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Why so antisocial?


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What is it with this game that makes players so antisocial? Im not talking about getting heroic or flashpoint groups. (which is another problem)


... SNIP ...


Is it because we have companions in this game that people dont want to group? I like to solo at times myself but its nice to group up for quests if we are all doing the same ones.


Its making me wonder why I even rolled a healer, since the only thing I heal is my companion.


Sadly that's just the way it is in MMOs over the last few years. The vast majority of players in MMOs just want to solo or are just incapable of teaming up and sharing goals. I've lost count of the time I've seen players (in a variety of MMOs) competing for mobs in a certain area rather than simply teaming up and getting the job done faster and more efficiently.

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This game very much is a solo experience, and there is no real way to be social in it.


I'll use SWG as an example. There were a large amount of class's that couldn't even fight, they were just social. Cooks, dancers, musicians, etc. These people would hang out in the Catina, and offer buffs. People would hang out in the Catina as a result.


This game doesnt have any non combat chars that can give killer buffs, so theres no reason to hang out in a spot and be social with the social non combat toons.


This is really a single player game most of the time. I leveled my IA from 1-50 and maybe had to ask for help twice to complete the story not including heroics or flashpoints. the kicker is my IA is a healer, and I am still able to take out boss's as long as I have my companion with me. If I have a stranger help me with something I can do on my own, now I have to split the loot - for no good reason. No thanks.


The catina's we have in this game are DEAD. no one hangs out in them. The catina's on SWG's release were PACKED (like 75 people at Mos Eisley). While SWG died without a doubt, that was one cool feature that I wish would come back.


TL;DR the game needs non combat toons that offer great buffs in certain areas (i.e. a catina), and social areas will be created around these non combat toons.

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What is it with this game that makes players so antisocial?


later on in the evening I found one of these other guys lying dead. I guess they had died from fighting, or had gone afk and been killed or something. Not really sure. So I revived, healed and buffed him. Not a "thanks", or a "appreciate it". The guy just stood there looking at me, and then ran off.


The other night, someone helped kill a near dead elite that I was escaping from - that I really didn't even want to fight anyway - not 10 steps away from the champion republic droid guards that would have killed it...


So sith dead now, I grabbed his loot and proceeded into camp - going about my business. I do this all the time for other players and go on about my way not saying a word. "IF" they whisper "Thanks!", I simply reply "any time"... <<zoom>>.


So this person thought it necessary to just send me a whisper "You're Welcome!".

My reply was "You want a cookie?"


Really... What the hell do people want? "OMG YOU SAVED MY LIFE I'M PUTTING YOU IN MY WILL!! <bows and worships>"


They proceeded to send me a "long winded" reply something to the tune of "You were dying and a trooper comes along and helps you out and you don't even have the courtesy of even thanking me. Too many little kids playing this game blah blah talk talk....."


So I uh, replied "Oh, it was CHEESE you wanted! Sorry."


Playerxxxx is ignoring you.


So, they sent me a tell, telling me I was a little kid for not thanking them (I'm 49 anyway, so how they got that just from "you want a cookie"?) and then immediately put me on ignore. /facepalm




Anti-social. Not really the word that described that encounter.



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Totally agree. What this game needs so, so badly are chat bubbles and voice emotes.


A few night ago I came across a high-level elite and decided to take him on. Big mistake: my companion was quickly killed and my health bar started to drop down very fast. Then like magic my health was fully restored. Over and over again. I was thinking to myself "WTH is going on here?" Eventually I took down the elite and felt really elated. Then I looked around and realized that some kind soul was healing me all that time. Well I couldn't thank him enough, but without voice emotes and chat bubbles (fond memories of WoW) my expression of gratitude seemed so inadequate.


Just my opinion.


What you just described is an example of a kind fellow player behaving in a manner that disproves the OP's claim that the game is entirely anti-social.

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The problem is there is little sense of community in this game, you just run through and join up with people when you need something, then never see them again. Problem with theme park games vs sandbox games generally. Edited by salamanderx
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I refuse groups in some cases.


Generally, this is because I can't vouch for how long I'll be at the keyboard, and I'm trying to not impact a stranger's gameplay with MY problems (kids misbehaving or needing help with something, dog issues, or simply wanting to go get a coffee, or getting distracted by what my wife is doing, etc etc etc.)


It's not about antisocial behavior, its about respecting other peoples game time. I don't expect people to have to put up with me going afk any given moment and having to wait around. There are far more important things than the game going on around me sometimes.


I also don't think I have to explain this to everyone who wants a group. It's nothing personal at all, and folks who get bent about it are annoying as heck.

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The other night, someone helped kill a near dead elite that I was escaping from - that I really didn't even want to fight anyway - not 10 steps away from the champion republic droid guards that would have killed it...


So sith dead now, I grabbed his loot and proceeded into camp - going about my business. I do this all the time for other players and go on about my way not saying a word. "IF" they whisper "Thanks!", I simply reply "any time"... <<zoom>>.


So this person thought it necessary to just send me a whisper "You're Welcome!".

My reply was "You want a cookie?"


Really... What the hell do people want? "OMG YOU SAVED MY LIFE I'M PUTTING YOU IN MY WILL!! <bows and worships>"


They proceeded to send me a "long winded" reply something to the tune of "You were dying and a trooper comes along and helps you out and you don't even have the courtesy of even thanking me. Too many little kids playing this game blah blah talk talk....."


So I uh, replied "Oh, it was CHEESE you wanted! Sorry."


Playerxxxx is ignoring you.


So, they sent me a tell, telling me I was a little kid for not thanking them (I'm 49 anyway, so how they got that just from "you want a cookie"?) and then immediately put me on ignore. /facepalm




Anti-social. Not really the word that described that encounter.




Do you act like this in real life too? If so, sad! I am in my 40's as well and would never act like this irl or in game. Wow!

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You ran across a couple anti-social people. Like in real life, that by no means indicates or proves some generalized principle such as "this game makes the majority of players lpay in an anti-social manner."


I never run across people in real life that behave as poorly as what I've seen in online games.

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Totally agree. What this game needs so, so badly are chat bubbles and voice emotes.


A few night ago I came across a high-level elite and decided to take him on. Big mistake: my companion was quickly killed and my health bar started to drop down very fast. Then like magic my health was fully restored. Over and over again. I was thinking to myself "WTH is going on here?" Eventually I took down the elite and felt really elated. Then I looked around and realized that some kind soul was healing me all that time. Well I couldn't thank him enough, but without voice emotes and chat bubbles (fond memories of WoW) my expression of gratitude seemed so inadequate.


Just my opinion.


Yeah it's really impersonal when it's just emotionless text in a little box.

I don't understand why some mmo's think its progressive to eliminate something that's been around for a long time in other mmorpgs, chat bubbles and chat emotes are more visual, entertaining, and makes your character stand out.

Edited by Conri
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The other night, someone helped kill a near dead elite that I was escaping from - that I really didn't even want to fight anyway - not 10 steps away from the champion republic droid guards that would have killed it...


So sith dead now, I grabbed his loot and proceeded into camp - going about my business. I do this all the time for other players and go on about my way not saying a word. "IF" they whisper "Thanks!", I simply reply "any time"... <<zoom>>.


So this person thought it necessary to just send me a whisper "You're Welcome!".

My reply was "You want a cookie?"


Really... What the hell do people want? "OMG YOU SAVED MY LIFE I'M PUTTING YOU IN MY WILL!! <bows and worships>"


They proceeded to send me a "long winded" reply something to the tune of "You were dying and a trooper comes along and helps you out and you don't even have the courtesy of even thanking me. Too many little kids playing this game blah blah talk talk....."


So I uh, replied "Oh, it was CHEESE you wanted! Sorry."


Playerxxxx is ignoring you.


So, they sent me a tell, telling me I was a little kid for not thanking them (I'm 49 anyway, so how they got that just from "you want a cookie"?) and then immediately put me on ignore. /facepalm




Anti-social. Not really the word that described that encounter.






So to sum it up, some dude thinks you need a hand, helps you out, you get the loot. you dont say Thanks or acknowledge his assistance, he makes a comment yourespond sarcastically you then get ignored and you think its everyone elses fault because your old



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Sure there was some bad apples coming from WOW, but there was a lot more who were helpful, and good players. Wow just gets a bad rap because it was so huge. With such a large player base, its a given there will be those kind of players you described. Its easy to be a jerk when you are hiding behind the internet.


One thing I have noticed about TOR players is that a lot of them wont tolerate that kind of rude behavior. TOR players in general have been pretty helpful when others have questions or need help.


Oh most definitely. I've run into jerkwads who sneak into a pub area just so they can heal the opposite faction and make it difficult for someone to complete their class quest. That and aggroing the whole map on purpose. Without fail there is always a nice player who comes along to help my smushed toon. Not to mention all the ninja healers or people who help you get datacrons.


And sometimes it's an uncertain connection or playing in fits and starts that makes people not wish to group. But continually spamming someone with an invite with out a whisper is bad form. And yes about that rude behavior not being tolerated. Seen it and there's always the ignore feature for those who don't get the message.

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I'm antisocial because I don't want to play with you. Sorry, but that's the blunt truth.


When I need/want a group I play with old friends from other games, RL friends and guildies. These people receive my unconditional help no matter what they need.


Whenever I break this rule I find the following percentages to be 110% factual:


33.7 % of people are annoying children

12.3 % of people have lied to you about what the really need in-game and are about to surprise you with extra "obligations"

24 % of people are just so bad that grouping with them will take 4x times too long to accomplish whatever task we are working towards ... they will of course be very upset if you have to go

20 % of people will be clingy such that they will pst you 3 times a day for the next 2 months wanting your help over and over for the same annoying things.


The remaining 10% are people I would probably be good friends with and really enjoy playing with. BUT, the cesspool of people I have to wade through (the other 90%) is just too much.


... so in conclusion, to "you" (the OP) I am antisocial cause I believe there is a 90% chance I hate you.


(the preceding message was intended to contain a bit of silly, over the top ranting ... please digest as such ... I don't actually hate you)

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People are always so quick to blame the solo-ability of questing for anti-social behavior, but that's not really relevant. It's the people. I've had groups where we finished an entire mission without exchanging any words after we formed the group.



Some people are just antisocial. There's no way around that.



So find a guild, and/or play with friends. I personally don't group with my non-guildmates/friends for this reason.


EDIT: Also, the poster above me made excellent points

Edited by Darth_Vicente
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So to sum it up, some dude thinks you need a hand, helps you out, you get the loot. you dont say Thanks or acknowledge his assistance, he makes a comment yourespond sarcastically you then get ignored and you think its everyone elses fault because your old




You do realize in the situation that FooBard described. The person that "helped" him felt "entitled" (a word that is appropo to so much on these forums) to be thanked?


Last I checked DOING the good deed was the reward in and of itself. Being thanked is just icing.


The person in Foobards story was trying to make him feel guilty for NOT thanking him. How is the person that wished to guilt someone into thanking them in the right?


Twisted sense of charity and humility there don't you think?


Just saying ....:rolleyes:

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What is it with this game that makes players so antisocial? Im not talking about getting heroic or flashpoint groups. (which is another problem)


I was questing in Nar Shadda last night. I play as a healer spec Sage, and noticed there were two other players pretty much doing the same quests in the same order as I was. We were all going around getting quests at around the same time, and killing mobs in the same areas. So I decided to message them to see if they wanted to group for the quests. Nothing....no replies at all. Not even a " no thanks, Id rather solo".


later on in the evening I found one of these other guys lying dead. I guess they had died from fighting, or had gone afk and been killed or something. Not really sure. So I revived, healed and buffed him. Not a "thanks", or a "appreciate it". The guy just stood there looking at me, and then ran off.


Is it because we have companions in this game that people dont want to group? I like to solo at times myself but its nice to group up for quests if we are all doing the same ones.


Its making me wonder why I even rolled a healer, since the only thing I heal is my companion.


In MMOs I keep to myself, mostly because my gaming time is my only "alone time"... Plus I'm rather shy both in game and IRL, I like people but rarely make the first move. I much prefer playing solo.


Still, I tend to accept random group invites or at least decline politely (I kinda feel guilty to decline invites), and I will thank you if you buff/heal me as long as I realize it, I very often don't TBH (and when I do I will usually go on a Benny hill chase behind you to buff you in return if you're in sight :D) And I'll give you a hand if you're obviously in big trouble or ask for a tip on general chat.


I wouldn't say I'm an antisocial gamer, but I am a bit of a loner.

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What is it with this game that makes players so antisocial? Im not talking about getting heroic or flashpoint groups. (which is another problem)



Personally, if someone is asking me to party, I will always reply even if I'm not interested, eventually with a little delay if I'm busy fighting at the time.


However if someone is throwing at me directly a party invitation pop-up without talking to me first, I immediately click on Refuse.

Unless we were both standing close to a boss, that there is no time to talk, so I can obviously guess he wants to kill the same boss than me. Then usually I directly accept the invitation just for the boss kill.


When moving around, if I notice a player in difficulty such as his companion is dead and/or his HPs are fleeing away, I will most of the time jump in the action to help him.

As soon as it's safe again, I go back immediately on my merry way without a word. I don't expect or wait for a thanks or anything. I'm just happy to have been of assistance.


When the situation is reversed, if someone just saves my butt, I'm not going to write a long thanks, I usually just use a simple smiley.

Also if someone happens to just kill my tagged targets around while I'm not in difficulty, I will simply not say a word.


If someone has a problem with a Class quest, and request help in General Chat, as soon as I'm available and if it's in my character capability I will propose to join him. Because I know It's annoying to be stuck on a Class quest you can't manage to beat alone.


It's not much different than in the street. You can meet apathetic or sympathetic peoples. You just got unlucky to meet the silent ones :p

Edited by Elysith
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You do realize in the situation that FooBard described. The person that "helped" him felt "entitled" (a word that is appropo to so much on these forums) to be thanked?


Last I checked DOING the good deed was the reward in and of itself. Being thanked is just icing.


The person in Foobards story was trying to make him feel guilty for NOT thanking him. How is the person that wished to guilt someone into thanking them in the right?


Twisted sense of charity and humility there don't you think?


Just saying ....:rolleyes:


Yes, Im trying to get around the story, I am not sure I totally understood what was being written. but demanding praise is somewhat disturbing. I think the story could have been a little clearer

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Yes, Im trying to get around the story, I am not sure I totally understood what was being written. but demanding praise is somewhat disturbing. I think the story could have been a little clearer


Fare enough. :)

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I'm antisocial because I don't want to play with you. Sorry, but that's the blunt truth.


When I need/want a group I play with old friends from other games, RL friends and guildies. These people receive my unconditional help no matter what they need.


Whenever I break this rule I find the following percentages to be 110% factual:


33.7 % of people are annoying children

12.3 % of people have lied to you about what the really need in-game and are about to surprise you with extra "obligations"

24 % of people are just so bad that grouping with them will take 4x times too long to accomplish whatever task we are working towards ... they will of course be very upset if you have to go

20 % of people will be clingy such that they will pst you 3 times a day for the next 2 months wanting your help over and over for the same annoying things.


The remaining 10% are people I would probably be good friends with and really enjoy playing with. BUT, the cesspool of people I have to wade through (the other 90%) is just too much.


... so in conclusion, to "you" (the OP) I am antisocial cause I believe there is a 90% chance I hate you.


(the preceding message was intended to contain a bit of silly, over the top ranting ... please digest as such ... I don't actually hate you)


I liked this a lot:)

Also like to add that very few players are actually new to these type of games so most know all of the above.


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I often level alone since people are often "distracted", slowing down the pace. (and no I don't mean power leveling)


Also I have a strict rule to not accept any invites unless I get a tell asking if I wish to group with them, even if I know what they want to group for because we're both in the same quest area. Common respect for your fellow gamer by a quick tell is all I ask. :p


Also a lot of duos I group up with to finish quests like the above, they don't say a word and drop group as soon as it down.


Why should we be "social" if the people we group with are going to be mutes.

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