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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So who stuck around?


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They are moving heaven and earth to boost subs before the beginning of May, the next EA earnings report. Hence dumping of Sith on the Republic and tossing lore out the window, hence the jebesus patch 1.2 to end all patches, the free trials for friends deal, and basically making as much noise as possible to get those subs up before the conference call.


Everything and anything is being done to make it look like the game is not tanking.


You mean like offering full copies of new games and free max-level characters to new players to get them to resub?


No, i dont think Bioware is desperate, Blizzard is.


This game is awesome, thriving and is getting better by the day.


Resistance is futile. :D


Oh i'm sorry are we to still give that speech of "everyone will quit in one month" "its gonna go F2P in 1 month", "its bleeding subs everywhere" and "its gonna lose subs after 3 months" or "its gonna lose all subs and go F2P in X months/years".


You guys are crazy for punishment. Why do you do that to yourselves? :rolleyes:

Edited by Nemmar
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You win a bizzillion internets. Yet someone somehow someway will try to say youre wrong and the game is doing well and the population is growing.


I won't make any claims or denials on sub numbers, our server is holding steady just fine, but I can't speak for the entirety of the game.


That being said: My friends and I stopped using Xfire a few years ago. And their other friends. And spouses. And their spouse's friends. And their spouses friends spouses and relatives. So on and so forth. Always having voice chat and cell phones and in-game messaging has negated Xfire to the point of cassette tapes for us.



The subs may be rising, declining, plummeting, growing vastly. Who knows?


All I know is I wouldn't trust Yahoo! Messenger to tell me how many people are buying a bag of Doritos this week any more than I trust Xfire to give me a subscription number for SWTOR.

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Not many people stuck around.


Bioware won't give exact numbers, EA will have to at their next investors meeting.


Bioware did say 3.3 millions characters have been created so far. Everyone I know makes 8 chars just to reserve names, so divide that by 8 is 412000, then knock off a bunch of those who unsubbed, probably 2/3 and you're at 272000 accounts probably active. I'd expect that number to keep plummeting. *The 272k is probably fairly accurate looking at numbers so far extrapolated by the community*


It shows too with their scheduled changes. Least amount of work to make as many patch notes as possible to make it look like a lot of work. It's obvious theyre scaling back support for the game.


No new races, just make the races we have available to all. No neutral gear just remove all the restrictions. No better engine to have more than 8 people in a warzone, just reskin a current warzone and call it new. On and on.


Game is finito. TORtanic.


Thanks for the laugh lol, go back to your cave now.

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It's fairly easy to figure out right now too since it's clear that Standard = 1000-1500 people logged into a server. 95% of servers are STANDARD or higher at prime time. If you do the math, and assume the norm for % logged in (ie: 15% of subs) you have well over 2 million active subs.


Where are you getting these numbers from?

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Not many people stuck around.


Bioware won't give exact numbers, EA will have to at their next investors meeting.


Bioware did say 3.3 millions characters have been created so far. Everyone I know makes 8 chars just to reserve names, so divide that by 8 is 412000, then knock off a bunch of those who unsubbed, probably 2/3 and you're at 272000 accounts probably active. I'd expect that number to keep plummeting. *The 272k is probably fairly accurate looking at numbers so far extrapolated by the community*


It shows too with their scheduled changes. Least amount of work to make as many patch notes as possible to make it look like a lot of work. It's obvious theyre scaling back support for the game.


No new races, just make the races we have available to all. No neutral gear just remove all the restrictions. No better engine to have more than 8 people in a warzone, just reskin a current warzone and call it new. On and on.


Game is finito. TORtanic.


Wow. Not only is your tinfoil hat on too tight and cutting into your scalp, but you apparently like to wear it while staring into a running microwave.

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Where are you getting these numbers from?


Making them up to sound better than they [probably] are, like a good fanboy would. :rolleyes:


Somehow primetime = only 15% of people playing?

Edited by Esaru
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I think he's saying that noone uses Xfire anymore. I would say he's right.


Concur. I stopped using xfire years ago when all it ever did for me was crash my games. And of the people who do actually use and enjoy xfire, how many times do you think they forget to launch it and then play?

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All I know is I wouldn't trust Yahoo! Messenger to tell me how many people are buying a bag of Doritos this week any more than I trust Xfire to give me a subscription number for SWTOR.


There is no way xfire can give you the actual sub count, but it can show you that the game is shrinking. Less people playing and less hours played.


For example, in January 11 thousand xfire user played SWTOR. In February it was closer to 5k.


The only explanations are that for some reason xfire users have an actual bias against swtor they didn't have in January, or people are not playing it as much (says nothing about subs either, I have not played in weeks but didn't cancel till yesterday).

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Not many people stuck around.


Bioware won't give exact numbers, EA will have to at their next investors meeting.


Bioware did say 3.3 millions characters have been created so far. Everyone I know makes 8 chars just to reserve names, so divide that by 8 is 412000, then knock off a bunch of those who unsubbed, probably 2/3 and you're at 272000 accounts probably active. I'd expect that number to keep plummeting. *The 272k is probably fairly accurate looking at numbers so far extrapolated by the community*


It shows too with their scheduled changes. Least amount of work to make as many patch notes as possible to make it look like a lot of work. It's obvious theyre scaling back support for the game.


No new races, just make the races we have available to all. No neutral gear just remove all the restrictions. No better engine to have more than 8 people in a warzone, just reskin a current warzone and call it new. On and on.


Game is finito. TORtanic.


Your napkin math is terrible. Your assumptions are even worse.

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There is no way xfire can give you the actual sub count, but it can show you that the game is shrinking. Less people playing and less hours played.


For example, in January 11 thousand xfire user played SWTOR. In February it was closer to 5k.


The only explanations are that for some reason xfire users have an actual bias against swtor they didn't have in January, or people are not playing it as much (says nothing about subs either, I have not played in weeks but didn't cancel till yesterday).


Or they aren't using xfire. Funny how you forgot to throw that in their. *** uses xfire anymore anyways?

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There is no way xfire can give you the actual sub count, but it can show you that the game is shrinking. Less people playing and less hours played.


For example, in January 11 thousand xfire user played SWTOR. In February it was closer to 5k.


The only explanations are that for some reason xfire users have an actual bias against swtor they didn't have in January, or people are not playing it as much (says nothing about subs either, I have not played in weeks but didn't cancel till yesterday).


Honestly, you're nitpicking and looking for forum fights. I'm scared you big e-bully! There, happy?


On topic: I didn't claim or deny ANYTHING. I simply said, and I will stand by: XFIRE is NOT a way to judge HOW MANY are playing, HOW MANY are subbed AND HOW MANY will continue playing.


Since you seem to INSIST on it as some sort of statistical reference: Can you link me a graph showing the EXACT number of concurrent, repeat users are STILL USING Xfire, MAKING sure they are logged into it while playing ANYTHING and have that graph be PERFECTLY STRAIGHT ACROSS so we know there is NO WAY there could be any variation in the data we obtain from Xfire after we verify all of this?



I am DONE trying to make points to people about "just enjoy the game" or "just go then", so I never make any claims one way or the other any more. What I will say is that the 3rd party website links, outside of Official reports, are PURE speculation, AT BEST, because they are 3rd party and can't even guarantee THEIR OWN use and perusal, MUCH LESS what they are trying to speculate on.

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Meh... I watched WAR, AoC, and STO go through this so I'm not sure why anyone thinks its a big deal anymore. TOR made a big splash but that's it. Not something to get all wound up about. Edited by SirRobin
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I know a lot of people stuck around simply because of all the hype surrounding 1.2 and they are giving the game one last chance with it.



The patch does look good and it might be the games saving grace but if there is any more crap along the lines of "Combat logs are coming! Rejoice!" - "Oh no sorry for the confusion, we are going to be the only MMO without a combat log on the market. haha fooled you. here have some crappy oog parser instead" ... well let's just say I hope they get what they got coming then :-)

Edited by mufutiz
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There is no way xfire can give you the actual sub count, but it can show you that the game is shrinking. Less people playing and less hours played.


For example, in January 11 thousand xfire user played SWTOR. In February it was closer to 5k.


The only explanations are that for some reason xfire users have an actual bias against swtor they didn't have in January, or people are not playing it as much (says nothing about subs either, I have not played in weeks but didn't cancel till yesterday).


* People might have tried XFire and decided it didn't add anything to their SWTOR experience.

* People might have found that SWTOR was resource intensive and decided to cut out extraneous processes to improve their game performance.

* The (probably VERY small) minority of SWTOR players who have used XFire recently are also very probably almost universally players of other games as well (why else would they use XFire?). Is it surprising if a group that's self-selected for liking to play multiple games at once moves on soon after launch?


Regardless, the group of SWTOR players who also use XFire is a small (probably miniscule) population, self-selected for sharing some attitudes and interests. It's not representative of the playerbase as a whole.


My server population seems to be holding steady, so my own anecdotal experiences don't match these claims at all. Your mileage may vary.

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* People might have tried XFire and decided it didn't add anything to their SWTOR experience.

* People might have found that SWTOR was resource intensive and decided to cut out extraneous processes to improve their game performance.

* The (probably VERY small) minority of SWTOR players who have used XFire recently are also very probably almost universally players of other games as well (why else would they use XFire?). Is it surprising if a group that's self-selected for liking to play multiple games at once moves on soon after launch?


All those would be considered xfire bias against swtor, I wasn't trying to hide it. I mentioned some of those possiblities earlier in this thread.

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Well the bottom line for me is that I enjoy playing this game and plan on continuing to play.


I've seen a lot of "statistics" thrown around, some by pure guess, X-fire (who :) ), and Trolltanic.


It's all pretty meaningless. Period.


"There are 3 types of lies:


Damned Lies,

And Statistics".

Samuel Clemens

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Meh... I watched WAR, AoC, and STO go through this so I'm not sure why anyone thinks its a big deal anymore. TOR made a big splash but that's it. Not something to get all wound up about.


Yep, same situation, different MMO.


Too early to tell how the game will fair in the mid-long term. The first few months of an MMO's life are certainly not the best indicator.

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Not many people stuck around.


Bioware won't give exact numbers, EA will have to at their next investors meeting.


Bioware did say 3.3 millions characters have been created so far. Everyone I know makes 8 chars just to reserve names, so divide that by 8 is 412000, then knock off a bunch of those who unsubbed, probably 2/3 and you're at 272000 accounts probably active. I'd expect that number to keep plummeting. *The 272k is probably fairly accurate looking at numbers so far extrapolated by the community*


It shows too with their scheduled changes. Least amount of work to make as many patch notes as possible to make it look like a lot of work. It's obvious theyre scaling back support for the game.


No new races, just make the races we have available to all. No neutral gear just remove all the restrictions. No better engine to have more than 8 people in a warzone, just reskin a current warzone and call it new. On and on.


Game is finito. TORtanic.



HAHAHAHAHA! I have tears in my eyes right now from laughing so hard! Thank you!



This was so highly scientific/mathematic it's impossible to argue your logic. :D

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There is no way in hell this game is currently holding an 85% player retention rate. Just so we are clear on the meaning, 85% of the people that have purchased the game are still actively subbed.


No freaking way.


Because you say so and use the word "freaking," you must be right.


Mad-stupid-dope-props to you and your genius intuition regarding the sub rate of SWTOR.

Edited by XOrionX
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