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Collectors edition vendor


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I must agree with most here, I have been around since beta as most have and I was real excited when I was able to get the collectors edition. We were all led to believe that we would extra special items for our very expensive purchase and support. The special vendor that we all bought into was to offer us unique items and updates. So far to date I feel very let down and saddened that the devs will not even address this.



Why no Dev answers here, why no responses?? We were here from the beginning, are we not of value anymore?

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I own CE, Ive played since beta and really at this point ..what is the point with everything that has gone down I see no way to make this better. If anything is done to the vendor...every other player will scream..and eventually similar items will end up on the cartel market and then the CE owners will feel butt hurt. So its a no win situation. Basically Id say let this go.


What Id really like to see if to start giving some love back to all subs, crafters for that matter. This game has really just turned into a cartel market F2P free for all. mean while subs are still there. Now one way CE owners could be rewarded is to give them a choice of crafting schematics that only and I mean only a CE owner can buy and use. However, whatever they purchase they can then craft. this way all could benefit in some way

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  • 2 weeks later...
Would be nice to see at least a few more toys for CE players.


What they can do is award something to collector and pre-order players in the housing patch.


Some nice item to remind us that they still appreciate the few of us still here

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A couple more exclusive color combinations in the way of dye modules would be nice.


More unique skins for each companion.


After that, it just becomes a matter of variation.


Pets - Same skin as a more generally available pet, only with different coloration/pattern.


Speeders - Same as the pets. Same as what others can get, only with different colors and/or a different pattern.


Weapons - Broken record. Same skin, different colors/patterns. Though a cannon that was smaller is something that I would really appreciate. I don't care at all for the ridiculously oversized models.


Armor - Here they can do something a little different. Yeah, it would be the same skins as more generally available armors, but they could design the armors with three prominent colors, and use exclusive tertiary colors for the CE versions.


The tertiary color doesn't have to be equal to the primary and secondary, but there should be enough to make it legitimately noticable.


Maybe the CE owners would prefer the appearance of the more generally available armors, or at least how they looked with a dye modul applied, if they like the look of the armor at all (but that applies to everything), but it would allow interested CE owners to create a unique look, even if they applied a generally available dye module.

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It was supposed to get "regular" updates which thus far they've failed to deliver on and at this point will continue to do so from past experience.

I don't know what you have, we get a little uptade every year... that is is a kind regular... they never said how often their idea of regular will be.

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Someone pls dig the video with Ohlen saying "exclusive weapons and armor" pls.


Here's a thought... you are the one that keeps making the claim.. how about you provide the evidence? ;)


AND... like it or not...not everything said by a game development director in an interview makes it live. And that is not false advertising, that is simply failing to carry through on plans (something that, quite frankly, happens in any large development program).

Edited by Andryah
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It would be nice to see the items inside it rotate.. perhaps BoP versions of Cartel items (don't change the color!) that aren't available anymore SINCE they have so much content that just vanishes when they cycle out the packs.
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It would be nice to see the items inside it rotate.. perhaps BoP versions of Cartel items (don't change the color!) that aren't available anymore SINCE they have so much content that just vanishes when they cycle out the packs.


Maybe if they rotated some stock and added an option to buy things from the CE vendor with cartel coins.


Not exclusively, mind you. Everything that they offered would be available for credits, too, but they could offer limited time only versions of some cartel market gear, charge a ton of credits for said items, but let preferred customers, or those that would rather not spend the credits, have the option to spend cartel coins.


For example, they could release a differently colored version of Cassus Fett's armor, call it "Mandalorian Field Marshall's armor", charge upwards of 500K per piece, and only make it available for a week or two.


They would need to work on their communication, though. The CE players would need to receive a head's up about such limited time offers.

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Maybe if they rotated some stock and added an option to buy things from the CE vendor with cartel coins.


Selling items for CCs to CE owners via the CE vendor would be a novel approach. IMO, they should be exclusive to the CE vendor and bind to legacy on acquire.


You should put a thread up in the suggestion forum about this. :)


Not the end of the world if they don't, IMO... but it would be a novel idea thing for them to do. Novel because every other MMO I have ever played... the CE-exclusive content is useless shortly after launch.

Edited by Andryah
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From Dulfy's Q&A notes on the Galactic Stronghold twitch:

Anything special for CE vendors? We can’t talk about those yet as things are being worked out.


Well not sure but this could imply that something will be actually added for CE owners. Or at least I hope so. ;)

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From Dulfy's Q&A notes on the Galactic Stronghold twitch:



Well not sure but this could imply that something will be actually added for CE owners. Or at least I hope so. ;)


Sounds like they are going to throw a couple of decorating items up on the Vendor.


Time will tell.

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  • 2 weeks later...

CE purchasers are not going to get any love since they introduced CC, They have our money from the CE, the only thing we can be grateful is the physical items we got.


The (new) exclusive items are now in the hands of people who are willing to part with several million of credits or real money buying the lucky bags. Soo much for people who are willing to sub and who have purchased the COLLECTORS edition with the expectation to COLLECT the silly vanity items etc from the game. You need to part with more cash and try your luck with the RNG.


Ultimate kick in the teeth with the SWTOR Caste system. :cool:

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I'd say don't hold your breath for CE owners thought is would be nice.


What could do the trick is allowing players to but a virtual CE I mean obviously not the $4.99 Digital Upgrade Pack, but something more pricey not to offend CE owners (even if they got their plastic figurine).

Then add stuff in the CE vendor.

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