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Are androids and Iphones declared as "required" for playing this game?


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Oh yes it's shorter, indeed. It's 60 mins afaik. They can do whatever they like and move to FP or GTN as they need it. I can move to fleet once per day, same way as all those who do not want or (as in my case) can not use authentificator.


Unfortunately many people playing mmos were too stupid to keep their account details secure. No wonder bioware tries to force us to use authenticathors.

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They just give some incentives for people to secure their accounts better. Nothing wrong with that imo.


It's only an incentive to get a security key if:


1. The travel system is subpar without it.


2. Bioware know the travel system is subpar without it.


Which is bizarre. :eek:

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The emulator does not come with android market built in. You need to get a cracked/modified version from some random guy on the internet and do obscure manipulation with the android debug tools before you can download and install the authenticator.


That's a very unreliable and unsecure way to get access to 1hr fleet pass as you end up with your account tied to an emulator with hacked android market and an authenticator app that's known to bug even on the real device...


Emulator is not a solution.




The point is that the 1hr fleet pass is a tool. And a useful one. I think that rewarding players for securing their account is a good idea, and I would not care if players with authenticator could get social armor or whatever as long as it's a vanity item. But the fleet pass is not a vanity item, and therefore should be available to all players.

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The emulator does not come with android market built in. You need to get a cracked/modified version from some random guy on the internet and do obscure manipulation with the android debug tools before you can download and install the authenticator.


That's a very unreliable and unsecure way to get access to 1hr fleet pass as you end up with your account tied to an emulator with hacked android market and an authenticator app that's known to bug even on the real device...


Emulator is not a solution.


Hmm... so that's much less secure than just no having one to start with. :eek:



The point is that the 1hr fleet pass is a tool. And a useful one. I think that rewarding players for securing their account is a good idea, and I would not care if players with authenticator could get social armor or whatever as long as it's a vanity item. But the fleet pass is not a vanity item, and therefore should be available to all players.


That's just it, if the EFP was a 1 hour CD and the FP was a 30 min CD there wouldn't be much of an issue. Or if it was just difference colour social gear and pets (or something), but something intrinsic to the game as travel, it's a strange decision to actively punish people no using security keys.

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You can get an android simulation for your computer and run the app there.




Except the android emulator has no IMEI number, so the authenticator app wouldn't work and you would be stuck out of your account.



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Why can't I have that Ferarri like that guy down the street! I bought my car and got a Subaru instead... if Ferarri's are available I am entitled to one! It is a necessity for travel :p


I pay my car tax and yet unlike Fred I can't drive my Ferarri through traffic lights, because Fred got an app on his mobile that lets him avoid all the traffic lights in town IF he types in the code every time he starts his Ferarri! :D


Silly analogys FTW!!!!

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Can you read? I CAN NOT buy one, not for 4$ not for 40$. They DO NOT SELL it to me.


And OFFICIAL Q&A thread states that they are not going to implemend an extra features, just because fleet pass from security vendor works perfectly fine.


I am not going to discuss how much this feature is needed here (but since they managed to answer this question - looks like it IS, not only for me).


I have plain facts here. What official person stated actually is NOT correct. And it also means that their customers service and in-game features (for some reasons one hardly can explain) depend on brand and model of cell-phone and\or on location where customer lives.



Wrong. We are not talking about extra utility that allows you to work with GTN and\or crew skills. We are talking about IN-GAME feature, isn't it obvious? You really can't tell the difference?



Chill out for a second, maybe you explained things better he would have understood your dilemma.


So you say you cannot buy an authentication key chain fob ($4)? Well then that sucks, but that's also your problem for buying the game out of market. You cannot seriously go complain and moan when you're part of the grey market. It's like buying/importing a car that is not sold in your country, you totally took that risk and I'm just sorry.


Make a ticket in game and complain then, maybe it will somehow reach head office.

As for your dilemma now, go get it on eBay http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Star-Wars-Old-Republic-Collectors-Edition-Security-Key-RSA-Collectors-NEW-/170788377005?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27c3c7d1ad#ht_594wt_1139

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Which defeats the purpose of having the key.


Umm the only real purpose is to access the vendor. Unless you buy gold, use leveling services, share your pw or go to cheat sites you will never have a security issue on your account. No one who doesn't do those things has had their account hacked. Now people will CLAIM they haven't done those things, but my experience in a large guild and in years of MMO gaming it never happens.

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The reason that the security app is only made for android and iPhone devices is the that digipass(i believe that's the name) is the actual manufacture of the hardware and the writers of the sec app for mobile devices ,not bio ware , ,what the app is for is to increase the security on your account ,they are offering it free to those with mobile apps and for shipping costs if you order the FOB BW ,Bliz ,trion and a few other games out there use this exact same system .If there's a reason why they can't ship to you it may be due to many things like import export law custom's or they may just not have a set up a trade agreement with Russia over the shipping of so many devices ,i did a search on why this is and it seems that Russia is a bit harsh on what comes in and out of there country and in this day and age with so many people shipping what they shouldn't i can't really blame them .

OP you have been given many different options of how to get a sec key app either by using the emulator ,going to eBay and buying one ,or getting a smartphone i know you said last option isn't available to you (witch is why i left out the key fob as well) .BW just adds the benefit of having the key to get a couple pieces of socket-able gear ,the 1 hour fleet pass and a few nifty pets .With all these options there is no reason why you can not get one yourself .It's a choice you either listen or you don't . You either get one of the app options increase the security of your account get a few nifty items from it for free or you don't ,it's up to you but getting mad and raging about it especially this is not going to amount to anything BW is not going to get rid of sec keys or apps .that's all i have to say time to get back to work finish this report and go home to play some more

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So you say you cannot buy an authentication key chain fob ($4)? Well then that sucks, but that's also your problem for buying the game out of market. You cannot seriously go complain and moan when you're part of the grey market. It's like buying/importing a car that is not sold in your country, you totally took that risk and I'm just sorry.


I've bought a game that is out in my country, but security key-chains isn't. Your argument is invalid.

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How to emulate Android the right way without shady websites:

- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=769057


Also, the point of the key generator is not to be "completely separate from your computer"; just random. If someone has complete control of your box and can see your code - they're stealing credit card numbers and person information, not your damn SW:TOR stuff. Seriously.


- http://www.malwarebytes.org/

- http://free.avg.com/us-en/homepage


/ thread

Edited by daddymoofle
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How to emulate Android the right way without shady websites:

- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=769057


Also, the point of the key generator is not to be "completely seperate from your computer"; just random. If someone has complete control of your box and can see your code - they're stealing credit card numbers and person information, not your damn SW:TOR stuff. Seriously.


- http://www.malwarebytes.org/

- http://free.avg.com/us-en/homepage


/ thread

And where did you see apk for SWTOR authenticator?

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Umm the only real purpose is to access the vendor. Unless you buy gold, use leveling services, share your pw or go to cheat sites you will never have a security issue on your account. No one who doesn't do those things has had their account hacked. Now people will CLAIM they haven't done those things, but my experience in a large guild and in years of MMO gaming it never happens.


That isn't exactly true, if you aren't security conscious and a legit site you go to get's hacked and their database stolen, you can end up with a compromised account.


It's only an incentive to get a security key if:


1. The travel system is subpar without it.


2. Bioware know the travel system is subpar without it.


Which is bizarre. :eek:


Travel system isn't sub-par without it.

Edited by terminova
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Oh not this again.....


So you say you cannot buy an authentication key chain fob ($4)? Well then that sucks, but that's also your problem for buying the game out of market. You cannot seriously go complain and moan when you're part of the grey market. It's like buying/importing a car that is not sold in your country, you totally took that risk and I'm just sorry.


#1 outside US its a 13€ key chain fob

#2 Game is OFFICIALY sold in my country. Both via origin site (regional, RU) and as boxes in local stores. In translated papercovers. For local currency. Since the very going live (20.11, well, probably boxes arrived abit later)

#3 Timecards are officially sold here, both on local market\sites and via origin store.

#4 Though 1-3 are true, key chain fob is NOT sold here. Not for 4$ not for 13€ not for 100€


So if I'm a part of "grey market" - so is the rest of the world that gets their software via origin-store regional section.


I think it's about 10th time I'm writing same thing. And since people do not seem to read anything at all before posting, there are more same content posts may follow. Sorry to those, who already understood the point earlier, but I just don't want to leave thread now and I don't want people to think that I'm any "wrong" kind of customer. If I did go smuggling ways - I'd never even put the thread up. Problem IS that not that really small part of OFFICIAL gamers can call Mr. Zoeller....either a man who does not know what he talks about, or just a liar.


It seems they are about as required as PvP or Raids. If you want something that is only PvP/Raid reward, you need to PvP/Raid.

The only "small" difference is that PvP\Raids are already included for ALL customers, no matter what gadgets they use and where they live. If you need them - you use them. If not - you don't.


But you may give BW a suggestion in a box - to tie some of those to sec. key. It would be very...incentive.

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