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Bioware, accept responsibility for your crappy engine.


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Gotta love how people will complain and tell others who say they have good performance that they are lying, while at the same time telling people not to talk about things they do not know about. Yet, none of them can provide actual proof of their own specs (after all, you can't visit each poster's house and show them your rig), and on top of that, none of them have access to the information BioWare has about performance issues.


There is likely a problem with the engine, but there is equally likely a problem people simply have with their own computers. I remember people complaining about issues on the fleet, and after a localization patch in the fleet, people congratulated them on the fix.


Sorry, I am more likely to believe a company who has already fixed some issues over a bunch of people who most likely have no idea what they are talking about. In addition, I find myself much less likely to believe people who say they know what the problem is and could fix it themselves, yet when told to give the solution to BioWare, would come back with an answer such as "I don't work for free!" or some other excuse.


Yep, I agree there is a problem, and the problem probably has some issues on BioWare's side. However, I think a lot of people just simply have worse hardware than they are letting on.



Prepared to be flamed quite hard. Not by me as I agree with you.


Though it really doesnt mean much, I have by modern day computers a medium size rig. Nothing special. My graphics card is good, but not the best on the market.


I will not say I get 100FPS in game but I will say that going to Ilum even when there is more then 20 people I still get around 40FPS.


Could it be better? sure it could.


But yes, I agree that it is both sides, some Bioware and from what they have said they are working on it and some of the problem is peoples rigs.

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I did....thats when the FACT you mention you have a 4 year old vid card


At this point I'll just assume you are mentally impaired... or really can't read at all.


But, since I'm in a good mood, I'll rephrase that for you: the question is, regardless of my graphics card: why is the game running smoother when graphics are all set on high instead of low?


There, I made it easy for you.

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lol @ all these people claiming they play with 100fps... yeah, you do that at the very corner of the map with nothing but environment around you.



I'll tell you this much about this game running on my geforce 9600gt: my FPS actually gets worse in low settings compared to having everything set on high quality. When I saw that happening, you can rest assured you don't need any technician or any deep knowledge about computers to know that something around stinks...


Doesn't matter what the white knights will say, the problem is NOT our computers. I've seen people complaining with graphics issues when they are rocking a 5 grand rig... ludicrous to say the least when blaming their systems instead of this horrid engine they are using for this game.


4yr old video card? I suggest a lil less of the wacky tabaky

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????????? You want me to buy a 2nd gtx580? Or upgrade my ram from 8GB to 12? Or maybe get ANOTHER SSD for raid 0?


/sigh @ biodrones and ignorants


if you cant play the game with a steady FPS this highlights a major flaw in the game, there is no reason it shouldn't work fine on this guys pc unless the game itself is subpar.

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Also, FYI, my rig runs this game so well considering how old it is that I don't even feel the need to upgrade it.



My old PC has the same graphics card as you. I ran the game just fine other than PvP and especially Ilum. I would get major lag. My new PC does not have those issues. My gf has dual 9600GTs and she gets lag on Ilum.


I dont see that as a coincidence. The engine definitely has some flaws and even my new rig does see a drop at times, but the issues people face are not 100% separate from hardware.


The real issue is why are the min spec's so low when the reality is playing with those systems will make the game run like a joke. I actually believe them when they say they took out hi-res because it would kill peoples PC's, just look at what happens to a medium spec PC that hits Ilum?...

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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My PC is less than a year old, with a quad-core CPU, 4gb RAM and a brand new and very expensive graphics card.

I don't PVP, not my thing, but even on Flashpoints, Planets and Space Missions I will have sudden dips in FPS for no reason at all.


I could be wrong, but I think I read somewhere that the engine wasn't fully complete when Bioware began to create the game. That could just be a rumour though.


But then did anyone else play Knights Of The Old Republic II for the PC? That thing was so incredibly buggy because it was rushed out! No amount of patching ever fixed it and I had to give up a third into the game because it kept bugging out.

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I don't get these issues, if that helps.


Have you ever been to Ilum central when they are more then 40 players within a certain radius and have you stayed there for more then half an hour and do you feel then still that you have smooth fps performance.


I am running this game on high end machine:

64 Bit Windows 7

8 GB RAM (which does not provide extra benefit as SWTOR is 32 bit game and does not use any 64 bit architecture benefits).

i3-2100 CPU - 3.1 GHz

GTX 560 Graphic card.


It is clear that 16 players within a certain radius is the maximum SWTOR can handle smoothly. The more players being added the more performance issue you will start seeing.

Those are observational facts based on own experience and feedback from other players.


It is probably also the main reason they don't have large player number wz's as other games have.

I agree with the op comment that the response from Bioware that this issue would be mainly related to the client hardware systems is big bullocks.

What is the cause of the issues and how it can be resolved I cannot comment that is up to Bioware to solve but if they are already redirecting the issue to the client machine or want to resolve it by forcing users to lower the graphic rendering I do feel concerned about the capability to solved it in a good way.

Edited by Sejia
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Have you ever been to Ilum central when they are more then 40 players within a certain radius and have you stayed there for more then half an hour and do you feel then still that you have smooth fps performance.


I am running this game on high end machine:

64 Bit Windows 7

8 GB RAM (which does not provide extra benefit as SWTOR is 32 bit game and does not use any 64 bit architecture benefits).

i3-2100 CPU - 3.1 GHz

GTX 560 Graphic card.


It is clear that 16 players within a certain radius is the maximum SWTOR can handle smoothly. The more players being added the more performance issue you will start seeing.

Those are observational facts based on own experience and feedback from other players.


It is probably also the main reason they don't have large player number wz's as other games have.

I agree with the op comment that the response from Bioware that this issue would be mainly related to the client hardware systems is big bullocks.

What is the cause of the issues and how it can be resolved I cannot comment that is up to Bioware to solve but if they are already redirecting the issue to the client machine or want to resolve it by forcing users to lower the graphic rendering I do feel concerned about the capability to solved it in a good way.


But the problem...is not everyone is having Issue's...a few very vocal people are

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But the problem...is not everyone is having Issue's...a few very vocal people are

And a lot of people suffer in silence. I once mentioned about the sluggishness of WZs in guild chat, and I got back a ton of "yeah, it's pretty bad" as a reply. These people don't use the forum, either.

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And a lot of people suffer in silence. I once mentioned about the sluggishness of WZs in guild chat, and I got back a ton of "yeah, it's pretty bad" as a reply. These people don't use the forum, either.


and No one in my guild has yet to mention this...go figure

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But the problem...is not everyone is having Issue's...a few very vocal people are


If such is the case then we can also conclude that the issue is not related to client hardware specification and that it might be related to varies other things. (OS settings, Graphic card settings, configuration, ISP, bandwidth, connection stability on SWTOR servers etc .... a trillion things).


I have bought this hardware solely for SWTOR, (besides ventrillo) it is the only thing installed on this OS. Even I might be the only one experiencing this issue, it is sufficient proof that the issue I face is not related to low or medium hardware specification.


Bioware making a statement that the issue is caused by low to medium hardware specification is what is bothering me and by this they make pre-mature conclusions without real proof (they did not provide the proof). They do just the same as many blame others in this forum.


I don't know what is the problem and what is the cause and I am willing to wait patiently for Bioware to tell me and to solve it.

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Dude, it's the engine man, get over it. Can't you people just accept it already. The engine is not optimized. Take a look at the recent GW2 videos of pvp and I've seen many of them; it runs absolutely smoooooth. And the graphics in GW2 blows SW:TOR away. Even Rift had better graphics then SW:TOR and yet that game ran as smooth as silk. But in SW:TOR, forget about it: SLIDESHOW in pvp.


And yes, I have a nice gaming rig so it's not my comp. I had tons of games that I run beautifully on my system including online games. I play BF3 on ultra settings with no problems, and yet you guys are still defending SW:TOR lag on player's comps? Man, you guys need some education, seriously.

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It is clear that 16 players within a certain radius is the maximum SWTOR can handle smoothly. The more players being added the more performance issue you will start seeing.

Those are observational facts based on own experience and feedback from other players.


Well, dunno if this is a particular SWTOR issue. WoW, for example, had exactly the same problem with Wintergasp, which used to be a PvP zone comparable to Ilum. I remember "playing" Wintergasp with less than 10 fps and permanent DCs. Alterac Valley zerg situations with more than 30 players was the same.

Edited by Cretinus
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My PC is less than a year old, with a quad-core CPU, 4gb RAM and a brand new and very expensive graphics card.

I don't PVP, not my thing, but even on Flashpoints, Planets and Space Missions I will have sudden dips in FPS for no reason at all.


I could be wrong, but I think I read somewhere that the engine wasn't fully complete when Bioware began to create the game. That could just be a rumour though.


But then did anyone else play Knights Of The Old Republic II for the PC? That thing was so incredibly buggy because it was rushed out! No amount of patching ever fixed it and I had to give up a third into the game because it kept bugging out.


Bioware didn't work on KOTOR II, Obsidian did.

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Dude, it's the engine man, get over it. Can't you people just accept it already. The engine is not optimized. Take a look at the recent GW2 videos of pvp and I've seen many of them; it runs absolutely smoooooth. And the graphics in GW2 blows SW:TOR away. Even Rift had better graphics then SW:TOR and yet that game ran as smooth as silk. But in SW:TOR, forget about it: SLIDESHOW in pvp.


And yes, I have a nice gaming rig so it's not my comp. I had tons of games that I run beautifully on my system including online games. I play BF3 on ultra settings with no problems, and yet you guys are still defending SW:TOR lag on player's comps? Man, you guys need some education, seriously.


Exactly, my bf3 runs pretty well here on ultra too, tor is dragging itself through the streets in WZs and ilum.

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"I am on dual 5870s with an i5 OC + 8 gigs of ram.. I lag like crap in ilum in big battles. Any other game I am 60fps+ "


I've heard that the engine relies more on processor than graphics card and I have to believe this is true. My son's new laptop has an i-7. My computer has a quad-core Q6600. My son's laptop has a 256 meg radeon mobile grfx card. I have a GeForce 8800GT with what sounds like a Jet Engine when the fan kicks on.


His laptop runs the game smoother, at similar FPS with the SAME graphics settings. *** is that?!? The worst is when I quit the game. It takes my computer like 5 minutes to exit the game and "recover" to a usable desktop. His is a matter of seconds.

Edited by Valketh
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"I am on dual 5870s with an i5 OC + 8 gigs of ram.. I lag like crap in ilum in big battles. Any other game I am 60fps+ "


I've heard that the engine relies more on processor than graphics card and I have to believe this is true. My son's new laptop has an i-7. My computer has a quad-core Q6600. My son's laptop has a 256 meg radeon mobile grfx card. I have a GeForce 8800GT with what sounds like a Jet Engine when the fan kicks on.


His laptop runs the game smoother, at similar FPS with the SAME graphics settings. *** is that?!? The worst is when I quit the game. It takes my computer like 5 minutes to exit the game and "recover" to a usable desktop. His is a matter of seconds.


Kinda sound like its peep computers to me...not the engine

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What are you trying to prove? That they still haven't fixed it? Because that was not "smooth". Just look at 0:40 - 1:20. Was it better than the video I posted? Sure, but it was also less players and less effects.


Not sure but zoom distance might affect on lagg aswell, on that viedo he was pretty much playing on FPS mode. I use 80-100% view distance and it do feels like it will make me lagg more compared when i zoom closer.

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I would like to hear the recommenced rig for enjoying the game on 60 FPS with out drops or max 12 FPS in Ilum.

For the jest of it I over clocked my system yesterday a bit higher then usual, with out risking a too high voltage.



Core i7: 4.9ghz (hyperthreading off)

8 gig ram (slightly over clocked)

SDD 128 gig (nothing changed)

580GTX (Core clock 987)

120Mbits connection while in other games I got 5 MS here It is 35-67 (thanks for placing the servers in Ireland ><)


Guess what Ilum is still terrible, I still have FPS drops and what not.

My CPU/GPU aren't used to their max either.



Do tell me what I need to enjoy Ilum because clearly this rig isn't good enough.

People with better rigs have the same issues so well I would love to hear an answer.


By no means this could be bad programming or a horrible engine.

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