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Everything posted by KilmarFyrewynd

  1. Thanks for the response. I wish there was a way to change the icon as Ops leader. Even though everyone was in my guild and I know all their roles, it would be cool to be able to change it.
  2. I've searched and found nothing and asked in General and got nothing. Does anyone know what what green up arrow icon is? TIA.
  3. To all those who says Matrix Cube is not as good as other 50 relics, what kind of drugs are you on? Sure, maybe if you're a tank you'd probably like the the Campaign Relics. Let's compare these two for everyone EXCEPT a tank: Matrix Cube M7-R3 (30 minutes of running around) - 50 Endurance, 58 Willpower, 24 Critical Campaign Relic of the Kinetic Tempest (200 daily commendations) - 84 Endurance, 30% chance to do 184 more kinetic damage As a non-tank, which would you prefer? I agree it's not game-breaking, but it was a pretty bad bug. Everyone I talked to agreed that it would be good to have an emergency patch to fix it. I for one wholeheartedly approve BW of fixing before next Tuesday.
  4. Project (Republic) - .8 second animation delay Shock (Empire) - No delay
  5. Melee DPS have it more difficult than ranged DPS. That is a fact. Anyone trying to argue against it has something very wrong with them. Can everything be done as melee? Sure. But there is a LOT more effort in positioning, a LOT more DPS downtime due to repositioning, a LOT more need to heal the melee and a LOT less room for error for some of the endgame fight. Examples of where ranged are better than melee: Toth/Zorn - AoE cannot be avoided by melee. The melees will get hit no matter what Gharj - Ranged can avoid pounce without dropping DPS. Soa - Melee need to check hp for floor to drop. Melees also have to be aware of where Soa is when doing mind traps to ensure they run to him as soon as he is vulnerable. Kephess - Melees can only attack one of the two droids without the AoE. DPS tanks can continue to DPS down the AoE droid Firebrand/Stormcaller - Always a chance the lightning pillar falls on tanks. Ranged can just move two steps to the side. G4-B3 - This fight literally sucks donkey doodoo without any ranged DPS. Examples of where melee is better than ranged:
  6. Ran it with me as healer last night. Me (sawbones), sent, sent, guardian tank. We wiped on LR-5 13 times before we gave up. I watched the Youtube vids, read all the strategies, read all the forums, all to no avail. We just could not manage the lightning domes. We always end up having the room full of lightning domes and lava and nowhere else to go or incinerate happen while the tank is moving the fight out of a lightning dome. The tank was all columi with a few rakata pieces, one sent was pretty much full columi, the other was half columi and half tionese. I was the worst geared as a healer with only 1 columi. I don't think I was having much problem healing. we just ran out of places to run away from the lightning.
  7. We use /stuck and take the small hit in armor durability. My guess is they will remove that ability too in the future.
  8. Yep, in story mode. Were you in my group? I can't even imagine hard mode.
  9. I would also like to know. I am currently all Rakata with the exception of head and gloves and looking at the stats I am currently at a pretty silly 40% crit. I looked at some of the Columi/Rakata for Willpower users, but didn't think of checking smuggler. I might just do that. I tried pulling out some of the power mods from my Columi to put into the Rakata, but I checked the DPS with the training dummy and saw it made little difference. I gained about 60 power by lost close to 100 crit (if I remember). Question, which 3 pieces of armor did you mod and with which smuggler piece? The best case scenario is if we have a min/max'er who can tell us which mod to swap out from which piece: Head Chest Gloves Legs Boots Mainhand
  10. Ge the BM saber and rip the mods out to put on the augmented one. Shouldn't take too long to get 1550 wz comms and it makes a heck of a difference.
  11. Yep, we did EC with all melee group with the following makeup Healers: Sage, Commando DPS: Shadow (me), Shadow, Sent, Sent (for Kephess, we replaced Sent with Sage DPS since Sent had to leave) Tanks: Guardian, Guardian It was pretty rough and we wiped: Toth/Zorn - 2 times Firebrand/Stormcaller - 6 times Mines - 2 times Kephess - 3 times It's was pretty rough. If we had 2+ ranged, I'm sure we would have wiped less.
  12. It's really helpful to have a 3rd and even a 4th off-tank, especially on a 16 man. Shadows/Assassins make good off-tank. As a Shadow, I pop in my shield off-hand and a few pieces of tank gear to get me to over 22K HP (stim+buff), then turn on Combat Technique, pop my shield, and for 15 seconds I am a tank in every sense of the word.
  13. Got Exotech Fortitude Stim schematic off trash on EV two weeks ago and was able to learn. It could be one of the patches broke it. I do remember it was a very old bug during the 1.0 days where people had problem learning Exotech. It was fixed in one of the pre-1.2 patches.
  14. Yes, whoever thought up the affection rating scale is very misleading. I thought as you did. Favorite should be the top, the best, #1, numero uno, max affection. The scale should be: Neutral, Like, Love, Absofrigginglutely Favorite
  15. At this point, I am fairly sure they broke something regarding the loot mechanics and it is HEAVILY leaning towards smuggler (at least for EV/KP). I and other (including posts in the forums) have the same experience, smuggler gear is dropping at a MUCH HIGHER rate that any other class COMBINED.
  16. But it's not random. If there is code that is supposed to inherently favor the makeup of the group, it no longer becomes "random". The Oxford English Dictionary defines random as "Having no definite aim or purpose; not sent or guided in a particular direction; made, done, occurring, etc., without method or conscious choice; haphazard.". Obviously this is not the case. However, one can argue that it isn't working very well.
  17. Yeah, getting a bit trashed on raids, even the Tatooine World Boss in Outlaw's Den last night with his silly AoE was doing 6k+ dmg to me. I might have to spec Kinetic Field back just because so many end game bosses do AoE. Since I do both PvE and PvP, I didn't spec Technique Mastery as it doesn't do much in PvP. I am thinking of putting the two points into Double Bladed Saber Defense as not only do we get force back, but it gives 4% defense increase. Right now, I have 2 pts on Applied Force. Any thoughts?
  18. The spinning kick is not too big a loss and the 5% dmg loss is not too bad. 60 End = 600 more HP. 90 Wis won't give you 5% more dmg, but it will help a bit. BUT, it is a pain to do since you need to do it again for War Hero/Rated War Hero. Once you get the War Hero gear, you can move everything including set bonuses to new War Hero w/ Aug Slot once you make them.
  19. In all likelihood they just took your group composition and completely reversed it. Don't have a smuggler, 80% chance for smuggler gear to drop. Whether it's intentional or not (I vote not), I do not know. Someone either accidentally reversed a mathematical equation or they just really like to piss us off.
  20. Hm, my raid last night had columi legs gloves and boots for smuggler and we had 0 in the raid. I think someone forgot to carry over a 1 from some calculations. Meanwhile, I think I'll go level my sawbones real quick...
  21. I don't mind the FP being hard. I don't mind the loot table. But when the boss fights are naturally geared towards a specific DPS type, that's when I throw my hands up. PuGs are already asking for ranged DPS only for Lost Island due to LR-5. My guild (Guardian full Columni/Rakata, Sage with Columni, Sent (not sure on armor) and DPS Shadow (me) with full Columni/Rakata) went in knowing full well the tactics of the fights and could not get past LR-5. Also, there may be a bug as our Sage and Sent was unable to see the floor glow before the lightning dome drops and the dome graphics is delayed. Of course, it could also be a lack of awareness of some of my guildies.
  22. I think you are missing the dmg from Upheaval. You're losing out 1500-3K dmg per Project since you don't have it. I run 2/31/8. I'll post some ops dummy logs when I get home. Also, the weapon rank makes a huge difference. If you're using 128, it would be lower. I'm currently using a rank 140 weapon with the +41 power black/green crystal.
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