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Everything posted by PhantomKnight

  1. This isn't WoW. Mobs dodge/parry has nothing to do with positioning.
  2. I've been a 50 sage since week one...you know before they nerfed D7. I find a lot of hilarity in these two quotes. I was healing D7 HM in greens and oranges 2 days after hitting 50. Healing tanks with the same level gear. So yea. One of those statements is false. Just saying (i think its the bottom one).
  3. This. Not really optional if you are trying to min-max for end game content.
  4. What people fail to understand is that this isn't an issue with all hardware. You could have a random PoS, and someone else has a super machine, and the super machine is the one having problems. With no fault of the user or hardware. Its just bad coding/oversight on the part of Bioware. I have a similar problem on one of my three computers that I play this game on. I literally have to put a software control on the fans to kick up to max the second I start the game. Just so my my video card doesn't hit 85+ C and reboot. That same computer can play any other game on the market, max settings for hours at a time and never go above 65 C, with the fan going half the speed. The cooling in the system is just fine.
  5. This. All these fanbois just want a bunch of yes-men nodding their heads and saying everything is great. They can't stand that someone else has a different opinion of the game. A lot of us that don't like the game don't go around to every post that say they like the game and be like OMG YOUR OPINION ISNT VALID YOU STUPID NOOB LOLOL. But every thread of someone posting why they DO NOT like the game is full of fanbois trying to invalidate someone else. That more than any trolling truly shows how this community works. If the forums are full of "this game is perfect" bioware doesn't improve, the game fails because everyone leaves without saying what is wrong. You fanbois don't have to agree with our opinions on the game, but you don't have to post on a criticism thread either =)
  6. Basically the OP is saying come back in 7 years, then TOR might be worth playing. Because that's natural. Just let a new product get nearly a decade to become as good as an older product. NO. That is not how business works. A product is better or worse very quickly, and that decides its fate. SWTOR will be lucky if people come back to check on it in 6 months. Right now everyone I know is canceling subs like crazy because this doesn't compare to WoW or Rift. People are going back to check up on RIFT (which had its own problems) because even that seems better than paying for this game. I knew 50 people going into playing this game. Only 9 have active subs left (yes, those are accurate numbers, we have a facebook group to keep in contact because we all don't play together). So yes, OP, you are right, this game is two months old. But know that very few people are willing to PAY for this game to take forever to get better. People will unsub and come back later. Which may just cause EA to sink the project's budget all together.
  7. THIS. My guild can one shot everything EXCEPT SOA. Because of his random bugs, not due to execution. Its to the point where we are just not bothering getting our chest peices, because everytime I say "lets put a few attempts on soa" and he bugs, someone else quits the game. This boss has been buggy since day 1. Bioware has still done little to nothing to fix him (he still spawns with floor tiles missing a lot, mind traps the tank, proceeds to kill DPS, he will throw someone in the air AS he is going into phase 3, meaning that person dies for sure). Honestly, I would just say stop doing Soa. Its helped the morale of my guild for sure. We are just waiting until March and hoping Bioware adds content that doesn't suck. I hope BW realizes that unless their next set of content is reasonable (aka, not stupid easy with no bugs, and has very little 'impossible mode' bugs) then they will lose most of their PvE raiding base.
  8. Oh man, I almost forgot about that game.
  9. OP: While you are right, EA/Bioware do not want to hear about their failures. The forums are a place for talking about how this game is without flaw. If you want a place where you can discuss without crazy censorship or oppression, go to reddit instead.
  10. No. If it wasn't Bioware / Star Wars. I would not be playing. I saw in beta that this game was not that great, bought it anyway in hopes of quick improvement (how Trion did with RIFT) but then they failed. They have 1.7 mil subs now. I'm guessing 1.3 or less come beginning of March. This game is dieing due to terrible support and rushed release.
  11. Ever play light-side ANYTHING on Empire? Its all about being a traitor, double agent, or changing the empire to be like the republic from within. I'm pretty sure lore has nothing to do with this subject.
  12. No. The customer service is the worst of any game I've ever played. They have flat out LIED to me and my guild promising things that didn't happen (i have screenshot proof). Not only was I insulted by being called a liar, but then I was ignored/blown off when I gave them the ticket ID number and offered a screenshot of the offer I received (two bosses in EV bugged and gave no loot, multiple weeks in a row, we were offered a free reset, then they reneged). The endgame content is terrible. Its crazy buggy and it clearly wasn't thought out with raiding guilds in mind. Why so many 1 tank encounters? Almost everything is 1 tank encounters. It really limits what a guild can have/accept. Especially with no dual spec. Also many of the bugs completely ruin the experience. The game's technical bugs are also pretty bad. People's computers are literally frying. This game heats up certain CPUs/Processors way too much. This isn't due to being cutting edge, there are other games that are just as demanding, and don't do what TOR does. There's been a few threads on it and personal friends to confirm about how this game destroys video card temps. I literally had to install a software fan control to max out my fan on my 570 GTX every time I play this game, just so I can stay under 75 C. If I do not, the card will overheat every time and reboot the computer. This happens with multiple cards. That's my major technical issue right now, but there are more, like crazy FPS issues on 4000+ dollar custom made gaming machines. Error 9000s, etc. Finally, lack of motivation on Bioware's part. There are some things that are game breaking for certain communities that have been in since release. They just say "wait for a patch' as if they are paying us. WE ARE PAYING YOU (albeit, not for long) you are here to serve us. Your patches are small and too far inbetween with how incomplete this game was at release. Combined with poor service, this is the biggest disappointment I've had in a game. I've been a gamer for 20 years, and I say that because I thought Bioware was a cut above the rest. But this game feels like SOE made it.
  13. 13/28 Deception madness, highly relied on induction procs while still using Lightning Charge. Now would have to take out energy regen to use Surging, but Surging is a DPS decrease as well. Got nerfed pretty hard.
  14. 1 mil. People are going to drop this game like its nothing. No reason to play it currently other than rolling alts, which a lot of people don't want to do.
  15. I want to see those numbers after this upcoming bill cycle for most. The new content was super easy, Kaon is 'okay'. And the game still has major gamebreaking bugs all over the place. A lot of people stayed around for 1.1 which conveniently came out right before renew time. They won't have that again. By the three month mark this game will drop another 500-700k players. There's just no reason to stick around. Seriously, I only play this game out of severe boredom now. And even then, its not often. I find myself more playing LoL or looking through my old steam games than SWTOR. Its pretty sad, but I was this game's biggest fan for years =/
  16. Every company has this clause, just because they want to be able to ban you for whatever they want. The second they start banning gamers for using their gamer devices, they lose all of their community. You might not been around for the backlash that Blizzard got for banning people for using AutoHotKey program in a similar manner to how a G15 keyboard works. Blizzard ended up unbanning those people and stopped pursing people using AutoHotKey. SWTOR is already a small community that is declining (not growing), they alienate gamers for having gaming devices, they can watch it decline way faster.
  17. Maybe because you post is clearly biased against the empire and has some falsehoods in it. There are a few discrepancies that benefit the republic. Not a lot, but you turned your own post from well crafted points, to a crusade against empire players (or whining about being republic). Either way, you sabotaged a dev coming here. Which is sad, because the rest of your post warrants it.
  18. BW has had no problem censoring well articulated complaints against their game. They have locked and deleted several posts by myself and others. None of them have any rage, or are being unreasonable. Simply being realistic about opinions of the game (they obviously aren't stellar). Briefly, it came out that they were doing this, lots of people started posting about how they were censoring the community, and then those people got those posts deleted, and warned if they posted about it again (or any action taken against them) they would be banned. Given EA's track record of banning people's game accounts based off of what they say on the forums, most people just let it drop. I'm happy to see that there are still others out there seeing that Bioware has little to no customer service. They do not care about us. They just want to spew out one liners saying they will fix it soon and everything is A-Okay while dodging the real issue. The reason they do the read-only forums is because without the game, people have more time to post about the game. Since the majority of the posts are negative, they simply turn them off. Thing is, if Bioware would just let people vent on their forums, they'd be more likely to keep their customer base. But currently with failed innovation and poor customer service, I'm afraid this game will be done much sooner than it should be.
  19. How to lose all of your customers: Listen to this guy.
  20. Oh noes, the forum moderators are here to threaten us because we implied that Bioware is a less than stellar MMO company!
  21. There has been several. The numbers on all of them are overwhelming. Usually in the 70-80% saying yes they want it.
  22. I doubt supercaptain is 50, if he is, he's probably in greens or blues at best. My level 40 op does more damage than what you are saying. Stop lying on the forums.
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