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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It's time to end the grass/snow days...


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**** here is a Hint for all the map reading inpaired people when u look at the map North is always at the top of the map doesnt matter what side u are on North is at the TOP


and here is a little saying that my 6 year old does so he doesnt forget when he looks at a map


Never Eat Soggy Wheaties


The problem is that is not true.

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Why is this still being discussed, seriously? Maps have had direction related to magnetic compass bearings for hundreds of years because they are absolutes in the exact same way that it works for the map for both teams in SWTOR.


You silly yanks and your foolhardy logic, its amazing soemtiems when I see more evidence of how americas culture has distorted a large majority of the populations common sense and turned it into a mass consumeristic orgy of having to have technical terms and names for EVERYTHING a la product marketing.


It SO amusing to anyone with half a brain, however, that this really is still ongoing.


Yanks? Are we still in the 1900s?

Go smoke a *** and ride a lift up to the dentists office. Im kidding but im also not. America sucks but its my country lol

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Why is this still being discussed, seriously? Maps have had direction related to magnetic compass bearings for hundreds of years because they are absolutes in the exact same way that it works for the map for both teams in SWTOR.


You silly yanks and your foolhardy logic, its amazing soemtiems when I see more evidence of how americas culture has distorted a large majority of the populations common sense and turned it into a mass consumeristic orgy of having to have technical terms and names for EVERYTHING a la product marketing.


It SO amusing to anyone with half a brain, however, that this really is still ongoing.


this is true if you are going for accuracy, but for snap decisions/directions east/west is not intuitive for a lot of people. This is why GPS uses left/right when telling people which way to turn.


now some people, like my father, know at all times what direction they are facing, or can easily tell in a fraction of a second. i am not one of those people, nor are many people. i have a horrid sense of direction and utilize instead landmarks and mile markers to find my way. i never got lost in a BG in wow because they use easily identifiable landmarks.


course in void there are no landmarks, so that is a problem.

Edited by Ryotknife
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Why is this still being discussed, seriously? Maps have had direction related to magnetic compass bearings for hundreds of years because they are absolutes in the exact same way that it works for the map for both teams in SWTOR.


You silly yanks and your foolhardy logic, its amazing soemtiems when I see more evidence of how americas culture has distorted a large majority of the populations common sense and turned it into a mass consumeristic orgy of having to have technical terms and names for EVERYTHING a la product marketing.


It SO amusing to anyone with half a brain, however, that this really is still ongoing.


Do your GPS devices say "Go 1.1 miles, then turn East"?


Do you raise your north hand to ask a question?

Edited by EternalFinality
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If you have trouble with snow/grass or left/right, i feel sorry for you. It works well for the PuGs on my server.


Pretty sure those who cannot distuingish East/West are the people I & many others feel sorry for. Playing as a PUG or via pre-made has little to do with directional awareness.

Edited by Pistols
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If you have trouble with snow/grass or left/right, i feel sorry for you. It works well for the PuGs on my server.


If you dont PvP much. and your in mid. if someone says INC SNOW!! They aren't going to know *** your talking about.

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If you dont PvP much. and your in mid. if someone says INC SNOW!! They aren't going to know *** your talking about.


Hell, I PVP almost every day and the fist time I heard of "Grass/Snow" being used I had to think for a second which was which, and even then I wasn't positive I had remembered right until the next time I played and actually watched out for it. Even still, if I'm at mid and can't see either side it would take me about 2-3 seconds to remember. Whereas a flick of the eye to check my minimap takes maybe .5 seconds.

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If you dont PvP much. and your in mid. if someone says INC SNOW!! They aren't going to know *** your talking about.

If you have someone on your team that doesn't pvp much, they are probably undergeared, underskilled, and therefore a wasted spot on your team, so them knowing, or not knowing snow/grass, left/right, east/west is really not your most pressing concern.

Edited by olagaton
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If you have someone on your team that doesn't pvp much, they are probably undergeared, underskilled, and therefore a wasted spot on your team, so them knowing, or not knowing snow/grass, left/right, east/west is really not your most pressing concern.


If this is true (and I'm not sure that it is), then why make it harder for them to navigate the zone?

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You say "grass" and "snow" because it leaves absolutely no room for some idiot to complain that you gave them the wrong directions. This should be true of 'east and west' also but calling them grass and snow is a concession that we make for people too stupid to learn their cardinal directions... much like 'east and west' were a concession we made for people too stupid to know that 'left and right' don't exist on a map and left always means left from your starting position, not west. Edited by mBass
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Sure people COULD say East and West over grass and snow.


But they don't and here's why.


Because in reality they really want grass and snow to be




Lumber Mill!








They want grass and and snow to be iconic like the battleground it so blatantly tried to rip off and so miserably failed at doing.


Unfortunately we all know that will never happen, because Herlol Engine and EAWare.

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If you dont PvP much. and your in mid. if someone says INC SNOW!! They aren't going to know *** your talking about.


I have been in Civil War a few hundred times and until recently (last 2 weeks) I never even noticed one side was snow covered and the other grass. Why? cause I don't care what the landscape looks like in a PvP zone. I'm not wandering the land looking at the scenery.


Left and Right always works just fine in Civil War. You start the warzone facing the same direction every single time. Before the match starts, someone typically speaks up and says which way they are going. Over a few matches of seeing someone say they are going left, players just associate that direction with a specific turret.


Even with knowing what side is grassy and what side is snowy now, it still takes a moment to know you are heading the towards the correct turret. If someone says left, before I even think about it, i'm moving towards that turret.

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Yet another thread that proves we need labels or at least NSEW printed on the minimap/main map.


While almost every single opinion here is valid and can be argued for, the fact is that peoples opinions differ on the matter and most importantly...


The only system that works is the one everyone in the warzone understands


It doesn't matter if you call the nodes bob, fred and jessie as long as everybody knows what you mean when you do it.

Edited by Sparcrypt
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Its left and right from your starting area

What gets me pissed is tools calling inc in general chat

Good Way to confuse idiots because 9/10

Someone always responds not realizing that the person in general isn't even in our wz

Edited by denpic
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If somehow the speeder is disorienting you.... or you get turned around easily.... it doesn't matter if somebody is calling for backup left/right/east/west/snow/grass instead take half a second to look at your minimap and see if there are any friendly icons in that direction or if you currently own that point. Shouldn't take more than a second to come up with conclusions on whether to go that way or turn around. Good idea to keep an eye on how many are at each node often, not only when somebody types it in chat.


If it takes you longer than a second after you play this warzone 10-20 times, seek professional medical help.


Also as someone before me mentioned, east/west, left/right are subjective. Snow always has snow, grass always has grass. That makes them better names.

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Left and right are subjective.


It not subjective it never changes it's not left right

From where you standing now it's left right from your starting area how hard is this


Also there no snow or grass in void

So having different calls for each wz Is just silly


Left and right is universal

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I find it very interesting how many people claim that they have never noticed one side has grass and one has snow even after many civil war matches played....their excuse is that they are too busy playing and not taking the scenery in? lol, you don't have to take your eyes off the battle to notice one side is white and one is green, derp.
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I find it very interesting how many people claim that they have never noticed one side has grass and one has snow even after many civil war matches played....their excuse is that they are too busy playing and not taking the scenery in? lol, you don't have to take your eyes off the battle to notice one side is white and one is green, derp.


I never noticed, because I dont care. I know my east and west, derp.

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I never noticed, because I dont care. I know my east and west, derp.


I find it odd that you never noticed, especially since it is often called as such. If you are "smart" enough to know your east and west, surely you would have asked yourself "what do they mean by grass/snow?"


Or have you never noticed Ops chat either?

Edited by Kalliadies
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It's amazing how many bads cannot figure out East/West.




Its amazing how many people think an alien planet named Alderaan has the same cardinal directions as Earth, especially considering there is no compass rose. :rolleyes:




As well as thinking its not a pain to discern east/west since the map has some people upside down in comparison and so forth, but somehow thinking the use of BRIGHTLY COLORED landmarks (ground being dark green vs bright white) is difficult. ;)





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