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To put it gently, I agree with these guys..


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I have yet to figure out why people who think that the game has no redeeming qualities have been reading and posting on this message board for months.


Because they got an active subscription? Which means they paid money and usually when you pay money for something it's fair to assume you got some interest for it? That's unless this money was handed to you by your parents in which case you don't appreciate their value.

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Because they got an active subscription? Which means they paid money and usually when you pay money for something it's fair to assume you got some interest for it? That's unless this money was handed to you by your parents in which case you don't appreciate their value.


But if they hate the game the interest is nill. So why stay?

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I have yet to figure why exactly they are happy with it.


I have pondered that myself. The content, including story, is so linear that... Well, I found myself tapping the space bar to rush through dialog for quests I had not done before. Rerolling through the same content? I couldn't tap the space bar fast enough. Actually hoping the queue pops because while the warzones are dull, they are not as boring as the world quests.


Nothing about this game really grabs me. Some of the story is quite good but that's the thing. Its only some. The voice acting and writing isn't as good as I've seen even in other BioWare games, let alone ones from other studios. It had some bright spots but they don't nearly last enough or are frequent enough.


Meh... Different strokes for different folks I guess.

Edited by SirRobin
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Yes. I give you the MMO-Lite player base; they want it here, now and easy.
No, that's MMO-Development Lite.


Oh NO! A blog from some forum trolls who wanted SWG or WoW 2.
The comments are much better quality than the blog. Edited by Ansultares
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Finally there's the people who are happy with it and honestly, after reading these forums for months, I have yet to figure why exactly they are happy with it. The game doesn't really have any redeeming qualities.


It's pretty simple; you just have to look at where TOR differs from WoW and other MMOs. If you don't like elves and that fantasy nonsense, but you do like Star Wars, you're predisposed to enjoying TOR a lot more than those other games. Of course, there are a lot of other differences that people might like, too, starting with how everything is voiced.


Of course, there's always people who have the exact opposite opinion and prefer elves to Star Wars or don't care at all if stuff is voiced.

Edited by Lymain
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But if they hate the game the interest is nill. So why stay?


I don't know, because they expected more? Because they're pissed? Because they hope something might still change? If you wanna know specifically about me, I don't "stay". I pop by once a week or so when I'm bored to check out the general forum and maybe post something while my subscription is still running. Is that a problem? Would it be preferable if I just shut up and didn't voice my discontent? I know the mods would surely be happier if all the unsatisfied customers would just suck it up and disappear.

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But if they hate the game the interest is nill. So why stay?


I don't hate the game. I just find it getting more and more boring. Of course every game gets boring for me eventually. Even the mighty WoW only got my money for about two years, total, out of the seven its been on the market. Most MMORPG's only last a few months for me before I start getting bored. So that is not unusual. The unusual is how quickly TOR passed that threshold.


If you count Beta, I think I spent more time in WAR than in WoW.


I'll bail once something better comes along. At the moment there is nothing on the market that I have not already played passed the boredom limit or doesn't interest me in the first place.

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Fixed that for ya!


Thanks for your contribution. Just one question though if I may. You're only considered a customer if you like the game right? If you don't like it, you're not a customer anymore, just a TROLLING WHINER? Just checking to see if I got it right.

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I haven't been keeping up closely with these guys. But Keen is uncannily right in his perceptions a vast majority of the time. Besides his assessments, in addition I can not tolerate the bugs and poor design elements which just make you wonder about the designers professionalism, if not their talent. Also the general game management structure and failure of proper public relations and in game support.


It was great while it lasted and save something biblical in effect to change how the game plays and feels, I do not see this title lasting. I'll hang out a while longer, probably go back to an older title like DDO.. I'm sure they've added content by now..


Maybe it's because I haven't reached 50 yet, but I can't really agree with much of what I see there. I'm not a big PVPer though so maybe that's part of it.


I'm on my second alt going into the 30+ levels, and have actually enjoyed the leveling process the second time much more than I thought I would. Sure you get a few moments where you say "This one again" and you space through the cutscenes, but since my first time was a Trooper and my second is a Jedi Knight, I'm enjoying them because it's still a different experience, with the difference in ranged and melee combat. And I suspect the fact that my next Republic character will be a Smuggler will only help that as it's a completely new dynamic with the cover system.


I've still got two Imperial characters that are in the 15+ level stages, so both of those will be completely different quests, and I'm not at all worried about that either.


For those who don't like alternate characters, you're missing about 60-70% of the game. And that's a shame. But it's no wonder you're out of stuff to do already 2 months into the game's history.


On that note, I can't help but laugh at these people who write off a new MMO after 2 months. Either I've got an extraordinarily long-term view of games like this or else our society is quickly becoming fanatically drive-thru in its preferences and patience.


For those who aren't tied to always playing one character on a game that offers so many versatile classes... play some alts. Take care not to get your game impressions from someone who hates having more than one character. With the story-based design that BioWare has created... to miss those alternate experiences is to short yourself the enjoyment of the game.

Edited by Kubernetic
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Would it be preferable if I just shut up and didn't voice my discontent?




Asked and answered. "Voicing your discontent" is not constructive criticism that will assist the developers in making the game better or the community in coming together.

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I don't know, because they expected more? Because they're pissed? Because they hope something might still change? If you wanna know specifically about me, I don't "stay". I pop by once a week or so when I'm bored to check out the general forum and maybe post something while my subscription is still running. Is that a problem? Would it be preferable if I just shut up and didn't voice my discontent? I know the mods would surely be happier if all the unsatisfied customers would just suck it up and disappear.


The problem isnt that you are unsatisfied with the game. The problem is with the posts that are being made by the people who quit or are quitting.


Most of them are rants and they dont really offer any possible solutions or suggestions. They tend to go off on some tanget about how bad the game is, how bad Bioware is, how bad Star Wars is and do so without adding anything useful. You know just saying the UI sucks is one thing but saying the UI needs work and this is a way that it can be fixed it yet another.


Most of those who say they quit/quitting try their best to get others to feel the same way. They seem they have some need to nerd rage and to get others to side with them even though they dont say anything constructive. All they are doing is complaining and wasting space for people who do want to try and improve a game.


A lot of the I quit/quitters also tend to start brand new topics about how they hate the game. Some even go so far as saying they want to stay/comeback if things are fixed but offer nothing in a way of how to improve the game. Plus if you have a suggestion has how to improve the game, the proper place for it is in the suggestion forums.


A lot of the I quit/quitters also seem to think that even in the middle of a perfectly good discussion they need to post their hate about the game. Normally the post is so far off topic it just looks stupid.


So that is just a part of the problem, go on and rage about it if you must, doesnt make you right.

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I disagree with him on most points, I make alts and I have never played an MMO where the questing was less repetitive. Im not sure how long I will play this game but Im certain I will not regret my 6 month sub.


The only thing I agree with is the flashpoints. Why is the first flashpoint so much better than the rest? They should make the rest more like the Esseles and make it easier to find parties for FPs.

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Asked and answered. "Voicing your discontent" is not constructive criticism that will assist the developers in making the game better or the community in coming together.


How more constructive do you want it to be than "it's boring", "it's too easy", "it's too repetitive", "it's too laggy" etc? The players are not game developers, they're not supposed to tell them how to make the game, just if they like it or not. Some might be able to pinpoint what exactly they didn't like, some might not.

Edited by Wekeltes
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Asked and answered. "Voicing your discontent" is not constructive criticism that will assist the developers in making the game better or the community in coming together.


Well, kinda agree


Useful feedback unlike what is seen in all mmo forums unfortunately woukd be great. If a person wrote up what he did not like with examples and placed it in the suggestion box it would get read. Whether bioware agrees or takes any action is another thing. The reason most dont is because actual feedback is not really the goal.


The problem with most of this thread is those that think their opinion is fact and and disagreement means a person forum dual.


To bad really as it really just fuds up the place and useful posts get buried.

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Asked and answered. "Voicing your discontent" is not constructive criticism that will assist the developers in making the game better or the community in coming together.


People gave constructive criticism during beta. They were ignored.


We were sold an unfinished product, that did nothing to hide the fact it was unfinished.


Of course people are going to be upset. This game costed my $200+ dollars. It wasn't worth close to that.


I'm not even finished my Knights story, and I already can't bring myself to log in to the game.


And you know what? That's weird as **** to me, as this was a game aimed at people like myself.


I love games with a good story. As a matter of fact, I won't bother playing a game without a good story. My entertainment starts and ends with a good, engaging story.


I didn't have any other game taking my time (Never played WoW, Rift etc.)


I had a ton of free-time coming up.


I LOVE Sci-Fi, and the idea of a Sci-Fi MMORPG gave me an erection.


I LOVE the Star Wars EU (Not so much the movies, just rewatched the 6 of them and was shocked how bad they are)


I absolutely loved everything about KOTOR 1 (2 Can go die in a fire)


So yeah, I was the perfect consumer for this game.


And I couldn't be anymore disappointed at the product I paid for. Just completely, utterly disappointed. I don't know how the game turned out the way it did. Everything I read about it (Interviews, Hype pieces, coverage) painted it in a very different picture. It's basically a re-tread of every other MMORPG on the market with a Sci-Fi paint-job, which is pretty much the opposite of what they said it would be. Like they scrapped the original game with the original concepts and went with the safer, more known and casual approach to maximize profits.


Sigh. I should have done more research. The moment I saw Mythic made the game, I woulda took a wait and see approach, and ended up not even buying it.

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Who the fak are you to tell them when their opinion is valid or not. This has got to be the most fascistic community I've ever seen in 15 years on the internet.


You should read the comment sections on news article. This forum is tame compared to the regulars on those!

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How more constructive do you want it to be than "it's boring", "it's too easy", "it's too repetitive", "it's too laggy" etc? The players are not game developers, they're not supposed to tell them how to make the game, just if they like it or not. Some might be able to pinpoint what exactly they didn't like, some might not.


Who the fak are you to tell them when their opinion is valid or not. This has got to be the most fascistic community I've ever seen in 15 years on the internet.


So why do you feel it was too easy or why do you think it was to repetitive, can you give examples to these.


By giving examples will allow for others to see where you are coming from and maybe possibly allow the developers to look into that issue.


Correct, the players are not the developers, but the developers designed the game in a way and might not see what you are talking about when you make a statement like "It's to easy". Just saying that says nothing. Whats to easy? The crafting, the quests, the flashpoints? How is it to easy, does the boss die to fast, can you solo it, what?


By giving constructive feedback allows others to see what your talking about, but just spouting off rants is nothing but trolling.

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How more constructive do you want it to be than "it's boring", "it's too easy", "it's too repetitive", "it's too laggy" etc? The players are not game developers, they're not supposed to tell them how to make the game, just if they like it or not. Some might be able to pinpoint what exactly they didn't like, some might not.


Really?, because I think making concessions to the loudest people in their forums is becoming a common mistake for developers that you can put right next to the fantasy of making everyone happy.

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How more constructive do you want it to be than "it's boring", "it's too easy", "it's too repetitive", "it's too laggy" etc? The players are not game developers, they're not supposed to tell them how to make the game, just if they like it or not. Some might be able to pinpoint what exactly they didn't like, some might not.


Who the fak are you to tell them when their opinion is valid or not. This has got to be the most fascistic community I've ever seen in 15 years on the internet.


This. All these fanbois just want a bunch of yes-men nodding their heads and saying everything is great. They can't stand that someone else has a different opinion of the game. A lot of us that don't like the game don't go around to every post that say they like the game and be like OMG YOUR OPINION ISNT VALID YOU STUPID NOOB LOLOL. But every thread of someone posting why they DO NOT like the game is full of fanbois trying to invalidate someone else.


That more than any trolling truly shows how this community works.


If the forums are full of "this game is perfect" bioware doesn't improve, the game fails because everyone leaves without saying what is wrong.


You fanbois don't have to agree with our opinions on the game, but you don't have to post on a criticism thread either =)

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People gave constructive criticism during beta. They were ignored.


And I am sure a lot of it was in the form of You must do this or we will quit, I demand this be done, does that sound about right?


Did it also occur to you that maybe they spent the time during beta fixing or at least trying to fix certin issues that where more major game play issues then those that people where suggesting?


We were sold an unfinished product, that did nothing to hide the fact it was unfinished.


Whats unfinished? Really you are saying it is but not giving examples of what is possibly missing.


edited out some for space.....


And I couldn't be anymore disappointed at the product I paid for. Just completely, utterly disappointed. I don't know how the game turned out the way it did. Everything I read about it (Interviews, Hype pieces, coverage) painted it in a very different picture. It's basically a re-tread of every other MMORPG on the market with a Sci-Fi paint-job, which is pretty much the opposite of what they said it would be. Like they scrapped the original game with the original concepts and went with the safer, more known and casual approach to maximize profits.


Maybe it is a "retread" of other MMOs. That is the way with the market today, if something works keep doing it. Maybe other games will break the mold and the genre will change, only time will tell.


Sigh. I should have done more research. The moment I saw Mythic made the game, I woulda took a wait and see approach, and ended up not even buying it.


This is probably the wisest thing you said. Take the time and research it first. People just dont do that enough and then they get mad because something isnt what they expected. In this case a game and now those people come to the forums to spew their hate when what they should be doing is going to a mirror and yelling at themselves for not researching things enough.



See above......

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