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Five things you need to know about The Old Republic's Future [ARTICLE]


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I thought you guys would be interested in knowing what's going on in the minds of BW, for example, in the article, they actually admit the mistakes they made with the game and how they're going to fix it.


If this article isn't evidence enough that they are working their butts off, I don't know what will.

Edited by DarthKeredias
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can someone explain this?


You can't change weapons while in combat. If you hit whatever rank it is that enables this feature you get new unarmed brawling skills that you can use while unarmed.


Find another player who has the same rank. Unequip your weapons. Duel. Duke it out.

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2. BioWare knows it made mistakes


The developers weren’t shy of admitting areas of the game that they dropped the ball. It was refreshing to hear their candor about problems in the game, rather than pretending they didn’t exist. Here are some of the big problems they acknowledged.


  1. Operations are buggy, and are not as difficult as they’d hoped.
  2. Open World PvP, especially Ilum, is completely broken.
  3. Worlds need to be more interactive.
  4. Guild features in-game are “bare bones.”
  5. While they didn’t say that they disliked the UI, they listed a ton of changes coming to the UI
  6. in patch 1.2 and said that was “only 5% of what we want to do.”


2. Brought up in beta, we knew Illum was broken.

3. Brought up by testers over a year ago.

4. Brought up by testers over a year ago.

5. Brought up by testers over a year ago.


Point is they knew these things and more were of concern by testers over a year ago, but did nothing. These are the types of "polish" the game should have had before release. These are things that should have been of concern to BW before release.


Instead they chose to ignore these things and bring them in a patch as if they are listening to players when they didn't listen to testers. People will be fooled though, I'm sure. Plenty of fanbois about.

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2. BioWare knows it made mistakes


The developers weren’t shy of admitting areas of the game that they dropped the ball. It was refreshing to hear their candor about problems in the game, rather than pretending they didn’t exist. Here are some of the big problems they acknowledged.


  1. Operations are buggy, and are not as difficult as they’d hoped.
  2. Open World PvP, especially Ilum, is completely broken.
  3. Worlds need to be more interactive.
  4. Guild features in-game are “bare bones.”
  5. While they didn’t say that they disliked the UI, they listed a ton of changes coming to the UI
  6. in patch 1.2 and said that was “only 5% of what we want to do.”


2. Brought up in beta, we knew Illum was broken.

3. Brought up by testers over a year ago.

4. Brought up by testers over a year ago.

5. Brought up by testers over a year ago.


Point is they knew these things and more were of concern by testers over a year ago, but did nothing. These are the types of "polish" the game should have had before release. These are things that should have been of concern to BW before release.


Instead they chose to ignore these things and bring them in a patch as if they are listening to players when they didn't listen to testers. People will be fooled though, I'm sure. Plenty of fanbois about.


Have you ever thought that it wasn't BW's fault? If they had a majority of the control, they wouldn't have released the game till it was ready, EA probably wanted them to rush it so that they could sell it during the holiday season.

Edited by DarthKeredias
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Have you ever thought that it wasn't BW's fault? If they had a majority of the control, they wouldn't have released the game till it was ready, EA probably wanted them to rush it so that they could sell it during the holiday season.


This is the keystone of all the issues. In theMMO industry, a publisher must allow the developer time to develop. This did not happen with TOR. Read the article I posted in this thread. While it's common for MMOs to cut things out of launch to put into the game later, this happened to an extreme with TOR.


EA is a cancer inthe gaming industry. There are articles covering the detrimental impacts they have had as a publisher on the industry as a whole and on developers in particular. They decided that an acceptable form of this game could be packaged for the holidays and ride the Star Wars name to huge box sales. They were right. 2 million units sold off the bat? They don't care that the game's first impression was so poor. They're already on the way to the bank laughing their asses off.

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Have you ever thought that it wasn't BW's fault? If they had a majority of the control, they wouldn't have released the game till it was ready, EA probably wanted them to rush it so that they could sell it during the holiday season.

There is only so long that a game can be in the oven anyway. Absolutely no company can afford an endless dev expenditure without counterbalancing revenue.

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Point is they knew these things and more were of concern by testers over a year ago, but did nothing. These are the types of "polish" the game should have had before release. These are things that should have been of concern to BW before release.


No, that's not a "point." That's a pointless "gripe." Usually, for something to have a point, it has to be of consequence. That stuff wasn't in the game despite whatever yadda yadda and even though it should've been and blah blah blah. OH WELL...it wasn't in there. It's coming though. It's going to be fixed though. So what does this really change to point out that you feel it shoudl've been there in the first place? Nothing...absolutely nothing. Maybe you can argue that a small miniority of really really uptight crybabies might unsub. Yep...unsub right when it's been made quite readily apparent that the issues they have are being addressed, and alot of them will be fixed within a month or so. Because you know what? "You might be fixing it, but I have such a sad over it not being the way I wanted when released/launched that I don't care you're fixing it soon." And then what...they'll come crawling back when it's all been fixed/addressed and the game is growing. Seriously. "Should've been in at launch"? WHO CARES?

Edited by Blotter
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So what have they been doing for the last 5 years? not working their butts off, with limited content, instanced worlds missing basic features I would say they haven't done much in 5 years besides copy and paste what WOW did when it started. Oh but wait 1.2 is coming with everything that should of been at launch so everything is alright.......We all know when they release something *cough* illium there wasnt any game breaking bugs or anything.
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The legacy system cross class abilities really seems like a bad idea to tell the truth. The world of SWTOR is bland enough at the moment with most of the population being force users. Am I the only one picturing say snipers, just spamming lighting rather than shooting a sniper gun? That would just kill the (already dying) immersion.
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The legacy system cross class abilities really seems like a bad idea to tell the truth. The world of SWTOR is bland enough at the moment with most of the population being force users. Am I the only one picturing say snipers, just spamming lighting rather than shooting a sniper gun? That would just kill the (already dying) immersion.


They have stated that the cross class abilities can only be used during your heroic moment (20 min Cd, must have a companion). So no, there won't be Snipers spamming lightning instead of shooting.

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Have you ever thought that it wasn't BW's fault? If they had a majority of the control, they wouldn't have released the game till it was ready, EA probably wanted them to rush it so that they could sell it during the holiday season.
No, they seem pretty comfortable with paid beta status. I think they had a policy of not implementing any real gameplay changes until after release, for a variety of reasons.


All it tells me is that these guys aren't pioneering any new features, but at best will be just a few months behind copying whatever innovations their competitors introduce.

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They have stated that the cross class abilities can only be used during your heroic moment (20 min Cd, must have a companion). So no, there won't be Snipers spamming lightning instead of shooting.


no kidding. it has been said over and over and over again, yet people keep saying that same old crap. you would think they would read one or two of the posts, or at least what the devs said in the stickies at top before continuoulsy spouting that spamming crap.

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2. BioWare knows it made mistakes


The developers weren’t shy of admitting areas of the game that they dropped the ball. It was refreshing to hear their candor about problems in the game, rather than pretending they didn’t exist. Here are some of the big problems they acknowledged.


  1. Operations are buggy, and are not as difficult as they’d hoped.
  2. Open World PvP, especially Ilum, is completely broken.
  3. Worlds need to be more interactive.
  4. Guild features in-game are “bare bones.”
  5. While they didn’t say that they disliked the UI, they listed a ton of changes coming to the UI
  6. in patch 1.2 and said that was “only 5% of what we want to do.”


2. Brought up in beta, we knew Illum was broken.

3. Brought up by testers over a year ago.

4. Brought up by testers over a year ago.

5. Brought up by testers over a year ago.


Point is they knew these things and more were of concern by testers over a year ago, but did nothing. These are the types of "polish" the game should have had before release. These are things that should have been of concern to BW before release.


Instead they chose to ignore these things and bring them in a patch as if they are listening to players when they didn't listen to testers. People will be fooled though, I'm sure. Plenty of fanbois about.


Speaking fro the so called Fanbois it isn't as cut and dried as you make it out to be; often times most testers are treating the game like a free to play; they have no interest in giving feedback and those that do are such a small number you really can't get a decent metric of what's wrong; also knowing how players are going to react to something is about as easy as driving a needle through granite.


Finally if you really want to point a finger you may want to start not with Bioware but the mega corp that owns them

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I have found many things that I have been disapointed but I have felt that Bioware has really been listening and have worked pretty quickly to fix the complaints we as a community have made.


I feel they care about this game and are working always to make it better. :D

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Have you ever thought that it wasn't BW's fault? If they had a majority of the control, they wouldn't have released the game till it was ready, EA probably wanted them to rush it so that they could sell it during the holiday season.


That's what happened to KotOR II: Obsidian was forced to release before Christmas and had to cut content.

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