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name your most minor annoyances with the game....


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The black screen every time you hit the revive button. For some reason that moment of not knowing freaks me out no matter how many times I see it, or not see it, as the case may be.


Less annoying but still on the list, a hover vehicle getting stuck on a step or slight variation in the terrain. Hover vehicles should not have to 'jump'.

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Not able to have Hood + Mask.


Purple crystals should be more common in my opinion. Especially for the Republic side who can't even get them, or so I've heard.


HOODS and masks for sure... def a let down when I found out my assassin cant look like the ones in the cinematic trailers.

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"Even the most advanced droid cannot make a shimmersilk purse from a bantha's ear master. I will try to do better next time." - C2-N2

What was that C2? Was that a thinly veiled insult implying that I gave you an impossible task and it's therefore my fault you failed?

Companions almost never get on elevators.

My Sith Warrior's cape has clipped horizontally through his chest in several cutscenes.

Companions sometimes glitch into flipping between standing and laying on the ground after being knocked down.

The ungrateful NPCs that populate much of the game. For example, in the Jedi Consular quest on Taris:

What? I just saved you and every Republic citizen on the planet from a horribly painful radioactive death, and all you can think about is whining that I spared the Jedi Master who had no control over his actions?

The general disconnect between some dialogue text options and the actual spoken words.

Repeated use of class-specific dialogue lines.

Edited by CelticMarauder
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Not being able to open both my character screen and inventory when I'm at the Trade Network or at a vendor. Plus, Having to juggle windows when messing with weapon/armor mods. Just let me open any/all the windows when I need/want them. :confused:
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Lets see:


1. Droids on the ship - please let me mute him

2. People with stupid names, mainly those that try to sound dirty but spelled funny

3. Dumb guild names

4. Not being able to block duel requests (if its there can someone tell me where!)


Just some of the annoying ones.

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Lets see:


4. Not being able to block duel requests (if its there can someone tell me where!)



Yeah, I looked for this straight away...couldn't find it either. One can block, iirc, guild, trade, and group requests, but not Duels? Not sure why that was overlooked.

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The way the GTN window overlaps with my inventory window on a non-widescreen monitor, so that dragging an item into the "sell" box just puts it into the upper slot of my inventory instead.


Gotta exit out of both, then click the GTN so that the sell window is on the left.


So annoying.

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white/silver color crystals not available from launch


Togruta not playable from launch


response choices all being more or less the same thing


response choices that all are the complete opposite way my character would respond


repeated lines (if I hear "You have my complete, undivided attention" on my inquisitor one more time...)


having to send my companion on mission after mission after mission just to get one available that I actually need, and then when they get back from THAT mission I don't even get the particular item I need


Baron Deathmark. Especially when he taunts me for dying in a hazard because I've been stunlocked to oblivion


edit for one more: never having a response to 2V-R8 to tell him "I'm a completely rational and well-meaning sith and you are doing your job just fine. stop kissing my *** every other word you say"

Edited by Metaspark
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no same sex flirt prompts :(


and I agree with the togruta. I'm still waiting (im)patiently to roll a jedi sage because she .must. be a togruta.


the female chars sometimes showing their teeth in cutscenes (when there should be lips seen)

it's freaking me out


voice actors used for classes, not races (it's so irritating that zabraks have the same voice as my miraluka)... I know why it was done, but still a minor annoyance :p

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this game needs a fully customisable drag and drop and resize UI element option's


PVP on Illum can be like a slideshow at times when numbers get high ( I have a decent net speed and computer)


I would love to see players being able to ride dewbacks and taun tauns. I really feel they dropped the ball not having this sort of fun / immersive add on when the game started.


After i have done my levelling and datacrons what reason have i got to go back to all the planets ?


there isnt any customisable warzone queues (where i can pick what i want to do > im told what warzone im doing)

Edited by Alpha-Llama
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