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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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I completely understand this counterargument. I've got a new PC, so even running max settings in it, I get minimal to marginal lag even with 50-60 on screen.


No idea what my actual FPS is as that number is so tiny it's the last thing I'm looking at.


If the bulk of surveyed people say yeah, it's unplayable for them, then by all means neuter it for now. The multitude of people aren't posting on the forums, and 'usually' that's because they have little to complain about. Not always, though (obviously).


The only thing I want to drill home here is Bioware should listen less to the forum opinions, and more to the actual in game opinions. That way you or I have no more 'ear' then our friends who play.

Dude, I have a $2,500 dollar self built rig and I get slideshows in illum when playing at low settings. So it's a huge problem. If I'm having so much issues, I can't imagine what people with normal computers are going through..

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Dude, I have a $2,500 dollar self built rig and I get slideshows in illum when playing at low settings. So it's a huge problem. If I'm having so much issues, I can't imagine what people with normal computers are going through..


LOL. No cure for dumb and you can't buy intelligence. Whacha gonna do... poor little fella.

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It's clear that the PvP devs on this game are so bad that they are forced to listen to the players. They can't seem to get anything done right...killing Ilum after that lead dev said we would be BLOWN AWAY by how awesome it is just shows how flat their ideas are.


I think it's funny AND sad at the same time.


I really wonder what he was on when he said that. I mean seriously, what is there to be excited about in Ilum? Is there any new innovative ideas compared to other MMOs? Nope, not one. Is there anything particular fun about being in Ilum? Not at all. You could get some people in an open field and have the same "experience" as Ilum.


Ilum is completely worthless. Maybe that's what he meant by blown away? Blown away at how terrible it was?

Edited by EternalFinality
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Okey, you guys gotta accept the game's engine can't really handle anything beyond 10vs10. So instead of using resources to fix that (which i don't think it's possible on a short-term), they are using them to fix more important things which are easier to fix. Like no RNG, etc etc... meanwhile, they don't force you to go there. I don't see the problem or lazyness. You can't just fix everything at once.


And i am not a freaking bioware fanboy, it's just common sense.

Edited by Keldaur
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So in otherwords, doing warzones outside dailies will be pointless unless you with a premade strong enough to exspect to win, in terms of aquiring gear. Since 4medals for a lost fight equal about 31-51 apprx commendations per match.


Can't wait to see how long premades gonna have to wait in queue now, gonna be interesting :)

Edited by Barzarel
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Dude, I have a $2,500 dollar self built rig and I get slideshows in illum when playing at low settings. So it's a huge problem. If I'm having so much issues, I can't imagine what people with normal computers are going through..


um...you did something terribly wrong then. I spent $1800 on mine and it was built 6 months ago, all my settings are on high and my fights go fine save for a few seconds here and there when too many spells go off, and honestly I think it's server side not even my computer because it never seems to be struggling - but this is also only if it gets to something crazy like 50+

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So in otherwords, doing warzones outside dailies will be pointless unless you with a premade strong enough to exspect to win, in terms of aquiring gear. Since 4medals for a lost fight equal about 31-51 apprx commendations per match.


Can't wait to see how long premades gonna have to wait in queue now, gonna be interesting :)


You don't do very well on reading comprehension tests do you?

Edited by Remulan
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If they were listening to all the QQ posts then all classes would have been nerfed by now. ESPECIALLY Sorc/Sage since that seems to be the biggest ROTM (Rant of the Month) right now. Same for Tracer Missle.


As both of these have yet to be nerffed, I'd say it's safe to say they aren't listening to the QQ posts.


So you want to nerf a class and 1 classes ability? Nerfing is ALWAYS the worse case scenario (see broken operatives) and are never the best solution.


I play a Vanguard, and I see no class balancing issues outside of the operative (lol)

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um...you did something terribly wrong then. I spent $1800 on mine and it was built 6 months ago, all my settings are on high and my fights go fine save for a few seconds here and there when too many spells go off, and honestly I think it's server side not even my computer because it never seems to be struggling - but this is also only if it gets to something crazy like 50+

When did I say my computer was struggling with the game? I said I would get slideshows ingame. My rig cost me $2,500 when I built it in early 2010, when I7s and SSD's were in their first incarnations, basically. So the prices were really high, it might not be $2,500 now adays, but it was then. I have done a few upgrades since then, too. My computer doesn't struggle with the game, I just get slideshows randomly when a lot of people are on the map. I can run AION with everything maxed out and not lag at all, even Warhammer is somewhat fixed now. This game will take at least a year for the engine to get optimized for World pvp, I'm sure of that.

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When did I say my computer was struggling with the game? I said I would get slideshows ingame. My rig cost me $2,500 when I built it in early 2010, when I7s and SSD's were in their first incarnations, basically. So the prices were really high, it might not be $2,500 now adays, but it was then. I have done a few upgrades since then, too. My computer doesn't struggle with the game, I just get slideshows randomly when a lot of people are on the map. I can run AION with everything maxed out and not lag at all, even Warhammer is somewhat fixed now. This game will take at least a year for the engine to get optimized for World pvp, I'm sure of that.


you said you get slideshows, then said you can only imagine how bad it is for a computer not as good as yours - implying that it's client side not server side that's the issue. Either way, whatever, we pretty much both agree Ilum needs a lot of work. Back to the topic!


I like the max commendation to medal rewards, can't stand the medal farming..on EITHER side of it.

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Until they can make Open World pvp playable, they should just stick this game to Warzones, seriously, this game can only handle 8v8, anything past that is a slide show for us even with massive rigs.


They should of thrown in the towel in beta and never introduced Ilum in the first place if they knew it was going to be as laggy as it is.

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Only earning valor for first 4 medals? That seems kind of lame, doesn't it? What's the point of even attempting to get more medals, then?


You're serious aren't you?


The best part of this is that you have no idea what's wrong with your statement. Its like a whole generation of fail fail fail that you can see coming a mile away.

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You're serious aren't you?


The best part of this is that you have no idea what's wrong with your statement. Its like a whole generation of fail fail fail that you can see coming a mile away.


I think he must be one of them medal farmers that don't help his team.

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you said you get slideshows, then said you can only imagine how bad it is for a computer not as good as yours - implying that it's client side not server side that's the issue. Either way, whatever, we pretty much both agree Ilum needs a lot of work. Back to the topic!


I like the max commendation to medal rewards, can't stand the medal farming..on EITHER side of it.

Well my wording on that wasn't quite clear. I believe it's client side and server side, the majority of the problems are server side though.

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Keep feeding the kids and answering their whines, I have an idea why don`t you just mail people full champion gear when they hit 50, and then 1 month later they receive full Battlemaster.


Also I`m really digging all of the class changes I haven`t seen any of, I`m not so sure rated WZs are enough to keep me around when I don`t get new gear or anything for it except a "Hey you`re a high rank".


And the lack of information about changes and things to come in a time where things should really be voiced to the players, I`m not digging it.


PS Ilum working as intended.

Edited by babiegirlla
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