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Will you still PVP after Daily Rewards are Removed Next Patch?


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There is something fundamentally wrong with so many "PvPers" in SWTOR.


You PvP to pit yourself against the enemy, hopefully in an even fight, and try to prevail.


I have never given a damn about the Daily/Weekly quests, they are just a bonus I get while im PvPin.


Seriously if you don't PvP because you enjoy fighting the enemy just don't PvP.


Also I'm pretty sure they are NOT removing bags in 1.1.5. On the Test server forums there is a post stating that the 1000/1000 comms for 1 BM comm is an EXTRA way to get comms other then your dailies and weeklies.


1.2 will remove bags AFAIK.


So true. Wish the hacks would quit hoping toget carried and hop from warzone to warzone.

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All those saying PvP should be played purely for the fun of playing are not really looking at the whole picture.


Have you tried PvPing under-geared against geared players? Not so much fun.


Fair enough, then we need to gear up, hence the need to grind gear is REQUIRED and NEEDED to properly enjoy PvP. At the moment the way of getting gear is not fun or enjoyable.


Do you see the issue now? If not then no biggie, it just means you are either not lvl 50 or you are already fully geared.

Edited by Ajudicated
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1000/1000? Pretty rediculous.


A good WZ on average gives 100 WZ comms. Since Mercenary comms are broken or w/e you need to swap WZ to get them.


1000 Merc = 3000 WZ

+1000 regular WZ

= 4000 WZ


/ 100 = 40 games for one commendation

40 * 3 = 120 games for BM saber


Good i'm already 4/5 and got my BM saber. I suppose I can get full BM before this stupid system is implemented.


~4 hrs a day for a guaranteed com at the end of the week is still better than no com at all. It's like going from vomit to a bad case of acid reflux.


EDIT-also, at this point, i have 0 pieces (been BM for ~3 weeks) just the 3 implants. i've now opened 14x3=42 bags and got 2 coms, a whopping 4.7% success rate. i think im just going to farm rakata and mix it with champ gear. DRs on exp and the broken BM system make this a no brainer IMO.

Edited by bklynfinest
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Well im a full BM anyway , guess my companions will take a little longer to gear.


I will PvP if i think the rewards are worth my time , i mean we can still get with 1000/1000 and we gotta see what the dailies will do now.


If worst come to worst i will just farm ilum for valor instead of losing time in wzs before the rated system hit.

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So in other words there going to make it alot harder to get BM gear so all the already full BM Geared scrubs can keep on roflstomping the lower geared players...




I have a War Hero Sorc that is BM'ed out, a trooper with a few pieces of champ gear, and a scoundrel that is now into the 40's that I was totally enjoying and planning to push straight to BM.


But if this system goes in, I'm not going to endure that ridiculous grind. I'm just going to play my battlemastered-out toon.


I feel like me and anyone else with our BM-geared characters are now grandfathered into PvP superiority over other players that will take way longer to get BM'ed out.


It's actually quite lame. My enthusiasm to play my non-bm'ed chars for pvp just fell through the floor. I didn't care to play my sorc at all anymore either, but oh well.


And if they throw in War Hero 70+ gear soon?


Oh man.. forget it...

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All those saying PvP should be played purely for the fun of playing are not really looking at the whole picture.


Have you tried PvPing under-geared against geared players? Not so much fun.


Fair enough, then we need to gear up, hence the need to grind gear is REQUIRED and NEEDED to properly enjoy PvP. At the moment the way of getting gear is not fun or enjoyable.


Do you see the issue now? If not then no biggie, it just means you are either not lvl 50 or you are already fully geared.


hahaha i never complained about gear mate and i played this game before the lvl 50 even had a separated bracket.


Ever tryed fighting a BM lvl 30? I did.


Now i never complained about gear cause i knew one day i would get there , and hell im a full BM now.


The problem is not in the system , is in the lazy people.

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All those saying PvP should be played purely for the fun of playing are not really looking at the whole picture.


Have you tried PvPing under-geared against geared players? Not so much fun.


Fair enough, then we need to gear up, hence the need to grind gear is REQUIRED and NEEDED to properly enjoy PvP. At the moment the way of getting gear is not fun or enjoyable.


Do you see the issue now? If not then no biggie, it just means you are either not lvl 50 or you are already fully geared.



Yes, I was level 20 when I started facing level 50 premade groups in PvP. Yes, I still had fun. Some games were rather frustrating but it was so very satisfying beating a premade 50 group in your 20s and 30s.


I was level 47 when the 50 bracket came in. So I never was in that godly status of 50 with PvP gear rolling undergeared/leveled people.


So people need to quit their crying. I had it way tougher then most of you getting to where I am.

Edited by Acindo
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The problem is not in the system , is in the lazy people.


You're just asking more people to either get stomped by BM's for months or quit their job/have no life to play huttball 24/7.


The problem is not that an effort is required to achieve. The problem is that too many people got BM'ed out too easily, between the Ilum crap that happened, kill trading, etc.


Make the 70+ gear a pain in the *** to get, and that will be good, that will keep it meaningful, but there are way too many BM's right now to make it so everyone non-BM has to deal with an undergeared experience in PvP for a more extended period.


I have a BM'ed out char I don't care to play anymore, I have an alt about to be 50 that I'm the most interested in playing, but if you think I'm going to play 120 wz games to get a weapon knowing how easy it was for those I'm playing against, you're off you're rocker.

Edited by MoarPowar
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You're just asking more people to either get stomped by BM's for months or quit their job/have no life to play huttball 24/7.


haha funny how i work 5hrs a day ,got college and go out every weekend and im still a full BM , dont come with excuses.


Takes time to reach? More than a month? Hell yeah it does.


It took me , yet i did not complain about it like you guys , hell , i could not even have this much cent and champ gear you guys get to a point my gear was still horrible even when i first reach BM.


Dont give me excuses , the game system is alrdy very easy and free giving cent/champ gear atm.

Edited by rzrknight
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I don't mind if I don't get new stuff when you just turn 50, but I'm not going to grind pvp points like I did in wow with no pvp gear and just getting own by people in top pvp gear. It isn't fun getting stomp on for couple weeks or months.


I'm sick of these *********** WoW kiddies.


**** off back to WoW


seriously, just go.


dont you realize that while you are just turning 50 your opponents are just turning 50


grow up

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i swear BW is incapable of rational thought anymore.


getting rid of the RNG gear system, great!


making it so that the system takes you EXPOTENTIALLY longer to get gear than if you had bad luck with the bags, no so great.


10 hours of pvping per piece of BM gear is retarded beyond belief (and that is assuming no queue times, 100% win rate, and 10 medals per game).


it is getting to the point where a new 50 will need to spend 4 months pvping for 2-3 hours a day to get full bm.

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i swear BW is incapable of rational thought anymore.


getting rid of the RNG gear system, great!


making it so that the system takes you EXPOTENTIALLY longer to get gear than if you had bad luck with the bags, no so great.


10 hours of pvping per piece of BM gear is retarded beyond belief (and that is assuming no queue times, 100% win rate, and 10 medals per game).


it is getting to the point where a new 50 will need to spend 4 months pvping for 2-3 hours a day to get full bm.


I pvp a lot, but it's true the idea of LOSING for ten hours each piece of gear and getting crushed with little chance to help my team achieve objectives does bother me. Perhaps if they get cross server going the matchmaking will try to put lower geared players against each other, though. That would be good.

Edited by maradigamer
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The thing is I pvp at end game (in all games) to have fun, not to chase quests. We get enough quest grinding on the pve side. Warzones are the closest thing to balanced pvp in this game & BW knows it. We all know Ilum didn't pan out (partly the devs fault & partly the players fault). I think it's a good move.
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So...lemme get this straight.


Since launch, I've managed to get to level 46 and valor 46. Pvp...thats why Im here.


Should ding 50 this week. From what I hear on my server, Repubs rarely win in the level 50 bracket. Due to major gear differences.


I ding 50 and its gonna take me 5 months of getting beat down by lesser players to even out the playing field due to gear??? I like a challenge and all...but come on. They better lower the costs or something. Aint right for new 50s to spend 5 months doing something that took others 2-4 weeks to do.


I aint going out like that. Not gonna bother if thats the case...

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If you only get the coms from warzones then no one will goto ilum anymore. Everyone will just site at fleet que'ing for warzones. The same 3 over and over


They should give merc coms for killing in open world PvP. This way you could have some incentive to do open pvp.


And not just Ilum either. Any open world.

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1000/1000? Pretty rediculous.


A good WZ on average gives 100 WZ comms. Since Mercenary comms are broken or w/e you need to swap WZ to get them.


1000 Merc = 3000 WZ

+1000 regular WZ

= 4000 WZ


/ 100 = 40 games for one commendation

40 * 3 = 120 games for BM saber


Good i'm already 4/5 and got my BM saber. I suppose I can get full BM before this stupid system is implemented.


I'm assuming the dailys will still give bags that have WZ/Merc comms in them (with still a possible chance of gear).


Promote ilum pvp.. make ilum daily/weekly give merc comms :p

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This system would have been fine if it was in from the start. Now they've ****ed everyone who didn't get lucky with RNG prior to this. Awesome. Just not sure I care enough now to continue.


I think it would be more sane just to level 1 to 49 on other classes instead of this ****.

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So...lemme get this straight.


Since launch, I've managed to get to level 46 and valor 46. Pvp...thats why Im here.


Should ding 50 this week. From what I hear on my server, Repubs rarely win in the level 50 bracket. Due to major gear differences.


I ding 50 and its gonna take me 5 months of getting beat down by lesser players to even out the playing field due to gear??? I like a challenge and all...but come on. They better lower the costs or something. Aint right for new 50s to spend 5 months doing something that took others 2-4 weeks to do.


I aint going out like that. Not gonna bother if thats the case...


I recall them mentioning that Expertise will have less of an impact for fresh/vet 50s. In what way, I don't know. I'm going to assume that either Expertise is going to be reduced in its current effects or Expertise will be more readily available for people to use (like mods crafted by Artifice skill).

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