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Everything posted by ExarchCathedra

  1. I've been playing them all since launch, which is why my highest level character is 32.
  2. I have not unsubscribed, but I have been spending most of my time in Diablo III, and it is really underscoring the quality of life issues and lack of polish on SW:TOR, especially the loading times, but even little things like the unavoidable 'allow modifications' prompt when launching.
  3. Because there's this entire forum with no other real purpose than to provide us a place to do that.
  4. I have 8 characters now, I'm not sure what 'reroll' would mean in that context. I've been playing MMOs for 10 years without doing anything that could be described as a raid, I have no reason to expect I'll ever do an operation; the whole concept of running the same content over and over again to get new outfits for my pixelated barbie never made much sense to me. Anyway, by the time I get to 50 it's likely they'll have added more content; if not I have no problem quitting until the expansion. I don't care one way or another whether an automatic group placement tool is added, though I'll never use it if it is; I've had enough "GOGOGOGOGO pull faster fail tank" to last me a lifetime.
  5. My main just hit level 28, I haven't had any trouble finding flashpoint groups; heroic groups are tougher, I grant you.
  6. It's easy; don't do any space missions, don't do any PvP, and make sure never to log out in a rest zone. You'll still outlevel everything, but not too badly.
  7. Because games, by definition, aren't important; if you have money to waste on something frivolous then all that matters is that you enjoy it as much as the equivalent amount of candy bars, or roller coaster rides.
  8. I'd like to be able to write macros to use modifier keys, and state detection, so that I could place more than one ability in a quickslot, as my quickslot bars are quite full of situationally useful abilities.
  9. Like so much else that people complain about with regards to this game, I would enjoy holiday events if they occurred, but I'm not going to complain about their absence.
  10. Con: Cheesy munchkin min/max male bovine fecal material. Pro: No worse than multiple 'specializations'; once something is broken it doesn't really matter into how many pieces.
  11. My perspective, as a completely casual player, is that we don't care about dual specializations, since we don't care about our builds being optimally min/maxed in the first place.
  12. You can't figure out why free-form self-directed content is referred to as 'sandbox'? Have you ever actually seen a sandbox?
  13. I don't find the changes particularly helpful, possibly even slightly less useful, but I certainly don't find them dramatic, or annoying.
  14. So should we also have Dual Advanced Class, Dual Class, Dual Race, and Dual Faction?
  15. I've made characters on both sides, but I primarily play Republic, mostly because I don't want to spend my time kicking orphans and eating kittens* , but also because Imperial on my server is, based upon the global chat, populated entirely by homophobic 13-year old boys who play Imperial because evil is kewl. * Eating kittens is just plain...plain wrong, and no one should do it! EVER!
  16. The loading screens...dear deity, the loading screens...especially the barrage when you log in, board ship, travel, and debark. Most of the issues in the game are minor, but the loading screens are killing my spirit.
  17. Well, I've played the Atari arcade stand-up, the original Dark Forces, and this...I think I have to give this one to Atari, just through the power of positive nostalgia.
  18. Because you won't be able to play if you don't. Fridays always make me reductionist.
  19. I haven't even looked at Skyrim because personally I'm sick of fantasy. One of the things I'm enjoying most about TOR is the Star Wars context, right down to the sound effects and music; I wouldn't be able to get that environment in an RPG with multiple character classes and skill builds in a single-player game.
  20. The way I mean it when I describe myself as casual is that I don't care too much. I don't care if there is content I don't have the time to do, as long as there is some content I can do. I don't care if there are ways to improve my character that I don't have time to do, as long as there is some way to improve my character. I don't care about maximizing my character's abilities, I care about maximizing the amount of fun I have playing them. I don't care what reward comes from a given activity in the game, if the activity itself isn't fun I don't do it. I don't care if an activity in the game that I find fun is technically pointless, as far as I'm concerned the entire game is pointless.
  21. What I don't like about having threat be just another number is that it really puts the last nail in the coffin of the illusion that you're fighting an opponent rather than a value in a row in a database. I like it when doing battle with the computer contains at least a bit of uncertainty and unpredictability, it makes for an encounter that feels a bit more dynamic than getting one set of numbers to the correct values and then waiting for your teammates to get another set of numbers to zero.
  22. Yes, but you didn't have to run all of Maraudon, or Blackrock Mountain, or Sunken Temple in one go; you could get keys, and unlock shortcuts, for return trips. They felt like actual environments with which you could engage, not conveyor belts.
  23. My friends in the game and I are on the West Coast so I don't really to have to use my imagination, we're not pissed at all that a game is unavailable for a few hours in the middle of the night.
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