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Everything posted by dbseeker

  1. SWG beats this game in almost every aspect:)
  2. If you guys think for a second PvP in SW:TOR is balanced, you guys don't have your heads screwed on tight. Honestly. First off, what spoils the competitive nature in this PvP system is the whole dog-gone gear system. That right there throws everything off whack, okay. Pitting players against players who have different armor value systems is the single worst idea. They don't even consider the new players who hit 50 that want to compete from the start based off of their skill, NOT ARMOR. How the hell can they think this is a fair and balanced system? News flash: It's NOT. Lastly, having one team less players is another form of unbalance. I don't care if I have to wait an extra 5 or 10 minutes; I want to enter a dog-gone warzone with a full team. Not 1 or 2 shy. That's just unacceptable. I understand that some of these people simply don't enter warzone when Q pops, or lack of players but a different approach MUST be considered because to those, such as myself who are very competitive, there is nothing that ticks us off more then needless losses. But I know these issues will never be addressed which is why I have 3 days remaining in my subscription and I'm out. This game is fools gold. P.S. And NO, you can't have my stuff, lol.
  3. Can someone tell me if, as a guild master, you set a set amount of allowance for Lieutenants, of 250k, does that amount last the duration of them being in the guild until it reaches 0, or does that amount reset once per week? once per month for them to withdraw? How does that exactly work? Thank you
  4. Let me launch thousands of solid rock materials at you traveling hundreds of miles per second in a steady stream, lets see what you think then:)
  5. Omg, dude, I'm a near BM on my Scoundrel/Healer, don't you think I know this? I'm telling you, why can't you guys get it through your heads, something is wrong. I'm not the only one saying this. Many, many players say this, so I'm not the only one frustrated with this problem. Believe me. I don't like wasting my times on these message boards cause I have a life, but when a problem seems obvious, I want it addressed cause now it affects me.
  6. No, you are wrong. You don't know me so don't judge me based on your subjective opinion.
  7. You know, I'm very much aware that many of you have heard this 1000X, and that me adding to the obvious discussion that Imperials have a CLEAR advantage over Republic will most likely be of no help, but rather, I want to express my feelings towards Bioware for not considering the utter mess that has become Warzones. Let me tell you something Bioware, I DO NOT appreciate having to log in my character and spending practically ALL DAY just to get my dailies done. I have a life and want to do other things then frustrate my self to death just to get that last and final win to complete my dailies. By the end of dailies I seriously want to smack the persons face who had absolutely NO CONSIDERATION to the amount of trouble one needs to go through just to get them completed. I understand 1.2 will fix a lot of this problem, but the problem stems beyond just creating a premade in 1.2, but problem lies in the fact that, to me, and I could be wrong, but I judge with my eyes, the Sith are a much more diverse and powerful faction. That's just me. I judge myself as a pretty dam good player. On my Scoundrel I usually always top the charts in heals and sometimes even kills, funny as that may sound. I know when I roll with my premade group, we're all pretty good, leaving just 4 others as pups, but the fact that we still lose; that tells me something is very, VERY wrong. I don't care what anyone says, but losing 90% of the times in Warzones, with the skill lvl of my premade/or not, tells me that Bioware instinctively and deliberately made Sith a more powerful faction in their sick and twisted brains of theirs. Why? I don't know, maybe cause they're such geeks in real life that they wanted to fulfill their fantasies of being bad boys knowing well they'll never be in real life, haha, I don't know. Just sayin'. I know this may sound stupid, but you'll be surprised at how this can actually make sense. All I know is Bioware is very much AWARE of this problem and are doing NOTHING about it. This should've been addressed months ago, even during beta, but did nothing. Nothing destroys a pvp game then unbalanced issues. Now I'm NOT expecting to win EVERY match, no, but when my faction is consistently losing 90% of the matches, something is wrong. I feel it in my bones. And honestly speaking, it's just a matter of time before players, such as myself, will leave and never look back. Bioware, you fail at pvp. Period.
  8. Oh please, don't give me this crap about fps problems, listen man, we deal with frame issues in almost every section in this game, so having fps issues in Republic Fleet will hardly be a game changer. It's their fault for not developing the engine to withstand frame rate issues. At least make like a separate section, like a ring, in the Republic Fleet so that when you enter it you can duel someone. It's just stupid we have to go through 3 different loading screens just to duel.
  9. Well then you're not the majority, are you. Republic Fleet as we know it is a boring place to be. Make it interesting.
  10. ...I can't duel someone on the Republic Fleet? I spend the majority of my time there and would really enjoy dueling someone for fun. It's just a low-down dirty shame. Me and my guild mates refer to Republic Fleet and Instance areas the "no fun zone." I mean really, what's the reason? And please don't tell me "lag." Cause we all know lag is NOT the issue because lag is everywhere, due to the engine, so it would hardly make a difference here. Besides, I want to duel people, dam it. Why is Bioware making dueling such a difficult process? Don't they know it's all about having fun!? Give us the ability to duel in Republic Fleet, listen to your customers. The majority of us want this feature and stop making these zones the "no fun zones." Gawd, it's as-if they have no clue what fun truly means, honestly. These are features that should've been implemented from day 1. Basic, logical, features that are commonly implemented from day 1 you guys seemed to have avoided. Tsk, tsk, tsk, shame. Smartin' up Bioware.
  11. Here's a simple solution: even out the numbers, regardless of which side has more queued, for example, if Republic have 6 queued and Sith have a full 8, then the game plucks 6 of the 8 from Sith and puts them against the 6 Republic. Then lets say 2 additional Republic queue shortly after, then the 2 Sith that we're waiting get placed in the game making it even at all times. Easy, cheesy, ferbrezzy.
  12. Dude, it's the engine man, get over it. Can't you people just accept it already. The engine is not optimized. Take a look at the recent GW2 videos of pvp and I've seen many of them; it runs absolutely smoooooth. And the graphics in GW2 blows SW:TOR away. Even Rift had better graphics then SW:TOR and yet that game ran as smooth as silk. But in SW:TOR, forget about it: SLIDESHOW in pvp. And yes, I have a nice gaming rig so it's not my comp. I had tons of games that I run beautifully on my system including online games. I play BF3 on ultra settings with no problems, and yet you guys are still defending SW:TOR lag on player's comps? Man, you guys need some education, seriously.
  13. dbseeker

    WTB Dueling

    Dude, I ALWAYS think this as to WHY they don't allow us to duel in fleet. I mean it's where we all hang out so why exclude us from having fun? This is an MMO, right? It feels just so not right to not be able 2 duel there. I don't care if your fp drops, I WANT TO DUEL ON REPUBLIC FLEET Bioware. Pay attention!!!
  14. I purpose their heavier dps abilities to be moved up the skill tree, but they do need an adjustment of some sort.
  15. It's funny you say that because me and a few of my friends on vent discussed that we would rather be struck by lightening then a barrage of rocks because at least lightening can numb your body and fry your nerves not feeling pain after a while, but Rocks just keep inflicting continuous pain until you die.
  16. All jokes aside, is there? They're seriously due for one because I'm sick and tired of being completely dismantled by them. I'm a Scoundrel/Healer and I absolutely can NOT perform as a healer when I've got 2 or 3 zapping me to death within 3-4 seconds. I'm not exaggerating here. And NO, I have no way to combat them. Even if I put up my shields, it's useless against elemental, or whatever they call their ability, dmg. By the time I even run to them, or run away from them, I'm dead. It's just asinine that Bioware actually thinks they're designed as intended, and I swear, not that anyone gives a you know what, but I'm about to quit this game because this just isn't fun or funny anymore and I like pvping more then pve. I've posted this before, but I believe that EVERY class should have an opportunity to fight back and win, but this just isn't the case here. I mean there is sooooo many of them running around in Warzones/Illum that I don't want to pvp anymore because the dps output even by 1 of them is just in the figures of insane. There tools they have at there disposal is too much. I don't know much about the specifics of there class, nor do I care too cause Frankly, I"m so sick of them that I wish they be deleted altogether (this is just my frustration talking) but maybe what should happen is their main dps abilities be moved up higher in the skill tree. Just do something.
  17. Balance out the amount of players per side, so that if 8 Imps have queued for Warzone, and 6 for Republic, then the system would only pluck out 6 of the 8 Imperials making it a 6vs6. And just as soon as another Republic queues for WZ then the system automatically brings in the 7th Imperial who had been waiting and thowing both of them in making it now a 7vs7. You get my point. Nothing is more frustrating then starting a Warzone short 2 players. This has been happening more often lately. It literally takes me 7-10 Warzones to win just 1. Another good way to add to this Warzone problem is add full 8 man ops group. Why they haven't implemented this just makes no sense to me and astonishes me that they hadn't thought of this earlier. All I know is I'm sick of losing so much. I'm a good player and I'm very competitive, but under these ridiculous circumstances it feels very discouraging to win when you to deal with these imbalance issues. It's clear the faction imbalance has been a huge factor, but whatever the case is, it's pure frustration making it not enjoyable. I think by adding these features it would make pvp in WZ a lot more enjoyable.
  18. Don't worry, GW2 is around the corner. Good luck my friend.
  19. Don't worry, GW2 is around the corner.
  20. Dude, I don't know what rock you've been under but Sorcerers are considered by many as one of the most OP Imperial class. I think in your case you were just having trouble with a particular class and therefore believed that shouldn't be the case and to call for a buff to your class. The truth of the matter is every class, from what I believe, has a counter class that can most likely defeat them rather quickly. In fact, my Smuggler/Scoundrel literally melts to Sorcerers. I pvp a whole lot; full Champion with Rakata stims/meds/adrenal and know my class very well, but the shear dps on the Sorcerer overwhelms me. Hell, I purpose the Sorcerer to be nerfed, but that's a whole other topic, lol. But in my honest opinion, I believe you're not playing your class properly.
  21. I'm sure the pvp system in that game was amazing and very much rewarding. Personally, I can't stand going to ilum. I don't know what it is, but something just isn't right. I hold my own in pvp, but for some reason it just isn't that fun or rewarding for that matter. It just seems to me the developers in the pvp department don't really know what they're doing or have a clue as to what is the meaning of "fun" and "rewarding."
  22. And what angers me is these punks that are doing this consistently know perfectly well that it's a violation and yet they're still doing it. I thought Bioware was gloating that they have this "system" that can detect cheats/cheaters? I mean if this "system" was as good as they say it is, then why haven't they caught these serial cheaters and banned them already. It's clear if a "system" of this magnitude would catch them easily in the act, Warzones would be the perfect place to do it since it is the big lure of PvP. Wow, I just don't get it, honestly.
  23. Not only were we outnumbered, our ops leader wasn't even showing up as part of our group, when he was. We lost within 1 minute when we were a full ops group. This is a huge, consistent problem and why it isn't being addressed is beyond me. I swear, I'm at my wits end with this game. It's so ridiculous that its laughable at this point. Pictures don't lie. http://imageshack.us/f/51/56802166.jpg/
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