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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[Panel Discussion] State of the Game (10:30AM CST)

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Looking forward to patch 1.2. I know you guys have been hard at work with faction imbalances and ability balances and such. But i just want to say thanks for all the good work on the server MindTrick, I havent had any lag issuses, or frame rate issues, just drops but that was almost since the game launched. So thanks for that and thanks for listening to the players. I have been hereing/reading lots of happy customers as far as getting problems fixed. Glad i havent had many lol.


Thankyou Bioware and Keep up all the good work!!!!

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Y'know, I wrote a long rant explaining why I figured they would NOT be introducing "cross class" powers as part of the legacy system. Obviously, I was dead wrong. It will be interesting to see how they address the many possible issues with this. (Am I right in hearing they'll be once/20 minute type abilities? If so, that's a lot less likely to cause problems.)
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While I agree that it sucks about it moving from March to April or possibly May, is that honestly a reason to cancel? I can maybe see if it was April of next year but a month or two is ridiculous.


Just remember:


a)Bioware sucks because they post patches early and without testing.

b)Bioware sucks because the delay patches in order to force people to keep renewing their subscriptions.


If you can simultaneously believe both, you may have won entry into the He-Man Bioware Haters club. :)


(It's a lot better to push back release, than to release broken. Period. Releasing broken content is, de facto, pushing back release, because the content you are expecting doesn't work yet, and you often end up with less content than you had before due to bugs.)


As it is, no matter how much testing is done, I would say there's a 95% chance there will be an "emergency patch" within 24 to 48 hours of 1.2 going live, and this isn't because "Bioware sucks!", it's because it borders on a mathematical certainty that in anything as complex as this patch, there will be combinations of factors which won't occur until live release.

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Just remember:


a)Bioware sucks because they post patches early and without testing.

b)Bioware sucks because the delay patches in order to force people to keep renewing their subscriptions.


If you can simultaneously believe both, you may have won entry into the He-Man Bioware Haters club. :)


(It's a lot better to push back release, than to release broken. Period. Releasing broken content is, de facto, pushing back release, because the content you are expecting doesn't work yet, and you often end up with less content than you had before due to bugs.)


As it is, no matter how much testing is done, I would say there's a 95% chance there will be an "emergency patch" within 24 to 48 hours of 1.2 going live, and this isn't because "Bioware sucks!", it's because it borders on a mathematical certainty that in anything as complex as this patch, there will be combinations of factors which won't occur until live release.

Really no sarcasm: I love it when people talk reason on the forums. You get a +1 from me, sir. :D

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Doh missed that last segement on livestream about legacy features plans, which were EXTREMELY well receieved. I managed to get the feed going at the mass cheering and appluase. Anyone able to please fill me in on what they were?
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I am REALLY looking forward to this! I don't mind that they pushed the date back...I would rather wait and have it be well done rather than rushed!


There are so many things that made me happy but the mention of MINI PETS and appearance customization (I am SO hoping for new hair!!!!) made my day!!

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They are recording and posting all the live content after the broadcast:)



Doh missed that last segement on livestream about legacy features plans, which were EXTREMELY well receieved. I managed to get the feed going at the mass cheering and appluase. Anyone able to please fill me in on what they were?
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what about performance issues? "high quality" shadows problems , particle problems , textures problems , graphicsal artifacts , rendering distance , rendering priorities , ui freezing the game? hm?


They said something about a "Very Low" setting to be available.

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What was the official female count for the meeting's opening? I'm not there, but a guy asked me. I told him that judging by the live feed, I saw one or two (one coulda been a long-haired short dude tho).


The two I saw were one heavyset lady with glasses, reddish hair and a small, short chick with dark hair.


I didn't count but it was much more than that. I'd put it at 10+, maybe 15?

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They said something about a "Very Low" setting to be available.


The only thing is that my game runs FASTER on High settins than it runs on Low.

I wonder if it run even worse on even lowest settings...


I hope they add a super, Ultra texture pack, that way I'll get something around 24 fps on Ilum... maybe.

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The only thing is that my game runs FASTER on High settins than it runs on Low.

I wonder if it run even worse on even lowest settings...


I hope they add a super, Ultra texture pack, that way I'll get something around 24 fps on Ilum... maybe.


Until they fix the core problem with the graphics engine, all the different textures in the world is not going to fix open pvp lag ever.

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Not sure if this is the appropriate thread but here goes:


Any news about server transfers? Getting ad hoc groups together to run flashpoints and other stuff is getting increasingly more difficult. I wait for an awfully long time for groups to form now. This limits me to PvE play more than I want it to. Being in a guild doesn't help if few or none of your guildies are playing on the server where your main is located.




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The faction imbalance is a big deal, contrary to Zoellers statement. This is star wars. If this game wasnt based of that IP, but instead the factions had to simply stand on the quality of the story, animations, and appearance of the factions, I would wager that the imbalance would be MUCH greater.


What is BW going to do to try to close the coolness factor gap, reduced the imbalances, and inject the republics side with the kind of inspiration and enthusiasm they put into the Sith side.


I had more fun in the agent story line before I left DK than in the WHOLE consular storyline. In fact, both the knight and the consular story lines, which I have completed, are by FAR the worst stories in the game. I have ZERO desire to repeat them. They were painful. And I am a star wars fanatic.

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