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    New England
  • Interests
    gaming, fantasy, music, history, Lord of the Rings, Star wars
  1. Adding to the concern of the companions, what about your current player character? They refer to this as an "origin story" and that you won't need to play the original game- which has me concerned. I take it to mean that everything you did in the original game is meaningless. (Going against what they have said in the past) The choices you made, even the class storyline you picked. How do they keep the thread of all the past story lines going, if they are making everyone the same? The companions added to the individuality that made the game interesting for me. Now, what would be the difference between the Sith Warrior and Jedi or Smuggler? ( I'm guessing every character is going to be referred to as "Outlander" Not Wrath, or Captain) If everything before is irrelevant to the new, why would they bring back a companion like Scourge? The fan favorite thing was only mentioned as something that would happen later-not during the release. (Also makes it sound as though they are not actual companions. I fail to see them bringing anyone back in anything other than a cameo) If they are going to erase the past in order to make a new story, I would rather they just come out with a new game and leave these characters as they were.
  2. I can deal with the name change. Just tell me I didn't get stuck on the same server with little Mr. OP. Please.
  3. My mother, brother, (trying to get my sister to play!) and aunt all play together. We have a small guild with some RL friends.
  4. I agree. I love the idea of having some connection to the 'opposing faction.' I could never be (and was never) happy just seeing one side of the story. I used to want this sort of thing when I played WoW. If they do some...incentive to playing both factions, I think it would make things very interesting.
  5. I am REALLY looking forward to this! I don't mind that they pushed the date back...I would rather wait and have it be well done rather than rushed! There are so many things that made me happy but the mention of MINI PETS and appearance customization (I am SO hoping for new hair!!!!) made my day!!
  6. My understanding is..they DID have the option to kill companions in BETA but they removed it since....guess what.... So many people regretting killing them and complained that you couldn't get them back.... Hardly a 'fail' Damned if you do and damned if you don't I suppose ..........
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