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Everything posted by MartyrLXXVII

  1. Actually no, the problem is everyone is fixated on how this are now. As I said, now things are fine. But come 1.2 that will change.
  2. The guy you quoted wasn't the best. I mean pyrotech and shield tech are different specs the AC is powertech. Anyway his point is that all SPECS are viable in hutball. The ones having the hardest time finding their home though are the sniper/gunslinger and dps Mercs/commandos, so what is their niche? Well as said many other times in other threads, they camp and control the middle with all that open area their ranged dps is killer. And that's just as important as running the ball because it denies the enemy the change to get the ball for a counter score while most of your team is at their goal line/pit. They are the first line of defense basically, and even of there isn't enough guarding mid to kill any wannabe carriers, then they can slow them down enough for the rest of the team to catch up. It's common sense, if you dont have the mobility powers then you focus on the part where mobility isn't needed.
  3. Yes yes, but not by 10-15%. I doubt it will be all that big of a nerf even if we didn't have the expertise change.
  4. Nope? Hmmm, nope... Interesting argument. It's impossible to say healing will not get a 10-15% buff thanks to expertise. Add that to the 10% from current expertise and we see the cancelation of trauma, which was a mechanic used to balance pvp healing. Healing now is balanced. Healing in 1.2 with top gear will not be.
  5. Hard to keep people up? Well yeah when they are focused of course. But to handle one or even two attackers isn't so bad for a good healer. I regular have pug healers doing that easily, for and against my team. Your lame example is two people getting high crits, rare occasion. So this is a bs post imo. ThY being said however I do think healing is pretty well balanced -as is-. Thing is, its not staying the same balance. Expertise is getting a BIG buff which translates into much better healing while damage and mitigation continue canceling each other out. So 1.2 has a high probability of upsetting the balance I honestly believe.
  6. Nah, accurately explaining game mechanics is just silly, everyone knows intuitively how things work of course. /sarcasm
  7. Yeah BW! I keep losing to these OP good players, pls break all their fingers. Nice thread though. While obviously not perfect, class balance in swtor is the one thing they have going for them.
  8. Obviously some people refuse to accept, of simply can't understand, that there is much more to hutball then the mobility and that all classes do indeed have effective roles. The same things have been repeated over and over and over but they will not listen.
  9. I just don't know how much expertise will be possible, it should be at least 25% from what I've seen. Other that I don't need to test. We know the reason trauma exists, I'd you have healing bonus close/equal/greater then trauma then its broken. That simple.
  10. Good point, which takes me back to something I haven't said in a while. Just completely remove resolve. It's a pathetically poorly implemented system. Just add an immunity to our breaker and maybe incorporate a couple more breakers (without immunity). Then the whole CC mini game is more skill related anyway instead of based on stupid resolve. That being said. If we have resolve then I think roots should be included.
  11. Lol a year from now they could change trauma. What sense does that make when trauma will be null and void 2 weeks after 1.2. Not only did they ease the diminishing return but almost doubled expertise on the pvp gear, so its not going to be hard to have 20%, I don't know of course bit thinking 30%+ should be quite attainable too. How about we focus on the hear and now instead of looking at the far distant future.
  12. I lean toward snares not being part of resolve as well, but not totally sure. But roots certainly should be.
  13. Assuming two roots would fill resolve, which it likely would not since they have lesser impact then stuns. Besides kiting does not mean standing still and destroying a melee that's rooted. Kiting is staying out of range with you movement.
  14. Fair poimt, but it still doesn't work based off just that. BWs sole reason for creating trauma was because healing was at such a high level to heal through bosses that is was -imbalanced- for pvp. Now with higher levels of expertise incoming we will be almost erasing trauma, if not completely so. So we have a stat significantly impacting something that its sole purpose was balancing healing, main stat is meaningless in that light.
  15. They are squishier because they do more damage, especially since not all melee are pure dps. But regardless. Which would you rather have, being stuck every time a melee charges/grapples/etc you or the chance to get away? Roots are cc that should be affected by cc. Beyond that, I'd rather have to kite a melee after kb'ing him then have no protection against offensive roots. Also what you argument does not account for is that your team should be helping the ranged, taunts, perks, heals, etc. Roost being affected by resolve will not break ranged classes.
  16. Actually in 1.2 the diminishing return on expertise is far lighter so having 20-25% expertise will be easy most likely. So the scalling is getting 'worse'. BTW, trauma is 30%, but if you have expertise that all but negates trauma then the point of it balancing pvp healing is completely lost, which is what we'll see in 1.2 unless they change it.
  17. Knew this was coming... Roots affect both ranged and melee equally. I charge/root you to beat on you. You kb/root me so I can't beat on you. So if they are part of resolve then you can still have a chance to kite a charger, same as melee can have a chance to continue the chase. It does not change the ranged/melee interaction. It does however prevent being perma rooted.
  18. Probably the biggest single factor that is the ultimate fail of swtor as a true mmo, especially for pvp... Terrible engine.
  19. "Enemy is unbeatable!" "Enemy is immortal!" The signs of a VERY bad team. Even more so when at the end noone even got 5 kills. It's such a simple concept and lost on SO many. Edit: that being said, with the 1.2 expertise changes I do expect healing to be OP for top tier healers.
  20. And if someone is in position to pull then they are in position to make a pass as well. So I fail to see so called "chained" pulls being an issue when the pass mechanic is only slightly different.
  21. Does of matter? Both a pointless stats so focusing on either is a joke. Like I.probably have a low k/d, but then I also do a lot of guarding and often die from guard damage because noone on my team is healing. Team objective based pvp invalidated these stats. But I will say damage is the most useless of all, thinking of aoe spamming for damage.
  22. Have to say... Generally fear my own team but not any AC. No class worries me if the team works, if the team does then I'm likely to get owned a lot regardless. True 1v1s are rare so don't think of terms like this.
  23. This post is complete BS, the only way my tank PT survives more then a few seconds vs a gunnery commando is if I'm in his face stunning and interrupting my little heart out. Granted doing that I can own him, but if for some reason I can't get at him them I'm dead in about 10 sec. On second thought this is probably a troll. :/
  24. The class balance is surprisingly good. However the rest of the pvp shows how little time/money they put into it. Limited options, failed ilum, large gear disparity and other itemization issues, and a poorly thought out reward system being the prime points. But I am still playing mainly because the balance is pretty good. But as far as overall fun factor, WAR PVP was much more fun then this, but WAR was designed as a PVP game, swtor was designed for PVE with PVP being quite honestly an after thought. But where they go from hear will be the key, because with the limited pvp options and amount of grind it gets boring fast each night. So they have their work cut out for themselves.
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