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galaxies i would go back to that in a heart beat, if it was pre nge, cu or pre cu would be fine, miss open world pvp, base busting, housing, guild halls, bounty terminals, krayt hunting, and great time talking to people in that game, and coming across the other faction casually, good ole days, i would of never of played a mmo, or would of known what was one if i did not see this game, at my friends house, asked him what it was becuase i thought it was cool, said galaxies, and i went out and got it that day, if it wasn't for that game/community i probably would not be playing this game, right now, just sad that soe had to change it twice, cu was liveable, but nge was just plain terribad.
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I guess you never had a city to defend, or your guilds Jedi being hunted. Being in one of the leading Imperial PvP guilds on my SWG server, also the one with the most Jedi enemies were always in my city. We were the only imperials on a rebel infested Dantooine.


oh man, i remember when a republic arch enemy built a base about 500m+ away from ours, we would log in at like 4am central time, and bust down the turrets, and we would be waiting in the afternoon for them to log on, and attack us, it was a blast, pick up a bounty, come to the fight and tef in and kill the jedi, that was a blast, pvp in this game is a joke compared to galaxies.

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oh man, i remember when a republic arch enemy built a base about 500m+ away from ours, we would log in at like 4am central time, and bust down the turrets, and we would be waiting in the afternoon for them to log on, and attack us, it was a blast, pick up a bounty, come to the fight and tef in and kill the jedi, that was a blast, pvp in this game is a joke compared to galaxies.


It depends on what part of galaxies you're comparing to this game. PVP pre-nge pretty much ***** on this game, nge is pretty similar to what this game offers other than the people who will spilit hairs with it.

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You know Galaxies definitely had its flaws. A defense stacker duel shouldnt last 2 hours. CMs should not poison for 2k.. simple fixes.. maybe a 200 poison or something, but it was a game ahead of its time. Hopefully another game (star wars or not) comes out like it. I feel in a sandbox game it is extremely difficult to balance everything, probably impossible so something will always be under/over powered. In SWG templates were over powered, here, gear is over-powered. In SWG meh gear and still drop a jedi as a BH tkm, simply cause of intelligence. Here it doesnt matter.
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It depends on what part of galaxies you're comparing to this game. PVP pre-nge pretty much ***** on this game, nge is pretty similar to what this game offers other than the people who will spilit hairs with it.


i really loved the pvp in the game pre-cu/cu, nge was just ******, space was fun also, pvp in kessle, also, they could of just balanced out the problems, instead of redoing the whole combat system, i was just tkm, and did fine/defeated triple stacked melee, i had a blast in pvp/dueling. i was hoping old republic would of took some of the concepts from galaxies, but they didn't and went with mostly wow concepts sadly, wow was boring to me, and just didn't give the same satisfaction.

Edited by steve-o
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SWG pre-NGE for me. The game immediately post-NGE was basically SWTOR with much less content, no voiceovers and poor graphics (although I understand that SOE did add content after I quit).


The sandbox nature of SWG pre-NGE, with the building-block profession system and the complex crafting system, plus the JtL space environment, was close to the sweet spot for me. Yes, it could have done with more content, and I do think that including a storyline such as the Tanaris(sp?) Station and the post-NGE story quest series on top of the pre-NGE game might have been a really good idea.


As it was, SWG pre-NGE dumped you down in the SW universe, and let you write your own story. I loved that :)

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i really loved the pvp in the game pre-cu/cu, nge was just ******, space was fun also, pvp in kessle, also, they could of just balanced out the problems, instead of redoing the whole combat system, i was just tkm, and did fine/defeated triple stacked melee, i had a blast in pvp/dueling. i was hoping old republic would of took some of the concepts from galaxies, but they didn't and went with mostly wow concepts sadly, wow was boring to me, and just didn't give the same satisfaction.


I agree with you, but I find it somewhat ridiculous that people continue to compare pre-cu/nge to this game when that style has been pretty much dead for 6 plus years now. Its a bad comparsion. When you compare everything that the nge offerd to this game now, tor pretty much craps on it, and for the most part the nge was probably suppose to be similar to what this game is.

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You know Galaxies definitely had its flaws. A defense stacker duel shouldnt last 2 hours. CMs should not poison for 2k.. simple fixes.. maybe a 200 poison or something, but it was a game ahead of its time. Hopefully another game (star wars or not) comes out like it. I feel in a sandbox game it is extremely difficult to balance everything, probably impossible so something will always be under/over powered. In SWG templates were over powered, here, gear is over-powered. In SWG meh gear and still drop a jedi as a BH tkm, simply cause of intelligence. Here it doesnt matter.


If you compare swg as the state it ended to this game, your wrong. Gear matter in swg as much as it does now, but to be honest getting pvp gear in this game, isn't really hard.

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With sandbox in mind, SWG was more enjoyable.

I find in this game, (lets take last night for example) I logged on completed a Heroic 2 on Coruscant and did 4 missions in a row. Then I switched it off and played another game. THATS THE ISSUE. The grinding and story doesnt capture my attention long enough its missing te hook I need to keep me hours. Other games Ive played 10 years straight, this i can only play 2hrs and Im bored. Linear path non exlporation. I need that to immerse myself.


Escapism leads to the Darkside



Also game community is different. I recently saw for the first time in game chat filled with spams of 'join my guild' then 2 guilds flaming each other on who has more recruits. Invalidating their efforts. Back to topic,,, yeah the game community here is different. In GW the brought out expansion Nightfall and then Eye of The North, Both with additional heroes to quest with, Up to 3 can go with you anywhere. This was done as the community solo'd alot and finding someone to do hard quests in certain areas was impossible. This game only has 1 hero to come around with us. Which should in theory encourage you to seek support in other gamers. BUT ITS LACKING. Its a single player experience with interludes of teamship.

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Finally someone with some sense posted here, damn Biodrone defense force is trying to ruin what could be a great discussion.


You realize there can't be a discussion without different opinions?


What you call discussion is "everyone who agrees with me may talk, everybody else please shut up".

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Finally someone with some sense posted here, damn Biodrone defense force is trying to ruin what could be a great discussion.


SO because people don't agree with you, they are ruining a great discussion?


"I" happen to love SWTOR as is. I think it is the best mmo to date. I have been playing MMOs since 1998. Almost all of them. I have street cred so to speak.


It is all about personal preferences. I think this is a GREAT game. I love it! I plan to play it for a long time to come.


I'm sorry you don't seem to like it. I'm VERY sorry that you remember SWG with a fondness it doesn't deserve. It was a very BORING game. Nothing to do after the first few months.


But to bash a game, on the official forums, and not expect fan defense is just ignorant. The post I quoted above is a troll post at best.

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Finally someone with some sense posted here, damn Biodrone defense force is trying to ruin what could be a great discussion.


biodrone defense force? someone with some sense?




let me spell it out for you.


these are FACTS.


SWG was NOT good.


Sony did NOT kill SWG with ANY of their changes.


Sony tried to SAVE SWG because it was hemoraging subs already.


that CU and NGE? they came about to try and BRING PEOPLE BACK BECAUSE THEY HAD ALREADY LEFT.


SWG was bad.




Sandbox games for MMO's DO NOT WORK. EVE has so many players because it's F2P. If it wasn't F2P they'd have no better numbers of actual paying players.


Sandbox is a niche, a very SMALL niche.


oh and let me drill it to you again.


SWG was NOT good. It was already losing subs by the thousands. THAT brought the CU and NGE. Sony did NOT kill SWG. SWG wasn't good, so people left. Sony TRIED to save SWG with said CU/NGE.


get that through your head before you talk about ANYONE having "sense" lol.


seriously. I enjoyed SWG for the most part...even post CU/NGE...but planets were, player cities were ghost towns. etc. It had a small community of dedicated players. Who loved it, sure. But that doesn't change the FACT that if SWG and sandbox games were as great as you're making them out to be...SWTOR would have never happened. SWG would still be going strong. And the CU/NGE would have NEVER happened.


deny those FACTS all you want. doesn't make you even close to being correct.

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I loved SWG. Alot of the things in that game I wish made it over to games like WOW & SWTOR. The crafting system was great. Where you had to literally farm your materials & materials had grade levels.


Make two identical items using average material vs above average material, said items turn out different.


It is a shame what happened with that game though, so much turnover with the direction/development team just killed it. That was when the combat upgrade was announced but was delayed close to a year & they changed how Jedi's worked.

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Finally someone with some sense posted here, damn Biodrone defense force is trying to ruin what could be a great discussion.


So because someone agrees with you and says someyhing positive about SWG, you say "Finally someone with some sense"? And when people don't agree with you, you discredit them by calling them "biodrones"?


Seems you're not even worth discussing with.

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SWG2 is never coming out, forget about that game. It wasn't good and that's why it isn't alive anymore.


Just because you personally enjoy a style of game, doesn't mean the vast majority of mmo players do.


You just have to accept that a sandbox MMO doesn't work, especially when the vast majority of players started with World of Warcraft.


I wouldn't say never coming out and would never say it didn't work. SWG was a cobbled together game that miraculously worked. Before the CURB and certainly before the NGE there were TONS of players on the Radiant server.


Sandbox games do work and I think Minecraft and Second Life are prime examples. The problem is maintaining a sandbox style MMO is extremely labor intensive. SWG had the most robust crafting system and that in and of itself probably took some time to maintain.


Personally I think SWG fell flat because developers felt the game wasn't going where they wanted it. As a result they pushed the CURB which mucked things up, but it was still playable to some degree. It was the NGE that delivered the final killing blow removing the complexity of it to give way to casual gameplay.


If they were to release a SWG 2 with revamped mechanics, but keeping the 24 distinct class advancement + crafting system from the first one I would go to it in a heartbeat. The problem is as you stated Kheal most casual gamers are used to WoW. They want that solo campaign and moderate grouping experience with little raiding.


I've played WoW and in the short 5 months I played it I became disgusted with it. The only thing the game had going for it was exploration and once that was done it became stale. Made 1 main and 6 to 7 different alts leveling 3 characters to 80, and the rest to 20. It required little to no challenge to level up those characters which is depressing.

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SWG fell because of internal issues. There were i think 3 lead director changes before/during the CU announcement. With that brought team changes also. That is why it was delayed for close to a year ( the combat upgrade ).


Before that fiasco started it was a rocking game.



edit: id love to see the crafting/farming style & player housing in swtor

Edited by Delease
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I played SWG from out of gate all the way to Mustafar.... With all it incarnations in between. I loved the sandbox aspects of the game. I loved crafting. I loved being able to take a pinch of this skill set and a dab of that set to make your character your own.




But the community of SWG was far better than what is on SWTOR primarily because of a simple thing called "CHAT BUBBLES". You could start a conversation with people in general areas with out a lot of effort and yes... spam your business or guild.


The local cantinas had character. The patrons got to know each other. there was a sense of community in a local area. You could run in a cantina and ask " Anyone seen Wong?" and the room would not only see it but reply.


BioWare says they tried chat bubbles in BETA and it created "performance issues". So they left them out. They install 20 miles of useless walkways to enter/exit a ship instead of a gathering point that people could use to chat it up and wait for a shuttle. Instead we slog along listening to mindless ramblings of the stale humorless companion.


The Cantinas in SWTOR are empty and lifeless, you cannot sit anywhere ( but I swear they said you could ), there's nothing that binds the players in this game. Not even Guilds! Have you EVER heard of a MMO where guilds had no gathering hall?


Say what you want about SWG... tell me again how it was a dismal failure. Tell me how it never made money. How it never was anything but a borefest. It was a lot of things to a lot of people, but it had a community that had a heart and a feel that WoW nor SWTOR can duplicate because when you run on tracks you never stop to smell the roses.

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SWG the worst MMO to ever enter tha market !

"CloneWars" Multiplayer Game has more Subs than SWG ever had ! Just pointing out the Facts!


In the end TOR beats SWG in everything , because nothing SWG had brought in real subs !

TOR Has more SUBS than SWG ever had



SWG was a DeadGame from the start !

Deadgame is a DEADGAME !

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Definitely pre-cu. NGE was the worst game i've ever played


Tor is far superior than the nge so I don't understand why people continue to compare it to the cu or precu when both styles have been dead for 6 years now. It's a bad comparsion.

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Not even Guilds! Have you EVER heard of a MMO where guilds had no gathering hall?


WoW, ring a bell? :p WoW had no such thing as a gathering hall - you gathered wherever your guild/raid leader told you to. Some guilds had specific locations in towns because they are commonly known, but those buildings are not "gathering halls". And believe me I know what you are talking about - I played EQ1 prior to and after they implemented guild halls.


The problem is that SWG was more an RPG than an MMO; what I mean is it takes a certain type of gamer to truly appreciate and desire the role-playing aspect of the sandbox style MMO. In my opinion, role-playing is more the domain of tabletop RPGs. More often than not, video gamers want to be lead by the nose more, maybe not 100% like some games do, but even SWTOR is not 100% linear:


- once you get to a certain point you have options as to which planet you want to go to

- on the planet you do not HAVE to do every quest you see


WoW with Cataclysm has all but become a "lead by the nose" linear solo questing game. Sure you can choose to not do certain quests, but if you do not know where the next quest hub is you are stuck doing those quests until an NPC tells you where to go next


At least in SWTOR when you arrive on a given planet you are told right away what your class line is and where you should go to make that happen. if you also happen to take up all the side quests along the way, that's your choice.


I go back to my original point, sandbox video gaming is a niche and obviously not a very popular one since there are so few sandbox MMOs out there and the themepark MMOs are doing far better. If you put a gun to my head and tell me to choose... for video games I prefer themepark; if I want a sandbox I will tabletop game instead :).

Edited by psandak
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6 months ago I wouldn't have ever dreamed of myself saying this but.....



Let's put it this way,


If they took this games graphical style, and reskinned a pre cu/nge SWG with the light speed expansion and with a few modern teaks, I would buy a lifetime script.


Of course the casuals would ruin it all over again complaining of it's complexity. It's like if you can't max level a character in a month these days then your game is too hard.

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SWG the worst MMO to ever enter tha market !

"CloneWars" Multiplayer Game has more Subs than SWG ever had ! Just pointing out the Facts!


In the end TOR beats SWG in everything , because nothing SWG had brought in real subs !

TOR Has more SUBS than SWG ever had



SWG was a DeadGame from the start !

Deadgame is a DEADGAME !

It wasn't dead, it just lacked the casual mainstream playerbase. And imo tbh, that was a GOOD thing.


It's all a matter of opinion though. I just prefer games that take years to figure everything out, vs. weeks after launch the whole game being known for the linear cookie cutter that it is. But that's just me, I'm sure a casual player from WOW would disagree, as he is entitled too.


But hate it or love it, SWG did some really innovative things MMO-wise.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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