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Everything posted by gabusan

  1. gabusan

    Free to play

    The other side is getting the same number of clueless players. If anything, I feel more skillful than before because there are new players that dont now the tricks I do.
  2. Some classes have damage reduction against area effects. You have to spec for it and give up other things to have it, but it is there for them. Couldnt we get that kind of protection in all other classes that have to eat the smashes unmitigated?
  3. Is it me, or it is getting ridiculous? A guy jumps at you and crits you for 5k damage. And not only to you, but to everyone around you. It is bad enough when one guy is jumping around and causing havok like this, but when it is a group of two or three doing the same, they steamroll everything on their path. Maybe I am being an alarmist but dont you think it is about time to balance things a bit? Like, maybe reducing the damage a bit for each target affected beyond the first? Put a "shield" on people affected by smash so next one in 6s will deal less damage? Put a cap on maximum damage smash can do? I dont know, I dont design games. Just do something. Because if operatives coming out of stealth and killing people with no chance to fight back was worrying, this smash-fest we have lately feels just as abusive.
  4. It is not that I want commandos to be balanced and competitive in healing. That would be far too much to ask. I just wish they had some kind of powerful mechanic like the other classes have. Something that makes them fun, and by fun I mean powerful in the right situation. Being able to put heals over time on everyone, like scoundrels do, is highly powerful if you have a big groups of allies around you. Being able to bubble everyone is also powerful, specially if it can stun people that breaks the bubble on close combat. But what incentive is there to play commando healer? Area heals on the run? That is it? Good luck at people that actually needs the heal staying together. Besides, dont scoundrels do basically the same with their top skill? As weak as trauma probe is, being able to put it on many people would at least add up to something like the heals over time of the scoudrel.
  5. Right now, there is no reason at all to gear up your companions. Some kind of mechanic that would reward you for having them all well equiped and combat ready would be awesome. This idea about some mission involving more than one at once sounds good.
  6. Before patch, a fancy icon showed when the quickbar was locked or not. Now we have a triangle and you cannot tell if it is locked or not unless you hover the cursor over it. How it this an improvement?
  7. There is a character perk named "Field Respecialization" that allows you to change yourskill point "while on the field". How does this work exactly? It costs 200k to get and I want to make sure I understand the perk before wasting money on it. If someone got it, it would really help if they told me. Would it allow me to change my skills during the warm-up phase of a warzone? Or during the warzone? Or it only allows to change the skills while on PVE zones? How do I exactly "reset" my skill points? Is it like a skill you place on your quickslots?
  8. In Darkness skill tree there is a skill called "Lightning recovery". Increases the ammount of Force recovered by Lightning reflexes by 1%. What is "Lightning reflexes"? I dont see it among my abilities.
  9. We have a thread about removing clothes from female population, putting them in space bikinis and moderators dont act about it? This is outrageous. Look at the strong emotional responses. This is trolling at his finest. The shock value is there. I am ofended by all of this. Delete delete delete delete delete!
  10. This whole thread is sexist (no doubt about it, because only women armor leaves the belly exposed) and brings an overly emotional, negative response from people. I particularily feel offended by it. I think there is little doubt this post was made for shock value, and the strong reactions prove it. This breaks code of conduct and must be deleted. http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/rulesofconduct
  11. There is so much that could be do with titles in this game... but that is not a priority to developers. Other issues are more pressing to them, like SGR.
  12. I wanted to be able to romance my companion without having to get a spaceship first. A very simple issue to fix. But somehow the SGR was more important issue for developers. I love how minimalistic this thread's redaction had to be to avoid getting deleted.
  13. I found this in a web page I cannot name, because naming other web pages might be against code of conduct for advertisment. I think it was funny, so here you go: Star Wars: The Old Republic To Add Same-Sex Romance It was sort of strange that The Old Republic launched without homosexual relationships. Romance is poorly handled in all BioWare games, but if they're going to put the feature in there it might as well be all-inclusive. In an upcoming patch, players will finally be able to have same-sex relationships. All they'll have to do is travel for three hours then find one of two appropriate NPCs. They will be located in a cantina the size of a stadium, with five patrons. Talking to the NPC will start the premium questline, which only costs 10,000 Cartel Points or $8, or 200 Cartel Points for subscribers. Please be aware that the flowers which are necessary to complete your romance can only be stored in a premium inventory slot, which is available for an additional sum.
  14. This guy is asking for the players to get more options to have their characters indecently dressed. I am strongly against degradation of women so this brings an overly emotional, negative response from me. I think there is little doubt this post was made for shock value. Why hasnt this post been deleted yet, like they do with most of mine? It also breaks Code of conduct. http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/rulesofconduct
  15. I think they are deliberately vague on that so you preorder. I sure did preorder in fear of missing the 50% discount now and feel like an idiot later.
  16. Yes, this message is that shocking, it will rock the foundations of everything you stand for! It points to such glaring issues about the game, you will feel compelled to answer in an overly strong manner! So it is going to get deleted right away by costumer service. If you were actually a mature person and could answer in a rational way to this post, then it would be fine. But you cant, so it is doomed to get deleted. Read it now before it is too late! Now, joking aside, this rule about the Code of conduct in this forum is way, way too open to be abused by moderators. Virtually ANY opinion article you can read in serious, reputable press nowdays can fall into this category. Heck, it doesnt even need to be an opinion article. A lot of news can lead to overly strong, negative and emotional responses if they were published in a digital media with comments allowed. Of course rules of conduct covers their asses adding " for mere shock value", but how do they decide what is shock value and what is a legitimate complain? What if I wrote an humorus text? That is also shock value for these virtual thugs. Just how many legitimate, funny threads are we missing because moderators in this forum lack any sense of humor and use Code of conduct as weapon to justify their abusive, neutering ways? You know what brings overly strong, negative, and emotional responses from people? Next expansion. So can it now because that is against Code of conduct!
  17. While kitting an enemy at 10m or less, overload shoot is one of the best options. Cull isnt always available in these situations because you dont want to get close to use shiv and gain tactical adventage. In PVP it is a very useful skill. Even if regular shoot can do the job, sometimes the damage difference after 3 shoots or so is quite noticeable.
  18. I have been playing healing commando on Lvl 50 PVP for some time now and I confess I dont find it fun. I cant speak for damage commando, but I simply fail to see what is there exciting about healing as commando. Sages seem to have loads of fun. They can slip away from enemies with force speed and they can put bubbles on everyone around them while keeping on the run. That alone seems worth the price of admission. Scoundrel also seems to be having fun. They can put a heal over time effect on everyone around them, they can stealth to crowd control reinforcements that didnt join the fight yet (with a sedative effect of half damage done for 10 sec after it breaks) and even disappear in mid fight to escape. Wow, not bad at all. What can I actually do that is cool as commando? Am I missing something here? Because quite frankly, I dont really see any advantage. Lets see, I can lob a grenade that heals several people at once. That is fun. But Sages can do that too, only they create a circle on the ground and then they can forget about it. Everyone who needs a heal steps into the circle. Those who dont need a heal dont go to the circle. How is my commando healing grenade any better? I have to manually aim and shoot the grenade again each 6 secs. Sages and scoundrels just use their area of effect heal and forget, they can focus on other things, like running away of the enemy and heal themselves when out of range. I cannot do that, I gotta stay close to lob the next healing grenade. I can place a trauma probe that heals slowly over time. That sounded like cool, but I can only place it in one target, usually me. Scoundrels can place a heal over time on everyone, no limits. I can I raise a damage barrier that reduces incoming damage by 25% AND makes me immune to interrupts. That is probably the best feature my commando has, very unique. Still, I can get crowd controlled for the duration. And is it really such a great idea to stop moving for several cast heals in a row? Seems like I become an obvious target for everyone nearby. I usually die with a full resolve bar after raising the damage barrier. Casting one heal, run away and casting again from a different position, maybe forcing ranged enemies to lose their line of sight to me, seems like much more intelligent tactic than raising a barrier and heal away several times in a row hoping I wont get killed on the ensuing onslaught of focus fire and stuns that will follow. Couldnt I get a skill that heals me a considerable ammount when I get stunned? That should make them think twice before dumping all their crowd control on me. Woah, I can shoot people to heal them! That seems cool, but if I am shooting at allies to heal them, I am not shooting at enemies and then my trauma probe isnt triggering as often as it should. How is it I have two mechanics that work against each other? And the healing green beam is kinda obvious, no? Wont take long for the opponent to notice there is a healer nearby. The beam even spares him the bother of looking for the healer, just follow the beam. And by the way, shooting at enemies is key to survive, because I need the trauma probe to trigger extra heals on me, but at the same time, that often breaks crowd control from people trying to help me because I am mashing the shoot button like an idiot. I also have to shoot the beam to "charge up" my healing. Do developers realize how boring that is? Other classes dont have to mash a button before battle start to make sure they will be at their peak of skill. They can do fun stuff like chatting with people or typing emotes while I have to keep an eye on the "charge" and make sure by the time warzone starts it will be ready. I have a push back that sends enemies flying. But Sages can do that too, nothing special in that. Not that the pushing back really helps that much, because the marauders and juggernauts are instantly jumping back at me. I can toss a cryo grenade to stun them when they return, but forget about running away like scoundrels do. Scoundrels can stun more often, they get a speed buff to get away more easly and they can get into cover before the stunned guy recovers, so they cannot jump back at them. The scoundrel can even toss a slow down effect on the attacker while running away to get into cover, so they earn even more time to do whatever they want. A lot of times, the sith changes target and attacks someone else, because the scoundrel will probably dissapear when they reach him again. I can insta-cast any ability on a cooldown. I use that to insta-cast my crowd control (mezz) and that is probably the most surprising, effective defense I have. People rarely expects that, probably because it is a long cooldown and they dont see it often. Of course they can break the crowd control and then I have wasted two cooldowns instead of one. Scoundrels can crowd control instantly not one, but 3 enemies at once. And they dont have to bother blowing up a separate cooldown ability first. So what is there so unique and fun in commando healing that justifies me playing this class in PVP? In all honesty, I think I will take the chance of the next extra 5 levels in the expansion to switch to a new class and gear up again. In my server there are very few commandos in PVP, even less of them doing healing, and the few of us are always below other heal classes in the scoreboards unless we have much better gear or the enemy team forgot to focus fire on us as priority target for an easy, fast kill, like all the veteran players seem to be doing. I am sure a lot of you are having a blast as commando healer and pulling huge numbers but then please explain to me what am I missing here.
  19. Do people killed by pylon blast also count for the score? I couldnt tell any difference.
  20. I see two posters here with two different views on the same matter. BlznSmri and Parmie. Who is right? I dont know who to believe... maybe I should take this issue to an advanced player forum? Can I actually get damage from the guarded player in an operation (even if it is only a 5%), or the redirection only happens in PVP has BlznSmri has pointed out? My belief is that the damage redirection (of 50%) only happens in PVP. On the other hand, in operations and flashpoints (PVE), the guarded player gets a straight 5% damage reduction, with no redirection of damage to the tank, but I dont know who to believe anymore. I am also intrigued by the idea that the bubble shield only indicates that redirection stops working after 15m. but the effect of guard (5% damage reduction and 25% threat reduction) has unlimited range on PVE. Can someone confirm this somehow? Or are we playing in the dark here and none really knows for sure?
  21. As a tank, during an operation, I was asked by team mates to disable guard so I was easier to heal. They would argue that guard was redirecting damage to me, so I was taking too much damage. Is that true? I thought guard only redirected damage in PVP, but not in operations against bosses. Also, guard seems to turn off if the guarded target is more than 15m away. But a team mate told me it was only disabled after 15m for damage reduction. Threat reduction would stay the same, even if guarded target was far away than 15m. Is that true? Thanks in advance for any answers. I kinda need some official proof on these issues, because right now we have a lot of opinions on how guard works and more opinions without solid proof wont help.
  22. How do slave boy outfit and sexualized passive females relate?
  23. You are all wrong. The only reason WOW stands above the others is that they have chat bubbles, animated speak and emotes with sound. No one else has that. If no one can even get that right, how can they expect to even compare to WOW?
  24. I believe the payment is the cost of using a specialized workbench to remove the mod. Better mods demand more time at the workbench, that is why they are more expensive to remove. Just because you dont actually go to a physical workbench to remove the mod doesnt mean you are not using one, Being able to remove mods instantly without taking your character first to a workbench is just a game mechanic to make things more convenient for you. Use your imagination in this case.
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