and if a server doesn't have 16 people who are wanting to do a warzone, there are far larger issues than warzone queues.


You're assuming they want a 16 man game vs. an 8 or 4, or even a PUG. For 16 man games it probably won't make much difference, but for the others it will reduce the que time.


2) Even out the population. Wait, what? By their own admission, there is a 57-43 split of Imperial to Republic, with the PVP servers being worse (I notice they didn't say how much worse, but based off my own experience playing both sides on my pvp server, I can guess). Now, sure, this means if you are on a pvp server with say...a 70-30 split, you'll be able to take advantage of a 57-43 split, but it goes both ways. The guy on a pve server that had a 50-50 split is now going to be facing a 57-43 split as well. And, this all seems pointless anyways when they said warzones will be both faction vs faction as well as same faction vs same faction, meaning evening out the population doesn't actually matter.


Most of us don't want to fight our own faction and favor the idea of minimizing this. Most of us are also on PvP servers. This is the PvP forum afterall.


So...I agree, OP. Bioware, why? As you said with the dungeon finder question, you think community is important. Right now, you know the people you fight, so you are more emotionally invested. Once it goes cross server, the enemy is going to become nameless automatons you'll hardly ever see again (if ever). That sure seems to help the community! And, as I've already pointed out above, there doesn't seem to be any upside we gain from destroying the community.


So....why do it?


Because only you and a few others like standing around on the fleet waiting for ques. Most of us want to PvPing, and right now the only PvP occurs in war zones and hour long + ques are not acceptable.



And that ought to about it cover it.

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The solution is not in cross-servers, the solution is in merging servers.


Some shmucky manager brought the decision to make overabundance of servers to counter the launch queues. Probably it was the good old "I'm-king-of-the-world" mentality there and managers think they were grabbing G-d by the balls (G-d being WoW in this case).


Logically, in time, population decreased.


Not only this is cost effective - you will encounter different, new, people who will want to play.

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Blah, blah, blah. Good move by Bioware. My PvP premade team wants to compete against everyone in the ToR community, not just the 4 or 5 serious PvP teams on my own server.


This ^


Even the most populated servers are only going to be able to support at max, 10 rated teams per side (even less for the Pubs). 5 or 6 of those are available to queue at any given time of day, possibly as low as 2-3 during off peak hours. So you're saying it would be better to have ranked matches against the same handful of teams all the time?


As shocking as this may seem to some of you, what if your team was getting rolled all the time? Wouldn't you want to play against someone else?

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Blah, blah, blah. Good move by Bioware. My PvP premade team wants to compete against everyone in the ToR community, not just the 4 or 5 serious PvP teams on my own server.


Not sure if your serious. But I would say you are correct. The Pubs on my server have a PvP guild named Black Omen who has been totally waxing us. Its gotten to the point where people just let them win to keep from giving them too many medals. Nothing demoralizes more than having a team camp outside the last spawn room in void star after placing the last bomb just to get more kills. No camping IN the spawn room as there is still 3.5 minutes left in the map.

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I currently think the biggest issue is to merge servers, or to get cross server options working. I'm currently almost at the end of my patience with having to queue 20 mins for a game for it to be 5v8 or similar, almost every game.


Warzones are the most popular part of SWTOR currently (and the most enjoyable for me). It is absolutely imperative that they do whatever they can to ensure two things:


1. Matches start 8v8 every time, and if not every time then 95% of it.


2. Queueing for warzones need to be no longer than 5 minutes at the absolute most.



I can not stress enough that these issues are the number 1, absolute top priority.


Why? Because if they don't sort this out then they will quickly find they will have a very small player base left.


Every online game needs a daily grind to make players come back and make it a lifestyle. There are only so many times one can level a character through the same worlds doing the same quests. Currently the daily lifestyle for alot of players are warzones and flashpoints.


They desparately need to get warzones as populated as they possibly can.

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Has it occurred to Bioware to even ask the community if they want this? There is a fantastic in-game polling system that is never used. What if 75% of the community DOES NOT want cross-server PvP?

I'd be curious to see what the reasoning is behind this upcoming change. The general things associated to cross-server PvP are:

- Complete lack of community, you'll never see the people you had a match with ever again.

- Complete lack of peer pressure to play well and not do things like AFK the whole match.

- For those on heavily populated servers, the queues would become longer than they are now.

- The goal of PvP becomes to have your name on top of a leaderboard with 1 million plus other people that you've never met before.


Bioware many people don't care about how they rank against people on other servers. They want to compete against and play with the people that they can actually interact with afterwards. They want to play a MMO, not BF3 with lightsabers.


I have yet to see Bioware even address this. Do they have a better system? Do they recognize these issues exist but don't care? Has any community research been done at all before deciding this was the direction you wanted to go?

During development it was stated Bioware would listen to their players. I have yet to see this. I see some responses to people on the forums (which is not even close to being everyone) and nothing else.




If you dident relise there ARE servers other than standards and heavy's and some of them have less than 100 players TOTAL

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it is I much needed change there must be cross server there are alot of low pop servers, last night 6 of us in guild and 6 from another guild were constantly in q for pvp that was pretty much it vs the same 16 ish imps all night gets pretty damn old and there is only a certain window for when we can pvp and thats hoping everyone is on, we had at most during the day yesterday 30 ish players in fleet and at max 56 level 50's online. the other issue is just the low population in general there is literally no economy if we dont level up skills ourselves we dont even get what we need for certain items its seriously out of hand cant even craft half the **** I need.
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Because after 5 months of relentlessly beating(and I mean relentless, no mercy, locked-down beatings) The imperials have all but disappeared on my server. The legacy system that im sure people who are against x-server ques LOVE, discourages players to reroll so telling people to "reroll" isnt an option, leaving the only option... ? (cross server ques)
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One server isn't a big enough to get good ranked PvP. You end up playing the same 2 or 3 teams all day every day.


It shouldn't be that way though because it wasn't in DAoC nor in Warhammer in the beginning.

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Personally I really like cross sever. How ever in the case of tor an how it is now sever population wise, I'd really like to see some sever transfers first an foremost. Then add in cross sever for a good mix of players.

All I would need them is some 2v2 arena action an I'd be happy. Well with some good balance AC

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Bioware doesn't want any sense of community it seems. They've fought to keep servers nice and generic. Even the large populations have no sense of community. The servers here are much like FPS servers. Log in and play with a bunch of strangers and then log out. As long as BW gets the sub money they are happy with no server communities for some reason. Probably because they aren't that good at MMOs yet.
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It does hurt the community but in theme park mmos and especially tor .. there is virtually no community to hurt.


Exactly and this is how BW has wanted it from the beginning. No community=They can more easily do what they want I guess.

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Faction vs. faction is beyond dumb in my humble opinion. I would rather wait in queue for 15 minutes than fight a silly Jedi Civil war.


I think you misunderstood. Faction vs Faction = Imp vs Repub. Faction vs intra Faction = Imp vs Imp.

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It's their game, they don't have to ask anything when most, if not all of the PvP games played are Hutball Empire vs Empire.


Yep it's their game and they are doing a wonderful job of retaining players. If they are lucky "their way" will drive the rest of us away.

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Today , 07:10 PM | #8


my guild and i were stuck on cho-mai .....we were in the same boat ...."dont want to start again ect"............but we did it and we are so happy......it does suck to build it all back up again i know ....but it is sooooo worth it .....we started on jedi covenant and man are we happy ........we are even playing imps where as we were repubs.....so that were not doing the same stories ect.......i promise this move is worth it to all those thinking about it....and besides when they give us our free transfers to get us off these dead rocks were on we can just move our old 50's to the new server to expand our own legacy and story ......but i do recomemnd everyone on a dead server to just take matters into your own hands and join up with a heavy server and youll be so happy you did

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Faction vs. faction is beyond dumb in my humble opinion. I would rather wait in queue for 15 minutes than fight a silly Jedi Civil war.


The only people who care about imp vs imp or rep vs rep are the Roleplayers. It really doesn't matter much to most pvpers.

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This thread must have been created before the sever server drop offs. X Server is a must for those on light servers.


The thing I would like to see the most is server merges. I have a lvl 40 Shadow and have not seen 1 Imperial. Iron Citadel was a heavy server when I joined in January.


In comparison to WoW, as a horde, I would always see my first Alliance in The Barrens around lvl 14 or so. I may max level a character, on a PvP server, without seeing 1 person of the opposite faction. Sad.

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