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Everything posted by nixnaxi

  1. Thank you. Thank you. Please don't let the random ranting of people on the forums change your opinion. What people think they want isn't always what is best for them. There are certainly problems with low server populations, and these need to be addressed, most likely with transfers and mergers. But thank you from the bottom of my heart for not allowing this cross-server nonsense to sway you.
  2. Its hardly imaginary. Forcing people to actually communicate with people in the game, and form bonds with other players. Forcing them to learn who does what, when, and why, allows a community to form. Forces it to form by the sheer physical reality of it. The fact that you are unable to understand this is a strange thing to me. Would you have made the friends you made in real life if some part of reality hadn't forced you to communicate on some level, whether that was school projects, relatives, etc. Or even on a more basic level, and a level that is more directly related to the issue at hand, you were in whatever capacity force to speak to those soon-to-be friends. With a cross-server lfg tool, or any kind of automatic grouping system, this basic requirement of communication is not required. You can silently group, silently finish, and silently leave. There is no discover in terms of what roles that person can fill, in terms of someone you know who can fill that empty spot, etc. Without that communication, the community would suffer. Its a problem in our society even today, where people refuse to communicate with each other as much as they were once forced to. I would prefer it not enter the already anti-social environment of the MMO. The people who complain that they constantly have to 'lfg' in general for any group are very simply doing it wrong. Run a few times, lfg in general a few times, and after that you should have a list of people who are around your level, who can run with you if they are online. You simply have to whisper them. Its not difficult. Just reach outside your circle. If you are not willing to put in the social effort in a social game, you are free to play single player games, or wait until your friends are all online at the same time so you can play together. Its as simple as that. Frankly it bothers me that people are essentially threatening Bioware with a lost subscription because they are not giving you the ability to not fully participate in the game they made, instead wanting to only experience the content and move on.
  3. Do..do you people know how to make friends in game? How difficult is that? How little social skills do you have to have? You find a group INSTANTLY if you make friends. If everyone can dungeon finder to auto-queue, then no one makes friends in game. They just stay in their little real life circle. Or worse. You get auto-grouped with bad players. If its cross server, how do you even learn who is good and who isn't? You people are insane. And I don't care how many 'substantial' argument you conjure from thin air, the premise of a cross-server auto lfg tool is fundamentally unsound, even if it isn't provably so through the raw data. Community isn't measurable through raw data. It is something that is experienced, believe it or not. You can't all be THIS anti-social... Wait. Its an internet forum. nevermind.
  4. I didn't read the previous posts, but I was wondering if the differences between the Sage and Sorcerer, which result in the Sith being better at DPS, and the sage being better at healing, weren't an intentional difference, as they seem to fit with the lore well enough.
  5. Stop PvPing at level 10 You can wait until 30 at least. There is, as you may realize, and whole story out there to experience. You're just whining, in any case. 50s are on both sides. You aren't getting rolled any more or less than the other side is. If you've been unlucky, well, it happens. Level up for a while. Guard, rather than expecting to actually kill. Be useful. Use your brain. It helps, sometimes.
  6. I play republic on a PvP server. While leveling I was often jumped by Sith, and prompt killed them every time. There seem to be more Sith..but they're not very good. When I PvP in wz, my premade group of friend I made in game, not RL friends, roll the Empire 90% of the time, premade or no. Besides I sometimes go out to tatooine especially, and prevent ganking when I can. While I'm out there, I hear about 50s in the area, but they're never there when I go looking for them, even when I kill their faction mates. While I have no information on their age, my experience with the Empire is that, except for a few exceptions, aren't as bright, even if they are occasionally, on average, more skilled than the average republic, a fact which seems to stem from the Sith having more experience more than anything. They also seem to be less likely to work together effectively.
  7. No idea. Waiting patiently, I suppose. Not in any hurry. Just make a character and don't do any romance options. Although. Zenith is pretty tempting, I have to admit.
  8. So. There are no 50s on your faction? Because unless your faction is absolutely slow to level, the opposite team should have just as much of a chance to be facerolled as you do. Maybe they should implement a system that attempts to put similar levels together, if there's one sith 50 it wait for a republic 50, rather than just a random matching. Unless that's how it works...I dunno. Your complaint seems a little ridiculous to me. If you're really afraid of losing to 50s, then you can always wait until 50. Did you want it to be like WoW, with various brackets? That might work, but you'd invite twinking, and longer queues, plus you'd probably complain about being facerolled by players with better gear even when you did get to 50. I pvp'd at most possible levels. Did what I could. Frankly I think its more of a pain for the 50s on your own team, who have to work with people who are low level, and amazingly that probably goes for the other team as well.
  9. I agree that there is a delay...and I PvP quite a bit. What I don't understand is why this constitutes anything other than a change in timing, a mental change. Maybe things are less hair-trigger than WoW, you can't cast two abilities at the same time, or mount before the mount fully appears, but you should be able to compensate for it. Whatever refinement they need to make to the system, such as more fluid animations, or tweaked cast time numbers, is fine, but the idea that this is game-breaking is baffling to me. You just have to realize that it isn't WoW, that you have to base your timing off animations rather than numbers or cast bars. For me, I always watched the animation rather than the cast bar when it came to timing abilities, even in WoW. In tight PvP situtations the delay can be frustrating, but the fact remains that it is, as far as I've seen, a relatively constant delay. While it may be something that need to be improved, I can't understand the uproar about this beyond the dislike for change in play style.
  10. I would like this as well. I really don't understand why it wasn't there in the first place...
  11. I have a neutral character too. Its not too terrible, except when it comes to relics. There are plenty of easy found or bought relics for light/dark, but few that are neutral, especially pre-50. Though the light/dark sided sabers are also very nice, and very inaccessible to neutral players. This is probably due to the fact that there is not system in place to track levels of 'balanced' gameplay. I'm close to 3k or 4k points in both light and dark though, so it seems like it would be relatively easy to implement, whenever they get to it. Also, to the people who have mocked 'neutral' in this thread, it isn't about a neutral options of, like one idiot said 'i like pie', but rather making light side choices some times, and dark side choices other. For me, I protected the innocent whenever possible, but mercilessly killed traitors and imperials.
  12. Having bought several flop MMOs I think that Swtor has something that will, at the very least, make ME stay. Though as others have said, whole-planet phasing/instances has GOT to go.
  13. Very good to hear. This is the only problem with Swtor that comes close to making me angry. Especially being that I'm on a PvP server. It kind of infringes on the idea of 'open world pvp'.
  14. I love what you're saying, but are you suggesting that there is the slight possibility that it will happen? Because...that would be just horrible...:\ Also, I posted in another thread but in case you don't read it. What are you plans for Grey Jedi, or the neutral path in terms of relics. As it stands unless we mindlessly press all white or all red options we're hampered in the end.
  15. Hey guys I'm antisocial, why is there no socializing and community? I mean I just sit there and don't talk to people, and watch them run around, but theres no socializing.
  16. Its not dead. But if you level like a crazy person, like me, and possibly you, then you won't see that many people at your level. Lots of people are going slowly.
  17. Hey. How about some reward for not being a moral absolutist? Just a few relics would be great.
  18. I'm just stopping by, having only read the title, to say NO. Stop it. Stop it right now.
  19. I don't really know that its too easy. Leveling in an MMO isn't supposed to be particularly difficult, and while it shouldn't be too easy, I don't think Swtor IS too easy in this regard, at least past level 25 or so. Endgame should be somewhat challenging though.
  20. I hope I speak for a good number of people when I say that even when there aren't queues, the game is enjoyable enough to wait for. Queues are a part of MMOs, and I think some of us understand that. If you choose to play on a high-pop server, queues are going to be part of your day. As it is I"m on a heavy server and I have hardly any queues. The complainers could always move to another server.
  21. Please Bioware...please don't listen to these lazy people..PLEASE. No LFG system beyond the one you have in place. You can feel free to refine it however you want, but I'm begging you. No auto-grouping. Get to know the people in game. THAT is the best LFG system.
  22. Whats that? You mean...talk? What are you crazy? We clearly need something that drops you in a group at the press of a button.
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