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name your most minor annoyances with the game....


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People who I -know- have run Esseles or BT before that don't spacebar (I'm an alt-o-holic)


AAAGGGGHHHH!!!! A Non-purest!!! Shame on you! No matter how many times you run an instance, you must listen to the dialogue in its entirety! You know this!!


Your membership in the SWTOR 'R US club has been revoked!

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Others mentioned these but...


Can't board ship w/o leaving the planet.

Camera auto rotates to center when moving forward.

Some LONG loading screen times.

GTN. Who came up with this pile of shi* UI.

I can't craft things myself. I'm part of the crew... right?

The sit on the ground animation.

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I just bought a razer naga and it weird to me that the key binds aren't shown as "num1" or "num9" but instead use "insert" or "pg up".


It hard to find the ability on the mouse keypad if I don't have a number to associate it with.


Wait till you see the bug where your char starts spinning or walking backwards/forward.


Thats Naga. :)


How to avoid: Dont hold shift while pressing one of the 1-12 buttons on the mouse. Great huh?: )

Edited by Wopsie
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These are non-game breaking stuff.... Really minor stuff that just annoys you but overall doesnt really affect gameplay....


I'll start off....


Going into the guild window and sorting by rank sorts alphabetically, which you would think would sort by actual rank!


Lack of insects.... actually lack of any form of environment, just no noises, no dripping water from the ceiling, no crickets in the grass, no feeling of being somewhere,


Even AoC had some eeery feelings, there was a room full of dead animals, and flies, with surround sound it felt horrible, giving atmosphere and a desire to get out the room

Edited by MackumDog
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1.- Pop up window when companions return from a mission closes the GTN window.-

2.- Clipping in general, hoods, robes...

3.- Real stupid character names.-

4.- Orbital Stations, get rid of them or at least allow us to use the speeder in them.-

5.- Coruscant Spaceport and Senate's Tower... all that walking? really?

6.- GTN filtering (or lack of it)

7.- Darth Arho :p

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Crappy poorly designed UI


Broken endgame pvp planet, with no siege engines, and only 3 warzones.


Too linear, get to 50 with one character doing the side quests for another alt are boring and you see everything the first time around.


World exploration constantly hindered by big rock walls, even on a desert planet known as Tatooine.


Exhaustion zones, around the edge of the map is understanable, but not in the middle of the map between mos illa and anchorhead cutting them off from the rest of the planet without a taxi....


Small worlds for an MMO.


Bad world design to keep you from seeing other fraction while questing and leveling up.


Crappy camera zoom wont let you zoom in as close to your character as you would like without jumping to first person view.... Like they are hiding there low res textures up close. And camera zoom constantly being reset upon death, zone change or obstruction.


Crappy market search function.


No hood up option or ability to wear full facial masks with hood up, like advertised on so many game concept art promotions.


No LFG tool.


Slow speeders 110% mount three training should be more like 150%, but of course then you'd realize how small the worlds really are.


Space combat on rails and recycled missions/quests.


Too many classes that not only require, but encourage you to only use the same 2 or three attacks over and over and over...


Too easy, and too carebear over all as a game, even nightmare modes.


Too casual


Too single player feeling with co op functionality.


No housing, no guild halls.


As a Battlemaster on my main, I feel endgame is a second job, a job that I want to quit.


Ect Ect Ect.



Obviously starting to get bored with this game.... Hell I was bored in beta. I'm still playing, but I'm getting close to canceling.

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Crappy poorly designed UI


Broken endgame pvp planet, with no siege engines, and only 3 warzones.


Too linear, get to 50 with one character doing the side quests for another alt are boring and you see everything the first time around.


World exploration constantly hindered by big rock walls, even on a desert planet known as Tatooine.


Exhaustion zones, around the edge of the map is understanable, but not in the middle of the map between mos illa and anchorhead cutting them off from the rest of the planet without a taxi....


Small worlds for an MMO.


Bad world design to keep you from seeing other fraction while questing and leveling up.


Crappy camera zoom wont let you zoom in as close to your character as you would like without jumping to first person view.... Like they are hiding there low res textures up close. And camera zoom constantly being reset upon death, zone change or obstruction.


Crappy market search function.


No hood up option or ability to wear full facial masks with hood up, like advertised on so many game concept art promotions.


No LFG tool.


Slow speeders 110% mount three training should be more like 150%, but of course then you'd realize how small the worlds really are.


Space combat on rails and recycled missions/quests.


Too many classes that not only require, but encourage you to only use the same 2 or three attacks over and over and over...


Too easy, and too carebear over all as a game, even nightmare modes.


Too casual


Too single player feeling with co op functionality.


No housing, no guild halls.


As a Battlemaster on my main, I feel endgame is a second job, a job that I want to quit.


Ect Ect Ect.



Obviously starting to get bored with this game.... Hell I was bored in beta. I'm still playing, but I'm getting close to canceling.


Happy you think all those are just minor annoyances, worries me what you think might be major ones though

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-Loading times between exiting and entering back into a Flashpoint/Operation

-Quest log on the top right corner opens at every change of screen area

-Why I cannot pan my camera view while im moving w/o resetting itself

-Big Booty on male robes, give that to the females

-When im in the fleet and I board my ship, why do I have to leave away from the fleet?

- Loading times: Board ship = loading, go back to the fleet = loading, Fly to a planet = loading, drop to Orbital = loading, drop down to planet = loading

-18hr CD on the Emergency Fleet Pass. Why?

-Cannot zoom enough to see my character up close

-Completed Crafting Missions poping up while in combat. Why not pending?

-People that have run Flashpoints over and over, still go through all the dialog again :rolleyes:

-Adding a friend/player from the same server on same faction. Player "Does Not Exist" if he's not online. *** if he's not in the same area, how do I know if he's online if I cant have him on my list?? :confused:

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Not being able to move my UI windows around


Some quests are still not abandon-able (Stay Frosty anyone?)


The orbital stations (except for the Korriban one because of the cinematic :p)


Quest placement discourages planet-side PVP. Why so separated??



Broken endgame pvp planet, with no siege engines, and only 3 warzones.


Too linear, get to 50 with one character doing the side quests for another alt are boring and you see everything the first time around.


World exploration constantly hindered by big rock walls, even on a desert planet known as Tatooine.


Exhaustion zones, around the edge of the map is understanable, but not in the middle of the map between mos illa and anchorhead cutting them off from the rest of the planet without a taxi....



Bad world design to keep you from seeing other fraction while questing and leveling up.


Crappy camera zoom wont let you zoom in as close to your character as you would like without jumping to first person view.... Like they are hiding there low res textures up close. And camera zoom constantly being reset upon death, zone change or obstruction.



No hood up option or ability to wear full facial masks with hood up, like advertised on so many game concept art promotions.



Slow speeders 110% mount three training should be more like 150%, but of course then you'd realize how small the worlds really are.


Space combat on rails and recycled missions/quests.



Too easy, and too carebear over all as a game, even nightmare modes.


Too casual


Too single player feeling with co op functionality.


No housing, no guild halls.


As a Battlemaster on my main, I feel endgame is a second job, a job that I want to quit.


Ect Ect Ect.



Obviously starting to get bored with this game.... Hell I was bored in beta. I'm still playing, but I'm getting close to canceling.


When I first looked at this post I thought it was just another whiney complainer kid who doesn't know how games work or are developed. But when I really looked at each reason, I feel they are very legitmate. I took out a few I didn't agree with.

Edited by Anti_Bodies
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1. You are fighting mobs next to a resource node and as you finish th fight your companion dies... you then try to gather the resource node but you can't because your dead companion is trying unsuccessfully to gather that node. In order to gather said node you need to rez or dismiss your companion.


2. Companions coming back from crew missions close out any windows you may have open. This is very annoying when you at putting the finishing touch on a very long bug report.... just about to hit submit when bam it is all gone because your companion thought him/her/it's mission result was more important.


3. No alternate planets to level up alts on... leveling up alts doing the exact same side quest over and over again makes this game un alt friendly.



4. How bland and static the planets are. The first time I went to Nar Shadda, I came across a cop speeder and some cop like people who were arresting some one and I thought this was awesome. A couple of months later and these people are still in the exact same spot doing the exact same thing.. you would think by now they would have at least gotten the perp in the speeder, I guess these NPC's must get paid by the hour.

Edited by Treebyrn
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When I first looked at this post I thought it was just another whiney complainer kid who doesn't know how games work or are developed. But when I really looked at each reason, I feel they are very legitmate. I took out a few I didn't agree with.

Thanks for taking the time to actually hear me out, I really want the game to be better and all those things I named are pretty annoying, to me anyhow. But thanks again for actually reading my post and not dismissing it as a whiner kid, as well as agreeing with most of it.


And I am holding back, I could literally go on and on, but I don't wanna come off as a negative nancy more than I already seem to be in the face of some who think the game deserves pardons left and right for it's faults.


Just sad to see a game I had such high hopes for, fall into a very forgettable experience overall.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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I want to kill my C2-N2 droid and I can't.

He is annoying and needs to die.

He changes my ships diet without permission.

He stinks it up with nectar.

He does things without consulting me.

He talks too much.


I want to throw him out into space and shoot a photon torpedo at him.



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I want to kill my C2-N2 droid and I can't.

He is annoying and needs to die.

He changes my ships diet without permission.

He stinks it up with nectar.

He does things without consulting me.

He talks too much.


I want to throw him out into space and shoot a photon torpedo at him.




Haha, thanks for the laugh. In beta he wouldn't shut up, he would just say "I'm more than happy to be assisting you" over and over again the whole time you had him following you around, we all hated the driod companions since way back then. They have gotten better though, it was worse believe it or not.

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Minor annoyances that are not game breaking:


People who laugh at RP players, on an RP server. :rolleyes:

People who ride oversized speeders indoors. :rolleyes:

People who threaten to quit the game, yet never do. :rolleyes:

People who decide to make this game grounds for some real life cause. :rolleyes:

People who play their characters naked. :rolleyes:

People who seem to forget ... this is a game. :eek:

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People who don't like silly names. I can't help it. I suck at making serious/cool names.


Lack of same gender romance option with companions. I mean its in pretty much all other BW games. So why not this one?


People who think they're superior because they have better gear than you.


My jedi shadows head clipping through the hood of his robe.




:: puts of flame resist gear and equips sheild ::

Edited by DarthEwok
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Right mouse button hard coded into the default 1 keybind.


Camera zoom resetting itself constantly.


Certain preference resetting themselves when you switch characters.


Macro support, for mouseover healing and combining trinket and dps CD together.


Terrible UI, designed by someone who never played a game in there life.


Not being able to click on nameplates.


Tiny buffs and debuffs on your tiny health bar.

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- Imperial player-base that complain about huttball & Ilum when THEY are the problem.

- Sorcs/sage's hybrid dps build / their OP bubble.

- fact that imps have stronger (less-buggy) "mirrors"

- The population of the republic on almost every server, since everybody wants to be a sorc

- warzone trolls (people who help the enemy in order to troll their teams) *glares at the Dirtbags guild on Kaas City*

- Bioware/EA's unwillingness to perma-ban hackers/Ilum exploiters/kill traders

- Imperials :)

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The fact that it's 3,000 years before the star wars films in a galaxy of technology and they still have the same fashion, weapons, ship design etc... 3,000 years is a long time not to advance at all in a galaxy!

This bugs me. Everything is so mirrored.


Oh look, the Imperials even wear the same uniforms as Imperial officers in Palpatine's "first" Empire.


Oh look, the Smuggler is just like Han Solo, he even has a fast ship that looks like a piece of junk. Nudge nudge, wink wink.


Even within the game... I remember the Deceived trailer, where Malgus has a twi'lek companion (who's his lover, and a former slave, according to backstory). This is such a dumb duplication of the Sith Warrior class it's insulting.


Another small thing that really irritated me yesterday when I was levelling my Inquisitor... I had to acquire an anti-cyborg item called a "Cyber Neutralizer". Really? A "Cyber Neutralizer"? Are we all eight?

Edited by Aurojiin
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