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Vanguard/Powertech Most OP class in the game


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This isn't really up for debate. Any rational person will admit Pyro damage is out of control in PvP. This burst is absolutely and utterly retarded. I have had back to back 4500-5k crits on me in full champ gear. A BM Pyro-Powertech is nearly impossible to kill and can burst someone dead within a few globals.


Anyone that tries to pretend the burst doesn't needs to get toned down has no idea what they are talking about or are blatantly lying in hope devs don't notice the problem.


Yes our burst is strong. (PS: And the above is only applicable with adrenal/trinket/2min cooldown fuel)


But our survivability is near non-existant, our shield is only useful is used at the start of a fight, it won't save us from dying at all. Our 2k Hot over 10 secs is Lulz. And we have no way to get away from a character on us (no leap, no nothing). Also short stuns which again, won't help us get away.


We could be maras and have vanish and immunity.


Shadow/Assassin tanks don't get any extra defensive cooldowns, aside from Kinetic Ward, which is borderline useless in PvP.


Shroud makes us do zero damage to an assassin as all our stuff is tech related. (railshot isn't, but without the tech dot or stun we can't use it so that's null and void also)

Edited by exphryl
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I am calling ******** on this. You obviously haven't faced a BM one that has a freaking clue what to do.


There aren't many high end PTs because


a) most people rolled a force user

b) For the people who rolled BH, Merc sounded a lot more interesting ("state of the art weapons!" )


Don't be stupid.


L2P issue IMO.

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It should be pretty obvious to most with a couple of braincells that my main complaint is pyro. I even write excpicitly in the introduction post that storm is "(specced)", so even dummies should understand this...


When it comes to mortar volley I got this ability myself as a commando. With maxed out BM/Rakata + trinket/adrenal I easily crit 2,5k+ damage a tick, times 3 ticks. Thats up to 7,5k damage AoE. Powertechs can do the same, which is pretty insane considering their tanky nature, and that they actually are mobile.


Lol really?!


You are complaining about the same thing your commando has and even saying we do the same damage but are mobile?


Ok first MV/DFA is just as immobile for vanguard and PT as 'mando/merc, duh. The tree you are complaining about dps wise is the shared tree, but you say is doesn't have as much synergy as gunnery. Well that's becuase gunnery is totally perfected for itself. But even so I think you're wrong, an assault commando can still pound out sick burst.


But must of all you're OP is just pathic because you are complaining about a 31/31/31. All the specs have obvious weaknesses. For instance the tanky specs, if you ran a medics spec you'd likely destroy them because they'll never burst near enough to stop you're heals, even with interupts.

Edited by MartyrLXXVII
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Most people fall back on situational or at best anecdotal evidence of Overpoweredness, like "OMG He just 2 shot me in this Huttball" or " 700k Voidstar ***?".


If you want some insight into how classes/specs do in real 1v1, dueling environments, tune into my stream this Saturday afternoon, as I will be broadcasting the Jung Ma PvP Fight Night tournament from my Operative.


In the last tournament(I took 4th) we had a full BM Pyrotech PT take 3rd. He beat me 2:1 in a very close match. His burst is insane, but then again most classes when Endgame geared have a spec that can do a lot of burst. All 3 of our fights came down to 2k or less HP on the winner.


After our fight, he lost 1:2 to a Marauder, who then lost 0:2 to the tournament winner, a Tank Assassin that has been undefeated 2 weeks in a row. If you want to complain about classes being OP'd in a duel or 1v1 fight, let me assure you there are bigger fish to fry.

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If it is so OP then play it. It seems you already play the two most OP/simple classes in the game.


Now that you deleted your Operative after the nerf you should have a character slot open.


If you think a powertech is doing great damage from range then I'm guessing you don't know what a powertech is. If a powertech is standing back trying to do ranged damage then they are a clueless player who thinks they are a merc.

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It should be pretty obvious to most with a couple of braincells that my main complaint is pyro. I even write excpicitly in the introduction post that storm is "(specced)", so even dummies should understand this...


When it comes to mortar volley I got this ability myself as a commando. With maxed out BM/Rakata + trinket/adrenal I easily crit 2,5k+ damage a tick, times 3 ticks. Thats up to 7,5k damage AoE. Powertechs can do the same, which is pretty insane considering their tanky nature, and that they actually are mobile.


You sound angry, and it's causing your argument to be perceived as a rant. Calm down, explain to the dummies why you feel pyro does too much burst.


You have to remember that your gear is top of the line, and that a vanguard may not sacrifice as much expertise to wear rakata due to having to face-tank more damage. His Aim stat will be lower. You also have to remember that you specialize to increase your Aim stat by a %. Pyro spec does not permit as many points to be placed here if any at all. So assuming that any and all troopers do the same damage with mortar is fallacious.


I have indeed seen a 2k crit from my Mortar with adrenal + relic; it was on a 12k HP sorc (I have to assume a fresh 50) and is not at all the normal damage this attack does. A vanguard has the same amount of mobility as you while channeling mortar, and I am failing to see how this is unbalanced for one trooper but not the other.


Similarly a pyro spec vanguard has the exact same mitigation (tankyness) as a commando, with one minor difference: they have no baseline heal or cleanses. Therefore one can argue that a commando is more survivable than a pyro vanguard.

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It was assassin on monday, now it's PT/Van. The nerf cycle is getting speed up, soon we'll be back to ops/scoundrel again.


On the first page alone you can find threads calling for nerfs to every class and 6 out of the 8 advanced classes. Missing are Sniper and Juggernaut, even though both have their own "favorite" war zone; Huttball being made specifically for the Juggernaut and Voidstar being the orbital bombardment capital of the universe.

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Yes it is.



- Most utility in the game (tied with sorc), ie. leap (specced) and pull (which in itself is insane),

- Most amounts of interrupts in the game.

- One of the toughest and arguably the toughest class in the game when it comes to defensive CDs and damage mitigation.

- Best AoE ability in the game

- Excellent ranged damage capabilities

- Excellent melee damage capabilities

- One of the best burst capabilities in the game as assault/pyro

- One of the highest sustainable DpS over time



- Umm.. None


I cant really see how a wellgeared PT/Van would be able to lose a duel EVER.


They should at least remove harpoon/grapple from the game. That would at least make Ilum remotely playable again, making it be about tactics, teamwork and postioning, and not only be about which blob got the most amount of PTs/Vans and are able to fish the fastest. Harpoon is the prime reason Ilum is broken atm.


Both Marauders and Assassins would destroy a PT. Snipers can also fight them on fairly even terms.

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I pulled this from another nerf PT thread and figured I would share it here since this seems to be the hot topic atm. First quoted is a typical uninformed poster, followed by my own post from experience.


Pyro-Powertechs. They are difficult to kill and their burst damage is absolutely insane. It is not uncommon to see them pull off back to back 5k crits. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen ~5k, 3500, ~5k + dot ticks in the course of three seconds.


As someone who plays a pyro PT I can tell you that isn't the case. I'm not much a fan of the champ gear stat priority but I am rocking full columi with 2/5 rakata. The MOST I've seen on a target with everything proc'd, that's explosive fuel, trinkets, and adrenals is 4.7 rail shot. Thermal detonator hurt but generally caps out somewhere between 3 to 3.5k damage. The damage of this class is respectable but no were near op. That being said, I've done nearly the same damage with my sorc and my pub commando. The damage output of dps classes is very well balanced when you look at it from multiple angles. The difference comes from the player either knowing how to react to things or falling on there face and getting crushed.


Some things I will add to my own comments.


First, I'd like to add a footnote to my original statement as looking a few more number I believe it will be possible to reach a 5k RS once my gear is maxed. This is by no means sustained but more a product of burst using all available trinkets and such.


Secondly, while I will say PT DPS is painful, sustaining any type of damage means maintain range. Given that little problem, it would make sense that in order to give this class a fair advantage some gap closers should be allowed. Obviously there are plenty of other classes in this game that have gap closers and/or escape moves. Ex, Sorc bust speed, warrior jumps, and op cloak. Anyways crying that the grapple is overpower is just so far fetched from my experience. It really comes down to knowledge of your own class and the counter class that you are fighting.

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Jebus, it seems that every single class in game is overpowered....oh wait silly me, its just delusional envy and lack of knowledge as usual.


There isnt a bad class in game and there isnt an OP one at all, theres a few tweaks needed here and there but balance is actually quite phenominal when you start to factor in a full class overview and stop scrabbling with nonsensical comparisons which have no bearing whatsoever.

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then your opinion is worthless and/or you are trolling


5k --> 3500 --> 5k in 3 seconds is not balanced.


(rs --> rp --> rs)


Your PT needs to get good and use his Thermal Detonator. Go ahead and squeeze in another 3.5k somewhere in the middle there; same 3 second time-span of course sense TD is preloaded.

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then your opinion is worthless and/or you are trolling


5k --> 3500 --> 5k in 3 seconds is not balanced.


(rs --> rp --> rs)




funny, i pull off that combo in full champ gear and if they all crit it only does 7k damage, unless im fighting a tank in which case they do....6k damage combined.


pyro PT damage is middle of the road at best, not horrible, but no where near the levels of ops or maras.. i have never, not even ONCE, been killed by a pt of any spec in under 20 seconds. in fact my 1v1 fights with pts usually last about a minute, sometimes more.


also, pts have the least amount of utility in the game. the only wz in which they are even remotely viable is huttball where gaurd/taunt is very useful (although juggs and assassins can bring that too with about 2x more utility, defensive CDs, escape tools, and better ball carriers to boot).

Edited by Ryotknife
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You've obviously never played one. You cant have everything you listed on one spec. If you want all the utility you give up damage and vise versa.


^What he said!


Either your a glass mega cannon or a low dps meat shield.


Everything revolves around your build and the opponent you face. Some days I hold my own in a WZ and other days I get melted like a nub.


PT is far from OP.

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My primary concern however is the assault/pyro tree.


It gives way too much dps compared to the beefyness/utility of this AC. A good pyro/assault will usually top any WZ in damage when you add in the immense AoE they can do. They usually are also left alone cause even in pyro/as. they take pitiful damage, and can just shrug of bursts with their CDs.


Uh what CDs? 25% less damage for 12 seconds? It's one of the weakest survivability CDs in the game. It is a TERRIBLE burst mitigator, worse than pretty much every other class's defensive CD for burst mitigation.

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Uh what CDs? 25% less damage for 12 seconds? It's one of the weakest survivability CDs in the game. It is a TERRIBLE burst mitigator, worse than pretty much every other class's defensive CD for burst mitigation.


Mitigation effects in this game are additive, so if you had 30% mitigation you now have 55% mitigation and that's actually very strong.

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Mitigation effects in this game are additive, so if you had 30% mitigation you now have 55% mitigation and that's actually very strong.


Hmm, you learn something every day. If true that should be corrected. It should reduce your damage by 25% after all other mitigation.


So you're saying when a tank PT with 50% mitigation pops their cooldown they're now taking half as much damage as they did before?


I haven't noticed nearly that much difference on my tank spec PT, but then I'm not 50 and my mitigation is in the 40s, not the 50s.

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