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Everything posted by Migrayn

  1. This is it number 1. I don't have 8 people to que with. If we could que solo or 2-4 people I would do it. If more people could que solo then their would.be more varied skilled/geared people in ranked and you wouldn't have to face the sametop geared team over and over.
  2. Lately I switched my healing open to dips to see how crappy they still are. The first thing I noticed is people mainly bh's shooting at me from 20-30m away. If they can see me at Max skill range then stealth is definately not too strong. If anything is is a bit weak
  3. Funny you mention jumpers standing around wondering why they can't leap to you. I have a lowbie sniper and also love seeing them standing their pacing back and forth trying to leap at me while I shoot at them. Its pretty funny.
  4. What you forget is that when you were earning your champ and BM gear everyone else was also. You did not have full teams of best In slot modded augmented gear to fight. Recruit gear is given out now since their is such a huge jump in expertise with the new gear. So many people have full set of gear that is already fully augmented. On top of that they have already changed mods to make the sets even better. New 50s are facing a much steeper gear differance. Even BM gear has crappy stats other then endurance. When I put my new BM gear on I lost endurance over my old champ gear. Recruit is even worse then this. Saying new 50s get recruit for free and so have it easier is rediculous. I'd rather be in blues facing champ then I. Recruit facing full WH modded augmented gear. It is a much larger gap now.
  5. Migrayn

    chain stunning

    It was actually a team of operatives. You see when 2 or 3 of them stun and attack no half dead solo player can survive.
  6. So as long as 2 operatives are killing someone they can win. That is exactly why Ops were nerfed. Teams of us teaming up. Ohh when while the team of 2 operatives are on 1 person that leaves the rest of your 6 teammates fighting 7 of the other team for the objectives. But I guess its fair. At least we can get kills this way.
  7. What are you smoking, I think I need some. Open hidden strike/acid blade 3k 1.5s later backstab 3k 1.5s later stun 1k maybe 1.5s later op get sstunned or knocked back 1.5s later lacerate 3k 1.5s operative dead do to burst from some PT behind him.
  8. You should absolutly be able to log back in and put right back into the match if it is still going on. If you get back in and win then it should be a win. It should only count as a loss if you do not get back in in time to finish the match. Plus having 8 v 7 or 6 really sucks for rated matches.
  9. Im sorry I have to laugh. Show me any operative or scoundrel that can hit for more then 5k single hit on any geared player consistantly. It doesnt happen. That is why 99% of them are not healbots. Heck after the adrenal and relic changes in 1.3 I doubt they will hit 5k on even a green geared opponent.
  10. Show me any DPS scoundrel or operative that can burst as hard as a PT pyro now. Scoundrels and operatives have been nerfed about 4 times already to lower their burst. They were designed as a burst class and now are subpar to even tank classes when it comes to burst. Pyro's in heavy armor have way too much damage and burst ability. Everyone knows it.
  11. Please make shields use full. Currently shields have no use in pvp. Every attack worth using is either force or tech. Even many bosses use force and tech attacks for their big hitters. Shields only block trash that would not really hurt anyway. This puts too big a reliance on armor and damage reduction rather then making class with shields viable. When one tank is designed to have high shield rate and lower armor then the content is designed to bypass all shields it becomes very unfair. Most shield tanks in pvp drop the shield and take a focus to add more damage stats since shield is useless. Their is no logical reason that a shield generator should.block solid projectiles (weapon damage) but not absorb energy attacks.
  12. ohh I did not think it would come from greens I thought only from the orange stuff like the BM and WH craftables. That is much nicer if it comes from greens. Thanks for the info.
  13. so we have to craft level 50 gear to RE for mats for MK-6 kits. Makes sense, though sucks from a wasteing materials and the long crafting time on level 50 gear.
  14. When you bring up the map their is only 1 north as all maps have. If you have any kind of directional sence you know that if you are facing south then your view is opposite the team facing north. Compass directions are universal learn them.
  15. I read you need 10 components from REing crit craft able items. Now do the componts gathered have mk levels as wellor can we RE level 20 gear and then make a mk-6 augment slot?
  16. Patch notes say for snipers that shield probe now scales with gear. So it will get better and take more damage with better gear. I was also wondering why operatives do not get the same fix.
  17. wow someone sounds butthurt. Sin in tank or hybrid spec can't put out enough damage in 5s to kill a powertech in heavy armor. Soon as shroud is down, the PT just nukes you in about another 5s. I was asking for any tips people had on fighting them. Asking is how we learn. Try it sometime.
  18. You realize the stats on battle master were lowered and 13-14k is for a full set. My champ set had higher health but with so much lost expertise I had to get the new set with lower endurance.
  19. Says form Pyro pt. Its fine for a tanks class in heavy armor to have more burst then a designed burst class with poor defences.
  20. I would agree with if the operative burst skills were not already needed twice due to it being too high because of relics and adrenals. Now our burst will be even lower. Its bad enough that tank classes can burst higher then us already. If our skill burst was a little higher then I'd say the adrenal nerf would bring us up to par relatively speaking. I'm tired of being a burst class without any real burst.
  21. I'm so tired of getting hit by tanks for 4-5k while my burst class with zero out of stealth combat hits for 2-3k. How is this justified? Just because we hit from stealth does not mean we should hit for less then BH and jugs. Its rediculouse that dips operatives have no niche other then dieing. No real burst anymore, the same stun that most classes get and crap defence once out of stealth.
  22. Does anyone know how to beat power techs. The Pyro ones do so much burst even my tank spec dies in meat seconds. I am poorly geared I just hit 50. Even at 49 against equal gear pt's they could melt me fast. The shield techs have way more drthen I do. I barely see their life draining as I attack them. Any tips for a new sin would be appreciated.
  23. Pt pyrotechs absolutely. They have way to much burst. They have way more burst then dips operatives. In fact it takes teams of operatives to kill anyone yet pt's can kill person after person while wearing heavy armor. They seriously need to be brought in line to other dps classes.
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