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Guild summit fail imho


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Maybe I missed some key sentences during what I watched today...but that morning break after the introductions has me thinking this summit was "guided" to skate over the hot topics in an effort to keep things mostly positive so that the masses would get excited about the Legacy and new warzones and whatnot. I am a Republic player that has cancelled my membership...but since I prepaid for 6 months I decided to roll Imperial toons to play out my time. I did not see where anything was going to be directly done to correct the population imbalance. The numbers of imperials to republic players did not look that bad...but I wish they would have posted how many Imperial Battlemasters their are vs Republic Battlemasters. Since I have been playing Imperial...I find perks that they have that led to the problem that is now beyond repair. Again, I will state this is my opinion on things and I have heard all I care to hear from trolls. I was hoping to hear from the Dev team today. I was hoping to see light at the end of the tunnel that would have me thinking I would renew my subscription....I did not. The legacy stuff is really cool and I like it...but it was not something that was broken or a reason to leave the game. In the beginning I heard the head of gaming in Austin say that never before has any company rolled out a patch so large for free, but they are doing it because they want you to feel like the game is worth what you are paying for it. That tells me flat out that they currently know that the masses do NOT feel like the game is worth continuing to pay for.


I am not even level 50 on my Imperial toons yet...but here is some things I have found so far that favor the Imperials. I have yet to find anything like this that favors Republic players.


Low level Imperials can get mod-able gear from social vendors at social-1 while Republic players have to be social-3 to purchase any. I am talking about gear you can by with like 1200 credits...not the pilot set that takes 60 to 90 fleet comms per piece to buy. For the record, none of my 50s (2 and 2 Imp 50s on the way) are past social-2


On Nar Shadaa, Imperials can ride on "requisitioned" bikes that spawn...getting them to/from quest objectives faster. Republics do not have anything like this available.


Civil War - Even if Republics cap the first node a few seconds (up to 5 seconds in WZs i have been in) before Imperials cap a node, the Republic ship ALWAYS takes the first tick of damage.


Imperial Mercenary AOE (Death From Above) provides instant damage to the target area while Republic Commando AOE (Mortar Volley) gives Imperials 2 seconds to move from the target area before damage begins.


Imperial Sorcerer "Shock" spell (instant cast) provides instant damage while Republic Sage "Project" spell (instant cast) provides damage about 1 second later due to having to wait for the spell graphic to happen.


Imperial Sorcerer has a blast away that also roots players....Sages do not.



Some other gripes I have but need to do more research on...or would love to hear from those that know for sure....


Population imbalance (which i consider to be a by-product of the items above) has caused irreparable damage to PVP fairness, ability to acquire items on the GM, and any kind of raid progression. On my main Republic toon I am in half Champion and half Centurion gear and Battlemasters 3 shot me all day long...even with my force bubble up. I average 400K heals in WZs and we still get run through as if I wasn't healing at all. ***A side issue for Sorcerers and Sages that are heal spec is that they can sit in a corner, use consumption/noble sacrifice and just heal themselves to pad their healing numbers, and get rewards, that is just broken imo.***

Taking away valor/comm gains in WZ past 4 medals now negatively affects Republic players more since most Imperials have had plenty of opportunity to exploit the pvp imbalance to the point where they are geared Battlemasters. Also the valor caps have me giving up on reaching valor level 60 when coupled with the above (I'm currently valor 56)

Imperials have an aoe CC (the one that has you floundering on the floor) and I have seen nothing on the Republic side work like this. This means 2 imperial players could effectively CC 5 or 6 out of the 8 Republic players in WZ between that and the blast away/root spell because we are only given one escape with a long CD.


Of course there are less important issues like Imperials getting new ships and ours look like old clunkers and the "Sheep herder in rags" pvp look, and the "Religious School Lunchlady" look of PVE gear for light armor wearers.

I see these items posted and discussed/argued/joked about/trolled in the forums on a daily basis. I have yet to see something from the devs in response. Admitting you screwed up would have actually gone a long way with me. To the contrary... ignoring the problems is an insult. As it stands, I am glad I cancelled my subscription.

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My republic toon bought a full moddable set when character level 14 with no social restrictions from a vendor.


You might also want to check out Force Wake that at level 2 provides "Force Wave has a 100% chance to unbalance its targets, immobilizing them for 5 seconds"

Edited by BaalsMistress
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The H stands for "humble". FYI.



I watched most of the live cast and I cant wait for the things that were discussed to come to the game. I am more excited than ever about the future of SWTOR.


The one thing that I either missed or it wasnt discussed tho is the addition of more low/mid level planets/content. The only thing that will knock me out of the game (as it eventually does in ever game) is that I will get sick of leveling through the same content on every character. But for now? Im good.


Great summit IMHO. It left me feeling like Bioware is listening and actually cares about what we are saying.



Edited by hippiechick
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Maybe I missed some key sentences during what I watched today...but that morning break after the introductions has me thinking this summit was "guided" to skate over the hot topics in an effort to keep things mostly positive so that the masses would get excited about the Legacy and new warzones and whatnot. I am a Republic player that has cancelled my membership...but since I prepaid for 6 months I decided to roll Imperial toons to play out my time. I did not see where anything was going to be directly done to correct the population imbalance. The numbers of imperials to republic players did not look that bad...but I wish they would have posted how many Imperial Battlemasters their are vs Republic Battlemasters. Since I have been playing Imperial...I find perks that they have that led to the problem that is now beyond repair. Again, I will state this is my opinion on things and I have heard all I care to hear from trolls. I was hoping to hear from the Dev team today. I was hoping to see light at the end of the tunnel that would have me thinking I would renew my subscription....I did not. The legacy stuff is really cool and I like it...but it was not something that was broken or a reason to leave the game. In the beginning I heard the head of gaming in Austin say that never before has any company rolled out a patch so large for free, but they are doing it because they want you to feel like the game is worth what you are paying for it. That tells me flat out that they currently know that the masses do NOT feel like the game is worth continuing to pay for.


I am not even level 50 on my Imperial toons yet...but here is some things I have found so far that favor the Imperials. I have yet to find anything like this that favors Republic players.


Low level Imperials can get mod-able gear from social vendors at social-1 while Republic players have to be social-3 to purchase any. I am talking about gear you can by with like 1200 credits...not the pilot set that takes 60 to 90 fleet comms per piece to buy. For the record, none of my 50s (2 and 2 Imp 50s on the way) are past social-2


On Nar Shadaa, Imperials can ride on "requisitioned" bikes that spawn...getting them to/from quest objectives faster. Republics do not have anything like this available.


Civil War - Even if Republics cap the first node a few seconds (up to 5 seconds in WZs i have been in) before Imperials cap a node, the Republic ship ALWAYS takes the first tick of damage.


Imperial Mercenary AOE (Death From Above) provides instant damage to the target area while Republic Commando AOE (Mortar Volley) gives Imperials 2 seconds to move from the target area before damage begins.


Imperial Sorcerer "Shock" spell (instant cast) provides instant damage while Republic Sage "Project" spell (instant cast) provides damage about 1 second later due to having to wait for the spell graphic to happen.


Imperial Sorcerer has a blast away that also roots players....Sages do not.



Some other gripes I have but need to do more research on...or would love to hear from those that know for sure....


Population imbalance (which i consider to be a by-product of the items above) has caused irreparable damage to PVP fairness, ability to acquire items on the GM, and any kind of raid progression. On my main Republic toon I am in half Champion and half Centurion gear and Battlemasters 3 shot me all day long...even with my force bubble up. I average 400K heals in WZs and we still get run through as if I wasn't healing at all. ***A side issue for Sorcerers and Sages that are heal spec is that they can sit in a corner, use consumption/noble sacrifice and just heal themselves to pad their healing numbers, and get rewards, that is just broken imo.***

Taking away valor/comm gains in WZ past 4 medals now negatively affects Republic players more since most Imperials have had plenty of opportunity to exploit the pvp imbalance to the point where they are geared Battlemasters. Also the valor caps have me giving up on reaching valor level 60 when coupled with the above (I'm currently valor 56)

Imperials have an aoe CC (the one that has you floundering on the floor) and I have seen nothing on the Republic side work like this. This means 2 imperial players could effectively CC 5 or 6 out of the 8 Republic players in WZ between that and the blast away/root spell because we are only given one escape with a long CD.


Of course there are less important issues like Imperials getting new ships and ours look like old clunkers and the "Sheep herder in rags" pvp look, and the "Religious School Lunchlady" look of PVE gear for light armor wearers.

I see these items posted and discussed/argued/joked about/trolled in the forums on a daily basis. I have yet to see something from the devs in response. Admitting you screwed up would have actually gone a long way with me. To the contrary... ignoring the problems is an insult. As it stands, I am glad I cancelled my subscription.


Masses who? The masses are busy playing. It's not BW's fault more people play Empire over Republic. It's the community's responsibility to convince people to join their side. Fleet commendations are fairly easy to get, just need to run the daily space missions regularly however social points need to be lowered to make gear more accessible.

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Maybe I missed some key sentences during what I watched today...but that morning break after the introductions has me thinking this summit was "guided" to skate over the hot topics in an effort to keep things mostly positive so that the masses would get excited about the Legacy and new warzones and whatnot. I am a Republic player that has cancelled my membership...but since I prepaid for 6 months I decided to roll Imperial toons to play out my time. I did not see where anything was going to be directly done to correct the population imbalance. The numbers of imperials to republic players did not look that bad...but I wish they would have posted how many Imperial Battlemasters their are vs Republic Battlemasters. Since I have been playing Imperial...I find perks that they have that led to the problem that is now beyond repair. Again, I will state this is my opinion on things and I have heard all I care to hear from trolls. I was hoping to hear from the Dev team today. I was hoping to see light at the end of the tunnel that would have me thinking I would renew my subscription....I did not. The legacy stuff is really cool and I like it...but it was not something that was broken or a reason to leave the game. In the beginning I heard the head of gaming in Austin say that never before has any company rolled out a patch so large for free, but they are doing it because they want you to feel like the game is worth what you are paying for it. That tells me flat out that they currently know that the masses do NOT feel like the game is worth continuing to pay for.


I am not even level 50 on my Imperial toons yet...but here is some things I have found so far that favor the Imperials. I have yet to find anything like this that favors Republic players.


Low level Imperials can get mod-able gear from social vendors at social-1 while Republic players have to be social-3 to purchase any. I am talking about gear you can by with like 1200 credits...not the pilot set that takes 60 to 90 fleet comms per piece to buy. For the record, none of my 50s (2 and 2 Imp 50s on the way) are past social-2


On Nar Shadaa, Imperials can ride on "requisitioned" bikes that spawn...getting them to/from quest objectives faster. Republics do not have anything like this available.


Civil War - Even if Republics cap the first node a few seconds (up to 5 seconds in WZs i have been in) before Imperials cap a node, the Republic ship ALWAYS takes the first tick of damage.


Imperial Mercenary AOE (Death From Above) provides instant damage to the target area while Republic Commando AOE (Mortar Volley) gives Imperials 2 seconds to move from the target area before damage begins.


Imperial Sorcerer "Shock" spell (instant cast) provides instant damage while Republic Sage "Project" spell (instant cast) provides damage about 1 second later due to having to wait for the spell graphic to happen.


Imperial Sorcerer has a blast away that also roots players....Sages do not.



Some other gripes I have but need to do more research on...or would love to hear from those that know for sure....


Population imbalance (which i consider to be a by-product of the items above) has caused irreparable damage to PVP fairness, ability to acquire items on the GM, and any kind of raid progression. On my main Republic toon I am in half Champion and half Centurion gear and Battlemasters 3 shot me all day long...even with my force bubble up. I average 400K heals in WZs and we still get run through as if I wasn't healing at all. ***A side issue for Sorcerers and Sages that are heal spec is that they can sit in a corner, use consumption/noble sacrifice and just heal themselves to pad their healing numbers, and get rewards, that is just broken imo.***

Taking away valor/comm gains in WZ past 4 medals now negatively affects Republic players more since most Imperials have had plenty of opportunity to exploit the pvp imbalance to the point where they are geared Battlemasters. Also the valor caps have me giving up on reaching valor level 60 when coupled with the above (I'm currently valor 56)

Imperials have an aoe CC (the one that has you floundering on the floor) and I have seen nothing on the Republic side work like this. This means 2 imperial players could effectively CC 5 or 6 out of the 8 Republic players in WZ between that and the blast away/root spell because we are only given one escape with a long CD.


Of course there are less important issues like Imperials getting new ships and ours look like old clunkers and the "Sheep herder in rags" pvp look, and the "Religious School Lunchlady" look of PVE gear for light armor wearers.

I see these items posted and discussed/argued/joked about/trolled in the forums on a daily basis. I have yet to see something from the devs in response. Admitting you screwed up would have actually gone a long way with me. To the contrary... ignoring the problems is an insult. As it stands, I am glad I cancelled my subscription.


The fact that you pre-paid for 6 months, cancelled your subscription and are still playing tells us that you have every intention of continuing to play. If you don't like the game, why continue playing? For a mere 40$ for the few months you have left? If I didn't enjoy myself, I wouldn't add insult to injury by playing a game I hated.


Your post is entirely biased. The social items are even. The Bounty Hunter AOE is definately not instant, I can tell you that and pvp, well imps get rolled more than not.


I'll see you 6 months :)

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The fact that you pre-paid for 6 months, cancelled your subscription and are still playing tells us that you have every intention of continuing to play. If you don't like the game, why continue playing? For a mere 40$ for the few months you have left? If I didn't enjoy myself, I wouldn't add insult to injury by playing a game I hated.


Your post is entirely biased. The social items are even. The Bounty Hunter AOE is definately not instant, I can tell you that and pvp, well imps get rolled more than not.


I'll see you 6 months :)


I have never understood the dual logic of I hate this game and have unsubbed yet I troll the game and the forums while my money runs out complaining about how i would make a better game..

1) if you had the talent to make a better game, you either would have or will and then you will see how hard it really is

2) if you actually did hate this game you would walk away from it like an adult and just move on with your life

3) most of those complainers either have not unsubbed and are just trying to start ****.


either way the logic of forcing yourself to be around/use/talk about or even consider using something you are supposed to hate so much just doesnt make sense to me..



a logical humanbeing would when confronted with something they dont like.. they avoid it after that...

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Death from above is not instant. There is a delay. It is also a channel. L2Interrupt.


The republic version is not instant either, but neither is there a two second delay as claimed. When either AOE pops, if you instantly begin moving, you will get out of it after a tick of damage with no speed bump (if its centered on you - if its unevenly placed, and you go towards the nearest edge, you can avoid damage altogether).

Edited by Shinavast
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I have never understood the dual logic of I hate this game and have unsubbed yet I troll the game and the forums while my money runs out complaining about how i would make a better game..

1) if you had the talent to make a better game, you either would have or will and then you will see how hard it really is

2) if you actually did hate this game you would walk away from it like an adult and just move on with your life

3) most of those complainers either have not unsubbed and are just trying to start ****.


either way the logic of forcing yourself to be around/use/talk about or even consider using something you are supposed to hate so much just doesnt make sense to me..



a logical humanbeing would when confronted with something they dont like.. they avoid it after that...


My point exactly. Many times I spent 60$ on a game (non-mmo even), played for a few days, walked away and never looked back. Sometimes, you pay for stuff you don't like. That's life. Walk away, be mature and don't pretend to hate it while you use it.

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It's not BW's fault more people play Empire over Republic. It's the community's responsibility to convince people to join their side


You're right, we as a community need to get into general chat while in game and entice players from the other faction to our faction...


Oh, wait a minute... :rolleyes:

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"IMHO". I read it a lot these days. In practice, it often translates to "and anyone who disagrees with me is patently a moron".


This is what Terry Pratchett had to say about it:


"And something that distinguishes the Mr. Windlings of the universe is the term 'in my humble opinion,' which they think adds weight to their statements rather than indicating, in reality, 'these are the mean little views of someone with the social grace of duckweed.'"


Terry Pratchett, The Truth.

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To be honest I fail to see the problem with imbalance. If it is affecting you that much then just roll a character on what you see as the EZmode side. No one is stopping you. You will still find plenty of people to pvp with who don't think the same way or else are prepared to accept the menchanics as provided and adapt their play accordingly.
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Death from above is not instant. There is a delay. It is also a channel. L2Interrupt.


The republic version is not instant either, but neither is there a two second delay as claimed. When either AOE pops, if you instantly begin moving, you will get out of it after a tick of damage with no speed bump (if its centered on you - if its unevenly placed, and you go towards the nearest edge, you can avoid damage altogether).

Just an fyi, there is an imbalance between the 2 skills. Mortar Volley does indeed have a longer delay before the damage hits, than DFA has. The devs are aware of it and it is supposed to be fixed (1.2 I believe) along with other animation differences.
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Death from above is not instant. There is a delay. It is also a channel. L2Interrupt.


The republic version is not instant either, but neither is there a two second delay as claimed. When either AOE pops, if you instantly begin moving, you will get out of it after a tick of damage with no speed bump (if its centered on you - if its unevenly placed, and you go towards the nearest edge, you can avoid damage altogether).



This is complete false.


When I click Death From Above on my Mercenary, I immediately launch into the air spraying the target area. I drop back down as the channel bar finishes. The animation and damage begins right when I click the button and ends when the channel bar completes.


With Mortar Volley on my Vanguard, I click the button and my PC stands there for 1.5 seconds of the channel bar doing nothing at all. After the channel bar is half gone, the animation begins and I shoot my first damaging round. Once the channel bar stops, I'm still locked in the animation for another 1.5 seconds. So, like 3 seconds for DFA and 4.5-5 at least for MV.



Either way, Bioware already said they created a new animation for the ability that should fix this delay, so it will be fixed eventually.

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1) if you had the talent to make a better game, you either would have or will and then you will see how hard it really is



while i understand the frustration, this point of view is all wrong.


you could have talent by the buckets, but if you dont have the financial support and time it will never matter.





i realistically have the talent to be a doctor. my IQ and ability to learn is outstanding.


however, i do not have the hundreds of thousands of dollars that a decade of schooling would cost between the actual expense + loss of income.


talent doesnt really mean that much in the real world.

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I have never understood the dual logic of I hate this game and have unsubbed yet I troll the game and the forums while my money runs out complaining about how i would make a better game..

1) if you had the talent to make a better game, you either would have or will and then you will see how hard it really is

2) if you actually did hate this game you would walk away from it like an adult and just move on with your life

3) most of those complainers either have not unsubbed and are just trying to start ****.


either way the logic of forcing yourself to be around/use/talk about or even consider using something you are supposed to hate so much just doesnt make sense to me..



a logical humanbeing would when confronted with something they dont like.. they avoid it after that...


Couldnt agree more, these posts are soooo tedious. 90% of hate posts are completly un constructive. The op made his point and atleast he put across how he felt and why, but as others have said how the hell do you expect BW to predict a faction un balance..... Let alone how do you resolve without using cross server mechanics..... Its a hard situation.


Imo i was very impressed with what has been disscused. Yes you could argue some of the features could of been there from the word go but there on the way so better than nothing. Players seriously need to chill out tbh. I expect to here rage fest about illum now for the next 3 months.


I quit wow several times through the 7 years i played it but never once posted once about quitting on the forums. Move on jesus........

Edited by Randytravis
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I have a feeling this guy did watch the whole thing. Anyways, I did and I must say, Excellent job on BWs part. You really don't see that kind of PR from a game company very often. 1.2 sold me on the game and will continue to play.


Agreed, ive been saying this for a while. Hardly and games companys put that much effort into pr.

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You're right, we as a community need to get into general chat while in game and entice players from the other faction to our faction...


Oh, wait a minute... :rolleyes:

You do know you can communicate with /say right? Then there's the forums. Hell some people "join empire because of their friends" why not convince those friends to roll republic than just going over to their side.


Oh look, community influence. Who'd a thunk it?



Now to the OP. The amount of stuff they talked about was staggering. I missed most of it and what I saw was a lot. I am chuckling at work today thinking about some of the previous posts on these forums. I don't see how the summit was a fail when a group of players (guild leaders) who have vested interest in the game went to discuss their view of the game currently and where it's going in the future. They also addressed questions asked online by the couple of thousand people watching on the livestream.


<sarcasm>Yea truly a fail summit.</sarcasm>

Edited by DarthKhaos
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Along with several of my guild mates, we watched most of the summit on the live stream and commented with one another over Vent. I was consistently impressed with the frankness, honesty, and vision of the development team presenting at the summit.


You could see the devs taking notes, listening to suggestions, and trying very hard to be responsive to the SWTOR community.


Of course they can not deliver on every request, nor can they address every problem (perceived or otherwise) that members of the community have. What they can do is more open meetings such as this summit, and continue to have a frank dialogue with their customers. They clearly have made improvements and have a road map of where they plan to take the game in the future.


I applaud Bioware for their efforts.

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