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To put it gently, I agree with these guys..


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I have no been kind to TOR since the pre launch because frankly EA has made mistake after mistake after mistake with this title.


I agree with the guys openings statement about this being a 3 monther or less. Thats completely valid and what I been saying.


Even the rest I dont overly disagree with, its how he gets to his points that make me disagree with him, not the final conclussion.


He thinks WOW is the standard all MMORPGs should be compared to!


Well, I wont go to a McDonalds Fry Guy for cooking lessons and I will not goto a WOW player for MMORPG advice.


But as I said, his conclussion of TOR being a 2-3 month game for most will prove true. Just not for the reasons he thinks why.


Plus I get the feeling when I read "Well my suspicions turned out correct" that the guy went in wanting to hate this game or wanting it to fail. I dont really respect those types because of all the MMORPG titles the past 21 years of the genre, this is the title I wanted to succeed and do it right the most!


I wanted this game to succeed and my suspicions were not negatively driven desires. I wanted to beleive this was going to be the game that repaired all of WOWs damage to the genre.


Sadly it isnt, far from it, but damn I wanted this game to succeed in the biggest way.


I just dont respect posters that want something to fail and then brag when they turn out right on a few issues.

Course I also get feeling this guy would have posted "As I suspected would happen" if TOR had been a amazing smash hit that did hit 20 million subscribers over night.


I get feeling this blog guy writes in open ended ways so he can say hes correct and take credit.


Anyways, not impressed with blog.


He got the 2-3 months right for most players but the reasoning behind it (or lack there of) just shows his over all inexperience with the genre and whats required in this genre for it to get back on its feet intellectually and development wise.

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No? You can go ahead and like it. I don't go into threads that say "I love this game Bioware!" and piss on their parade.


Why do you? Why is anyone else in this thread? Oh yeah right, because you're insecure fanboys with ZERO objectivity. As I said


So what your saying is that you want to post a negative review given on someones personal opinion and no one should counter it with their personal opinion.


Well that says a lot.

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Kinda makes me wonder. People have put up with far worse and even now tout how awesome it was. Has the gamer nation as a whole turned into such wusses?


You actually have to ask? Isn't the answer obvious? Now, show some real credentials--not just, "I play a lot of games"--and then maybe people will listen to what the so-called critics are saying. (If the TV critics do not have advanced degrees in programming, graphic arts, and other game design related professions, they too are just commenting in a vacuum.)


If you do not like the game, then take it up with the company instead of posting on the forums. ;)

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Don't worry. I'll do it for you.




WHAAA? Too repetitive?


That's a lie! Every single mission was fresh and original! Nothing was ever "repetitive" in the game. I never even heard my characters repeat the same phrases more than 10 times.


Every part of the story is something new and amazing never before seen in a MMO because of the fact it's a Bioware made Star Wars game.





Ok ***?! If you don't want to make alts then maybe this isn't the game for you? This and every other MMO is only about having nothing to do at end game and making alts. This is a Bioware game! Star Wars!




All crafting has a point and if you don't understand that then maybe this game isn't for you? The point of crafting is it's a Bioware game story STAR WARS IP. You are just a part of the entitled generation that expects crafting to have a point well I have news for you buddy every MMO that has crafting is the same! I know because I haven't played every other MMO.




Two words for you:


Star Wars and Bioware story. Just because they made one flashpoint, the first one, with a story and none of the others is proof enough that you can run all the 2 hour, you probably won't get gear, you probably didn't even get a group because no one will join flashpoints.


Nuff said.





Let me spell it out for you hater.







Are you trying to say that there is combat delay in this game? BIOWARE PATCHED THAT! So what if the patch didn't work properly and classes still have ability delay?! BIOWARE PATCHES ARE ALWAYS ROLLIN OUT!






This is the best community ever. From the polarized forum community to the dead in game community that have ceased to even stop spamming LFG. Everything about this game feels social.


This is why Bioware had to make a social system, some might say it was because they knew there was no reason to play with others in this game...but I say BIOWARE STORY EPIC STAR WARS!


And I'm not a fanboy I am just a really reasonable unbiased person unlike all these haters that want the game to fail.


lol, gold

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This gaming blog is well known and respected in the gaming community. So dismiss all you like, just don't consider it random.


As a member of the gaming community I have to disagree that it is either well known or respected (or even well written).

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So what your saying is that you want to post a negative review given on someones personal opinion and no one should counter it with their personal opinion.


Well that says a lot.


You can go ahead and counter it all you like. But to dump everyone with criticism about the game into an 'immature, spoiled and entitled' group is the problem here. That's not a personal opinion. That's a sweeping generalization made by people who are hateful, insecure and above all, not very smart.

Edited by Esaru
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And you made that initial point ( "Gamers today are mostly an immature, self-important, entitled lot who complain first and don't even know why most of the time".) because of one article expressing criticism towards the game.


Yeah, my point stands.


Actually, I was responding to a previous poster who wondered if the general gaming community had changed somehow in recent times. He in red, me in green...



Originally Posted by Genkin

Kinda makes me wonder. People have put up with far worse and even now tout how awesome it was. Has the gamer nation as a whole turned into such wusses?


Your typical gamers nowadays are entitled, self-important, generally immature (at least as far as their public persona goes), unrealistic, and have no idea what they want out of a game. This isn't a troll or "rude behavior", it's just what I notice on a regular basis.


My post had exactly nothing to do with the bloggers, their comments and dislikes about SWTOR, "fanboyism", or anything else beyond "Has the gamer nation as a whole turned into such wusses?" I'm therefore still at a loss to understand why I'm an "insecure fanboy" just because I posted my opinion of what gamers are like nowadays.

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Don't worry. I'll do it for you.




WHAAA? Too repetitive?


That's a lie! Every single mission was fresh and original! Nothing was ever "repetitive" in the game. I never even heard my characters repeat the same phrases more than 10 times.


Every part of the story is something new and amazing never before seen in a MMO because of the fact it's a Bioware made Star Wars game.





Ok ***?! If you don't want to make alts then maybe this isn't the game for you? This and every other MMO is only about having nothing to do at end game and making alts. This is a Bioware game! Star Wars!




All crafting has a point and if you don't understand that then maybe this game isn't for you? The point of crafting is it's a Bioware game story STAR WARS IP. You are just a part of the entitled generation that expects crafting to have a point well I have news for you buddy every MMO that has crafting is the same! I know because I haven't played every other MMO.




Two words for you:


Star Wars and Bioware story. Just because they made one flashpoint, the first one, with a story and none of the others is proof enough that you can run all the 2 hour, you probably won't get gear, you probably didn't even get a group because no one will join flashpoints.


Nuff said.





Let me spell it out for you hater.







Are you trying to say that there is combat delay in this game? BIOWARE PATCHED THAT! So what if the patch didn't work properly and classes still have ability delay?! BIOWARE PATCHES ARE ALWAYS ROLLIN OUT!






This is the best community ever. From the polarized forum community to the dead in game community that have ceased to even stop spamming LFG. Everything about this game feels social.


This is why Bioware had to make a social system, some might say it was because they knew there was no reason to play with others in this game...but I say BIOWARE STORY EPIC STAR WARS!


And I'm not a fanboy I am just a really reasonable unbiased person unlike all these haters that want the game to fail.


Seriously...you tried waaaaaay too hard and merely presented a parody of an angry hater who, because of the wonderful phenomenon of confirmation bias, has ignored every single reasonable, intelligent, factual post contradicting some of the blatantly false and misleading criticisms that get regurgitated on the forum on a daily basis. 10 opints for making a parody of yourself while trying to parody others.

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It's pretty much the same stuff that people have been saying on the forums, only it's more official on a blog :rolleyes:. I glanced over it, and pretty much disagree with most of it, except for the cliche' stories. All MMOs are tide me over games for me. I laugh at the expectations of some people that treat MMOs like gfs/bfs and expect them to fill some void in their lives for years. It's a game. Play it while you it's fun, then dump it for the next hot thing, or even play two at once :eek: Edited by Qoojo
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Play it while you it's fun, then dump it for the next hot thing, or even play two at once :eek:


My poor Rift Subscription is being ignored. I honestly wanted to play both at the same time, but SWTOR is really giving me my fix right now...why do I suddenly feel like a cheap two-timing whore?

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Yes. I give you the MMO-Lite player base; they want it here, now and easy. :p


^^This. ADD numbers have risen dramatically in the last 5 years. It all started when Blizzard took the word 'greed' and made everyone think that it meant 'caring devs'. What I really find amusing is that all the whiners on this forum think that GW2, Tera etc are going to be the next big 'genre saving games'.... Yet they will all end up whining on their forums too over the same sorts of issues. It's s shame really as the whiners really wouldn't know a good game if they walked *** backwards over it.

Edited by Mashy
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clearly you didn't even read the article. all the points he makes are valid, completely level-headed and fair. then again it's typical from someone like you to shove anyone who criticizes this game into your cute little catagory there because you just aren't intelligent enough to know the difference.



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Don't worry. I'll do it for you.




WHAAA? Too repetitive?


That's a lie! Every single mission was fresh and original! Nothing was ever "repetitive" in the game. I never even heard my characters repeat the same phrases more than 10 times.


Every part of the story is something new and amazing never before seen in a MMO because of the fact it's a Bioware made Star Wars game.





Ok ***?! If you don't want to make alts then maybe this isn't the game for you? This and every other MMO is only about having nothing to do at end game and making alts. This is a Bioware game! Star Wars!




All crafting has a point and if you don't understand that then maybe this game isn't for you? The point of crafting is it's a Bioware game story STAR WARS IP. You are just a part of the entitled generation that expects crafting to have a point well I have news for you buddy every MMO that has crafting is the same! I know because I haven't played every other MMO.




Two words for you:


Star Wars and Bioware story. Just because they made one flashpoint, the first one, with a story and none of the others is proof enough that you can run all the 2 hour, you probably won't get gear, you probably didn't even get a group because no one will join flashpoints.


Nuff said.





Let me spell it out for you hater.







Are you trying to say that there is combat delay in this game? BIOWARE PATCHED THAT! So what if the patch didn't work properly and classes still have ability delay?! BIOWARE PATCHES ARE ALWAYS ROLLIN OUT!






This is the best community ever. From the polarized forum community to the dead in game community that have ceased to even stop spamming LFG. Everything about this game feels social.


This is why Bioware had to make a social system, some might say it was because they knew there was no reason to play with others in this game...but I say BIOWARE STORY EPIC STAR WARS!


And I'm not a fanboy I am just a really reasonable unbiased person unlike all these haters that want the game to fail.



The replies are truly epic. lol

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Anyone who outright refuses to play alts has no opinion as far as I am concerned. I simply do not understand this mentality and therefor do not pay such people any heed when it comes to how they feel about a MMO.


Juggernauts and Guardians are basically the same thing, yes, but their stories are completely different. I know, I play both.



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Good luck never enjoying another MMO. No MMO is going to have the same magic as the first one you ever played, it's like that first hit of crack, you'll never get the same high.


There is nothing wrong with this game, it's a blast to play. I have a level 50 and an alt at 40 and I'm still having a great time. I really couldn't disagree more with the linked article.


For the love of god stop clogging up our forums with the BS and go onto the next game that won't satisfy you. What's the next one GW2? Please go.... Faster. There is enough of us here that enjoy the game and are going to give it more than two months.


You WILL NEVER BE HAPPY, I can personally assure you. GL

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The funniest thing about this thread is looking at the OPs post history. Its like the man is on a one man crusade against SWTOR.
I looked. If I hated a game as much os the OP seems to do. I would have been long gone and playing or looking to play something else I did like. I couldn't see any reason for myself to stick around and agonize and give myself an ulcer because of a game.
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I've never really understood the argument that because a lot of people say it, it must be true. A lot of people say a lot of things.


I, personally, don't know anybody who's markedly unhappy with the game in its present state--including me. Who's right? I don't know. I really just don't see the problems that other people complain about. What I see are trivial issues, where small adjustments here and there would bring large benefit. The core of the game is, I think, very solid.

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