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Everything posted by CelticMarauder

  1. I hope they fix the romance bug. My character broke up with Kaliyo early on and eventually married Raina (got the letters in the mail and everything), but the developers seem to have forgotten to flag the Kaliyo romance as closed (or they messed it up somehow). Was quite a surprise when I got to Chapter 16 and I got a conversation where options one, two, and three all ended with my agent romantically kissing my supposed ex.
  2. They didn't actually remove them. Just go to your map screen and enable exploration quests on the top right. The devs hid them because they're no longer necessary to level due to the increased XP reward from class quest and main planet stories.
  3. I actually don't think that's boring, although others might disagree. It allows him to leave the planet, like he wants, but actually gives him a better chance for a future than whatever he had planned. I believe that a slightly modified version of your scenario could have been realistically written into the game. The potential light side choice could have been the option to give him the credits he wants, but also allow you to book him a shuttle to a stable planet with an established healthcare infrastructure. Then it would truly be his choice. Of course, that would be a lot of complexity and writing for a simple side quest, and I don't think the devs wanted to devote that much time to that aspect of the game.
  4. I never really thought about it from that perspective, so I guess it does make a little more sense than I thought, giving him a choice and all. I'm still not sure I 100% agree, but I can now justify it much more easily than I could before. Thanks!
  5. I recently created a new Trooper to take part in the event, and while questing on Ord Mantell, once again came upon a quest that has bothered me every time I've done it. If you're unfamiliar with it, a couple of grieving parents send you to search for their lost son, who was presumed dead before a family acquaintance swore they saw him alive. So you fight through the separatists to the middle of their base and discover that he was indeed alive, having been captured by the Separatists and forced to take rage-inducing stims and fight for them. He's tired of this and wants out, and the bloody swathe you carved through the base finally gives him the chance he needs to escape. The dark side decision is to try to convince him to return to his parents, who clearly love him and would do anything to help him get past all the trauma he's been through. The light side choice is to tear apart a family, give this emotionally scarred teenager a handful of credits and send him out, alone, into a galaxy that he has absolutely no practical knowledge of. The galaxy is dangerous even for experienced travelers, and sending this guy out there is like throwing a small fish into a tank of hungry sharks. Some have argued that sending the kid back to his family endangers both him and the other refugees, but I'd argue that reuniting the family provides a chance for healing and recovery, while sending him out all but removes that chance entirely. TLDR: Sending a traumatized teenager into the galaxy alone with a handful of credits is light side, trying to reunite him with his loving parents is dark side, and I disagree with the aforementioned choices.
  6. You do know he's not called "Rogun the Cuddly Defender of Orphaned Jedi," right?
  7. These things actually don't bother me all that much. I understand that each player's storyline is structured a little bit like a book. Every character's storyline starts and ends at approximately the same points in time, so of course starting a new character is going to bring you back to the beginning of the galactic story as well. That's absolutely fine with me. I do pay attention to the timeline, and the fact that I have several characters (and have finished with both the Agent and the Trooper) grants me insight into why certain events happen the way they do, the connections between some of them, and when they occur in relation to other events. I have a very good imagination, so I can usually rationalize things that don't mesh perfectly together. The only thing that bothers me is when two major storylines that are taking place concurrently openly conflict with each other. See my Trooper's example a few posts above. EDIT: To be clear, I don't really RP at all. I just try to make the story make sense in my head as I'm playing through it.
  8. Trooper and Republic Balmorra Spoilers Post-Corellia, both sides
  9. The fact that some class storylines are written in a vacuum, taking little account of events happening in the world arc. For example, with my Trooper during his time on Balmorra: There are other examples, both in that class and with others. I can overlook minor (and sometimes not so minor) continuity errors because it's impossible to have every single class storyline mesh with all the other quests, but glaringly obvious plotholes like the one described above really do negatively affect my immersion.
  10. That almost reminds me of someone you encounter in Act 3 for the Trooper. *Major Spoilers*
  11. Didn't this nerf happen a while ago? It's not exactly new. Besides, if you choose the range-focused Sage or Sorcerer, you get a passive ability that increases it to thirty meters. It would sort of be overpowered if the melee-focused Shadow or Assassin could use a powerful ranged ability from that far away.
  12. The exact same thing was happening on the inquisitor ship just a couple hours ago, so it's not just smugglers.
  13. When I try to start the game, I get a message saying ImDiskInst.exe was not installed correctly, and it tells me to reinstall. I tried doing so, and that didn't work. I'm not sure why this is happening, because I received a success message when I installed it, and I can even open it up directly using the control panel. Any ideas?
  14. How is this fair? Shouldn't players *already* on servers have absolute preference based on the fact that they're *already* there? Every one of the other factors should be secondary.
  15. 1. Continuation of the class stories. 2. More GTN terminals. 3. Invasions and zone or planet-wide events, sort of along the lines of what Rift has.
  16. I'd have to say Taris, because I hate and despise rakghouls. Honorable mention goes to Belsavis, with its liberal use of walls and its maze-like layout.
  17. I finished Act I one or two weeks ago, so I apologize if I don't remember every detail exactly. If I recall correctly, it's implied that Morrhage must actually possess a body in order to maintain enough strength to continue the plague. So whether you kill or shield Parkanas/Vivicar, the plague ends and shielding is no longer required, since Morrhage has been forced out of the body and is too weak to attempt to repossess it. Think of Parkanas/Vivicar as an intermediary between Morrhage and the plague victims. When he is dead or shielded, Morrhage no longer has access to that intermediary, thus severing his link between him and the victims. As for the dark side/light side choice, picture the plague as a bomb. You can either defuse the bomb and render it useless (shielding) or shoot the bomb, causing it to explode (kill Parkanas/Vivicar). Either way, you've removed the bomb, but the second choice is a lot more drastic and violent. I hope that long, slightly disjointed paragraph made sense to you. If I was unclear on something or I rambled too much (that happens sometimes) then feel free to ask for an explanation and I'll do my best to clarify.
  18. Taros Duskstrider, on the Shadowlands server http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/4892/screenshot2012081216211.jpg http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/9720/screenshot2012081216210.jpg http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/1723/screenshot2012081416492.jpg
  19. I still like this game and can see myself playing it for the foreseeable future. That being said: 1: I'm becoming more pessimistic with every patch that they'll actually continue the character storylines which were advertised as being a central part of the game, 2: I'm a little disappointed that a full free-to-play option will arrive before even the one-year anniversary. They can talk all they want about expanding, but the fact is they wouldn't implement this so soon if they weren't seriously worried about the size of the player base, both short and long-term.
  20. I request that any mod stopping by please close this thread, as it is no longer relevant.
  21. Never mind this thread. I was wrong in my assumption and I made the mistake of getting my information from old threads.
  22. I'm speaking here of the quest line involving Thana Vesh and Darth Gravus. I'm adding a filler sentence here to prevent words from the spoiler box being shown when mousing over the thread title.
  23. Try right-clicking on it and selecting view image.
  24. It probably has more to do with game mechanics than realism and accurate Star Wars lore Xenotpt. Shadows, the other AC Consulars can choose, are primarily melee and close-range. Therefore it would be sort of difficult for Bioware to remove the lightsaber when choosing to be a Sage. Besides, the shared tree, whatever you may think of its power, has at least a few melee benefits to choose from. I like your signature Helig.
  25. While I don't have the same rage and anger that the OP has, I do think he's mostly right. Any tree labeled as DPS should be able to play competitively against any other tree labeled as DPS. Obviously the numbers shouldn't be exactly the same; that would remove any variety between classes. Instead, the DPS trees with lower raw damage numbers (such as Assassin) should bring in more utility to make up for it. Conversely, trees with incredibly high raw damage should have somewhat less utility in order to make the playing field more or less level. I believe this is in line with Bioware's original goal of not creating any DPS class that's inherently weaker overall than the others.
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