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Disable premade groups for PVP?


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There are now quite a few pre-made groups on my server and they are getting unfair advantage. Usually they come in 4 or at least 3 - 2 dps and healer. Or 2 healers.


And they ravage.


IMHO, this is unfair advantage and I see the result: you wait very long for pvp simply because there is no players. Also, every other game is quit in 120 seconds.


Since I see this is read by devs, I am writing this. How do I see? Well, since people complained about individuals leaving WZ in the start or in the middle - devs introduced the vote system.


Maybe they will not disable pre-made completely, but - maybe they will find a way to make a match more equal.

Edited by Notannos
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I think they are going the other way and adding the ability to queue as 8 man. In the summit they did say that their match making tool already pitted groups vs groups whenever possible while maintaining a decent spawn rate.
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Great idea! This game was simply not anti social enough. Let's slap more restrictions on what friends should be allowed to do together in game.


Great post OP, would read again!





^this guy said it perfect.


They put the effort into playing together in a multiplayer game and you think you're the one being punished for it OP? LOLOLOL


Work on getting your own premade together.

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There are now quite a few pre-made groups on my server and they are getting unfair advantage. Usually they come in 4 or at least 3 - 2 dps and healer. Or 2 healers.


And they ravage.


IMHO, this is unfair advantage and I see the result: you wait very long for pvp simply because there is no players. Also, every other game is quit in 120 seconds.


Since I see this is read by devs, I am writing this. How do I see? Well, since people complained about individuals leaving WZ in the start or in the middle - devs introduced the vote system.


Maybe they will not disable pre-made completely, but - maybe they will find a way to make a match more equal.


Actually, they're expanding pre mades to let you make a full 8 person group.



Anyway, listen, as someone who rarely makes pre mades, yeah, it can be hard. However, it is a bit ridiculous to ask to remove a social part of an MMO. I'm going to guess you WANTED KoToR3, but got this instead. And well, I'm sorry? But this is a social game, and groups and playing with friends are part of the social aspect.

Edited by Notannos
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There are now quite a few pre-made groups on my server and they are getting unfair advantage.


I stopped reading after that.


Define fair?


Why should a well coordinated "team" be forced to split up?


Would it be fair to have a winning sports team for instance, have to split up their winning roster at random every time they play a new team?


Why do you wish to penalize friends/guildmates who work well together?


I am sorry that you don't have a team to watch your back. Find one.


This is a non-issue. Move along please.



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Great idea! This game was simply not anti social enough. Let's slap more restrictions on what friends should be allowed to do together in game.


Great post OP, would read again!




I am sorry, I think you missed the point - this is a COMMERCIAL GAME.

Devs are payed. Owner is payed. Etc.


So you want more people on. And if you don't make good time for MOST of people, you don't have self-sustainable game (MMORPG are that kind, if I understood the concept good).


You and your friends are, I am sure, very important - but if I need to sacrifice good feeling of "you and your hommies" so I attract 20 more people, then who cares about your felling?

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Why should a well coordinated "team" be forced to split up?




What's your argument?


That if you have, say, soccer team with coordinator and communicator that is GREATLY ballanced and on the other side you have bunch of individuals - you should leave them to play like that?


If THIS is your definition of fair, what, you say than that it is fair, again example, that you fight alone vs 2 people with clubs and boxer? "Don't split the well coordinated team"?


Congrats on logic.

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There are now quite a few pre-made groups on my server and they are getting unfair advantage. Usually they come in 4 or at least 3 - 2 dps and healer. Or 2 healers.


And they ravage.


IMHO, this is unfair advantage and I see the result: you wait very long for pvp simply because there is no players. Also, every other game is quit in 120 seconds.


Since I see this is read by devs, I am writing this. How do I see? Well, since people complained about individuals leaving WZ in the start or in the middle - devs introduced the vote system.


Maybe they will not disable pre-made completely, but - maybe they will find a way to make a match more equal.


All I could get out of this post was "I have no friends that pvp so I don't want anyone to have something I don't"

Edited by Notannos
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I think they are going the other way and adding the ability to queue as 8 man. In the summit they did say that their match making tool already pitted groups vs groups whenever possible while maintaining a decent spawn rate.


Tx, didn't know that.


Guess they will fix even the 2-men pre-made.


Cause usually on my server it is dps-healer and they are extremely hard to kill. Even for 3 of individs.

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I stopped reading after that.


Define fair?


Why should a well coordinated "team" be forced to split up?


Would it be fair to have a winning sports team for instance, have to split up their winning roster at random every time they play a new team?


Why do you wish to penalize friends/guildmates who work well together?


I am sorry that you don't have a team to watch your back. Find one.


This is a non-issue. Move along please.




I think what the OP is looking for is a system that pits premades against premades and pugs against pugs which would be fair IMHO.

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And all I am saying - based on that last info - is:


If you have 1 premade team of, say 2, make sure you have in opposite group 1 premade team of 2.


That's it.


Or, if you have bunch of individs, use the bunch of individs on the opposite side.


Devs can do it.

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And all I am saying - based on that last info - is:


If you have 1 premade team of, say 2, make sure you have in opposite group 1 premade team of 2.


That's it.


Or, if you have bunch of individs, use the bunch of individs on the opposite side.


Devs can do it.


Absolutely they can do it.


And if you have to wait in que for 7 hours because the other team NEVER has a non-premade setup and your side ALWAYS does, is that acceptable?


Something tells me you would be upset if that was the case instead of this....

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Cause usually on my server it is dps-healer and they are extremely hard to kill. Even for 3 of individs.


Working as intended. It's called team work.


Teamwork will always beat random self-interested individuals all playing only for themselves.


It's also natural selection. Learn from it. Team up into a dps-healer team yourself, practice together, get syncronized, dish it right back to them.

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And all I am saying - based on that last info - is:


If you have 1 premade team of, say 2, make sure you have in opposite group 1 premade team of 2.


That's it.


Or, if you have bunch of individs, use the bunch of individs on the opposite side.


Devs can do it.


I understand your frustration and think that's a reasonable solution. Would you still want that though if it lengthened your queue times, perhaps by a wide margin?

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WZs are a team effort not an individual one. If you want to do that go duel people. You are saying is should be forced to play with bad pugs as opposed to my friends who I know are good? No thanks. Wouldn't do that in PvP or PvE. Edited by harpuax
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OK, I won't tell you to quit crying..


What I will tell you to do is be social, make some friends, and queue up with them rather than complaining about other people who do have friends to pvp with.

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And all I am saying - based on that last info - is:


If you have 1 premade team of, say 2, make sure you have in opposite group 1 premade team of 2.


That's it.


Or, if you have bunch of individs, use the bunch of individs on the opposite side.


Devs can do it.


This is how the current system works. It searches for other teams to pit your team against, but over time is settles for whatever it can get to prevent overly long ques.

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There are now quite a few pre-made groups on my server and they are getting unfair advantage. Usually they come in 4 or at least 3 - 2 dps and healer. Or 2 healers.


And they ravage.


IMHO, this is unfair advantage and I see the result: you wait very long for pvp simply because there is no players. Also, every other game is quit in 120 seconds.


Since I see this is read by devs, I am writing this. How do I see? Well, since people complained about individuals leaving WZ in the start or in the middle - devs introduced the vote system.


Maybe they will not disable pre-made completely, but - maybe they will find a way to make a match more equal.


Did you even THINK before you made this post? What about friends who play together? Father and son teams? Husband and wife? Families? Just because YOU ARE ALONE does not mean everyone else is.

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Oh, yes, btw...


You all who is cramping that "game is ok as it is, you get over it whiner etc." please reconsider that BIOWARE started with something very interesting in last few days:


pure marketing action of "bring your friend, he gets week of SWTOR for free".


To untrained eyes this is "good", "lame", "bad" etc. To people in marketing (like me) this is a symptom: you don't attract new customers if you have steady flow of people coming and steady number of subscribers.


So something IS wrong that they make this action SO FAST after launch. One would expect that kind of action after, say, a year. When people are fed up.


But they do it exactly 2 and a half months after launch?


What does that tell you?


They HAVE to face with the fact that it is better to loose "few groups of coordinated hommies" who are having a ***** being big bad Sith then loosing a whole lot of INDIVIDUALS with steady income, just because their post-50lvl is subject to abuse.

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