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Australian server transfer in LATE April!


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This is stupid, I love this game and have high hopes for it but I am done if this is the case...You dont tell customers they will be receiving emails about the xfer in the next couple of days then stealth change it to April. I thought higher of Bioware to be honest, im hoping this is just a small screw up somewhere.
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We get a new server! We have lvl 50's who raid and play endgame, but we have to wait almost 2 months before we can bring them across and actually play on the better latency?


Which douche came up with this concept? You knew when the aussie servers were coming up and you did not allow for server transfers to happen immediately?


So now if we want to play on our mains (Which we DO) we have to go back to the 250 latency pings for another 2 months! Bravo!


And what happens when people take existing legacy surnames which we cannot reserve?


This is so pathetic!


Well only solution for me: End subscription till April and then try again! The only reason I renewed my subscription was because of wanting to play on low latency servers!


And for anyone wondering where I am getting April from: Its in their FAQ: http://www.swtor.com/info/faq/game#q400115


When you purchased an out of area copy you took a risk because you were too impatient to wait for the game to come to your area. Be thankful its not like most MMO companies when you would be stuck in the US unless you purchased the "Australian" edition of the game!

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Yes, it is pretty appalling to push transfers back until late April. I wonder why they are doing this - are they still trying to figure out how transfers work? lol


I imagine whenever Bioware says something is coming out in a certain month that you should assume its going to be late in that month. They want to bleed you out complete every month before giving you what you want/need.


I mean they've been talking this 1.2 patch **** since the game *********** dropped my dude. For real, like 1.2 talk started maybe 2 weeks after the games official release. To me that says the knew of the mirade of problems that this game had. The flaws in Illum are just inexcuseable and the area was not play tested what so ever man..


That's a complete embrassment to MMO's and World PvP, definately will be marked in the hitory of what NOT do do with your World PvP. Thank Bioware for setting that benchmark if anything.


Now how they hyped up 1.2 and haven't stopped its really ****ed up that they are really releasing the patch closer to April. Since you wont be touching 1.2 till what Mid to late March maybe?


So that's another month of subbing they got out of you with the promise of fixing your concerns in a patch that isn't even on the PTS and is due up this month.


1.2 Went from being a patch about content and updating end-content and has now formed into a full out fix everything Jesus Patch. 1.2 is a *********** joke dude. Unsubscribe for the month of March so that you aren't hit again in Arpil..


Make them show you the money behind all the hype of 1.2. If it's not up to par anyway, the acceptance of what Bioware is trying to preach should be null in void.

Edited by Opapanax
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When you purchased an out of area copy you took a risk because you were too impatient to wait for the game to come to your area. Be thankful its not like most MMO companies when you would be stuck in the US unless you purchased the "Australian" edition of the game!


Most MMO companies have oceanic releases AT LAUNCH. That's right!


But not this game, looks like Bioware have pissed off what is left of their Australian subs.

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When you purchased an out of area copy you took a risk because you were too impatient to wait for the game to come to your area. Be thankful its not like most MMO companies when you would be stuck in the US unless you purchased the "Australian" edition of the game!


You are wrong, I have alot of US versions of games and never have this problem, this is a screw up on their part, noone elses, they have been telling people all day they will be able to transfer this week.


I love Bioware and there games but this isnt anyone elses fault, they dont have a problem with us having a US version of the game, its not the issue at hand. Stop blaming people who have done nothing wrong but believe what they were told.

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<---- Is a Database engineer. I can write your character transfer scripts for you. Hire me today, and you can have your character transfer system in place tomorrow. you dont even have to pay me salary, just give me a dollar for every transfer that you charge 10 dollars for. 1 for me 9 for you we all can be rich... Comon bioware what do you say?
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This is actually incredibly stupid if true, its completely halted (and probably cancelled) any plans many of my australian friends had of starting the game as they will be physically unnable to play with our existing group (well unless half of us re-roll now, or the other half re-roll later - neither of which are enticing options, or any option involving re-rolling)
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If it's for a balancing reason, why can't they let us transfer naked characters? I've just hit lvl 43 on my main, and i'd be happy to be to an aussie server naked, with no credits, no gear, and with no quest history if it meant, I could just keep my lvl, social, and valour ratings.


I wouldn't. I have Social 1, Valor 1, but have 4-piece Columni and all the gear trimmings, a lot of credits, and a lot of time invested in Codex entry completion.


I wouldn't move if it meant that I lost all my investment of time.

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When you purchased an out of area copy you took a risk because you were too impatient to wait for the game to come to your area. Be thankful its not like most MMO companies when you would be stuck in the US unless you purchased the "Australian" edition of the game!


This is not about the fact that people got in early. Its about the fact that BioWare time and time again fails to manage customer expectations by hiding the 'bad news' until the last possible moment, then springs it on everyone causing angst at the time its most painful.


If they'd told us "We're opening servers in March, but won't be able to give you transfers till April", back in December/January then by now people would have come to grips with it and not sat with baited breath for when they get to use the shiny new server with their character, only to be told "Yeah you still have 56 days of waiting, meanwhile those people who haven't been supporting SWTOR with subscriptions through your 'Gamma Testing' get to start straight away"

Edited by Perringaiden
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When you purchased an out of area copy you took a risk because you were too impatient to wait for the game to come to your area. Be thankful its not like most MMO companies when you would be stuck in the US unless you purchased the "Australian" edition of the game!



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When you purchased an out of area copy you took a risk because you were too impatient to wait for the game to come to your area. Be thankful its not like most MMO companies when you would be stuck in the US unless you purchased the "Australian" edition of the game!


This is true too. Most games make you buy a totally different version of the game.

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...? Would it have been better to delay the release of Asia/Pacific servers just to make sure that server transfers were available on release? The amount of wtfrage on the forums is seriously mindblowing at times. Every time there is any issue whatsoever the first thought is to flip the William Wallace switch and start raging about unfairness and FREEEDOM?


No one has server transfers yet... you are not being targeted. Get over yourself.

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This is really incredibly annoying, not only is there over 100 players on the one planet at any time, BW has seemingly taken out multiple instances for the one world for no apparent reason, it was working flawlessly and allowed large amounts of players to level up simultaneously without issues such as overcrowding. Levelling up my level 12 on Coruscant with 170 people around me when I was on the Jekk'Jekk'Tarr really was not my idea of fun.


You've dropped the ball this time BW (even after dropping it numerous times before) and even after 12 pages of this thread on the forums (showing a large commitment from the AP crowd - just think for every person complaining there is another 10 going silent about it all) you have not even showed an inkling of interest in this issue, if you really care about your subscription numbers in the long run, maybe you should consider facilitating the requests of veteran players, some of whom have been playing since the public beta events; who assisted in the development and trouble shooting of this game, we have been loyal BW, i think it is time to give us a bit back by allowing sooner character transfers.


TL;DR- rant about BW and how vets should have more support

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...? Would it have been better to delay the release of Asia/Pacific servers just to make sure that server transfers were available on release? The amount of wtfrage on the forums is seriously mindblowing at times. Every time there is any issue whatsoever the first thought is to flip the William Wallace switch and start raging about unfairness and FREEEDOM?


No one has server transfers yet... you are not being targeted. Get over yourself.


Actually, if there was a poll, I bet this would win, since odds are the vast majority of Aussies/Kiwis interested in the game already own it, and this delay would just mean two more months of crappy ping times, instead of having to start over or end up possibly losing your character/legacy/guild names.

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I am really hoping that this is some kind misinformation about the server transfer otherwise this is the worst PR I've seen in a while and the fact that people had to dig through a FAQ for this is a bit shady.


Bad PR is what this team excels at, however.

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<---- Is a Database engineer. I can write your character transfer scripts for you. Hire me today, and you can have your character transfer system in place tomorrow. you dont even have to pay me salary, just give me a dollar for every transfer that you charge 10 dollars for. 1 for me 9 for you we all can be rich... Comon bioware what do you say?


Seriously Boiware, with all the flame on YOUR forums directed directly at the owner of the forums, clearly you DO NOT have the staff with the talent required to keep the players happy. Dont get me wrong you all had a good start, but your end game is all wrong. and by endgame i am not talking about endgame content. i am talking about these bone head decisions such as launching a bunch of servers for players located internationally and THEN telling them they cant play on them. WHO Does that and still collects a pay check SERIOUSLY?!

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This is really incredibly annoying, not only is there over 100 players on the one planet at any time, BW has seemingly taken out multiple instances for the one world for no apparent reason, it was working flawlessly and allowed large amounts of players to level up simultaneously without issues such as overcrowding. Levelling up my level 12 on Coruscant with 170 people around me when I was on the Jekk'Jekk'Tarr really was not my idea of fun.


You've dropped the ball this time BW (even after dropping it numerous times before) and even after 12 pages of this thread on the forums (showing a large commitment from the AP crowd - just think for every person complaining there is another 10 going silent about it all) you have not even showed an inkling of interest in this issue, if you really care about your subscription numbers in the long run, maybe you should consider facilitating the requests of veteran players, some of whom have been playing since the public beta events; who assisted in the development and trouble shooting of this game, we have been loyal BW, i think it is time to give us a bit back by allowing sooner character transfers.


TL;DR- rant about BW and how vets should have more support



they probably didn't put phasing in because of all the QQ on the forums about not seeing anyone.. personally I liked the phasing. Ah the hate was fierce over that one.

Edited by corbanite
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<---- Is a Database engineer. I can write your character transfer scripts for you. Hire me today, and you can have your character transfer system in place tomorrow. you dont even have to pay me salary, just give me a dollar for every transfer that you charge 10 dollars for. 1 for me 9 for you we all can be rich... Comon bioware what do you say?


Do not let this hack anywhere near your code for the love of god bioware.. 1 day and he is sure and confident he can transfer a character without loss. He clearly does not have a clue.

Edited by corbanite
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Sooooo...people are complaining that the servers are too packed with the rush of new players to get anything done and simultaneously complaining that they can't transfer their lvl 50 over to it, thus increasing the population density, just so they can use their level 50 to help power level their buddies to 50. Mmmmm...ok...got it. Roll a new toon and wait 2 months. Clearly, if the population density on the new servers is packed and making it hard to get anything done, then BW needs time for those new servers to stabilize, both in terms of hardware and population, before opening the door. Besides, what are you going to do with a lvl 50 in a population where everyone is just trying to slog their way thru their story to level 50? Oh yeah, help them powerlevel...so there's fairness issues involved too. Suprise suprise. It would be entirely different helping people powerlevel if there was already a population of 50s, but the servers are just opening and everyone is going to be low level...why should your buddy have an advantage?


Nothing is really stopping you from rolling a new toon and leveling it with your buddies, then dragging your level 50 over to the new server in a few weeks and having both. After all, being the lone few 50s on an entire server right now doesn't exactly sound stimulating...Ilum will be empty, PvP queues will be ridiculously long or won't even poop and there will be essentially nobody to do HMs and Ops with...so tell us, why should your buddies have a faceroll good time levling with a lvl 50 to powerlevel them while everyone else jumps through the hoops the normal way on a server that is just starting out?


If you expected to be able to transfer instantly, you had unrealistic expectations...very unrealistic, and your disappointment is your own fault.

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