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Everything posted by Ferkenworth

  1. I pay for the game and plan on paying for it. I like the game. I know i personally switched to tank/heals to get a faster que in wow. I would do it in this game. Sounds like it would fix the shortage to me. Just the LFG system in Swtor is either screwed up or just slaps me in the face saying hey you need dual spec for this but to bad. I just don't see the downfall is all if you want it good keep at it. But if you don't want it why try and keep it outta the game. What does it hurt anyone is what i was asking.
  2. I just want to know what the big deal is with people NOT wanting Dual Spec'ing. There are people that can play multi-spec's. I did it in wow mostly to help other people out and to feed my ego a little. On my server currently if a healer leaves for whatever reason, we are waiting for a healer for ever. My GF would gladly respec to heals on the fly put her gear on and we reque just needing a dps. I mean all that would be possible and quick put one thing is missing. Dual Spec'ing. Basically asking how or why would it be bad to have it. Why does it bother people. If you don't want to dual spec that is fine. Those of us that can would love to have the feature. Just quit the hateing yall.
  3. I read about the Free to play. I like it. Will bring more people into the game. And not effect the people that keep there sub's at all. Looks good to me so far. i think they are just trying to lure people to the game and see how fun it is. And they will stay. But either way i agree with everything you said. If you port to an instance via Group finder you should be able to go back to the same spot. It happens that way with pvp so i think they can do it eventually. Cross server LFG would be great to add. But have read they don't want people to just leave and not care because they won't see that person anymroe. But i really didn't care about this in wow because with cross server it takes a second to find someone new. I have already expressed my opinion on the Duel Spec'ing aspect. Would love to get a responce for this thread.
  4. Right now there is an option to que for multiple specs. It is a good thing to have if someone has the skill to dps/tank. I like my druid in wow because i can dps/tank and Heal and pretty damn good at it. Dual Specing wouldn't hurt a game. And wow is in decline because cata got old and nothing was realeased for like 10 months. I am really liking this game. It is buggy i am sure they will sort things out. And i am sure they will add the duel specing soon because alot more people want it in the game then don't. If you don't want to multi-spec that is fine. THEN DON"T. But why try to keep someone else from doing it. Don't Tread on me
  5. Thanks guys. That was some great help and quick responses so it does seem the fail safe is to go by you mouse over while R/E'ing anything. It will tell you if it is possible with percentage. Thanks Again Guys And may the schwartz be with you
  6. I was talking to someone and was trying to confirm this process works. If i was to tear out an enhancement, lets say the adept 25 enhancement, is it possible to R/E it and learn the recipe. I have searched the forums and google and haven't been satisfied with any answers. Any help or comments would be great Thanks guys
  7. Thanks you Bioware and without looking anything up on my own when do you think they will do this.
  8. I want a 64 bit client as well to utilize some ram but didn't know i was reading a E-peng pissing contest.
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