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Everyone, Stephen's "secret stuff" comment was just a joke. The welcome and 1.2 preview were completed a little early, and the Guild Leaders are now headed to the studio to take a tour and have lunch. Once they're back at the Summit (2:00PM CST), the panels will resume. We aren't able to bring video equipment along during the studio tour, but you won't miss any panel discussions. Edited by AllisonBerryman
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Content- and feature wise 1.2 is looking awesome! :)


However, I'm also hoping for some serious optimization and performance tweaking of the game engine to make it into that patch. It's very much needed and a crucial thing to address IMO.



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Now I know I have been living under a rock, but seriously this whole conference thing just out of nothing. I was wondering when did they post this event was happening. I would of liked to attend but like I said been living under a rock. :D
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Everyone, Stephen's "secret stuff" comment was just a joke. The welcome and 1.2 preview were completed a little early, and the Guild Leaders are now headed to the studio to take a tour and have lunch. Once they're back at the Summit (2:00PM CST), the panels will resume. We aren't able to bring video equipment along during the studio tour, but you won't miss any panel discussions.


I want to see the wall of crazy! XD :cool:

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Now I know I have been living under a rock, but seriously this whole conference thing just out of nothing. I was wondering when did they post this event was happening. I would of liked to attend but like I said been living under a rock. :D


Think it's only Guild Leaders +1 (?) and were by invite only.

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I would love for a few *KEY* things to be fixed.... preferably BEFORE release... and also a few suggestions.






Commandos - Delay on their Mortar Volley ability is HORRIBLE.... and unacceptable... how does this not get fixed before release?


Shadow/Sage - Force Wave is "Instant" yet it takes a moment for the character to 'hop' and then execute the move. If you are knocked back at the same time (which happens OFTEN), your ability goes on cooldown - without it knocking back the other person...

-OR- you will execute the ability after the knockback and you recover...


This is funny but horrible because if I'm in huttball and I go to knock someone back... they knock me back ontop a fire panel - then my ability goes off that is "Instant" but I have to wait for the animation... and if it does that just as the flame jets come up... I can't move and I die waiting for the animation. This happened a couple times already.



Multiple players on the screen (PvP) - I have quite the top end system along with others, and in Warzones, if you have shadows on and you get into a skirmish with multiple people (10+) - there will be horrible lag/graphic stutter. The only way to slightly remedy this is to turn Shadows off. This doesn't occur in Operations at all (although I havent done 16 player Ops yet).



Enemy Positioning - For those who tank understand this... the pathing on the mobs while tanking is TERRIBLE - mobs will spin around in a circle, not face properly, etc. Yes I've seen worse, but most MMO's are a lot better. When you have 'front/cone' attacks and you have to position the monster a specific way, but because thats EXTREMELY difficult cause it seems only a very small/direct part of the monster is considered the 'true' front, and that makes it difficult to 'square up' the enemy in a good position for its back to be to the raid group. This is extremely noticeable on the first boss in Karragga's Palace.







Pazaak Tables - Originally in ToR, would be great to have these in Cantinas to gamble on and pass the time. Even better if you can play against other players.


Seating - Not an RP person, but would love to see characters able to actually sit in the chairs in the cantina... maybe they'd get some use then!


Speeder Races - Original ToR had them - some type of event scheduled or otherwise that players could participate in.


Co-op Space Missions - Gunners and a pilot (although this would require more 'free-roaming' space missions))... Although maybe a little complex, the Space Combat in SW Galaxies was far superior to any type of MMO that I experienced - you could free ride in space, go in your ship, with your party, have them man the guns, and also control the ship while they gunned. It was brilliant. Since we are with Star Fox in ToR (which is a lot of fun, but different) would be nice to implement some Multiplayer functionality in there.


Reputations/Factions - This would be tough to add now, but if there were factions that we could earn favor with.





And finally, the mother of all suggestions, that will probably never see the light of day...


Light Side & Dark Side abilities - Rather than having the Force Lightning just be for the "Sith" and Telekinetic Throw be for "Jedi" - have the abilities change upon a certain point of 'Dark" skills being obtained. Naming the abilities would prove to be difficult, but it would be a little bit cooler for the whole 'light/dark' side.


Then you could eliminate impractical abilities like the Trooper Charge (makes more sense on the Bounty Hunter), the buggy Mortar Volley, and the 96 'resources' from their ammo instead of an even 100 like the BH gets.


Currently, we can get some crappy items off a vendor and then a Speeder. Other than that, there's not much incentive to go one way or the other.






Wall of text... probably a mistake to post here, but hopefully it gets seen.

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Everyone, Stephen's "secret stuff" comment was just a joke. The welcome and 1.2 preview were completed a little early, and the Guild Leaders are now headed to the studio to take a tour and have lunch. Once they're back at the Summit (2:00PM CST), the panels will resume. We aren't able to bring video equipment along during the studio tour, but you won't miss any panel discussions.


That you have to tell people that was a joke speaks volumes about this forum community and the amount of tinfoil must be being used to make hats.

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That you have to tell people that was a joke speaks volumes about this forum community and the amount of tinfoil must be being used to make hats.


On a bright note, tinfoil manufacturers around the globe have seen a substantial increase in profits since the release of SWTOR.



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Everyone, Stephen's "secret stuff" comment was just a joke. The welcome and 1.2 preview were completed a little early, and the Guild Leaders are now headed to the studio to take a tour and have lunch. [...]


"Lunch", eh? Well, we all know that at lunch is usually where all the juicy details are spilled, so...


j/k :p


Thanks for the info, much appreciated! :)



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There is no 10:30-11:00 discussion. It seemed to me like they skipped the 10:00 Intros and just went into the presentation. Because that is definitely what we saw. State of the Game and Game Update 1.2 Presentation. It didn't take the full half hour it was scheduled for but that is to be expected.


Yeah, the agenda has been changed, I guess they realized it was going to take longer for the tour and lunch than they planned. We got the 10:00-10:30 presentation in about 5 minutes, then the 10:30 presentation in about 17 minutes and they split for lunch.


Well the 4 hours for this afternoon looks juicy. Will they be leaving the stream on for the Q&A session that begins at 6:00PM CST?




For those that missed it, they basically showed a 1.2 game trailer that showed some brief cinematic sequences from the new Warzone: Novare Coast, a new Operation: Explosive Conflict, and a new Flashpoint: Lost Island.


Then it had a bit about the Legacy system, with legacy character unlocks, special ability unlocks, playable species unlocks. It also showed a nifty little Legacy family tree UI that showed them moving around characters on the tree by dragging and dropping from one branch to the other.


Had a bit about Guild banks, ranked warzones, pets, a sweet UI customization clip that showed being able to resize elements and then slide them around (even the ability bars) where you wanted them on the screen.


Then it had a montage at the end that showed a number of things, including the lightsaber crystals, crew skill updates, lots of polish bug fixes, removable PVP mods, and a few others I didn't see.

Edited by Kubernetic
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Just saw the introduction here at the Summit.


If 1.2 included a new planet and level cap increase, I'd call it a full-fledged expansion pack. There's that much new stuff.


1.2 does include a new planet I believe.


No lvl cap increase, though.

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Anyone have a bullet point rundown of what has been mentioned? This whole being at work thing sucks. Damn my need to feed, clothe and house myself!


Nicou made the following compilation-thread on the summit which may be of interest to you:


Informations from Guild Summit, gathering [05/01/2012]


EDIT: Look under the "Informations" category, there you'll find a list of things mentioned.



Edited by ShavedEwok
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1.2 does include a new planet I believe.


No lvl cap increase, though.


It is not really a new planet like Tatooine or Hoth. It is an instance based planet specifically for the new Flashpoint, Operation and Warzone. So I would not expect a free-roaming planet.

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