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1.2 is amazing but... No big butt fix for Jedi Knight robes?


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  • 2 weeks later...
I can't believe this won't be fixed in 1.2, maybe they think it's ok as it is?


Maybe people haven't posted the issue on PTS forums where it's likely to get noticed.



I won't second guess devs and assume they'll never fix it.

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As a mara I'd give anything to have some of those hooded robes you guys complain about. :eek: The issue didn't really stroke me on my sentinel until I read this thread and well, it's admittedly a bit weird but really nothing serious in my opinion. :)
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This probably wouldn't bother me as much if all Jedi Knights shared this problem. However that isn't the case because people who created their characters using Body Type 3 don't have the bubble butt. If they can look like a normal male character why can't the rest of us?


This issue has really limited my armor options. I find it ridiculous that BioWare hasn't even acknowledged the problem.

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This issue has really limited my armor options. I find it ridiculous that BioWare hasn't even acknowledged the problem.


There are so many issues that haven't been acknowledge for months that I'm slightly beginning to lose hope for some of them and the "giant but" thing is on top of my list. :cool:

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  • 1 month later...

From what I've experienced, body type 3 are immune to this. They either don't have this problem or have the corporal mass appropriate for big butts (so it's a normal butt for them!).


I know this won't fix your level 50, but if anyone reads this or if oyu make another character, body type 3.


IDK about females.

Edited by lpsmash
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I honestly had a 5 min rage , when I put on my bit butt robes for the first time.


I was like..how the feck could this get into the final game? Am I gonna have to wear this ***** at lvl 50? Why does it bulge so?


Then I got a cool cloak thing that looked like something outta return of the Jedi and all was well. But they gotta change that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I give up, it's clear with the recent shareholder reports that the game is losing subs fast and this is just not going to be on their list any time soon.


Either way, it's not something I have to worry about anymore, I cancled my subscription yesterday, not just because of robe bustles for many reasons.


If the gameplay ever gets better, they add more gear, and fix the graphic errors, I may come back, but until then best of luck everyone, keep fighting the good fight, maybe bioware will fix it eventually!

Edited by Tgirgis
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  • 1 month later...

If I control click to preview my appearance my character looks normal, the butt scales properly. When I look at it with the item equipped the butt looks NOTHING what it looked like in the preview. I have to A) roll a giant jedi to get a normal sized backside or B) not subscribe to this game.


This is such a small error I'm surprised they didn't notice it I noticed this before level 20. Hoping it might change and I am realizing that if I choose to wear a robe I will always have a donkey bottom that looks nothing like the upper body of my character because the developers got lazy. I have the initial sub of 30 days and might re up for another month after that I'm quitting if simple lazy mistakes like this aren't fixed. Seriously ruins the game for me, I have to look at this clown toon the entire time because you devs got lazy.


When you were making the models let's face it you got lazy. Why is it my bottom bustle looks normal when I control preview the jedi robes but not when I equip it(preview = normal bottom / equipped = donkey bottom)?????? This is with the medium/small toon. Clearly I'm not the only person I just sub'd to this game and it annoyed me enough to where I had to google it. Such a simple character model flaw makes it impossible to wear a robe as a jedi.

Edited by WrZlt
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