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No more color restrictions on crystals ?! Really ?


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I will be very disappointed if red becomes available to light and green and blue to dark. Regardless of some of the arguments based on "EU" material that I've read on these forums, these color to alignment restrictions ARE iconic and frankly I think the game will become silly if they take this step.


There is nothing preventing either faction from gaining these colors...it is an alignment issue. That is enough of a means for either side to access the other's crystals. Removing all alignment restrictions for these colors is really weak on Bioware's part...and if they don't have the confidence to put their foot down and control their own game this early, it doesn't bode well for the future IMO.


Your "Iconic" argument got shot out the window according to George before the game even launched.


The skywalker must really be falling for you if all it takes is a colored sabre restriction being lifted. I'd say BW is doing a fine job of controlling their own game- you just dont care for the decision(s).

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Color crystal restriction.


Staying true to lore/canon.


Seriously, who cares? I can't believe some people are getting so worked up about lifting restrictions. Much ado about nothing.


Franchise canon is all well and good but in reality, Star Wars is a massive universe that is now nearly 4 decades old. During this period, new materials are being added to its lore regularly, often times even contradicting previously established "canon". In other words, it is evolving and changing all the time, despite the objections coming from the purist camp.


Better for BW to just lift the restrictions and avoid that pointless discussion with purists entirely.

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This isn't about pleasing people. It is about destroying one of the iconic visual aspects of Star Wars so some people can play with colors on their weapons. It is idiotic and frankly EXTREMELY disappointing.


This isn't a movie or a book.


You aren't intimately familiar with another player's alignment when randomly crossing paths with them, anyways.


Since the colors are alignment locked rather than faction locked, you're already able to see people dressed in black from head to toe carrying blue and green sabers or others dressed in earth tones carrying red.


Others have pointed out many similar situations with popular Sith lords using "traditionally Jedi-only" colors in lore.


I really don't see how this improves or diminishes the "iconic visual aspects" from where we already are.


But please, go on being hyperbolic about it.

Edited by Syylara
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Did it ever ocurr to any of you that maybe, just maybe, they are doing this change to remove one of several factors as to why there tend to be facton imbalances on servers???


Sure, you can move your light/dark to overcome limitations, but if it causes you to go against your own personal role play logic as you play a character, then you face faction choice to gain access to a particular color.


People complain about faction imbalances, and one thing often sighted is character gear. Actually, people complain about EVERYTHING, but thats a different topic. :p


Personally, I don't care because on both factions I always use yelllow crystals on all of my characters. My personal preference.


Let people have more choices in gear access in this game. Personally, I don't feel they should flip the graphics on faction gear that is not class specific. Let one faction wear another factions non-class specific gear with the opposite faction textures IMO. If they take the time and effort to aquire the gear and move it across faction through the neutral GTN, more power to them. It also generates additional economy channels in the game. But for PvP I can see why some might not like this. Still, it gives players more freedom to play their character how they want to in terms of appearance.

Edited by Andryah
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Seeing as there are four classes in the game that aren't force users, should the crystals still be faction based for their ranged weapons? make it light side/dark side then and not faction based. also, why am i gaining light/dark points on a non force user? if the OP wants to cry foul about sticking with the lore to the letter, then this needs to be changed as well.
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If the crystals were only for lightsaber color, then there might be a point to restricting them.


However, color crystals are also used in blasters. In the entire OT, we never see a blaster fire anything but a red bolt (except for the laser canons and turbolasers on Imperial ships.)


Similarly, lightsaber color was never restricted by alignment. Vader activated Luke's green lightsaber with no problem. General Greivous used green and blue lightsabers with no problem. Darth Vader used his blue lightsaber with no problem (and even at one point during his duel with Obi-Wan, they wound up switching sabers briefly. It was largely cut from the final film, but if you look closely, when Anakin is lying on the table, you can see Obi-Wan holding Anakin's lightsaber and Anakin holding Obi-Wan's.)


And that's just for lightsabers. Let's not forget all the thousands of light-side characters who use red blasters, and the millions of clone troopers who still fired blue bolts from their DC-15s.


The only restriction that would make sense would be to limit it by faction, not Light/Dark alignment. But even that doesn't really make sense.


And to finally torpedo the OPs argument, if you came to play a Star Wars game, and the color crystal alignment "breaks your immersion". . . what about all the Sith Lords carrying green lightsabers, because the nonsensical alignment restrictions leave them no choice?

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I will be very disappointed if red becomes available to light and green and blue to dark. Regardless of some of the arguments based on "EU" material that I've read on these forums, these color to alignment restrictions ARE iconic and frankly I think the game will become silly if they take this step.


There is nothing preventing either faction from gaining these colors...it is an alignment issue. That is enough of a means for either side to access the other's crystals. Removing all alignment restrictions for these colors is really weak on Bioware's part...and if they don't have the confidence to put their foot down and control their own game this early, it doesn't bode well for the future IMO.


You do realize that SWTOR is in the EU, right? Also even George Lucas said that the color was nothing more then a preference of the user, and that the color held no significance.


Getting rid of the restrictions actually brings it in line with the Lore and with how George Lucas envisioned it.

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I will be very disappointed if red becomes available to light and green and blue to dark. Regardless of some of the arguments based on "EU" material that I've read on these forums, these color to alignment restrictions ARE iconic and frankly I think the game will become silly if they take this step.


There is nothing preventing either faction from gaining these colors...it is an alignment issue. That is enough of a means for either side to access the other's crystals. Removing all alignment restrictions for these colors is really weak on Bioware's part...and if they don't have the confidence to put their foot down and control their own game this early, it doesn't bode well for the future IMO.


So regardless of what evidence has been provided supporting the removal of restrictions, you don't want them removed because "You" think the game will become silly?


Where is the outrage over Jedi wearing Armor? None of that happened in the original Movies, but here we are. How is it possible? Check EU.




Jedi and Sith use different color blades all the time. This isn't opinion, this is fact. Most Sith use Red, most Jedi use Green/Blue. Most != all.


Its good that Bioware actually listened to the playerbase on this. I'm not one to sing their praises but when they do something right I will openly admit it.

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So regardless of what evidence has been provided supporting the removal of restrictions, you don't want them removed because "You" think the game will become silly?


Where is the outrage over Jedi wearing Armor? None of that happened in the original Movies, but here we are. How is it possible? Check EU.




Jedi and Sith use different color blades all the time. This isn't opinion, this is fact. Most Sith use Red, most Jedi use Green/Blue. Most != all.


Its good that Bioware actually listened to the playerbase on this. I'm not one to sing their praises but when they do something right I will openly admit it.


Actually, they did wear some armor during the clone wars.

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Um, how would BioWare be changing something some people assumes is iconic to the Star Wars Universe when Exar Kun, Leia, Darth Krayt, etc all say otherwise and they weren't created by BioWare


This a thousand times this. Go back a read the full post on the front page of this thread.


For an example from the movies, as already pointed out, Anakin does not use a red lightsaber after he obviously goes dark side in Ep III. He uses a blue lightsaber to murder children as soon as he turns (surely a big dark side point gain), and then still uses it in the final battle of the movie. I'm too lazy to look up a clip that doesn't have heavy metal in it, but you can see that here:




Keep in mind that he had murdered an entire village of sand people and beheaded count Dooku in cold blood in addition to killing (at the least) dozens of children by then as well. He was definitely Darkside according to this game's alignment system by then.


Further, this is an Old Republic game. There was no restriction on saber color according to alignment in either of the Knights of the Old Republic games. You know, the games that set up the time period we are playing in.


Finally, what the hell sense does it make that a gun or lightsaber would stop working because you have been too nice or screwed over too many people? A non force user can turn on a light saber even in canonical fiction (for an example of this see the Episode of Clone Wars where Ashoka gets her lightsaber stolen):




They are just pieces of technology. If you know how to use them they work, just like a modern handgun.


All in all, everyone ************ about this because they think it "conflicts with the lore" doesn't really know that lore very well.

Edited by Yeebo
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I barely post but since most people who post are here to complain about things, I'll do the same.


My current state right now


I am playing a Star Wars game and one thing that was iconic to the franchise is definitely the color of crystals tied to the alignment of its user.

Whether it is actually a restriction in the lore of Star Wars or not, doesn't matter.

What matters is that it is how it is, and all haters have now managed to make Bioware change it.


Couldn't you just go along with it ? It's been like this for YEARS in Star Wars and just because some kids don't like it "oh noes y me no haz red lightsaber???", Bioware is changing something iconic to the serie.


Now, what is done is done and I am not going to go on a crusade like some of you did to change it back.


Bioware, you were doing a great job and are still doing the great job. I will likely continue to play this game. However, please don't cave in to whatever stupid requests your community has. You are the developer, with experience in studying, designing and developing games. I trust your judgment and the community should as well.


My favorite thing about this game was that not everything was for every character. Now in one swoop you have removed that. What's next, a jedi can use a scattergun? Come on leave the crystals alone.

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The previous system made gazillions of dark leaning jedi unable to use blue or green sabers. Considering some peoples belief that red is automaticly evil, it really didnt make sense for thousands of jedi to be running around waving the equivilant of a sign saying "Look at me! Im evil!" or for a light leaning sith being forced to run around with a weapon that says "look at me! im a nice guy!".


Furthermore my lightside vangaurd wants to fire red bolts. If the "good guy" rebel alliance is allowed to shoot exlusively red lazors the why the hell am i not allowed to. The lazor that the death star fired was green, i wasnt aware that it was a light side weapon.

Edited by TheBentOne
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Though options are always nice, I will be sad to lose some of the uniqueness I have gained on some of my characters by mixing light/dark colors on a few of my toons. It was always fun to watch folks do a double-take on my smuggler having a both red and a blue pistol for instance.


Guess the only reason to go light or dark now is the sith corruption effect.

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Really? Was it on the scale that it is now? Not being sarcastic just genuinely curious.


Yeah, Obi-Wan's armor during the Tartakovsky CW series was essentially clone trooper body armor with Jedi robes attached onto it. Really close to the Primeval Paragon's set actually. (For a while I was sporting that set with a matching trooper's helm that I had put Jedi mods into. It was pretty sweet.)

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Good try, and good point. But you have to remember how spoiled todays generation is. It's the Me Generation, the "Occupy Bioware" Generation. The spoilt little brat generation. If they don't get what they want, no matter how rediculous it is, then there is no end to what they will do.


I guess the color of a lightsaber crystal is the least of our worries to be honest with you. It's scary to imagine them in charge of something.


Back in my day people just did what they're told and liked it. If cocacola said jump, we said how high! These spoiled ugly spiteful hateful neglectful ruinous young people, how are you s'pose to get things done when your too busy "caring" about things.


I mean look at this video:



This was my generation, see how we never asked for anything because we knew entitlement was the worst possible character trait anyone could ever have and that it's the greatest sin committed by man since the original fall!


Bah humbug grumble grumble, youth!

Edited by areto
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I find it absolutely marvelous that some people are totally dismissive of the EU and claim the movies are the only lore that matters, while discussing changes to a game that s entirely based on and set in the EU


It is truly hilarious.

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I find it absolutely marvelous that some people are totally dismissive of the EU and claim the movies are the only lore that matters, while discussing changes to a game that s entirely based on and set in the EU


It is truly hilarious.



I follow my own rules for Lore.


Basically, EU is fine, but Star Wars ends at the end of ROTJ. Why? Because the post Jedi EU is god awful. Clone emperors? Luke turning to the dark side and back? Yughzong whatever?


Whereas the stuff before, like old republic and what occurs between episodes 3 and 4, is actually at least sort of cool.


Maybe it isn't "canon", but I just pretend there are no records of what happened after Jedi lol. I assume Luke started a school and returned the Jedi order to prominence, but that is all.

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Having more choices in a game is great. Why would you want to limit people's enjoyment because you think you should? Color of saber is personal choice in Expanded Universe and this game is Expanded Universe.
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