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Which of the two do you like more and why? Personally i don't understand how you can go from KOTOR 1 and 2 to this, (from what i hear there are some devs that worked on KOTOR on the SWTOR team) i understand those were single player games, but a 2012 MMO to feel like a 2005 MMO or whatever is just plain embarassing, it's the year 2012, get with the times "Bioware" or whoever you are.


With that being said, i would like it if this game was more sandbox style like SWG and had populated worlds where NPC's would roam around, the KOTOR games felt rich with life, this game just feel completely dead, everything in this game looks like an abandoned movie set. Makes me sad, I feel like in the hands of another company this game probably would have been better in at least one aspect.


Go back and play SWG you won't be missed here. But it was replaced by TOR.

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Yes, because anyone that has an opinion that says otherwise is obviously a liar that never played SWG.


People like you are where pretty much all the bad press for this game comes from. Can't let go of the past and move on.

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Really? Do you happen to know me? I don't think you do...


Yes, I played Pre-CU and Pre-NGE, as well as Post-NGE. SWG and WWIIOL were two of the best MMOs I have ever played. But frankly, SWTOR is better than SWG.


SWG just was not that "Star Warsy" to be truly honest. A lot of the problem was with the fact that they didn't really have a lot of freedom due to the intersection with a lot of canon. They couldn't do as Bioware can because they had to respect the Star Wars canon that was in place around the galaxy.


I absolutely loved the crafting and the housing, the combat, the PvP, everything. I do miss the space combat and the housing. But while I did love those things, I don't expect other video games to replicate them or try to be like SWG. Too many people out there are doing this. Whatever game you play, just take it for what it is, and try to enjoy it.


There are SOOOO many MMO players out there that are jumping between MMOs constantly... Like SWG to Vanguard, Vanguard to Conan, Conan to Warhammer, Warhammer to Aion, and now it may be SWTOR to Guild Wars II, Guild Wars II to Diablo...


You can think of many MMO players as someone how keeps sleeping around with all these partners, never being satisfied, never able to fill the void in their heart, never being able to find real love. Yet their pattern (jumping from one to the other) is actually part of the problem.


Too many people hyped up this game beyond what they should have, and people need to quit with the "WoW killing" stuff. Why can't we just have MMOs, and take them for what the developers make them rather than trying to build them up to fit our expectations?


Many people complain about the lack of "end game" content for SWTOR. Many others complain about the PvP in this game... Yet they absolutely ignore the intent of Bioware. They have even said that they intended for you, once you reach level 50 in one character, to play another character and enjoy that storyline. You have 8 storylines, and 8 character slots you can play. That is a tremendous amount of content that many people just simply don't "want" to enjoy because they want what they want and they want it now.


Coming in, everyone should have known things like PvP would be secondary to story and PvE. Did Bioware's years of hyping "Story, Story, Story" not teach you anything about what the game was going to be? Did you never play or even research what KoTOR and other Bioware games are like?


In SWG, you were a dime a dozen, you weren't really anything. The main characters of the Trilogy never really did anything significant other than just stand there. You really didn't interact with them. The only time you ever got to fight them was during special events. Our guild nearly killed a developer playing as Darth Vader, and that was a lot of fun, but it took a ton of players to pull something like that off. I really didn't ever feel like my character was really special, or really mattered...


I won't spoil anything in the storyline for SWTOR, but Bioware has you intersect with major characters in a big way, that makes a big difference in making SWTOR a lot of fun to play.


People whined about SWG, they whined about Vanguard, they whined about Conan, they whined about Aion, they whined about Warhammer, they whine about SWTOR... Guess what? They will whine about Guild Wars 2, and they'll whine about Diablo... They will never be happy...

Do you think the problem lays with the developers? Or do you think the problem lays with you/us?


If someone gets upset at the people in one town, and moves to another, and gets upset at them and moves to another, and then another. Is the problem the people in those towns? Or is the real problem with that person who keeps getting upset at others?





lol you sound like a developer or a executive talking right now trying to defend his company :p not trying to bash anyone person or company here. but theres a few things you have to understand, first and for most i love both all the starwars movies and swg. pre-nge/cu was still to this day the funniest game ive evered played period even after 6 years of wow. now i love to play wow, why? because it has almost that same grasp to it that swg did back in the day. you are trying to blame millions of people for what it really is. you have less than a dozen games you listed as being bad by the GENERAL public, cept one game...............world of warcraft............why is that game not listed if its the paying customers. i will ever miss swg but swtor i could not get into more than a few months. and honestly im not mad at them like everyone else is im actually upset thats it not what i hoped for. yes i said thats what i wanted, because i pay for it.



that is my money i put out that say, i could have to get my kids something for example. yes i would like it to be what i want lol, and i think thats what everyone would like. is wow's story better than swtor? not in a million years thats true. but it doesnt have the millions of people playing it for how many years going now? im not saying it will never be a great game either, im still really hoping they can kick it off in the near future. but at this moment it doesnt have that feel that just grabs me. i love biowares games to, mass effect series will forever be one of my favorites and kotor, and so is dragon age. why the lack of care for the concerned person making all this money to you in the first place lol? most are prolly mad tbh because they knew bioware could have made this game alot better as far as there potential is. they make great games, why are they losing so many subs? i can tell you its not because of the fee thats for sure.

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I wonder how many people would have given swg a chance after trying this game out if they had not killed it one week before early release.


It would have been awesome if i could have both games on my PC right now. Imagine two eras to RP in, maybe even create over lapping RP events. awesome.

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this is a really good topic, i was a swg player and loved the game. even after cu and nge, i found the game itself to be fun, unfortunetly the games pop died off and paying 15 a month didnt make sense, when i first heard of swtor. i was completly excited. unaware of how theme parked the game would be. coming from a sandbox to theme. it just feels, idk babyish. like someones holding my hand the entire way. i think most of us that are upset about the game is because we expected the ability to go freely like you should be able to in a star wars universe. instead we are stuck on a set path. i just feel like im to limited to a certain thing. thats all i guess
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Pre-CU SWG had horribly imbalanced classes for both PvE as well as PvP. SoE cared very little about about a few characters PvPing and were more interested in mass PvP where the disparities were less "in your face".... unless a Rifleman/Combat Medic, Jedi (of any skill box combination), Melee stacker (Combination of TKA, Fencer, Swordsman, etc), Teras Kasi Master + Master Doc in excellent armor (Almost impossible to kill, annoying as hell with the spammable knockdowns/head hits, cure anything... even fire :S, etc), or you an Imperial or 20 showed up and had access to ATSTs for being Colonel... compared to the Rebel soldier that stood there and died in three hits the Rebel counterpart Colonel had access to.


The game had more exploits and bugs than any MMO I have ever played. The sheer amount of Beta reports that were ignored was astounding, with some bugs/exploits (weapon switching, grenades going through walls/floors, speeder rubber banding, bomb droids through locked doors, running/shooting through walls, etc) lasting from game system implementation all the way up to, and beyond, NGE.


Server Load due to "housing" clutter was HORRENDOUS. Oh yeah, it's awesome having a player city. How about 30 of them on one planet (Thankfully restricted by level depending on current city load/levels) with hundreds/thousands of houses littering the countryside. Even their demo events could barely put a dent in the craptastic view.... let alone all the quest mobs that would spawn inside locked houses.


Crafting/gathering: Almost bloody flawless, imo. The only problem came about when their random spawns were just that... so random that some resources needed to craft very high quality items would only spawn once every 7 months. You had to rely on purchasing multiple vet rewards for a single factory run (Crate of Resources).


They never got the battleground to work, though their original idea with them was so far ahead of it's time. No MMO has yet to attempt something so crazy. Squad control, random field objectives, direct GM involvement. Too bad... they never even took down the battlefield staging points.


PvE content: Nonexistent.. unless you count two neutral and one each (Reb/Imp) themeparks. Other than those, you ran group missions (20 people... you'd get missions based on 20 people, then solo them for tons of credits). Death Watch Bunker would bug off and on so that mobs were unkillable and would never drop aggro... until you died. You could run halfway across the planet and an SBD would still be on your tail. Non instanced so it was really easy to be griefed. Geo cave was slightly better and, if after two months, you could still stomach going to Dathomir for yet another run at a staff schem, you were possessed of a mighty constitution.


Character Creation was pretty spectacular, if very broken as far as combining certain skill boxes. Sure, it was great buffing 300 people over the course of a few hours in Coronet Spaceport, then if you buffed someone flagged you could still fight well enough to MAYBE not die in under 2 minutes... while making around 20 million credits... but.. seriously?


Oh god.. and the macros. How broken was it to set up auto buffers (Docs and Ents alike) just to lag bomb an area. Even worse were the auto attack/loot macros so people could park their character in Mos Eisley and gain bags of loot... for no effort. Awesome, right?


To touch on player cities again... they didn't get their militia system down pat until the game became WoW 1.5 with NGE... even then it was fragged. The city voting system was pretty awesome with someone able to assume the role of Mayor (Yes... politician was a "class" unlocked if you got voted in)


JTL: People keep referencing this as some amazing step in space combat. While the POB ships were awesome and all... just flying to a waypoint, killing X ships, then flying to the next was just as bad as the rail gunning we do in this game... with crap textures, shields that may or may not work, spawns that would jump parsecs/systems, invincible spawns, level 4 ships spawning at level 1 mission sites, etc.


All classes available to both sides was nice. Faction jumping multiple times a day? Not so much. Open communication between the two factions lead to awesome, MASSIVE PvP battles. It also helped facilitate base busting and world objective trading so that single guilds could flip-flop control any area.... not that PvP meant anything until the FRS, and then Restuss/PvP gear (kind of) but that's a rant for another time.


There was no advance in "story". In 2005, the game was the same as it was in 2003. All key SW NPCs were in the same spot, giving out the same themeparks... blah.


Eventually SoE devs got so lazy, they created tokens so players could "create" events. Those, coupled with the crafting, The Sims playing house, and PvP.... they really didn't do (censored) much else. Content involved "Hey.. we're giving you the ability to make a new dress. Isn't that nifty?" Meanwhile, credit duping and credit/item selling became so rampant, entire economies were borked to the point the credit was worthless. If you didn't have half a billion credits, you weren't buying anything. Even people not involved had millions of credits taken from them without items refunded.


Bounty Hunting system was pretty keen to control the only TRUE alpha class of any MMO I have played. System should have been scrapped when they made Jedi playable for all. Those who unlocked their force sensitive slot were blessed with TWO characters on a server. Genius marketing on Sony's part. So many people had multiple accounts (One guild leader on Kauri had an admitted 14 accounts at one time. As people would leave the game, she would take over their accounts) due to this limitation. Unlocking via holocrons was silly since they knew eventually everyone would have a jedi. The village system of trading out skill blocks and then forcing PvP ranking to achieve power was a much better idea, but it just lead to the creation of safe/buff houses that caused even more lag for everyone. At least at that point, one Jedi couldn't kill 10 players.... often.


SWG had its good and bad points... mostly bad. Too many rose tinted goggle peeps. Hell.. I forgot about bodies sliding... whether you were dead or just knocked down, you'd be system forced out of range of heals or a rez. Crap.. also forgot about the TEF (Temporary Enemy Flag) exploiting. You could remain impervious to the opposing faction while forcing them temporarily flagged for PvP. Was especially easy for Jedi with their blasted saber block bs. Saber switching to force LD the 20 man gank squad with a single BH in the party was nifty too... yeah... really nifty. That exploit lasted until NGE as well.


The graphics were fricking horrible for the amount of lag most people suffered. I played on p 3.14 ghz with 2 gigs of ram and a radeon 256 vid card... and after a random update, I was lucky to get 5 fps in PvP. NGE didn't do much to fix this as all the content released remained in a beta stage until about a year before the game shut down. Hoth was still unplayable for quite a few people, unless they fully updated their rigs... to play SWG.


Subscription cards stopped being carried in most markets (as well as their own website) around late 2009. They went to either full station access or CC only to pay. Game stores liquidated SWG boxes starting late 09/early '10 for as little as a dollar each for the the Complete Online Adventures... the one with the walker vehicle thingy. After the great exodus when CU then NGE hit, SoE did everything they could to cut costs... after losing 60% of active players in a few short weeks.





SWTOR: WoW in space with voice acting and cut scenes. It delivered on most of the actual hype that wasn't player driven. It's been pretty slow to update. You can't compare it to the release of MMOs from years gone by like WoW. It HAS to keep up with modern MMOs.... constant updates/upgrades as well as additional incentives to entice old players to stay... not just to attract new players. F2P isn't necessarily the death of an MMO... but comparing this game to LotrO, EQ2, and DDO is a stretch. Those game each offer some "unique" game systems that SWTOR (Nor WoW, for that matter) possess.


It was the Sims + PvP.

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SWG was not perfect ....it needed the storylines of SWTOR ...there were points of broke gameplay in the game ....but the sandbox game play was great something that SWTOR needs badly ...the professions were fun , and could have been improved even more . With SWG I felt I was in a Star Wars world ...sure it need way better graphics like Star Wars Force Unleashed Graphic , or Star Wars 1313 graphics. The combat could have been made to be more action rpg style .


Over all the game had the base open world adventure , exploring down ...the mining , gathering was great....manufacturing was great, drilling for water was great idea......these all made you fill apart of the world. Player housing, and cities great ideas , sure when people left the game because Sony quit supporting the game , and fixing the bugs ...then it started a down down hill slide ......but if they had supported it , fixed the bugs , and gave it a graphics upgrade it would be going strong to this day.


Even WOW had it's great moments in the game as far as adventuring, and exploring goes ....something missing in SWTOR. The storylines in SWTOR are great they draw you in ...no one can deny that it's like 8 different sub KOTOR stories ...the problem is no connection to the world , or your crew .....you just don't care as much as you want to. So I'm still looking for KOTOR 3 , and know one day it will be made ....and will be awesome with the new graphics available today , and open world sandbox rpg style like Skyrim, Fallout 3 and combat action game play of Star Wars the Force Unleashed, and Star Wars 1313.

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SWG was a great game, far from perfect but a very immersive game with tons and tons of possibilities.

- a SWG:2 created now some 10 years later, learn from it's mistakes and build upon the goodies with a die hard creative and star warsy team would be.. epic..

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To anyone who still miss SWG you may want to check out a MMO in development called "The Repopulation" not to mention PreCU and NGE versions of the game being recreated by players..


As far as SWG yes if done right a sandbox MMO works, just SWG was designed to never have a player jedi class... when the game was rushed into launch like most MMO's are now SOE needed badly to focus on bugs and content additions but instead gave into player demands for jedi. Jedi was for some reason was an alpha class, and once they started apearing on servers new players were turned away and off on the idea of an alpha class and the game.. When the CU hit it bacame easier to unlock jedi and all anyone I knew playing were either unlocking jedi , hunting jedi or quiting not wanting to be a jedi or bounty hunter, leaving the other many classes kinda worthless. NGE then followed and well that was horrible. It just seemed like SOE spent all their time dealing with jedi instead of sticking to their originial plans...


I will always miss the sandbox planets, player cities, real crafting and economey, REAL SPACE!... Character customization, all the speeders and mounts, house decorations, REAL WORLD PVP! ....... anyone who played the last year or two of the NGE despite the lame classes knows there was alot of content that was focused on top level players and it was pertty good despite low player population and bugs.....


Miss you SWG!


Oh and I do like this game for what it is, I mean it does have everything SWG didnt have... but thats about it :-/

Edited by Mozeph
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SWG was my first MMORPG and probably there will be no game quite like it. Here are my thoughts


SWG strengths

1. crafting - best gear was crafted by one means or another.

2. combat stats - all stats mattered in someway to all characters. There was a 1000 ways to build your character and many forum threads arguing over how to build a characters gear.

3. every planet had high level and low level sections so no planet was pointless after level 10.

4. twitch space combat with awesome dogfight action at least PVE.

5. immersive worlds with housing and weather.


SWG weaknesses

1. heroics were anticlimactic. toughest fights were typically early in the instance making the rest of it feel all downhill. this was especially true on the star destroyer.

2. space pvp was ruined by the ridiculous turning speeds and overpowered weapons. people could easily 1-2 hit you and it seemed to be just 2 people spinning in a circle till 1 got a lucky hit.

3. no global cooldown all attack skills could be fired in a single 1-2 second attack. I remember dueling some guy and knocking him down instantly by just walking my attack skills on the keyboard in rapid succession.

4. class imbalance a medic, officer, and commandos were all you needed to roll an instance. Post nge jedi were a joke defensively till they earned there armor which took a long time to get. Commando's were both great dps and tank, spies ruled PVP, and jedi's were shunned from groups especially those with lightside spec.

5. buff wars no medic buffs , no entertainer buffs, and you fail miserably. especially in PVP. OH yeah and die and you lose them all. Usually meant leaving an instance rebuff and return every wipe with only 2 hours to finish.


SWTOR strengths

1. stories lots of stories

2. fairly balanced classes no one is useless or secondary to the point of exclusion from instances.

3. classes for the most part have at least 2 primary roles possible.

4. customizable gear.


SWTOR weaknesses

1. ships are glorified transport terminals. they don't feel like a place I should hang out and do stuff.( ie no mail access or gtn terminal.)

2. no truly global chat that I have found so hard to get into groups without using finder or going to a planet .

3. worlds are level ranged so content is for a limit group of players. ie what does tython have for a level 50.

4. space combat is a joke. I don't know why they bothered.

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I liked SWG better. SWTOR had potential but it is designed by more idiots then what SOE ever had. Space is on rails, balance changes every release with the professions. Either design it right or figure it the hell out. Commandos *********** cloaking what a joke.


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JTL: People keep referencing this as some amazing step in space combat. While the POB ships were awesome and all... just flying to a waypoint, killing X ships, then flying to the next was just as bad as the rail gunning we do in this game... with crap textures, shields that may or may not work, spawns that would jump parsecs/systems, invincible spawns, level 4 ships spawning at level 1 mission sites, etc.


JTL was hands down the best expansion to an MMO EVER.


Most of those bugs were fixed rather quickly, and because it was a sandbox the beauty of space was:

a.) PVP - Yes tell me how fun Illum is compared to 100 v 100 fights on Starsider.

b.) Looting to make the perfect set of parts

c.) Site Seeing on decorated POBs.

d.) Player made PvE and RP events in space


Due to the massive amount of time spent fixing the ground combat system Space never quite got it's due until three designers got assigned tasks. I'm sure that several of the engineers helped with the bits and pieces from time to time, like with helping squashing some exploits.


In the end JTL was the most fun experience a lot of people ever had in a mmo. It had it's problems, like an ever inflating performance and role obfuscations with ever improving parts. But we got the Lesser Used Chassis, we got NPCs that were actually GOOD and fun to fight. We got to pilot large ships, we got atmospheric flight,


Most importantly we had the best darned subcommunity in a MMO.

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Finally someone with some sense posted here, damn Biodrone defense force is trying to ruin what could be a great discussion.


SWG was nothing but go out to the mission spot kill all the mods then the nest over and over and over................

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SWG was nothing but go out to the mission spot kill all the mods then the nest over and over and over................


Leveling is swotor is unique, i didnt have to go to a place to kill something and then to another place to kill something, and then to another place to kill something.

Also going to another place to kill something didnt take me more time than killing the things i have to kill to go to another place to kill something.

Pretty unique brah

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the crafting system in SWG was best ever altough very limited. Graphics it was horibble befor the CU the lvling and learning system was awesome. but they tried to go wow style and killed the game remember the last day when we crashed the server on dantooine party :D na this game will work it has a lot of work still but it will get there.:rak_03:
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  • 3 weeks later...

SWG had themeparks, heroics and was a Sandbox MMO it revolved around a social community, not voice actors commanding your every move. We can go on till the cows come home about the NGE and the mass exodus but end of the day SWG offered something no mmo has since, it was very unique in it's approach and catered to broad tastes.


Themepark mmos cater to a specific taste- if you like to not think for yourself and pretend your the most important person alive whilst flirting with ficitional charecters and doing repetive missions non stop then it's your cup of tea.


Personally I miss the social aspect created in swg by the players. I got thrills over instances like Hoth and storming the Leia's corillian corvette and what was great is after all the combat you coudl go and just chill and still be in that universe, it's much more dynamic and I think that mmo's are reflecting the social scene of comforimty and often dull less interesting content, sadly.


I also find it hilariously ironic how the same people playing TOR and WoW insult SWG for the CU/NGE when the combat in TOR is almost identical and there are even less classes, choice, customisation. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.


Problem that Tor will face , is people get bored. Everyone does. you play a game for a while get bored play somethign else, because it's all the same. That's where for me SWG differed I could do so many different things in game and larking about for fun not caring about leveling for a day kept me coming back, got me through 3 months wiht a broken ankle and I loved the humour and effort of all the little gimmicks, Ewok love day, life day and star wars jokes/references.


Tor feels like a game with the Star wars logo slapped on the front and once in game honestly tell me you feel the magic of Star Wars as I don't sadly :( And I'm sorry to be a nay sayer but it's a real crapper that swg was killed to funnel us onto TOR and Tor only caters to a person who loves grinding by killing easy enemies, picking mutiple choice answers and inhabiting a world full of other people who you can't and don't talk to. Might aswell be 1 player. KOTOR was a much better game than SWTOR.


One last thing, swg failed...but it lasted for 8 years. Most of that time was post nge...so it was making profits and it wasn't contending with WoW or Eve but who gives a **** it was for star wars fans and more liked it than people like to give credit.

Edited by NiborBinks
typos I'm a perfectionist.
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Which of the two do you like more and why? Personally i don't understand how you can go from KOTOR 1 and 2 to this, (from what i hear there are some devs that worked on KOTOR on the SWTOR team) i understand those were single player games, but a 2012 MMO to feel like a 2005 MMO or whatever is just plain embarassing, it's the year 2012, get with the times "Bioware" or whoever you are.


With that being said, i would like it if this game was more sandbox style like SWG and had populated worlds where NPC's would roam around, the KOTOR games felt rich with life, this game just feel completely dead, everything in this game looks like an abandoned movie set. Makes me sad, I feel like in the hands of another company this game probably would have been better in at least one aspect.


Agree 100% with everything you said especially "abandoned movie set."

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I was an avid SWG player for 7 years, but given the lack of development on the game in terms of graphics immersion, I would not go back if SOE opened the game again for free!


To me SWTOR is pretty much everything I would have expected from a SWG 2, with the minor addition of the KOTOR style UI.


I agree with this to a point. SOE could not pay many of us to go back to them. Horrible, horrible, horrible what they did to that game. With that being said. There are things I would love to see from SWG in this game. I would like to go farm high lvl mobs for loot. Like the Elder Sisters. I would get buffed and farm them all day. I would like to see macro's, more player created stuff. It seemed like in SWG, almost everything was created by the community. I miss the chat bubbles. I would like to see more done with the loot system in this game. I would like to be able to loot cool crystals and gear. As it stands now, I can quest and kill all day and only get armor that I cannot wear. I wear medium armor and all that gets unlocked for me in lock boxes and drops are heavy armor. I mean seriously, a quest reward for a light armored jedi is heavy armor. That makes zero sense. None at all. But this game has a proven developer behind it. No doubt it will all get fixed. The grouping and game is just fun. I really enjoy this game and at times I get that excitement I had from SWG. It was my first MMO so it holds a special place in my heart. I once did not go to work for 2 weeks because I could not stop playing that game. Good thing it was when the economy was booming and as a construction worker, I had people begging me to work for them.


I like just about everything in SWG except for SOE. Horrible, disgusting, putrid developers. It was a real shame how they always did the exact opposite of what the fanbase wanted.

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Swg. Even if the engine was horribad, even if the graphics are dated now, even if it went through the seven rings of hell before finally being put down, at least it had:






PVP outside of warzones

Real collection system

Player housing



PVP/ranking system that did something

Subscription model worth the $15

Edited by BlazingShadow
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I think that for this game to really advance, it does need more freedom, TOR and SWG are about equal in my mind as SWG had a social aspect like no other MMO I have ever played (I think the invasions of cities had the largest impact on that) however it lacked direction - it was too free. To me, TOR has gone too far the other way as we have to follow a set path through the galaxy and the quests are similar: Kill # womp rats for my research in SWG, Kill # Green Jedi to send a message - basically the same.


SWTOR needs more freedom - it needs more interaction between players and I think that the Empire v Rebel city invasions that were happening in SWG did that better than any other method I have ever seen - regular events would be good too.


I also think that having no central hub for everything to happen (the fleet in SWTOR) in SWG was better as ppl gathered in locations of the SW universe such as mos eisley cantina - with this there is a lesser SW fell and that has to sorted.

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Having actually played both games unlike some posting here there isn't even a contest SWG is superior in every aspect of gameplay you can mention. Crafting, space, pvp, EVERYHING. That's without even mentioning the absolutely amazing community SWG had. This is not to say I haven't made new friends in this game in fact I rolled on a server that none of my SWG friends play on joined a brand new guild and am enjoying the anonymity of being a nub again. There are great people in this game too you just have to look a little harder. I will say this in defense of SWTOR a lot of complaints are about things like open world PVP well newsflash we can do that too but it up to us as players to make it happen that has nothing to do with the developers of this game. They give us the tools it's up to us to use them. Just a few days ago a few guildies and I just roamed planets looking for PVP and it was there, albeit on a much less grandiose scale a in SWG, but honestly I can say that was some of the most fun I've had in game. And you know what we got out of it? FUN. End of story no new armor to brag about nothin but repair bills and fun.
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