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Spamming for a healer = "Community"


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The main argument against a matching tool is how it kills the games community.


How is sitting in a general channel, one restricted to a single area I might add, spamming for a healer "community?"


Plus on top of that you have to sit there and same area because you cant go or do anything else


We need some sort of matching tool, I don't care how it works but there needs to be a way to find a group and not have to spam a chat channel while people get bored and leave.


Group falls apart, people tired of waiting and back to square one.



Make some friends on your server. Make your OWN SOCIAL NETWORK where you can pull assistance from different types of players solemly because you are their in-game 'friend,' stop demanding a system to put you in a day-care matchmaking, go make your own social connections online and you'll have plenty of options to have healers joining you. This would 'require' people to behave respectful to eachother, otherwise you'd end up without anyone wanting to play with you

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I don't really feel strongly on the subject, but I tend to think that a LFD system like WoW's makes the game less of an MMO. It definitely streamlines the game, but it also shrinks it down.


in TOR, you can set your status as "LFG" with a note, so people don't really have to spam chat channels. It'll take a while before people really use this feature well, but it will happen eventually.

Edited by reofjsof
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I'd like some kinda matchmaking system. At 50 you cant expect people to hang out at the space station waiting for groups. Lots of people might be on various planets and not being able to reach out to those general chats without traveling to the planet is not efficent group way to find a group.


Having universe-wide LFG-channel wouldnt work either. It would be full of spam. Players trying to find a group at Tython, Taris, Flashpoints etc.


In my opininon the only efficent way to find a group is to have a system that automatically creates a group. It doesn't have to transport people to the instance, they can travel themselves but it would allow everyone no matter where they are to find a group for flashpoints.

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The main argument against a matching tool is how it kills the games community.


How is sitting in a general channel, one restricted to a single area I might add, spamming for a healer "community?"


Plus on top of that you have to sit there and same area because you cant go or do anything else


We need some sort of matching tool, I don't care how it works but there needs to be a way to find a group and not have to spam a chat channel while people get bored and leave.


Group falls apart, people tired of waiting and back to square one.




talking in chat, causes more people to talk.


the vast majority of the community does NOT want a dungeon queue system. if you want one so badly, go play rift/wow.

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Having an incentive to make an effort to get along with the people you do group with so that in the future you will all have a pool of people with whom you know you can satisfactorily group is arguably conducive to community, as compared with the "disposable" syndrome that group finders tend to instill.
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I dont want a matchmaking system. It will feel like more of a boring grind. The system in place is fine, if only more people used it.

In theory communism is the only rule that works in long term. If only more people was honest...



That is the problem people are not going to use it because they want a tool or something that helps them find a group. The way it is now its just gonna go down the same path as Age of Conan and that is you outlevel the dungeon in 3 hours if you grind, but if you look for group it will take HOURS and most of the time everyone in the party sucks so much in PVE the group will fail and disband.

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It forms a community because, if you don't want to spam in chat for a healer, it forces you to actually communicate with people. Find a healer. Make friends. Build trust. Run dungeons. I can't understand how this escapes people. The very idea that anyone would want a dungeon finder system is beyond my understanding. How lazy can you be?
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I think people should be allowed both. If they want to socialize or whatever, they can. If they want to hit dungeon finder (or whatever name it gets) and go about their business, they should be able to. Anyone interested in making friends and hanging out in game will do it if it is what they want. If a community is wrecked because of dungeon finder (or whatever) is added, then it wasn't much of a community to start with.
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Implementing systems like this, and getting it right, is a lot tougher than it sounds. You can run the risk of everyone just assuming the tool does their social contacting for them. The social points system is a nice way of encouraging grouping, mind you.


Whilst words like socialise and reputation blow things out of proportion it is the case that people do remember helpful other people. I healed a single PUG in what was then a tough bunch of elites during my month testing and kept getting repeat requests subsequently.


However, as I opined in the beta back in September, the current LFG tool is insufficient.


Example on Hutta which is relatively low-spoiler:


There's a group area to the NW. You have to have an associated mission which is in the centre of the map before it's worth going in, and story being what it is, it would be unfortunate to just turn up & share the quest. There's another group mission inside once you get deeper in.


Currently General has LFG <mission name> and people standing at the entrance, or more often, a level 4 will engage a level 7 elite and get their *** kicked, and just move on.


Would it be so hard that inside that group area, players that have the mission active on your stage are visible on the map, easily clicked as a list of active ungrouped players, and just simple to form a group with? Make it easy, make it a per-mission status of 'yes I'd like to group with anyone please, anyone to get this thing done!' - I'd even go so far as to suggest that it allow public grouping - you can set yourself just to group with anyone in the area who matches your mission stage, rough level, and it just does it automatically ala Rift. The game design isn't quite perfect for public grouping but it's feasible.


Give us some simple options to turn these things on and off, and hey presto, much better grouping experience but on a importantly small scale. I'd love to walk into a group area and the game to say 'would you like to see a list of other ungrouped players nearby who have this mission?'

Edited by Grammarye
War on quests
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interesting. So the way you make friends in a MMO is with your LFG chat spam? Can we all have your magic chat line or whisper you send to other players to make them want to befriend you?


What if they removed the Battleground queue and allowed to queue for one only to premade groups? more LFG chat spam, more social activity, the core of an mmo. Just, please.


What if your friends are offline? you make new ones with more LFG chat spam? how many friends do you have in your friends list?


A curious point I read in here was pretty much "if they implement one, then the majority would use it and this would kill the social aspect of the game". Ok, lets not implement somehting that the majority of the player base would use. Brilliant.


Without the LFG spam you wouldn't be able to make friends in an MMO? is that how you find/mke the majority of your online friends?


Instead of you spamming LFG LFG LFG every two minutes in a chat, there would be a script behind it that would be that and much more other nice things for you to have a group to play with...and maybe befriend some of those player in the group. Cose in my case I make new friends when I play with them, my LFG spam is not charming enough.


a: LFG dps sorcerer Instance BlaBla

b: invite

a: omg we are best friends now :D I added you to my friends list, with all the others that wispered me "invite" in the past. I've so many friends. Almost as many as in my Facebook profile. You?


If you fear people from other servers joining your isntance by the way, maybe it could be server bound? (still limited, but at least something)

What about when there wont be enough players of your level in your area that want to go in an instance? You'd rather skip it? You'd miss on part of the content/story just cose you don't want a bigger players pool to be able to queue with? Possibly a bigger players pool among whom find new nice online friends?


LFG tool is convenient, obviously, and why is "convenient" bad? the ability to do something else while the system finds a group instead of me having no chance to do nothing else but looking for one?


Serisouly, what's the perversion you guys have against the LFG tool? in which way does it break your gaming and social experience? Is a LFG tool a limit to what exactly?

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The main argument against a matching tool is how it kills the games community.


How is sitting in a general channel, one restricted to a single area I might add, spamming for a healer "community?"


Plus on top of that you have to sit there and same area because you cant go or do anything else


We need some sort of matching tool, I don't care how it works but there needs to be a way to find a group and not have to spam a chat channel while people get bored and leave.


Group falls apart, people tired of waiting and back to square one.


There'll be more healers when they open up macro functionality.

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Its not effective to use that LFG flag, I have tried. We need a system you can enter and get matched up for a group.


LFG flags work 100% perfectly every time. Been used for over a decade. What they want is a system that does it all for them. Automatically.... sadly its todays gamers at play. Cross server matches destroys the server community, an you end up with the filth of wow servers. Because theres no comeback, no consequence for being an arse.


They should bring back the days of DAOC an FFXI where your reputation meant everything. With a good one, you were flooded with group requests all day second you logged in. With a bad one, NONE would touch you.

Edited by BegaTasty
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I hope they do not implement the cross server grouping. It ruined the community of WoW. You will never see anyone leave the city. They have no reason to... they level in instances. Thuse the world is dead. For the first time, Barrens Chat was silent... All thanks to Cross server grouping.
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In one of the beta weekends I looked for a group for a Heroic 4 quest. I've found one, really friendly bunch but the instance system was a bit bugged back then we were unable get in the same instance right away.


We spent time talking about the beta and stuff and eventually 3 of us end up ath the start of the quest waiting for the remaining one. It took a lot of time for him to get there tho meanwhile we sat and chatted some more, showed of gear, companions, shared our opinions about the stories of the characters. Finally our last one arrived, it took 20 mins to form the group from the start.


The quest took 10 mins.


Yet nobody complained, we had a great time added each other friends and moved on.


Now this is why I'm playing Swtor, not Wow. I like the social aspect of the MMO's, I couldn't care less about the lvl and the gear and engame etc.. So my vote goes to NO, never ever have a lfg tool.

Edited by Requimo
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Cross server matches destroys the server community, an you end up with the filth of wow servers. Because theres no comeback, no consequence for being an arse.


I'm quite sure today's technology would allow the development of a server restricted LFG tool, if that is the concern of the community.

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I've always thought that matching tools actually helped form connections within a community much better and much more efficiently since they bring together players whom might not have met otherwise. I've met a lot of new friends in other games this way.
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The only reason WOWs LFG tool got such a bad reputation was when they made it cross realm!


When you are never going to meet up with or indeed be able to communicate what so ever with a person again, what reason was there to strive to be social in a party?


Before it was cross realm it was a very positive community addition. It takes the spam out of general chat, and stops the healers getting innundated with desperate folks sending tells! (Yes im a healer, and yes this has already happened for me several times! And no i wasnt flagged in /who as LFG)


Wish the developers would look at Dungeons and Dragons online LFG tool. This was amazing, very handy and user friendly. I still to this day game through MMOs i found using their tool!

Edited by Ravastin
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The main argument against a matching tool is how it kills the games community.


How is sitting in a general channel, one restricted to a single area I might add, spamming for a healer "community?"


Plus on top of that you have to sit there and same area because you cant go or do anything else


We need some sort of matching tool, I don't care how it works but there needs to be a way to find a group and not have to spam a chat channel while people get bored and leave.


Group falls apart, people tired of waiting and back to square one.


I think a group matching tool like WoW's Random Dungeon Finder and Battleground Queue system is very helpful.

I always felt like RDF and cross server BGs expanded my community beyond my server. Was pretty cool to see how

people from other servers played and battlegroups played.


On WoW servers a lot players seemed to form into cliques rather than communities.

Even within guilds people grouped off to there own groups. Of course we all came

together to get those epics though:) I had played WoW from the first launch day till Cata

so I have seen a lot of how that MMO "community" was.


Anyway if introduction of a tool like this kills a community then I think maybe that community wasn't what

people thought it was to begin with.

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An automatching isn't needed, but the current LFG tools are a good start but inadequate.


What they should make a LFG interface with following choices on it:

  • Reason why you are looking for a group: Questing/Hunting/Exploring
  • Depending on the reason the quest or zone where you want a group for
  • What levelrange you want in the group.
  • Your role you want to play in the group.


Next to this make a seperate official LFG channel. And once someone put in the LFG info in their UI the system automaticly put a LFG message to this channel every x minutes. But only when the person isn't flagged afk auto or manual).


And the most important part: make sure everyone knows about this system and how to use it. And don't hide it in the who tab of the social window.

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