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OMG They Nerfed Sorcs/Sages in 1.1.5 patch !!!


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This is a horrible, game-breaking nerf for Sorcs/Sages.


But, at least now they are balanced.


Good job, Bioware.


/end-all-threads-about-sage/sorc balance


Yeah cus sorc/sages are the only class with dots...


If anything this makes sorc/sages better. Why? Hybrid sorc/sage stacking just got more powerful.


Aoe root on knockback goes through full resolve...


Good luck having a few melee on your team and stopping a cap now...

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Originally Posted by Kholvan: "It just means that players will have to actually care about defending the objectives now, rather than suicide runs to dot everyone up."


Originally Posted by bowtec: "agreed"



How in the hell do you figure that?


Suicide runs would still be the preferred method for stopping a cap... Instead of a dot... I just use something else instead?


Exactly how the **** do you figure that this change will make people "actually care about defending objectives now"


Actually on second thought... what the **** are you even talking about.. the people who DoTd always DID CARE ABOUT THE OBJECTIVE... THATS WHY THEY DOTD THE ATTACKERS! DERP!


So instead of dotting... I will do a suicide run and hit you all with a basic attack or an AoE? sure fine... But it does not at all have to do with making players " actually care about defending objectives"




Edit: oi!! seriously explain what exactly your thinking? or do you *********** people even actually think about what you say for longer then 1 minute?


Explain to me why this change will make people "actually care about defending objectives" because apparently that is the issue here, and people didn't care about them before this awesome change?



Edited by KurleyKilla
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This is a horrible, game-breaking nerf for Sorcs/Sages.


But, at least now they are balanced.


Good job, Bioware.


/end-all-threads-about-sage/sorc balance


No you troll, no really, no. This is a FIX not a nerf.


I approve this fix as a Sith Sorc, it was stupid that a dot from a tech could stop me capping. I could dispel the other one but yea it was stupid to begin with.


If I am NOT there to defend I dont deserve to be able to stop someone with a ****** dot and just do something else (like AFK sheesh).

Edited by Zhaker
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People who dont suck at PvP and can defend the control points while alive do not mind this change.


The people who are bad at PvP and need a crutch to defend Control Points after they die are pretty mad about someone kicking the crutch out from under them.




What is there to learn exactly?


People try to cap... You hit them... It stops.


Now if you use an attack that will hit them, every now and then... over time... it wont break the capture.


How exactly is that a crutch for bad players?


whether you hate/like this change it is quite a minor one... and yes good players will still be effective.


Was DoT breaking caps ever an issue for good players in the first place? no *********** way..


Is this a wierd counter intuitive change? Yes!!! too anyone with any *********** sense who has ever played a capture objective style competitive multiplayer game of any kind..


No one is kicking a "crutch" out from anyone... Do you really honestly believe that is the sole reason for these people excelling at the game?

Edited by KurleyKilla
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I play a watchman sentinel and I think this change is for the good of the game. It will allow objectives to be flipped easier and therefore provide the ability to actually make a comeback. Right now, if you control two points in civil war, it is real difficult against anyone with half a piece of a brain to gain control in an even match.


How many times do we have Voidstar matches end with zero bombs planted? So overall I think this will make things much more interesting. Plus with the changes to medals, it won't be a sacrafice to actually defend.

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