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How do you kill healers?


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I wonder if people realize that if healers get nerved then... the people healing you will get nerved too. So just because you can't kill us 1v1 you get all upset??? That also means our dps can't kill your healers 1v1. So it balances out. Since I'm a healer, I'm not gonna tell you how to kill me, but believe me when I say a good player, that knows what to do, can take me down. Of course it takes time, just like it will take time to kill a tank. But yet I don't see the thread about nerfing tank classes because they are hard to kill.
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Okay I gotta ask, *** is this double tap thing I keep hearing about that sorcs can do and that is apparently being fixed the next patch. I've heard it mentioned before, never payed much attention to it until more and more talk about it. I should say what exactly is the mechanic involved in doing what ever it is?
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I personally haven't played a Jug AC, but I can say this: Most people fail to realize that even if you dont KILL the healer you can still take him out of the fight. Forcing him to heal himself and not his teammates is nearly as good as killing him.


For most healers though, just ignore the little weakass 1.5 sec cast. It doesnt heal for enough to outpace most DPS. Just focus on stopping the 3sec heal (usually talented for less of course) and the channel heal (if they have one). Those are the bread and butter heals that most healers depend on to keep people/themselves alive.

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But I am sure there are good players out there who somewhat agree that killing geared out healers can prove difficult.


I am not one of the best on my server, but i do more damage than the average player on my server. I often have the same problem as you do even when i burn all my CD's. I have a Scoundrel and i have trouble taking down healers quite often. If i land crits back to back i can SOMETIMES/RARELY solo healers. Besides healers being at half hp when i open up on them or having someone else with me, i can't really solo a healer. So i know what you mean. The problem i have though, which you don't because you use a different system, is that i run out of energy before i can out dps their heals.


Flip side of this arugement though, if they are constantly having to heal themselves, they aren't healing others. :cool:

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What you people fail to realize is that these Healers are not killing YOU, and they are NOT healing their team while you are focusing on them--because they are too busy keeping themselves alive.


If every healer could be solo killed, who would play them?.....They'd have no chance of killing you, no chance of saving themselves and no chance of keeping anyone else alive either if you could just out-DPS their heals.


I don't know why DPS classes always think they have some right to be able to solo kill anything that moves.




It's a MULTIPLAYER Game, use a teammate if you want to kill the Healer...or...just keep harassing him to help your team by preventing him from helping his.


If you want to solo....go buy a single player game and solo to your hearts content.


Leave healers alone they are fine...some even need a boost for the PvE side of the game.

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I must agree with most people here. I play as Operative and I ALWAYS go for healers.


1. Don't stun/lock him. It's working for every other classes but if you stun/lock healer he will start heling himself right after he is free and you have NO WAY to stop him.


2. Use your stuns. You have interrupt on relatively short cooldown, flashbank (useless in fight because it break from damage but nice to interrupt) you have stun-knife (don't remember name) and 1,5s stun from hidden strike if needed. So damage him as much as you can and interrupt his heals.


3. Then he have two choices. He will heal his friends and then he will die or he will heal others and when they die - he will die.


4. He have a chance ONLY if your team sux and they can't kill enemy. Usually it's possible when your team have no healer. And I'm afraid to say that Empire don't have much healers :/

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As anni marauder:healing debuff->interrupt->next heal->force choke->next heal->interrupt->next heal->charge->next heal->interrupt....all they while i keep dots on him and use some nukes...healer dead.Healing merc is different story tho.
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You know if you are in a wz, it is accually better to not kill em but instead make sure the only one they are healing is themselves. If you kill them, they just respawn and are back into the fight in less than 30 sec. If you dont and can keep them at low health ,then that keeps them out of the game a lot longer. ofcourse most WZ on my server has 1 healer if we are lucky so milage may vary
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Okay I gotta ask, *** is this double tap thing I keep hearing about that sorcs can do and that is apparently being fixed the next patch. I've heard it mentioned before, never payed much attention to it until more and more talk about it. I should say what exactly is the mechanic involved in doing what ever it is?


Their instant hot gives them a buff that reduces the cast time of their 2.5s heal by 1 second, if they spam the heal they can get 2 off at 1.5 seconds. Which is a 4.5k+ crit heal in good gear with trauma. Which basically means if you interrupt their channeled heal (as you generally should) they can still do some massive burst heals (which they shouldn't).

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Quick answer: You don't.

Longer answer: As a Guardian I'm already at a disadvantage, but here's what I found works to at least keep them busy.

1st Don't spam your attacks or any CC ability at all. Be patient

2nd Without a doubt the most important thing is to get familar with the different heals.

Those little heals are pointless to interupt, you can out DPS those things and they have to use force to cast them. Let those go.

3rd Do not use your force leap to close on them. Just ride through the halestorm to run to them.


After that:-

1st interupt is kick.

2nd is force push (because kick is still on cooldown).

3rd is force leap. This one is tricky... You need to be patient and wait for them to start a heal again. Good healers will without a doubt close on you at this point, getting inside your leap range before they cast. You just have to be prepared for this.

4th is kick again.

5th is Awe. Again, a tricky one. You must hit them as soon as kick is back off cooldown (don't want to fill that resolve bar back up).

6th is kick again.

7th is force hold. Move straight away so as not to build resolve.

8th is kick

9th... well hope you killed them, cos you're all outa interupts. If they are smart they'll cast a big heal now, if not, you might have a chance.


This is for sorcs and sages. The rest really are just a hit them as hard as you can as often.

If you feel you have the chance you can throw in a DoT or a slow in there.

Unless you are absolutely sure you can get it off (because of GCD) try not to sweep often.

I can't over state the importance of staying calm and patient and NOT EVER just spamming attacks. You'll find yourself in GCD as they cast a chanelled heal and that just makes your tough job even harder.


Anyway that was way longer than I intended. Congrats if you got to the end.

Also I'm sure others have better/different ways and will say how dumb my way is. Maybe they're right or not. Try things out for yourself.:D

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This dont work against Sawbones, why everybody think only sage and mercs can heal dont forget the Scoundrel and ops they have 3 instant heals.


I actually did say for sorcs and sages only. The rest I hit as hard as I can or run away.:)

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You don't. Get a friend.


BM Guildmate (Assault Vanguard) was battling his favorite Empire Sorc healer on Ilum. They just battled for minutes, then WZ popped, there they continued, then WZ was over, they continued to battle on Ilum, then WZ popped...


This went on for an hour. Guess what, on Ilum noone could win against the other.

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this is how i kill healers:


Crit/Surge Relic, Power Adrenal, Full Auto, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Demolition Round, High Impact Bolt, Full Auto


Sometimes I might have to do one more Grav Round, but usually they are dead after 2nd Full Auto

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I find the sith jugg rage build to be the only effective build for juggs to take down healers fast enough, its all about the timing.

I can take down most healers solo but with that said its not that easy since some healers are really a menace to kill.

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You aren't supposed to kill a healer.


In a group setting, you pressure the healer and force a choice between the healer's life and his/her allies'.


In a solo setting, you should never engage a healer. Healers shouldn't be able to be taken down 1v1.

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You aren't supposed to kill a healer.


In a group setting, you pressure the healer and force a choice between the healer's life and his/her allies'.


In a solo setting, you should never engage a healer. Healers shouldn't be able to be taken down 1v1.


Pretty much this.


And equally skilled healer shouldn't die against an equally skilled dps. The fight should just go on forever.


If a healer can't kill you, then you shouldn't be able to kill a healer 1v1.


A lot of people have the misconception that you should be able to kill a healer 1v1. If this was true than the healer should be able to kill you as well.


If things are "equal" and "balanced"...if a healer can't kill you, you shouldn't be able to kill them either.

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someone said it earlier in another thread


its because there is no burst classes in this game, therefore no threat from anyone 1v1 besides smash juggs geared to the teeth


you literally need to have 2 or 3 dps cycling interrupts/ccs to get the job done..it gets kind of comical at times.

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