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Everything posted by Rehash

  1. My guess is they don't, but provide other worthwhile (depending on who you ask) incentives. If your statement were true, War Hero armor would have a valor 70 requirement.
  2. I don't like your attitude, but his post was a little off topic. You were asking whether there would be gear related incentive to grind to 70 (and beyond). The simple answer is no. You can go ahead and pvp on your alt. There are, so far, no gear related reasons to grind past 60. I also believe Bioware probably won't add any. Gear grinds are boring anyway, it will be much more fun for you to switch characters.
  3. By yellow glow, do you mean the pillar of yellow light that highlights a Frog dog ball carrier? EDIT: Just read your later post, Frog dog ball carriers are highlighted with yellow, rotworm ball carriers are highlighted in purple. Neither has anything to do with resolve.
  4. I am a healer and I see nothing wrong with getting marked. I get marked, I get guarded, the tanks get medals and I rarely die. If you are dying instantly, you are positioning yourself poorly and/or your team is not protecting you. If your team is not protecting its healers, your team is not likely to win REGARDLESS of whether you were marked or not.
  5. As a healer, I really don't understand the problem. I get marked, I get guarded, the tanks get medals and I rarely die. Being marked is only a problem when your team runs around and ignores you getting beat on. In which case, you probably would have died a lot and lost anyway. EDIT: I should add that I am not even in full champ gear. I am not a battlemaster geared healer running around with a 4 man premade all day. I am a normal solo/duo queuing casual pvper.
  6. You can always tell a rage post with zero thought put in by the solution they propose to the problem. All CC breaking on damage wouldn't balance anything at all.
  7. You want to be an effective killer while speccing 33 in a Tank tree? I want to do top DPS with my 33 combat medic spec. Neither of these are legitimate requests. You can't expect builds to be able to do things they aren't designed to do.
  8. It is ridiculous that there is a warzone for which NO ONE (including BW employees apparently) knows ALL of the winning conditions. EDIT: 9 pages and still no one knows.
  9. Good players treat commandos like pinballs. If you rotate knockbacks/pulls and interrupts (without using stuns to fill their resolve bar) they can't get anything off. ALL of their decent heals have a cast time.
  10. What makes you think it is a gold seller? I regularly control the market on certain items and I do not sell any of my credits. Done correctly, you can earn very good money without ever leaving the fleet. Now if only I could get BW to change the 50 item limit.
  11. The guy didn't even read ONE POST in the thread. He saw the title and guessed. LOL.
  12. Yeah this is a HUGE forum fail. I am dying laughing right now.
  13. No one will ever take you seriously if you continue to spell that poorly.
  14. Threw an interception with less than 5 seconds remaining in a tie game of Huttball. I would have died, but still a poor throw.
  15. Second page already. Not a juicy enough title.
  16. Rehash

    Where are....

    There are A LOT of complaint threads, but no more than any other MMO. I think a combat log would go a long way to dispelling some of the problems. People die quickly and since they can't look back at what happened they often describe their deaths with overt hyperbole (e.g. I was killed in 3 seconds by an Operative or a Sorc stunned me for 20 seconds).
  17. The winning conditions for ALL Of the warzones need to be explained clearly and in an obvious place. Alderaan is the only one that is even remotely clear and even in that case I would appreciate greater explanation of which turrets tick first and the intervals between ticks. Voidstar is pretty bad, who wins when no one gets a door? I think its medals (which is dumb enough on its own) but its definitely not clear. Huttball: I can't even tell you how many times 1/2 of the group in Huttball doesn't know the winner in a tie game is whoever controlled the ball last (or is currently controlling the ball) at the end of the game. There is no reason anyone should go into a warzone for the first time and not know how to win it. The information should be much more readily available (i.e. available in game, in an obvious place where new players will be likely to read them) not just on the forums.
  18. The resolve bar gives you like 10 seconds of CC immunity not 2. I have NEVER been Stunned/Mezzed/Knockedback with a full resolve bar, nor have I ever seen it happen to anyone else. The system seems to be working pretty well so far (with the exception that roots should effect and be effected by resolve).
  19. World PvP has its merits, so does Instanced PvP. Can we get both please?
  20. You can resist knockbacks. This can happen regardless of the status of your resolve bar.
  21. 5 seconds is too much. I could see 3 seconds working though, there is A LOT of CC in this game. I don't find being CC'd to death to be that much of a problem though and I play an undergeared healer (Combat Medic Commando).
  22. Roots and Slows still work with full resolve bar. Stuns/Knockbacks/Mez etc do not work with a full resolve bar. Add roots to the bottom list or make them last half duration (when at full resolve) and resolve works great imo. EDIT: My guess is OP has been chained as such: Stun -> CC breaker -> Stun -> Full Resolve Bar -> Root.
  23. Penalty won't work, now those people that leave will just find creative ways/places to AFK and not help. I don't see it as being much of a solution.
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