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[NEW] Combat Log, 3rd Party parser add-ons - New Interview with Gabe Amatangelo


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That's correct, and they haven't provided any clarification otherwise... but this interview just came out, and the guild summit starts next week ;) I'm 100% positive it will be asked!


I'm just happy that they're cracking the door open for 3rd party add-ons of any sort.


He didn't say anything about "add-ons", what he did say was third party tools, which could exist right now if there was some data to look at.

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Does anyone else find the addition of a starter PvP set unnecessary? Centurian is already really easy to get, not much better and in some cases worse in stats (ignoring expertise) side by side with 47 & 49/50 auctionable purples/moddables.


I think it is more of a starter set of gear so that those fresh lvl 50 with no pvp gear will not be constantly getting totally destroyed until they get to a point of having a decent amount of expertise to survive longer.


Generally speaking, a fresh 50 will get destroyed by a fully geared pvp player. They want to make it less of a gap. Personally, I'd rather they remove expertise altogether and simply make it based on the skill and ability of the player.

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But what about the doom and gloom? surely those that say the sky is falling are correct in that assumption....right?


I mean how can they be implementing these things people are asking for if they are not listening and ignoring their playerbase... magic maybe?

Edited by BlackZoback
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He didn't say anything about "add-ons", what he did say was third party tools, which could exist right now if there was some data to look at.


It would be exponentially more difficult without API access, which doesn't exist now either. So no, even if the data was displayed right now, third party tools would not likely exist.

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It would be exponentially more difficult without API access, which doesn't exist now either. So no, even if the data was displayed right now, third party tools would not likely exist.


That's actually false.


See ACT - all they need is the ability to save a Combat Log Parse to a text (.log) file and people will go from there.

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It would be exponentially more difficult without API access, which doesn't exist now either. So no, even if the data was displayed right now, third party tools would not likely exist.


Parsers just need a file generated by the game, no need to deal with an API at all. These third party tools he was talking about work outside the game, not like add-ons that work inside the game.

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Combat Log will open the Pandora's Box.


Now we will exactly know how broken different classes/ACs are wrt each other.


BW, prepare to be slammed with class balance related QQs.


God forbid we and they try to improve the game right?

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Parsers just need a file generated by the game, no need to deal with an API at all. These third party tools he was talking about work outside the game, not like add-ons that work inside the game.


And if they actually listened to the interview they'd realize he specifically stated they were NOT ingame meters, they were tools that worked outside the game.


Ingame meters were mentioned as coming, if at all, sometime after 1.2.

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It would be exponentially more difficult without API access, which doesn't exist now either. So no, even if the data was displayed right now, third party tools would not likely exist.

You have absolutely no need for API access for an out of game Tool. You are looking at skill(s) damage versus time.

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God forbid we and they try to improve the game right?


I actually welcome the change. It's something I have begging them for for ages now.


However, you can't deny how much more QQ these forums will be flooded with once the carebears realize how bad they are because of the meters.

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I actually welcome the change. It's something I have begging them for for ages now.


However, you can't deny how much more QQ these forums will be flooded with once the carebears realize how bad they are because of the meters.


I agree. But I'm thrilled bioware isn't listening to the scrubs who have no idea what's good for a game. The people who want to be ignorant and happy, so everyone else should be ignorant as well.

Edited by Wazooty
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So what?


No really, so what?


Let the DPS meters come, then I'll know the people tht i really want to group with...and it wont be the kid spamming Recount after every single pull, or the raid leader screaming in vent due to .02 less DPS.


Dear Zod! I'm so happy I picked an RP server. :jawa_angel:


Tbh, I've never, ever been in a situation in other games were that happened. probably because the majority of the time I was grouping with RL friends or with guild members.


In my opinion, it is Bioware's responsibility to give us the tools we need, and it is the players responsibility to use them wisely. If people are in a hardcore raid group and the raid leader is screaming about dps and using combat logs for evidence, then I think people need to ask if that much progress in a raid is actually worth it. Only they can answer that question themselves.


Contrary to what some may believe, add-ons like Recount are not the work of the devil.


It's like Charlton Heston once said, "Guns don't kill people......APES with guns kill people."

(yes, I know he didn't really say that, Robin Williams just pretended he did).

Edited by Tarka
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really, no cross-server even on 1.2? My rep side cant complete 1 f. wz (80% of time its 6ppl on it) and then they'll divide it...


i was thinking this too...my server never has more than a dozen people queued for pvp.


hopefully everyone will naturally gravitate to either Regular games or Ranked games.

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Combat log will probably be a text output to a text file. 'Third party' mod to monitor your dps would then be nothing more complicated than a realtime text file monitor with simple arithmetic tools to give personal totals, average dps, etc. It's no indication of any ingame mods or anything more gamechanging than that, and no access or info on game code would be required
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Soon as DPS meters and cross server land I am a memory. I have no desire to see this game turned into another elitist jerk fest joke like WoW. Of course we all know just how well it's doing right now! Let’s copy the sinking ship….good plan, guess Tortanic really does fit! I cannot wait for GW2 to land! Edited by VladMorbius
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Soon as DPS meters and cross server land I am a memory. I have no desire to see this game turned into another elitist jerk fest joke like WoW. Of course we all know just how well it's doing right now! Let’s copy the sinking ship….good plan, guess Tortanic really does fit! I cannot wait for GW2 to land!


Are you going to quit GW2 when they put in combat logs/meters?

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