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What end game? Playing this game starting to feel like a chore.


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Been lvl 50 now for over a month and what am I supposed to do? Reroll another alt?


Already done that I have 4 from lvl 40 down to the lowest at lvl 17, on both factions.


I mean all I do now is do my Illum and Belsavis dailies for credits, the gear upgrades are useless. Then outside of daily hm runs. I no longer do them because I got gear that is above and beyond anything I can get out of a hm fp.


But after running huttball 5-10 times in a row I get sick of it and log on an alt, that guess what outside of class quests you get to do the same crap you did on previous toons. Even though they have full motion video, which is cool but in the end your replies dont affect the quest any. You got two choices you do it or you dont.


In a month I was in full Columni and now 3 of 5 in t-3 rakata. Even 2 of my pets are running in multiple pieces of rakata.


crap it took me months even years in other games to collect that much t-3 gear.


I usually quit when playing a game starts to feel like a chore, and this game feels like a chore already, that I pay $15 a month to do.


Another beef is all the instanced zones and the really small planet zones makes exploring lame and uninteresting, especially with all the exhaustion zones.




Guild Wars here I come.

Edited by Sith_Mauler
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It's because this game wasn't a chore you became bored so rapidly, btw.


no think this mmo was designed for the fable 3 or facebook button clicking crowd.


really within 2 months of launch I have done all the content, that is sad.


and I only play 2-3 hours a day due to working fulltime and being a 3rd year pysch major.

somedays I dont even get to play, hell there was a 10 day break where I was traveling that I didnt play.

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Iam at the same place you are. I logged in lastnight for the first time in weeks, the graphics seems prettier but everything else was still boring, nothing to keep you involved. I have multiple alts on both sides and logging in to all of them was just boring.
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What do you expect OP? It's a theme park MMORPG and you've taken all the rides. We live in a day and time where most people play an MMO for a few months and then move on to the next big thing. They only come back for new content releases on occasion if they had fun. It is what it is.


Theme park modeled games are notoriously bad for "end game" content. Sand box MMO's get around the issue by making the whole experience "end game" but they have their own issues too. Such games typically have longer appeal if you can get into their play style though.

Edited by SDFX
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Been lvl 50 now for over a month and what am I supposed to do? Reroll another alt?


Already done that I have 4 from lvl 40 down to the lowest at lvl 17, on both factions.


I mean all I do now is do my Illum and Belsavis dailies for credits, the gear upgrades are useless. Then outside of daily hm runs. I no longer do them because I got gear that is above and beyond anything I can get out of a hm fp.


But after running huttball 5-10 times in a row I get sick of it and log on an alt, that guess what outside of class quests you get to do the same crap you did on previous toons. Even though they have full motion video, which is cool but in the end your replies dont affect the quest any. You got two choices you do it or you dont.


In a month I was in full Columni and now 3 of 5 in t-3 rakata. Even 2 of my pets are running in multiple pieces of rakata.


crap it took me months even years in other games to collect that much t-3 gear.


I usually quit when playing a game starts to feel like a chore, and this game feels like a chore already, that I pay $15 a month to do.


Another beef is all the instanced zones and the really small planet zones makes exploring lame and uninteresting, especially with all the exhaustion zones.




Guild Wars here I come.


You do realize that its like this in every MMO right? I felt like that a month into t11 and t12 in WoW. This game has just as much to do at Endgame as anything out there right now honestly. Perhaps you are burned out of the Genre....Alting is supposed to be a supported gamestyle in this game (and many MMOs...They are one way of keeping the game alive). Sure the quests are similar but you're also supposed to want to participate in the story. That's a Bioware Trademark system in every game they do now. I for one have done Dromound Kaas 4 times and love hearing what my different characters say in different situations. I've also rolled a Gunslinger to experience Rep side. I'm on Taris with him.

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its got endgame, some of it may not be to your taste but its there all the same. personally since hitting 50 last year i was doing PvE and clearing raids doing dailies etc now im doing PvP gearing, testing different specs and also doing the achievements at about 350 atm going though planet by planet.


ofc some may not like to bother with achievements cause only you see them so u cant brag about it, and stroke there epeen. personally i dont mind running around exploring.

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Been lvl 50 now for over a month and what am I supposed to do? Reroll another alt?


Already done that I have 4 from lvl 40 down to the lowest at lvl 17, on both factions.


I mean all I do now is do my Illum and Belsavis dailies for credits, the gear upgrades are useless. Then outside of daily hm runs. I no longer do them because I got gear that is above and beyond anything I can get out of a hm fp.


But after running huttball 5-10 times in a row I get sick of it and log on an alt, that guess what outside of class quests you get to do the same crap you did on previous toons. Even though they have full motion video, which is cool but in the end your replies dont affect the quest any. You got two choices you do it or you dont.


In a month I was in full Columni and now 3 of 5 in t-3 rakata. Even 2 of my pets are running in multiple pieces of rakata.


crap it took me months even years in other games to collect that much t-3 gear.


I usually quit when playing a game starts to feel like a chore, and this game feels like a chore already, that I pay $15 a month to do.


Another beef is all the instanced zones and the really small planet zones makes exploring lame and uninteresting, especially with all the exhaustion zones.




Guild Wars here I come.


You win SWTOR! How does it feel? Will you be going to Disney Land?

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You do realize that its like this in every MMO right? I felt like that a month into t11 and t12 in WoW. This game has just as much to do at Endgame as anything out there right now honestly. Perhaps you are burned out of the Genre....Alting is supposed to be a supported gamestyle in this game (and many MMOs...They are one way of keeping the game alive). Sure the quests are similar but you're also supposed to want to participate in the story. That's a Bioware Trademark system in every game they do now. I for one have done Dromound Kaas 4 times and love hearing what my different characters say in different situations. I've also rolled a Gunslinger to experience Rep side. I'm on Taris with him.



yes I have and after you do it enough times you start hearing the same stuff.


I got 5 toons 2 imps and 3 republics.


the choices you make with in conversation do nothing but affect affection from pets and light/darkside points. It has no effect on final outcome on the planet, either you do the quests and become the hero of "whatever" or you refuse and get nothing?


They try to make it feel like a single player game were your actions effect something but in the end it doesn't.

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Been lvl 50 now for over a month and what am I supposed to do? Reroll another alt?


Already done that I have 4 from lvl 40 down to the lowest at lvl 17, on both factions.


I mean all I do now is do my Illum and Belsavis dailies for credits, the gear upgrades are useless. Then outside of daily hm runs. I no longer do them because I got gear that is above and beyond anything I can get out of a hm fp.


But after running huttball 5-10 times in a row I get sick of it and log on an alt, that guess what outside of class quests you get to do the same crap you did on previous toons. Even though they have full motion video, which is cool but in the end your replies dont affect the quest any. You got two choices you do it or you dont.


In a month I was in full Columni and now 3 of 5 in t-3 rakata. Even 2 of my pets are running in multiple pieces of rakata.


crap it took me months even years in other games to collect that much t-3 gear.


I usually quit when playing a game starts to feel like a chore, and this game feels like a chore already, that I pay $15 a month to do.


Another beef is all the instanced zones and the really small planet zones makes exploring lame and uninteresting, especially with all the exhaustion zones.




Guild Wars here I come.


You have pretty much nailed my feelings as well. The worst part, from my perspective, is I tend to be an MMO loyalist. When there is a new one that comes out that I'm interested in (and I've played almost all of them from UO through SWTOR - no WoW) I tend to slap down a 6 mo. sub up front so that I *know* I'll be giving the game the benefit of the doubt.


That has paid off for most games that I have played over the years because as it usually took 2-3 months of pretty consistent playing to get a max. level toon (okay - month in Rift) and then enter into end game content. Here I hit max level in about 2.5 weeks without playing non-stop, etc. and then found ... what? Dailies for cash/tokens, PvP (not a big fan but doing it for gear), and FP's (HM) when you can get them, and Ops (which currently we aren't doing because my guild is Alt-centric and can't seem to focus on one toon enough to get to 50).


I am *not* an Alt-aholic. I have two max level toons in the game I play the most (EQ2) and that is having been around that game since early beta testing. And that is ONLY because I needed to fill a raid role in my guild that was lacking. Had I known upfront that Bioware was going to look at making Alt's as a required 'end game' strategy, as they have since pretty clearly stated, I don't know that I would have plunked down the 6 months.


For the first time in all these years I find myself wishing I had stayed month to month upfront. I would have suspended my account while waiting for the 1.2 patch to see if it adds enough to entertain w/o building an Alt. I suspect it won't last me more than the week of release based on the 1.1 patch and then I'll be right back to where I am.


Bioware sent me an email last week requesting feedback which I have pretty much been holding on to without sending but I think I'll just grab what I wrote here and slap it over to them. Nothing will change - of course - but it will make me feel heard. ;p



My daily SWTOR cycle is currently this: Open SWTOR, log in to my 50 Jedi Guardian, collect the crafting stuff I sent my companions on, assign new crafting stuff, force myself to PvP for daily, mutter about Ilum/Belsavis dailies but not do them, see same two guildies online with Alt #3 or #4. Log off.

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no think this mmo was designed for the fable 3 or facebook button clicking crowd.


really within 2 months of launch I have done all the content, that is sad.


and I only play 2-3 hours a day due to working fulltime and being a 3rd year pysch major.

somedays I dont even get to play, hell there was a 10 day break where I was traveling that I didnt play.


you hit the nail on the head . Dr Ray was at a devolper round table with guys from Zinga, Funcom and a few other MMO game devolpers. He specificaly said their goal was to introduce millions of players to MMO's in a way that was understanable and easy for them to play. he also stated that this new market was the future of MMO's and that scared me.from what i see he introduced a few hundred thousand players to MMO's and most of the population just came form other more indepth game worlds.


If corporate america thinks that the MMO population is going to tolerate dumbed down easy access MMO's for a long term game they are pretty jaded.Not saying TOR is a bad game its just not a MMO. 75 % of the TOR gaming community or more have multiple MMO's under their belt. Be a casual or a hardcore this main bulk of population is not gonna stay in a game that focus's on a single player expierence all the way to 50 then turns into a lobby game espically with the zones designed a massive Guantlet board. Because that is exactly what TOR is in the end anaylsis. It's a lobby game the fleet coud be a damn chat room for all the good it is . horrible FPS , no chat bubles no actual social interaction other then general channel. its a horrible social hub.

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Been lvl 50 now for over a month and what am I supposed to do? Reroll another alt?


Already done that I have 4 from lvl 40 down to the lowest at lvl 17, on both factions.


I mean all I do now is do my Illum and Belsavis dailies for credits, the gear upgrades are useless. Then outside of daily hm runs. I no longer do them because I got gear that is above and beyond anything I can get out of a hm fp.


But after running huttball 5-10 times in a row I get sick of it and log on an alt, that guess what outside of class quests you get to do the same crap you did on previous toons. Even though they have full motion video, which is cool but in the end your replies dont affect the quest any. You got two choices you do it or you dont.


In a month I was in full Columni and now 3 of 5 in t-3 rakata. Even 2 of my pets are running in multiple pieces of rakata.


crap it took me months even years in other games to collect that much t-3 gear.


I usually quit when playing a game starts to feel like a chore, and this game feels like a chore already, that I pay $15 a month to do.


Another beef is all the instanced zones and the really small planet zones makes exploring lame and uninteresting, especially with all the exhaustion zones.




Guild Wars here I come.

Hopefully trolling the Guild Wars boards will be just as fun.

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no think this mmo was designed for the fable 3 or facebook button clicking crowd.


really within 2 months of launch I have done all the content, that is sad.


and I only play 2-3 hours a day due to working fulltime and being a 3rd year pysch major.

somedays I dont even get to play, hell there was a 10 day break where I was traveling that I didnt play.


Somehow I don't trust this comment considering I'm able to play 5 hours a day and I have barely just made it to level 50 on one toon, and still have not seen all content. I started at launch. It sounds like you rushed through everything without actually watching cutscenes, reading lore, etc.

Edited by Der_Toter
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tse tse tse, are you looking to close another thread? :cool:


One can only hope as the Tera beta was terrible overall.


You want to talk about feeling like a chore and then getting the feeling you have done it all before?


If you've played any fantasy game in the couple years, you have already played Tera. You want to get boarded really fast? Give that game a shot.


I guess it's too much for the OP to get a group and give operations a try? Seems like a ride he hasn't went on yet.

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Somehow I don't trust this comment considering I'm able to play 5 hours a day and I have barely just made it to level 50 on one toon, and still have not seen all content. I started at launch. It sounds like you rushed through everything without actually watching cutscenes, reading lore, etc.


I cleared every planet even bonus series I hit 50 pretty much at the first quest hub on belsavis. Plus I was a early access person I was 50 like the 2nd-3rd week of january.



Its not hard when you enter a new quest zone area, collect up of all the quests and do then in a sensible orderly fashion.



plus I got lucky and hooked up with a transplanted raiding quild from WoW, that the core group is all real life friends, so they are very active. running hm ops twice a week with two groups and you can get geared quick, especially seeing that everyone plays a sith of some sort and many times I am the only bh.

Edited by Sith_Mauler
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Been lvl 50 now for over a month and what am I supposed to do? Reroll another alt?


Already done that I have 4 from lvl 40 down to the lowest at lvl 17, on both factions.


I mean all I do now is do my Illum and Belsavis dailies for credits, the gear upgrades are useless. Then outside of daily hm runs. I no longer do them because I got gear that is above and beyond anything I can get out of a hm fp.


But after running huttball 5-10 times in a row I get sick of it and log on an alt, that guess what outside of class quests you get to do the same crap you did on previous toons. Even though they have full motion video, which is cool but in the end your replies dont affect the quest any. You got two choices you do it or you dont.


In a month I was in full Columni and now 3 of 5 in t-3 rakata. Even 2 of my pets are running in multiple pieces of rakata.


crap it took me months even years in other games to collect that much t-3 gear.


I usually quit when playing a game starts to feel like a chore, and this game feels like a chore already, that I pay $15 a month to do.


Another beef is all the instanced zones and the really small planet zones makes exploring lame and uninteresting, especially with all the exhaustion zones.




Guild Wars here I come.


Have fun!

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I guess it's too much for the OP to get a group and give operations a try? Seems like a ride he hasn't went on yet.


where do you think t-3 rakata gear comes from? I got the hat, gloves, and greaves.


not implants or earpieces but actual armor.


I got lucky and joined a transplanted(wow) raiding guild of real life friends, we have two groups that run twice a week.


we have kp hm on farm mode, and hm ev all the way up till Soa, we cant farm him because he constantly bugs or gltiches. But we do down him on a regular basis.

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If you don't like this game, leave.




And let those of us who do continue to enjoy it.


why do you think I am posting here


i keep alt tabbing back and forth trying to find a hm daily run with 27 people online in imp fleet.


this is what happens when people leave, content becomes basically locked out because you cant find the manpower to do anything.

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I tend to agree OP.


Really hard to stay logged in as of late.


Even worse for solo-primary players.


PvP isnt my thing, too chaotic and fast paced for me to have any fun past one or two matches....and the pvp choice get boring really fast....I do wz's dailies, but not every day, not a big fan of them. more of a grind than dailies in my eyes


Guilds and group runs arent my bag either, the community is like all others these days... not my cup of tea ... the 'entitlement gimme gaming generation' has turned me off a few years ago...therefore I've been a primarily solo player by proxy. I tried five guilds so far in swtor; two died from lack of people, one was a swearing fest, the other was ...let me say...people talked in General more on a Wednesday midnight that in that guild chat...and it was a pretty nice sized guild.


in other mmo's it was fun and viable to solo all the way. this one 'was'.... until now.


nowadays it's log on...do a few dailies for some credits I wont really use, cause I got good enough gear already ( not the uber 'best', op's or pvp gear...but I dont want that (isnt imporatant and it doesnt look as cool as the orange set I wear), I have good gear for what I get into, and have proven I can hold my own as a tank in HM FP's...so I'm not searching for gear anymore.


I have alts...lol..I have one of each type of character class. my main at 50, one is lvl 38, another 23, the others in thier teens..... I really dont want to lvl another toon to cap.... I want to keep playing my 'main'...isnt it why they call it a 'main' ?? becasue you play it primarily over other toons?


so ya Bioware....you need to 'kill' the current feeling of a 'Dead Ghosttown' in this game....it's disconcerting..... and I will leave...as others will if it stays this way....not a rage quit threat...jsut the reality of gaming...if it aint good, I go elsewhere.


and I think in this 'condition' I may last past another sub, and I may not.... I'd like to say hell ya, this is great I'll be here for a long time....but I just dont feel it.


Edited by ArtMonster
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