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1.2 is "The Messiah of all Patches"


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I think upset people are just trying to find things to be upset about.


"____ wasn't included at launch!!! Blah blah blah"


"Have patience, these things will come..Oh look! Here they come!"


"<blank stare> um........These features should have been in launch!"


Ok, we get it. There are things that you feel should have been included at launch. But now that many of these are coming, what point is it in being upset that they weren't included at launch? You are getting what you want. Just not when you wanted it.


People claiming this is the "Jesus Patch" when it includes things that should have been in launch. How is the patch so great when these things SHOULD have been in at the start? I mean chat bubbles? we had to wait 2months or so to get something as simple as chat bubbles?

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People claiming this is the "Jesus Patch" when it includes things that should have been in launch. How is the patch so great when these things SHOULD have been in at the start? I mean chat bubbles? we had to wait 2months or so to get something as simple as chat bubbles?


Chat bubbles were not in the launch not because they couldn't have been there, but because BW decided to leave them out. It was an artistic decision.


When it comes to what "should have been in launch", there's no such thing with SWTOR. The game came out in a very good condition as far as MMOs go and even when there could have always been some of these 1.2 features in, none of them is really a "must" for a game to be a whole.

Edited by Rouge
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People claiming this is the "Jesus Patch" when it includes things that should have been in launch. How is the patch so great when these things SHOULD have been in at the start? I mean chat bubbles? we had to wait 2months or so to get something as simple as chat bubbles?


I think people claiming this the "Jesus Patch" is going overboard. Every MMO I've seen at launch has people claiming that the first patch will be "THE PATCH". That said....


The patch is great because it is including what you thought should have been included at launch.


You really can't see that?


This patch could have not included a single thing that you wanted at launch. But it does.


Again, what exactly do you expect to achieve by being upset now, knowing that what you asked for is coming?

Edited by Skoobie
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6. Yay! I can use a class defining ability from one of my 50's every 20 minutes when I am soloing. Isn't this supposed to be a MMO? What in the legacy system supports the MMO part?


No matter how much you want to avoid it, there are three more letters in MMORPG. Not every update has to deal with your misconception that "massively multiplayer" demands that everything has to do with grouping.


Please don't tell me what to do. I play how I want to play.


And others play how they want to play. Bioware is giving content to many play styles, don't pout because one part doesn't benefit yours.


Edit: And to attempt to fend off the argument before it starts ... I group pretty much every time I play. But in my mind the "massively multiplayer" part means that at any given time there are many people playing. That's it. I don't have to group with them if I don't want to, but if I do I have the option.


I understand there are others that don't share that view. But I don't attempt to belittle their view simply because I disagree. Maybe I just don't belong on the internet ....

Edited by cjohnk
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The patch does look pretty cool. At the same time, they aren't addressing ability delays or FPS issues due to poor coding of the game. To me, it seems they should fix the game first, then add new content. It's my only complaint, but it still annoys me and many more like me.
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I think people claiming this the "Jesus Patch" is going overboard.


The patch is great because it is including what you thought should have been included at launch.


You really can't see that?


This patch could have not included a single thing that you wanted at launch. But it does.


Again, what exactly do you expect to achieve by being upset now, knowing that what you asked for is coming?


I'm not upset its great they are finally adding basic things into the game, but calling this the messiah of all patches when so much is left out is hardly fair or accurate and I will point out the flaws in said arguments.

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I have bashed TOR here and there but have to say the 1.2 patch is sounding pretty epic.




Wait to actually call it EPIC when it hits the live servers, guy. Y'know BioWare's track record of promising & then delivering bug-ridden content. They said it clear enough plenty of times during today's summit, most of the stuff they talked about today is not making it into 1.2's patch.

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I know it is a little outside of the 6 month mark, but Rift was released 9 months before TOR. It had more features at release. It didn't vary from the WoW model, so it didn't keep my interest for very long.




You sound mad. From looking through all these posts it looks like you should be playing Rift instead of sitting on the SWTOR forums.. Especially since it's ungodly awesome or whatnot. I know you said that it didn't differentiate from most MMOs' as why you quit, but that's just a cop-out reason. What's the real reason you quit Rift? Oh.. Cause it's just mediocre.





People are soo mad and angsty about SWTOR not having the 9 years+ Development time that WoW had in putting in features. It's completely unreal.

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THe features weren't in at launch. There it's been said so shut up and go play another game if it bothers you that much. The features in 1.2 are going to add a lot of much needed elements to this game. If it isn't enough to keep you trolls happy then by all means PLEASE go play the game that is SO much better than this one.


The only complaint I have with Bioware is they let every single troll post non constructive lies and troll posts without banning them. If they would just start banning these haters and trolls these forums could be used for something constructive.

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I'm not upset its great they are finally adding basic things into the game, but calling this the messiah of all patches when so much is left out is hardly fair or accurate and I will point out the flaws in said arguments.


Well I don't disagree there, but as I added in my last post...the first patch of every MMO has people claiming that the first patch is going to be "The Miracle Patch".


But there's no denying that Bioware is making big claims, and are quickly addressing some of the major concerns of the players. And the "Bioware doesn't listen" crew are eating a lot of crow right about now.


Are all of the concerns being addressed in this patch? Surely not.....nor will they ever be. But it's a step in the right direction.

Edited by Skoobie
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I hope you aren't a GW2 supporter then, cus world PvP won't exist to the best of my knowledge.


Oh you could not be more wrong. Massive W v W v W with a map that dwarfs anything that TOR can offer (or even handle for that matter). Yea sure, there will be no gankfest called PvP in other games where you take out people below your level while they are fighting mobs...in GW2 you will be doing it in zones specifically made for that. 3 teams as well which theoretically will get rid of 'faction imbalance' that exists in every 2 side MMO *cough* TOR. I guess the downside is there will be no raid or die/holy trinity concept which will more than likely not attract those sorts of players. But the PvP community is drooling in anticipation. I know I am.


Anyways you know where I got this moniker "Jesus Patch"? I read/heard it from various MMO review/fan sites and the reason why it's being dubbed this is....it will take an act of god to save this game which is 1.2. Or at least that's my interpetation....I didn't make that term up, other people did. It seems highly fitting though.

Edited by fixit
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And this is about a good of an analogy i can think of for the "jesus patch". I for one wouldnt call it that but anyway, I present to you:


TOR Burger


TOR Burger: GRAND OPENING!! We have Burgers Shakes and Fries!




Other People: McWoW has bacon, I WANT BACON ON MY BURGERS!!


More People: McWoW didnt have bacon at launch


Even more: Yeah but TOR Burger is in direct competition with McWow which clearly has bacon now.


Some Community: I actually love regular cheese burgers and dont need bacon.


TOR Burger: Now with BACON!!!!


People: BULLSHXT, bacon should have been an option from grand opening, I already ate lunch today and I would have rather had bacon.


Person: Well now you can, so get a baconchee tomorrow.

Other person again: I invested way too much time eating that burger, I dont want to pay to eat another one just to get bacon.

TOR Burger: We realize not everyone loves beef, now CHICKEN PATTIES!!

Person: QQ QQ I dont like chicken!! They could have used that time perfecting a BBQ sauce for my beef burger instead.


TOR Burger: You can now put bacon on anything.


Customer: WHAT?!?!?! So now anyone can put bacon on any burger?!?!?! What is the benefit of even having a bacon cheeseburger if youre just going to give bacon to chicken!


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Chat bubbles were not in the launch not because they couldn't have been there, but because BW decided to leave them out. It was an artistic decision.

Not really it's because it was killing the frame rate.


That's why they removed it. They were unable to implement it in a decent way.

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No MMO has had LFG, or cross server anything, from the beginning... not a single one.


At least in the ones I have played, into the teens now.


And none of those MMOs had nearly the budget that SWTOR had. As others have said, Rift had far more features -and- had a lesser budget -and- took less time to produce.


Until they start adding a viable LFG tool, chat bubbles and a real combat log my subscription will stay cancelled.


Also, it's funny calling this patch the Messiah of all patches. Oh wow, a new operation, flashpoint and warzone...don't those things typically come with new patches? Or is this your first MMO? Rated warzones...yawn...way to blatantly copy WoW. Yet SWTOR will never, ever be WoW no matter how hard they try. WoW is just vastly superior to this game.

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Certainly not the 'Messiah' of all patches...


For it to have been the case for me at least, Ilum needed to be fixed, proper objectives that would be attacked/defended and draw people in for hours, even Warhammer did that with forts and getting to raid the enemy city and it was considered a failure, doesn't say much for the PvP in TOR.


Even though mistakes were made it still was far far far far far better than Ilum and that doesn't say a lot for the BW devs and the choices made with Ilum/whoever made them, with people on board from Warhammer, they should have improved upon that and learned from mistakes made and implemented them in Tor.


Of course I don't really expect something that big to have made 1.2 to be fair ( should have been in at the start though ), but for a patch to be a 'Messiah' of patches, it needed something huge like that.


Secondly more variety warzones added, wanted that more than ranked warzones, something like an Alterac Valley etc, variety in map and participant sizes and objective types, not that interested in same faction warzones, at least put an option on whether they can pop, so you can turn it on/off when you don't/want to do them.


Then other stuff like server balance and merges etc, feel sorry for those on a dead server.

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So you would be perfectly fine with going out today and buying a car without air conditioning i guess? Because that's basically what you're saying.


This game released late 2011 and should have released with all the features its main competitor had at that time, or at the very least, the very BASIC mandatory ones, such as cross server, dungeon tool, dual spec etc. How much time a 2004 title needed in order to implement them is I R R E L E V A N T. This game released in few months ago, not in 2004.


If i buy a car now i expect it to have ac out of the box cause it's 2012, not 1900, i'm not fine with the company implementing it half a century later.


Your car analogy is rather silly, because you did in fact buy that car knowing full well it didn't have air conditioning, then proceed to complain about it. The real question is, why did you buy the car without AC in the first place, and why are you blaming the dealership for your decision?


As for cross server LFG being a basic, mandatory feature, that's simply your opinion, there are a rather large number of people (both here, and at the time in the Rift forums) that are/were aggressively and very vocally against it. Like everything else, it has it's upsides and downsides. Personally, I'm all for a cross server tool but have never in 15 years of MMO gaming considered it a basic, mandatory feature, and I certainly am not going to cry about it as I knew full well it wouldn't be in at launch, if at all. Like I do with anything I purchase, I get as much information as I can about the product, then make an informed decision on whether or not to buy.


That's not to say making suggestions for improvements is a bad thing, it's actually a great thing and I hope they add as many things that people want in as they can, but just like every MMO ever made it takes time after launch. Crying about what could have been done serves no useful purpose, look ahead, not back. :)

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Oh you could not be more wrong. Massive W v W v W with a map that dwarfs anything that TOR can offer (or even handle for that matter). Yea sure, in the PvE game there will be no gankfest called PvP in other games...in GW2 you will be doing it in zones specifically made for that. 3 teams as well which theoretically will get rid of 'faction imbalance' exists in every 2 side MMO *cough* TOR. I guess the downside is there will be no raid or die concept which will more than likely not attract those sorts of players. But the PvP community is drooling in anticipation. I know I am.


Anyways you know where I got this moniker "Jesus Patch"? I read/heard it from various MMO review/fan sites and the reason why it's being dubbed this is....it will take an act of god to save this game which in this case is 1.2. Or at least that's my interpitation....I didn't make that term up, other people did. It seems highly fitting though.


Massive AOE spam fests that completely lag out top end machiens just like this game. If you have watched or followed any of the beta reviews from the past few weeks then you know that GW2 is not all people are making it up to be. Is it a good game? Sure. Will it be the death to all other games? Not even close.


The content will be consumed within 1 month and the problem with f2p mmo's is they don't release updates enough. But I'll let you keep telling yourself how great it's going to be because the game itself will only crush your hopes that much faster if you believe your own hype.

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Yes because they don't need it, they are competition cars, f1 cars don't have ac either. Difference is swtor actually does need a dungeon tool unlike those cars don't need ac.


As i said, you should think before replying, you're just replying for the sake of replying, without making any sense and taking things out of context cause when faced with the FACT that people like me are RIGHT, you'd rather go off and argue about the examples that are being made, failing at that too for a lack of logic, i may add.


Not every player needs a LFG tool. You do have an option to make friends and/or join a guild to form groups too. It's a quality of life feature which would be nice for those rare times no friends are on, but not a big deal.

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That's true but at least Rift had a working UI, a decent engine with AA(at launch), nice shadows, high resolution textures, dual specs, gear dyes, more than one type of weapon per class, training dolls, world events, incentives for exploration, multiple speccing, interesting talent tree options, well made instances, world PvP, a decent crafting system, swimming, day/night cycles, chat bubbles and... much much more™.


Please do not compare SWTOR with Rift at launch.


Note: Rift budget was like 1/4th of SWTOR one.


If you take out voice acting and the cinematics that go with it i bet their budgets were actually pretty similair.

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The best part with some of these qq is trying to compare this and the 4.3 blunder in WoW lol


Blunder? WoW had 10 million active accounts before it came out, which had fallen from 12 million at the beginning of Cata. Now it is up to 10.8 million. They -gained- 800,000 active accounts with that patch. What are YOU talking about?

Edited by Dodia
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I could have waited for all of that. They're not fixing the framerate problem. They're not even acknowledging that it's a software problem rather than the user's hardware.


You're right. My curiosity is satisfied, so bye.


Some random forum poster just summed up patch 1.2 in a paragraph, it didn't have what i want so I am leaving.....



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Rift had chat bubbles, Rift had LFG, Rift had animal mounts. and thats just Rift. BUT and this is the kicker, SWTOR has to compete with games that have been out for YEARS, using an excuse like "Its a new MMO" doesn't cut it, they should have the features players liked from those games such as LFG, addons, and so forth.



Hell I would throw all that to the wind if I didn't need to RAMDRIVE to stop the hitching or add lines to settings.ini because they removed graphic options from BETA.


Rift did not have LFG at launch or addons ....LFG was added in 1.2 and it was server only then in 1.4 it was cross shard LFG and addons were not intoduced for a good 6months after release in version 1.5 !!! I know I played Rift until I started playing this in Beta in Dec .

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Some random forum poster just summed up patch 1.2 in a paragraph, it didn't have what i want so I am leaving.....




And actually they DID address the framerate issue. They said theyre working on tweaking and making the game playable on low end systems, and that many of the tweaks will benefit everyone. And honestly, not everyone even has the issue, so common troubleshooting would point at either the users end or the ISP, thats the only variable really.

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And actually they DID address the framerate issue. They said theyre working on tweaking and making the game playable on low end systems, and that many of the tweaks will benefit everyone. And honestly, not everyone even has the issue, so common troubleshooting would point at either the users end or the ISP, thats the only variable really.


Yeah i know it was mentioned.


I was just pointing out that the OP didn't list ALL of the things mentioned in the summit. The fact that the guy i quoted even entertained the idea, from over 4 hours of Q and A this was all they had to talk about.

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