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Why did Swtor turn into GW2?


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How about forum managers create a new subforum: "Guild War 2 Discussion"? Then moderators can move all these "guild wars awareness" posts in there and free us of this merciless advertisment spamming.


Because I am SICK of hearing ArenaNet employees, disguised as normal SWTOR players, droning on and on about guild wars. Sick, you hear me? Disgusted, even. I actually hate that game already, with a passion, just because of your constant hammering on how good it is going to be. If there is ONE game I could delete from existence, that would be guild wars 2. I just wish it dissapeared like a bad nightmare. And I had never heard about it before coming to SWTOR forums.

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How about forum managers create a new subforum: "Guild War 2 Discussion"? Then moderators can move all these "guild wars awareness" posts in there and free us of this merciless advertisment spamming.


Because I am SICK of hearing ArenaNet employees, disguised as normal SWTOR players, droning on and on about guild wars. Sick, you hear me? Disgusted, even. I actually hate that game already, with a passion, just because of your constant hammering on how good it is going to be. If there is ONE game I could delete from existence, that would be guild wars 2. I just wish it dissapeared like a bad nightmare. And I had never heard about it before coming to SWTOR forums.


lol. Why so serious?

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Have fun waiting for the cross sever, with how well everything else in this game runs its probably going to be a while.


I got a PM in January making it clear to me that cross server wouldn't be ready before 2013. So like you said... they can have a nice time wating for it.


But after seeing a remarkable collapse of PvP player base on my server, my opinion on cross server has changed. Playing with the same 8 Imp's every round is getting predictable and boring.

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2013 before cross server queueing, lol? Who sent you the PM, Iroxorz the level 13 sorcerer? Plenty of games were able to implement cross-server queueing less than 6 months after launch when they had originally intended to keep same server queues only. I would be very surprised if bioware didn't have it in by summer.
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Back in the day ppl were willing to put time into earning gear, sadly now the entitlement generation has started playing mmo's and has ruined WOW and many other games.

The entitlement generation feels they should have everything right now with no work on a silver platter...


Junior, "back in the day" people PvPed for fun only and gear meant next to nothing. MMOs existed B4 WoW caused the current obsession with gear. If what you want is shinies, feel free to PvE.

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We wipe the floor with every premade on my server wtb cross server. untill 1.2 theres nothing to do.


Beat them without wearing your chestpices. It's the most visible piece of armor. Shame them harder by beating them with a gear disadvantage.


I'm serious. A handicap is commonplace in a lot of sports. Why not give yourself one to make WZs challenging again!

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Patch 1.2 WarHero Set Requires no Rating thus free Best in slot for all if you are actual WarHero Rank you get a whole colored crystal...:rolleyes:


As if getting high valor rank required anything other than time?


Did you do any kill trading? Well, a lot did. Explain to me why kill traders should be rewarded... anything.

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So you are angry because everyone will have the same stats actually requiring you to use skill to win? Ranks get you cosmetic upgrades this is great no more omg you only wonz because of gearzorz whining.


Simplified version of post:



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it's clear that here there are 2 different player style so i dont see why u guys fight


TYPE A) the PVE and PV-P/E type of peopel that is driven by GEAR and advancment


TYPE B) the PVP-FPS (group/single experience) crowd that is driven by fair competition and hate gear



They want OPPOSITE things and they can't be pleased at the same time, EVER.


some game try to make "world pvp and PVE" for the type A

and create an istanced area "minigame" that can be 2vs2 > 6vs6 > 24vs24 where gear are even out for the type B


(this is what GW2 will pursue)


GW2 show a somehow understanding of the different taste people have regarding MMO even if personally didnt get everything right but that's my opinion.


STWOR it trying to please both at the same time alternating the content with patches i dont think it will be successfull this mindset


The 2 type are very different and need to be separated obviously u will keep a ground comun base but u need specific content for each type and they can't do both at the same time sucessfully it's not about PVE or PVP it's about people that like gear-based content and people that like equal-ground content.

Edited by Pekish
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SWTOR will follow in WAR's footsteps and die, all games die, and lol if you thing GW2 will resemble GW1 in anything but names. GW2 will kill SWTOR subs(and many other games subs).


And for those like you that need a carrot to play a game instead of playing it because its fun, GW2 won't need you. How dare they make pvp based on skill and not gear then how can i faceroll undergeared players!!!1!! Continue to let your gear and carrot carry you.



Ignorance is bliss...



These types of responses remind me of the PS3 vs 360 fanboy debates. You just can't argue with ignorance.

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PvP rewards should be nothing more than cosmetic upgrades or titles (nothing batte-related), IMO. It gives carrot chasers something to brag about and maintain their "I'm better than you" mindset while also maintaining a level playing field throughout. Without gear advantage, skill is more apparent.
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PvP rewards should be nothing more than cosmetic upgrades or titles (nothing batte-related), IMO. It gives carrot chasers something to brag about and maintain their "I'm better than you" mindset while also maintaining a level playing field throughout. Without gear advantage, skill is more apparent.




I'm BM an I feel in no way gratified when I stomp an undergeared fresh 50. Now, when we face an equally geared team, the win actually takes skill and it feels good when you get it.


To keep casuals and hardcores engaged, they need to offer titles, vanity items... for pvp achievements (actual achievements not just nolifing in front of the pc). Those would let everyone know how bada** you are and that you are so because of skill.

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All gear worthless since its all freebie come 1.2...Who wants to pay a monthly sub for no progression just welfare for all? PvP just lost its carrot on a stick thanks for killing this game faster than Rift BW....


Because Ranked WZs are going to be sooooo good, peeps will definitely stick around for those...



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All gear worthless since its all freebie come 1.2...Who wants to pay a monthly sub for no progression just welfare for all? PvP just lost its carrot on a stick thanks for killing this game faster than Rift BW....


Ok, first off -- Your sig says you have 700 expertise. 700 is not optimal.


Second of all, gear will not be a "freebie". It takes around 2 weeks of dailies (and weeklies) to get full centurion gear, and around a month of dailies (and weeklies) for full champion gear (if you get 0 drops). It also takes quite a while to get full BM considering the RNG. Im guessing you are suggesting by letting BM tokens be purchasable makes it "freebie", but as someone just did the math it takes about 55 warzones to buy one.


Third -- Rift is still very much alive, and they even said they have more subs now than before SWTOR launched.


And lastly, they said there will be another pvp and pve set come 1.2.


That is all.

Edited by GoatRocks
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Back in the day ppl were willing to put time into earning gear, sadly now the entitlement generation has started playing mmo's and has ruined WOW and many other games.

The entitlement generation feels they should have everything right now with no work on a silver platter...


Back in the day, ppl were willing to fight on a level playing field with other people, without arbitrary numbers on gear determining who started the fight with a huge advantage. Nowadays, those who grind out their gear first feel entitled to completely mop the floor with someone who might be just as good as they are skillwise (and often even better), but will still ultimately lose because they don't have X stat on their gear.


The entitlement generation feels they should naturally benefit for the large amount of TIME spent playing the game, NOT by having naturally more experience and knowledge of their class, warzone scenario, and tacics.... but ALSO by having huge gear advantages that are gained not through good playing, but really just through time spent playing.


See what i did there??


And lost in all this is how this is supposed to be a game, not a grind... and that somehow the OP has lost his incentive to play because others might be equally geared as him or have an easier time getting there. Competitiveness for him apparently is something he doesn't want.


THAT, is really pathetic.

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Back in the day ppl were willing to put time into earning gear, sadly now the entitlement generation has started playing mmo's and has ruined WOW and many other games.

The entitlement generation feels they should have everything right now with no work on a silver platter...


This is 100% the issue, though none of them have the stones to admit it.


They don't want to put the time in, so they want it changed even if the people not crying on the boards are logged in and enjoying their experience.


They're killin the game.

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GW2 equal playing field idea is actually pretty cool. Gear grinds are boring and and suck when you are first starting and get steamrolled by people with better gear.


Skill and teamwork are what make PvP and MMOs in general fun, not chasing a "carrot on a stick".

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Why did Swtor turn into GW2?


Wake up bro, you're dreaming!


Hang in there though, it's coming... WvWvW, skill based pvp, tournaments, competitive pvp etc etc etc...

Edited by Jebi
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GW2 equal playing field idea is actually pretty cool. Gear grinds are boring and and suck when you are first starting and get steamrolled by people with better gear.


Skill and teamwork are what make PvP and MMOs in general fun, not chasing a "carrot on a stick".

I think this is well stated. I'd add that it makes it easier for guilds and guild alliances to run together as well when you don't end up with the wow gear grind factor.


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I don't know about a lot of you out there but for me, same gear pvp or multiplayer gets boring after a very short while.



I like incentives to playing. I love RPGs just because of that. I like gaining enough XP/Comms for the next best thing.

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Back in the day ppl were willing to put time into earning gear, sadly now the entitlement generation has started playing mmo's and has ruined WOW and many other games.

The entitlement generation feels they should have everything right now with no work on a silver platter...



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"Time Invested"


"Low Blow"


"Death of PvP"


If a video game feels like work it is bad. That or you don't really work, like, have a job, in which case call it work if you like because you don't matter.


"Time invested" entitles you to absolutely nothing. If you play a lot that just means you chose to spend more time playing. Simple as that. Real investing is serious and should be treated as such. Playing video games is just that, playing.


When are you idiots going to realize these games aren't about pleasing YOU. They are about a *********** subscription. MONEY. If you want to get involved in decision making in gaming go to college and get a degree in the field. Become a majority stock holder. The way you are doing it now doesn't work. It never has. It never will.


Real pvp isn't about gear. It isn't about time invested. It is about ability. Can you beat the other guy? Can your team win versus another team? THAT is pvp and it is really simple. As soon as you mention gear real pvpers stop listening.


I can say with all honesty the only reason pure pvpers care about gear is because they have to. I say make it all cosmetic so we can look pretty dominating you.

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This is 100% the issue, though none of them have the stones to admit it.


They don't want to put the time in, so they want it changed even if the people not crying on the boards are logged in and enjoying their experience.


They're killin the game.


"They" are more than likely the people with jobs and a life. In other words, "they" keep the game alive by paying for it. Like your parents for example.

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All gear worthless since its all freebie come 1.2...Who wants to pay a monthly sub for no progression just welfare for all? PvP just lost its carrot on a stick thanks for killing this game faster than Rift BW....


I would love GW2 with Star Wars theme. AGAIN - what guys from ArenaNet said




GW2 have a carrot. PVP champion of the year!. All BW rewards are gear based AND it's only about how much time you spend in game to get it. GW2 decide to abandon this sad road and create server vs server vs server wars, tournaments and other stuff asaid from normal PVP.

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Back in the day ppl were willing to put time into earning gear, sadly now the entitlement generation has started playing mmo's and has ruined WOW and many other games.

The entitlement generation feels they should have everything right now with no work on a silver platter...


By back in the day, you mean WOW right?


Because... back in the day (well before WOW, kiddo) gear had little to do with the outcome of PVP fights. There was no PVP gear, no minigame grinds, just meaningful world PVP where player skill decided the outcome of fights.... and where dying actually had consequences (something you carebear generation wouldn't understand).


TLDR: Meaningful world PVP with consequences and skill based PVP >>>>>>>> your little instanced minigame grinds for gear advantages.

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