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More Nerfs and buffs incoming for Bounty hunter and other classes


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I've played every class in this game, except gunslinger, and all those classes i got up to 25+ in levels. Sorc which is a 50, is BY FAR the easiest one I've played, easiest to kite with, easiest to CC with, and just plain easier due to the fact that range is far more superior in this game, due to many reasons..


I quit my sorc to that reason, and the fact that everyone and their mom plays that class, and shear boringness spamming lightning. I hope they get a nerf, I really do, along with other classes. I really don't know why people defend them saying they don't need one.


Defending a class usually like you said, that person needs to be a better player. I've played it, I beat them, therefore cause I know the mechanics of one, and I still say they need the nerf.


My favorite thing about posts like these is the people who pretend that only people who have never played Sorceror/Sage make them.


Well said.

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Maybe. I just watched your pyro movie, and lol.


Your poor s key must be almost completly faded. I guess the fact you can backpedal like that and still be a wrecking force in wz shows how op and stupid easy they are lol


I love the "backpeddling noob" syndrome people like to fall back on. (Yes, I backpeddle, Yes I still win most of the time)


How's that strafing around auto facing casters working out for you?

Edited by exphryl
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He goes on to say this is for solo pve content only.


This part amazed me. Why spend countless dollars working on a system that you will rarely use at end game? I honestly cannot remember the last time I pulled my companion out.

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Early April release now? Not surprised.




This gem is priceless:

"Soon there will no longer be any daily or weekly quests to visit Ilum, the end-game open PvP area. Ilum will still exist as a destination for those interested in open PvP, but it won't be a place to earn commendations for end game PvP armor. "We're keeping Ilum as-is. But I think almost all of our problems that occur in open world PvP are because of the fact that the rewards there, the behavior was less about having fun in that area and more about exploiting to get the rewards faster."




"We don't know how to fix Ilum so we're abandoning it."


Lol! Yes, the bountiful rewards from Ilum are why the zone is broken. Now that we can go there and focus on having fun faction balance, ****** objectives and zone mechanics will fix themselves and no one will notice them!



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It's great that Bioware gives this info to IGN.. and not us directyl. They really, really need a community director taht actually gets involved with the players.


Yeah, it makes me wonder why Bio even has this site. A MMO's main website should be the primary source for game info, yet on this site Bio has very little hard info on their own game. We have to look at other sites to get info that Bio should have here!

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They may not have a "synergy", and they may take skill to use, but my pyro merc eats arsenal mercs for breakfast and can single handed change the course of a warzone. Why? Mobility, brains, timing, skill and iterrupts don't turn me into a wet noodle.


And, you are right there is no synergy with rail shot at all it is just totally useless armor pen. Just because it isn't a one button wonder doesn't mean it is weak. Much like a fire mage in wow in the right hands it is amazing, but hey arcane mages take skill too right?


While pyro is better for pvp overall, especially with dots currently interrupting caps, the only way you, as a merc pyro, is killing merc arsenals is if the arsenal specced mercs are terrible.


Why? One word: cure.

I prefer pyro on my merc, but good arsenal mercs will generally kill me 1 v 1 (and, conversely, I will wipe the floor with pyro mercs if I am arsenal specced). You can remove pyro's dots. Which means that the pyro will have to rely on on thermal detonator (15 sec cooldown) and casted abilities. Once the arsenal merc cures himself the pyro merc will be without rail shot, and will have to stand still to cast unload and powershot. And while arsenal mercs can just cure the snare on them, pyro mercs cannot.


WHich is why powertech pyro is much, much better than merc pyro. 100% chance to snare the target, interrupts, etc.

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Yeah, it makes me wonder why Bio even has this site. A MMO's main website should be the primary source for game info, yet on this site Bio has very little hard info on their own game. We have to look at other sites to get info that Bio should have here!


My guess would be kick-backs from IGN are the reason they handle the release of info like this.

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Gunnery/Arsenal and Assailt/pyro are on about even ground if you take into consideration what you gain/lose when you spec into it. Yes, gunnery/arsenal have better synergy, but that synergy is the reason people are calling for nerfs.


If people are willing to let you sit there and cast all day, they deserve to get their faces blown up (applies to Sorcs/Sages as well). But when you come up against experienced players who target you and interrupt your casts, they've already succeeded in castrating you as Gunnery/Arsenal. Assault/Pyro, on the other hand, does not have to worry about that except having to stop once in a while to cast Full-auto/Unload for the proc. Having instacast abilities and DoTs means you're not worried about getting your primary skill interrupted and the auto snare means slightly more mobility than standing there, hoping your opponent isn't good. Having DoTs not affect capping already puts both specs on even terms when it comes to guarding an objective.


You can turret as Assault/Pyro and be mobile in Gunnery/Arsenal but Assault/Pyro only gets better and gunnery/Arsenal gets slightly worse.


A slight nerf in base dmg to Grav/tracer is acceptable considering you pretty much have to use it to make use of your better dmg abilities. People might stop whining about one-button winners if their one button attack isn't critting for 3k + debuff, but for 1.5-2k + debuff. Giving it a longer cooldown will just defeat the synergy in that tree.


As for PVP changes, IMO, they're ok in regards to lowering the queue times and odds of Huttball. I just find it troubling that "killing" Ilum and having WZs not faction vs faction anymore defeats the whole idea of Republic vs Empire. Here's to hoping they add good incentives to OWPvP.


I'm all for rated WZs and hoping for Arena though. Gives people who ignore objectives and deathmatch in the middle of the zone while the other team scores a place to do said deathmatches without repercussions. :D

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None of what i read there was a step on the right trail. For example, saying ilum failure it's because the player rewards, instead of admitting their engine sucks donkeyballs, the map isn't well done, there isn't any good RvR mechanich (well, there isn't one to begin with on ilum), population imbalanced on a instance non faction capped, etc etc... and they just blame us. What the ****. Even they consider they must deal with population imbalances... you know how ? No, they aren't smart enough to man up, give better XP and rewards for reps on servers heavily outnumbered so people would reroll. No, they just make the overpopulated side more ways to do warzones. Lol.


Btw, you are giving too much credit to bioware saying they will nerf pyro... following their latest hits as Failum:There's only lag and Operative nerf : Sorcerer's tears, they will surely nerf arsenal, and leave pyro as it is.

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While pyro is better for pvp overall, especially with dots currently interrupting caps, the only way you, as a merc pyro, is killing merc arsenals is if the arsenal specced mercs are terrible.


Why? One word: cure.

I prefer pyro on my merc, but good arsenal mercs will generally kill me 1 v 1 (and, conversely, I will wipe the floor with pyro mercs if I am arsenal specced). You can remove pyro's dots. Which means that the pyro will have to rely on on thermal detonator (15 sec cooldown) and casted abilities. Once the arsenal merc cures himself the pyro merc will be without rail shot, and will have to stand still to cast unload and powershot. And while arsenal mercs can just cure the snare on them, pyro mercs cannot.


WHich is why powertech pyro is much, much better than merc pyro. 100% chance to snare the target, interrupts, etc.


I agree powertech pyro is better; they are saying merc pyro is unplayable; which is in fact dumb/stupid.


I have to say if they are cleaning all the dots they are pretty busy cleaning and that in and of it's self has some value considering I can just re-dot > rapid shot > rail shot > unload (dot + proc) > rail shot > rapid shots > power shot > etc


I actually think the nerf will be dmg from tracer/grav and things will go more to pyro as it really is more of a PvP spec while arsenal is more PvE

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Early April release now? Not surprised.




This gem is priceless:

"Soon there will no longer be any daily or weekly quests to visit Ilum, the end-game open PvP area. Ilum will still exist as a destination for those interested in open PvP, but it won't be a place to earn commendations for end game PvP armor. "We're keeping Ilum as-is. But I think almost all of our problems that occur in open world PvP are because of the fact that the rewards there, the behavior was less about having fun in that area and more about exploiting to get the rewards faster."




"We don't know how to fix Ilum so we're abandoning it."


excellent translation.



bioware are you really blaming players for the unrewarding stupid valor gear grind and nascar racing pvp that you created?




whatever happens with this game is your responsibility.


you all look like major ****** making statements like these.


you created a ****** combat, pvp and reward system and experience so you have nobody to blame but yourselves for doing such a poor job.


get your **** together.

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I agree powertech pyro is better; they are saying merc pyro is unplayable; which is in fact dumb/stupid.


I have to say if they are cleaning all the dots they are pretty busy cleaning and that in and of it's self has some value considering I can just re-dot > rapid shot > rail shot > unload (dot + proc) > rail shot > rapid shots > power shot > etc


I actually think the nerf will be dmg from tracer/grav and things will go more to pyro as it really is more of a PvP spec while arsenal is more PvE


Considering cure costs 16 heat, while incendiary missile costs 25 and rapidshots has a pretty low chance of putting the dot up, you are going to end up having to stop and cast, but with less heat and lower damage since the other player won't be burning. Add -10% damage taken from tracer missile, heat back on crits, and more damage from unloads and railshot, and vent heat self healing the person, and a good arsenal should never die to a pyro merc 1 v 1. Per your own admission you'd have to stop at least once and cast, at which point the arsenal has an advantage.



Now, at least right now with dots still interrupting caps, pyro is still a better spec than arsenal overall for pvp, since not many classes can cure the dots. But strictly 1 v 1 arsenal should never die to pyro.

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Here's what stood out to me from the article:


We've had a lot longer [quality assurance] soak time this time. We want to make sure there's no bugs, such as the one that occurred in Ilum for our [patch 1.1].


Since every Patch release has essentially been a debacle and required an emergency patch to fix the patch, this is welcome news. I don't mind waiting an extra week or two for more content as long as the new content is more solid on release.


That means that Void Star will fire more often when you're on a server where it's a faction imbalance…There's going to be less of a Huttball bias. We plan to move Alderaan into that group as well, but it won't be ready for 1.2. We're very conscious of the fact that we have servers with a faction imbalance and we have to deal with that.


So in other words, BW is going to do absolutely nothing about the faction imbalance in game. In fact, they are going to actively encourage the populations to become even more skewed.


Although with OPvP essentially being abandoned by BW in 1.2, the faction imbalance isn't going to matter near as much as it does now. Guess it's time to roll Sith like everyone else. With no OPvP and same faction WZs across the board, there is no faction Pub v Imp war anymore. Makes the future look pretty bleak for interesting OPvP and even future content. Not thrilled at all by this news.

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pt pyro is better because of the powetech synergy between its two other trees



buffing dmg to burning targets and buffing rail shot


that with a grapply and an interuppt makes pt pyro twice is good as merc pyro




that being said let me restate what i said earlier


sorcs are quick weak, id liek ot see a clear seperation of trees, lightning for aoe, madness for 1v1. currently 31 madness may be the weakest pvp build in the game, and the 31 pt lightning talent barely crits for 3k even though its a 9s cd and a 2s cast


tracer mercs i dont feel are as bad as peopel think. whilst unfocused and free casting at range they blow things up.. thats working as intended, but with pressure and interrupts and timed stuns you can virtualy cut their dps to near zero.


when vsing a merc the safe bet is to never let them start their tracer spam cycle, interupt stun knockback to prevenmt it. and let them cast whatever else they want.

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Here's what stood out to me from the article:




Since every Patch release has essentially been a debacle and required an emergency patch to fix the patch, this is welcome news. I don't mind waiting an extra week or two for more content as long as the new content is more solid on release.




So in other words, BW is going to do absolutely nothing about the faction imbalance in game. In fact, they are going to actively encourage the populations to become even more skewed.


Although with OPvP essentially being abandoned by BW in 1.2, the faction imbalance isn't going to matter near as much as it does now. Guess it's time to roll Sith like everyone else. With no OPvP and same faction WZs across the board, there is no faction Pub v Imp war anymore. Makes the future look pretty bleak for interesting OPvP and even future content. Not thrilled at all by this news.





They need to address the faction imbalance. I think this patch could make it even worse.

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Gotta love this patch!


I hope appearance customization also includes being able to choose what type of weapon you can wield while being able to activate all your abilities :D

Edited by Vetril
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Considering cure costs 16 heat, while incendiary missile costs 25 and rapidshots has a pretty low chance of putting the dot up, you are going to end up having to stop and cast, but with less heat and lower damage since the other player won't be burning. Add -10% damage taken from tracer missile, heat back on crits, and more damage from unloads and railshot, and vent heat self healing the person, and a good arsenal should never die to a pyro merc 1 v 1. Per your own admission you'd have to stop at least once and cast, at which point the arsenal has an advantage.



Now, at least right now with dots still interrupting caps, pyro is still a better spec than arsenal overall for pvp, since not many classes can cure the dots. But strictly 1 v 1 arsenal should never die to pyro.


I guess I have yet to run across an "amazingly good" arsenal. Don't get me wrong it gets pretty close, but over all I have not had much trouble with them. Generally when I die its 2/3 v 1.


Honestly though this is a game and pyro is more "fun", end of the day, that is going to be all that maters to me. No amount of math or theoretical "good" tracer monkeys will change that.

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A ranking system is being implemented into PvP Warzones to improve matchmaking and let you compare your performance to others. "We can avoid matches where you're going up against a team of players who have a win-loss ratio that' s much higher than yours. We're going to continue to expand up on the PvP ranking in future updates as well. This one we're kind of calling the pre-season, because it's just the beginning of our ranking system. We intend to add to it significantly."


The matchmaking sounds like it could help a lot. It also sounds like there is still only going to be one warzone queue, we'll all just be ranked in it. Anyone else see it that way?


Which makes perfect sense, because cross server isn't coming out yet.

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I simply can not believe we still can't be trusted to pick and choose which wz's we like and play the ones we want to play.


Some designer is waaaay too attached to his pet warzone.


lets not play HUTTBALL!


Freaking hate that map. As a gunslinger its something i never play.


As a sage? Sure. I've got skills that matter.


Than again my gunslinger is underskilled all over the place. For a pure DPS class I'd like to see pure DPS outputs.


Hopefully patch 1.2 looks at the real dps outputs of the pure dps class and gives it a look see.


I can be an annoying player in pvp and really poke you if I have a pocket healer and can setup.


Much like the forums. Public nuisance.

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"We don't know how to fix Ilum so we're abandoning it."


I didn't read it that way. You clipped out this part:


We know there is a big contingent of players who are fans of open world PvP [...]. We're going to have more announcements on what we're following up with to give those fans what they're looking for."


When the rubber meets the road, sometimes things don't play out the way you anticipated. Game companies--even experienced ones--make mistakes. I remember when Age of Conan came out with their open-world objectives in the border kingdom regions and you quickly began seeing people who had attained the top level PvP rating and had only been in, like, 100 fights. Clearly that was broken, and Funcom would have been WAAAAY better off simply pulling those systems out of the game until they could come up with something that worked better.


So to be perfectly honest about it, I applaud BioWare for taking that step.

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