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The "I hate TS (especially in OPs)" Thread

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I do hate voice chat in games, including and especially in Operations/raids, and this is why:


- I dont want to hear people chitchatting while I play the game, neither wants my girl-friend who is doing stuff on her laptop (that wont run SWTOR! No clue why not, but I gave up on it) in the same room with me. We watched a few OP boss fight vids with people doing TS in the background and gosh! it is so annoying.


- I should not have to use any kind of 3rd party software to play the game (fake argument actually, if BW adds an ingame voicechat I am gonna be seriously p...ed off and still not gonna use it)


- I definetly should not have to buy the hardware for TS (micro and headphones)


- I raided a lot in the past without any voicechat. 3 years of Everquest and 2 years of Vanguard endgame raids with an asian-pacific guild, we rocked and voice chat was never needed.


- If you dont have the 5 mins before a fight to explain fight mechanics and assign jobs, then you wont do any better by rushing in and shouting at people


- If you want to shout at people for underperforming, use CAPS. My old guildleader was big at throwing fits after fails, with a rather motivation effect and better guild performance on the re-runs. 8-) If someone shouted at me via voicechat, Id simply leave.


- to all that add a personal issue: I am ex-military and used to radio discipline and getting very irritated if people dont live up to that standard




And for Christ sake! If someone joins your guild saying that he doesnt do voicechat then dont wait 2 weeks before you tell him that TS is mandatory for guild OPs!






On a side note: I am waiting impatiently for the custom UI and I hope that we will get macros in game soon, too.

Hotkeys that allow chat message like "Attacking %target, assist me now" and "starting CC on %target now" are really needed (at least by me)


Voice is not mandatory to play the game... Guilds like it because of the instant response you can have in any situation. Refusing to use a tool that allows the best possible communication in any scenario is just down right stupid. When you are talking about co-ordinating 8 or 16 players this is simply the best way possible to do so.


MY advice would be to find a guild that doesnt care if you use it. Or dont play a competitive game. Communication is the key to success.... And all i see is QQ from you.

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Think whatever you want.

MMORPG players did 90+ man raids way before TS even was available. (raid groups in EQ were 12 groups of 6 chars = 72, and some guilds brought extra groups)

My guild on EQ, Saviours on Bertoxx, did those raids with half of that manpower and without voicechat and kept up with progression just fine.



If have done OPs in SWTOR already, without voicechat. Worked just fine, too.


Man also used to light fires by rubbing two sticks together, and then the lighter was invented. What's your point?


Don't like it, don't use it, but don't expect to be a part of a team that requires it. Like an athlete showing up to the game without his jersey and pads on. It's required by some, and not by others.

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I do hate voice chat in games, including and especially in Operations/raids, and this is why:


- I dont want to hear people chitchatting while I play the game, neither wants my girl-friend who is doing stuff on her laptop (that wont run SWTOR! No clue why not, but I gave up on it) in the same room with me. We watched a few OP boss fight vids with people doing TS in the background and gosh! it is so annoying.


- I should not have to use any kind of 3rd party software to play the game (fake argument actually, if BW adds an ingame voicechat I am gonna be seriously p...ed off and still not gonna use it)


- I definetly should not have to buy the hardware for TS (micro and headphones)


- I raided a lot in the past without any voicechat. 3 years of Everquest and 2 years of Vanguard endgame raids with an asian-pacific guild, we rocked and voice chat was never needed.


- If you dont have the 5 mins before a fight to explain fight mechanics and assign jobs, then you wont do any better by rushing in and shouting at people


- If you want to shout at people for underperforming, use CAPS. My old guildleader was big at throwing fits after fails, with a rather motivation effect and better guild performance on the re-runs. 8-) If someone shouted at me via voicechat, Id simply leave.


- to all that add a personal issue: I am ex-military and used to radio discipline and getting very irritated if people dont live up to that standard




And for Christ sake! If someone joins your guild saying that he doesnt do voicechat then dont wait 2 weeks before you tell him that TS is mandatory for guild OPs!






On a side note: I am waiting impatiently for the custom UI and I hope that we will get macros in game soon, too.

Hotkeys that allow chat message like "Attacking %target, assist me now" and "starting CC on %target now" are really needed (at least by me)


Voice is not mandatory to play the game... Guilds like it because of the instant response you can have in any situation. Refusing to use a tool that allows the best possible communication in any scenario is just down right stupid. When you are talking about co-ordinating 8 or 16 players this is simply the best way possible to do so.


MY advice would be to find a guild that doesnt care if you use it. Or dont play a competitive game. Communication is the key to success.... And all i see is QQ from you.

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I would not play MMO's without some kind of voicechat. I enjoy socializing as much as I enjoy playing the game. I suppose if you dont like it then you can form your own guild with like minded people and you can spend your Ops night typing walls of text to explain fights. Or perhaps get offended by someone that is trying to joke with you because you cant hear the sarcasm or inflection of their voice when they are talking to you.


Are MMO's playable without voicechat? Sure they are.


Will you spend additional time explaining and learning the fights? Yes.

Can a raid leader give instructions to the Ops members during an encounter? Not usually.

Will this cause more unnecessary wipes? Yes.


If you prefer not to use some kind of voicechat, that is your choice, but dont get angry at the community because most guilds will require it for operations. It simply makes everyone's life easier and if you dont understand that then maybe its time to move on to another game genre.

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lol is this serious voice chat is needed for raids its used to call out important parts of any encounter like Soa for instance we can call out the % to move back to start in p1 and 2 and you can call out whos lightening ball is little bit harder for heals and tanks to see the red text as we are tanking and healing and its nice to have just to talk to guildies
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I agree with the OP.


I do see the utility of voice chat, but it's completely unnecessary in modern mmorpgs.

Nothing against people who enjoy it, but it's really not my thing.


It's nice if you play with a small group of 3-4 friends.

Higher numbers, it needs to have ONE leader talking and all the others listening. Maybe a couple officers talking if the leader miss something. And only for really REALLY hard stuff wich require a lot of teamwork.

So on SWTOR: totally not necessary.


But usually it just doesn't work with large groups/guilds.

People start using it for the most trivial things and then pretend everyone else to use it as well.

Then you finally log it and find people who use it 24/7 talking about their breakfast and their dogs' faeces.



Also, for the "ololol you antisocial" idiots. Sorry kids, but I have real friends and a job with a lot (sometimes too much) of social interaction.

When I play videogames, I want to relax and evade a bit, usually listening to some music.

Listening to random strangers talking bs over a voice-chat isn't exactly my idea of relax and evasion.


And I hate having to use extra hardware, especially on my face.



Final thing. We used to run relic raids of 150-200 people on DAoC, with no vocal chat. Raid leader in a private chat with the guilds' officers and guild officers forwarding the orders in the respective guild chats.

Worked just fine, as inconceivable as it may seem to the modern average gamer.



EDIT: see poster above me. Starts his reply with "lol", no punctuation, barely understandable. No wonder a lot of people think a voice-chat is ESSENTIAL.

Edited by Paralassa
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If you feel the same, please post here.



I do hate voice chat in games, including and especially in Operations/raids, and this is why:


- I dont want to hear people chitchatting while I play the game, neither wants my girl-friend who is doing stuff on her laptop (that wont run SWTOR! No clue why not, but I gave up on it) in the same room with me. We watched a few OP boss fight vids with people doing TS in the background and gosh! it is so annoying.


- I should not have to use any kind of 3rd party software to play the game (fake argument actually, if BW adds an ingame voicechat I am gonna be seriously p...ed off and still not gonna use it)


- I definetly should not have to buy the hardware for TS (micro and headphones)


- I raided a lot in the past without any voicechat. 3 years of Everquest and 2 years of Vanguard endgame raids with an asian-pacific guild, we rocked and voice chat was never needed.


- If you dont have the 5 mins before a fight to explain fight mechanics and assign jobs, then you wont do any better by rushing in and shouting at people


- If you want to shout at people for underperforming, use CAPS. My old guildleader was big at throwing fits after fails, with a rather motivation effect and better guild performance on the re-runs. 8-) If someone shouted at me via voicechat, Id simply leave.


- to all that add a personal issue: I am ex-military and used to radio discipline and getting very irritated if people dont live up to that standard




And for Christ sake! If someone joins your guild saying that he doesnt do voicechat then dont wait 2 weeks before you tell him that TS is mandatory for guild OPs!






On a side note: I am waiting impatiently for the custom UI and I hope that we will get macros in game soon, too.

Hotkeys that allow chat message like "Attacking %target, assist me now" and "starting CC on %target now" are really needed (at least by me)


Voice is not mandatory to play the game... Guilds like it because of the instant response you can have in any situation. Refusing to use a tool that allows the best possible communication in any scenario is just down right stupid. When you are talking about co-ordinating 8 or 16 players this is simply the best way possible to do so.


MY advice would be to find a guild that doesnt care if you use it. Or dont play a competitive game. Communication is the key to success.... And all i see is QQ from you.

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@ Olarid - "basically bark commands", "Dumb***** heal the tank!" - nice examples of your voicechat there Olarid. I don't use voice chat if someone considers barking as communication or considers using epithets his right as ops lead. Ops lead =/= someone barking rude ****, yelling and screaming. I would imagine self respecting adults with enough skill to play well and get other groups would not consider this fun or listen to your diatribe, unless they were of the same mindset.



And I am ok with that, if it hurts your feelings to be called stupid for standing in the same fire after 15 attempts, you wouldn't make it in my guild anyway.

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I am sure most deaf people don't have any problems with explaining their hearing disadvantage.


Being someone who's hard of hearing. I've mentioned it with a few guilds I've tried to join and get the usual:


"Get on TS or Get The Fxxx Out!!!"




"My grandfather is deaf so I know where you are coming from, but he can hear on TS without any issues. So just get on TS and I'll explain everything."




"Just turn up your volume in your hearing aids and you'll hear us better on TS"


It's not the issue of hearing on TS. It's the lack of 'reading lips' for most deaf people. People seems to compare one deaf person to another deaf person. Only to forget there are many different levels of deafness. Hearing lost is either Mild to Profound. Mine is between Severe to Profound. I'm near 100% deaf, but I can hear with hearing aids (face to face).


But to tell someone who has a hearing problem 'my grandfather is deaf and can use TS without any issues, so you can do the same' or 'Turn up the volume in your hearing aids and you will hear us better.' Is not the issue. Not matter how loud you turn up the volume, it still is a struggle to break down every work and figure out what is being said with the lack of 'Lip Reading'.


I'm lucky to be with my guild, I've been with them for 10 years. They knew my situation and never made an issue about it. I happen to be the main tank in our Raids, I do the 'chore' of making sure everyone is safe and adds are off them. Plus tanking the main bosses. Sure I type during combat, my 140wpm gets well used. It was never an issue.


I just wish more people would understand that you are sometimes leaving out someone who probably is a better player.


And for those who say 'it's a social issue', believe me it's not. I would love to use TS, only I cannot.



This is a good point. Our main tank doesn't usually go on vent (his choice). But he is very experienced. I am surprised that guilds would give you a hard time because you are severely deaf. I don't understand why they wouldn't just do normal with you a few times while typing so that you would be experienced enough to not have to worry about missing something on vent. I am sorry that you had that negative experience.


I think the majority of people are responding to the OP who didn't really express an appropriate reason for not being on vent during raids.

Edited by meancraig
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Get with it you backwards *** noob, if you don't want to use TS, then don't but don't expect any competent group to include you in ops or any other multiplayer activity.


Stuff it and quit whining, or go get TS like the rest of the damn world.


And as for "radio discipline" this isn't the *********** military you jarhead wannabe.


Thank you for finding all the right words for this clown.

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This is a good point. Our main tank doesn't usually go on vent (his choice). But he is very experienced. I am surprised that guilds would give you a hard time because you are severely deaf. I don't understand why they wouldn't just do normal with you a few times while typing so that you would be experienced enough to not have to worry about missing something on vent. I am sorry that you had that negative experience.


I think the majority of people are responding to the OP who didn't really express an appropriate reason for not being on vent during raids.


And i didn't mean "bark" as in yell, military guy here, so any instance of issuing guidance = barking orders.


Of course, this really only applies during the learning phase, once you have encounters on farm and what to do becomes 2nd nature., VC becomes a tool to socialize and shoot the breeze while pressing buttons and getting loot.


As far as someone with a disability, pff, if the boss dies and I don't ever have to type your name because you are standing in stuff, it's ok with me. But I do recommend having a short name that's easy to type :p

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RisinDragon has been a nickname of mine for 30+ years. And my main tank's name is RisinDragon. Everyone I know calls me 'RD', and I still respond to it. So there is no long tying being done to call me out.


As everyone has stated, once you run an instance a few times and know the routine of how things works. It's a joke, literally.


I got a Brit in my guild who calls me a phatass, cause my character is frame 3 and he's a petite little girl. hehe

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..."basically bark commands", "Dumb***** heal the tank!" - nice examples of your voicechat there Olarid. I don't use voice chat if someone considers barking as communication or considers using epithets his right as ops lead. Ops lead =/= someone barking rude ****, yelling and screaming. I would imagine self respecting adults with enough skill to play well and get other groups would not consider this fun or listen to your diatribe, unless they were of the same mindset.

And I am ok with that, if it hurts your feelings to be called stupid for standing in the same fire after 15 attempts, you wouldn't make it in my guild anyway.

And I am ok with that, if it hurts your feelings to be called stupid for standing in the same fire after 15 attempts, you wouldn't make it in my guild anyway.


Huh?^^ :confused:

logical response is logical...


Maybe the reason you have to yell at people 15 times for standing in same fire is because bads with no choice are the only people who will run with you? :rolleyes:


Just pointing out that skilled, mature adults wouldn't want to hear you 'barking' rudely per the examples YOU gave of your own voicechat and that your idea of OPs lead is someone barking at others....


and somehow in your mind that equates to me standing in fire 15 times... how did you get to this conclusion? lol won't even ask you to try to explain your thought process or lack thereof. :D


I am neither a baddie nor lack the skill or social skills to have to tolerate rudeness like yours on a voicechat.

Perhaps it's after hearing people like you that the OP and others don't want to be on voicechat...

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Huh?^^ :confused:

logical response is logical...


Maybe the reason you have to yell at people 15 times for standing in same fire is because bads with no choice are the only people who will run with you? :rolleyes:


Just pointing out that skilled, mature adults wouldn't want to hear you 'barking' rudely per the examples YOU gave of your own voicechat and that your idea of OPs lead is someone barking at others....


and somehow in your mind that equates to me standing in fire 15 times... how did you get to this conclusion? lol won't even ask you to try to explain your thought process or lack thereof. :D


I am neither a baddie nor lack the skill or social skills to have to tolerate rudeness like yours on a voicechat.

Perhaps it's after hearing people like you that the OP and others don't want to be on voicechat...


Still applies, you're too sensitive to be in any serious raiding guild.

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Still applies, you're too sensitive to be in any serious raiding guild.


No - I'm just a mature, respectful adult who carries that through to all aspects of my life - especially the parts that are supposed to be "fun".

I don't feel the desire to call people Dumb***** to make a point nor do I need to bark at people to get things done.

I don't imagine that having red text in a game gives me the right to put people down.


Tis nothing to do with being serious - more to do with mindset and in some cases immaturity...;)

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OP, first of all, the fact that your guild uses TS is a sign that they're terrible. TS is garbage, and they should be using Vent, Mumble, Skype or hell even Steam's integrated voice chat. This isn't 2001.


Second, if you're doing anything that requires any level of co-ordination at all you should be in voice chat. It's simply easier for everyone, and is a staple for MMO raiding. If you don't want to use them, then don't, but anyone running a raid will generally expect you to. Don't be shocked when it's required, be glad when it isn't.


As a former hardcore raid leader, I simply didn't guild tag anyone that refused to use Vent. Plenty of people didn't have mics, but at least being in the channel to listen to instructions was required. If people didn't want to be in voice chat, then they weren't invited to raid, simple. I did explain that from the start though (it's implied nowadays but whatever) so if your current guild made it sound like you could raid with no voice chat, then it's on them.


As for the volume issues, why don't you have a headset? That takes care of the mic and GF's noise issues. Headsets are cheap, go buy one. If you're raiding on your laptop while chatting with your GF and watching American Idol, then you're wasting the rest of the raid's time. 7 to 15 other people don't give a **** about your GF and her noise issues, they care about killing the boss. Either focus and help the group, or don't. Playing half *** like that is wasting everyone's time when they could fill your spot with someone that's paying attention.


That's great that your old guild managed to use just text in mindless 72 man EQ zergfests, and it's certainly possible in this game since the content is so easy. The group you run with doesn't though, they use TS, so you should too. If you don't like it, then leave. You obviously have no clue what a pain in the *** it is to try and lead a raid and not be able to get instructions out quickly. If you did, you'd either leave your current guild, or would suck it up and use TS for the good of everyone you play with.


As it is, you're asking the rest of your guild to cater to you while you refuse to use TS. You're hindering group communication and making the raid leader's job harder than it needs to be. Frankly, players like you are why raid leaders and GMs get burned out. They have enough to worry about without typing out instructions to every special snowflake that can't be bothered to login to voice chat, and it needlessly adds frustration to an already frustrating and thankless job.


I do agree with you about the needless TS chatter. That's a sign of poor guild/raid leadership though, especially if the chatter is interfering with instructions. Again consider finding a new guild, however, remember that your refusing to join TS is just as detrimental to communication as their mindless prattling about Chuck Norris or ub3r pwnz0rz. It goes both ways. Muting everyone but the raid leader/officers is a good suggestion, I've had to do it in the past myself.


Truth hurts.

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i find that the OP is...well stupid, selfish, and needs to play single player FPS or something.


Being a player from Eve online, and having experienced 200+ ppl in a TS channel... I can tell you that its its vital in a large group... and becomes even for effective the smaller the group gets.


slowing down the communication by having to type out EVERYTHING is just a waste.


The fact is, not everyone... at all times can have total situational awareness in a raid, particularly 16 mans, and being able to split the jobs of calling things out and getting that information out instantly is a huge benefit



Start your own guild... and just tell everyone that YOU WILL NOT USE any voice communication. I'm sure you'll be clearing HM 16mans like pros by the end of the week.

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If you feel the same, please post here.



I do hate voice chat in games, including and especially in Operations/raids, and this is why:


- I dont want to hear people chitchatting while I play the game, neither wants my girl-friend who is doing stuff on her laptop (that wont run SWTOR! No clue why not, but I gave up on it) in the same room with me. We watched a few OP boss fight vids with people doing TS in the background and gosh! it is so annoying.


- I should not have to use any kind of 3rd party software to play the game (fake argument actually, if BW adds an ingame voicechat I am gonna be seriously p...ed off and still not gonna use it)


- I definetly should not have to buy the hardware for TS (micro and headphones)


- I raided a lot in the past without any voicechat. 3 years of Everquest and 2 years of Vanguard endgame raids with an asian-pacific guild, we rocked and voice chat was never needed.


- If you dont have the 5 mins before a fight to explain fight mechanics and assign jobs, then you wont do any better by rushing in and shouting at people


- If you want to shout at people for underperforming, use CAPS. My old guildleader was big at throwing fits after fails, with a rather motivation effect and better guild performance on the re-runs. 8-) If someone shouted at me via voicechat, Id simply leave.


- to all that add a personal issue: I am ex-military and used to radio discipline and getting very irritated if people dont live up to that standard




And for Christ sake! If someone joins your guild saying that he doesnt do voicechat then dont wait 2 weeks before you tell him that TS is mandatory for guild OPs!






On a side note: I am waiting impatiently for the custom UI and I hope that we will get macros in game soon, too.

Hotkeys that allow chat message like "Attacking %target, assist me now" and "starting CC on %target now" are really needed (at least by me)


You don't have to do any of that, you also don't have to raid. You aren't entitled to raiding with whoever you want, you can either follow the rules that they set or you can make your own raid with your own rules, nobody is stopping you from doing that. I'm sure there is a guild you can find that doesn't use a voip program to raid, but they are few and far between because believe it or not most people don't actually like typing in the middle of a fight and it is generally accepted now in current MMO's that most raids will require you to use a voice program.


Voip programs make things easier on the user, if something goes wrong in the fight you can simply say it and fix it quickly rather than either wiping over it or stopping what you're doing to type it and hope everyone sees it which will most likely cause more problems. I honestly enjoy games more if I am in a voice chat with people I'm playing with. I am very fast at typing but I still prefer voice chat over it every time if anything for convenience and the results it gives.

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There are certain fights where voice chat improves raid performance.


As an example, when you are fighting Soa, ball lightning spawn and target random group members. Each person's name is shown on the screen for a second but its easy to miss if you are doing other things such as healing.


Its helpful for healers to know that they have been targeted by a ball lightning. It makes it so they dont have to sit and read the text, but can instead focus on healing and targeting.


Also, it helps when a different tank gets aggro (usually on purpose). The healers can be informed just as this happens, instead of realizing it a few seconds later.


Also helps to remind people of certain events that happen at a certain percent of the bosses health. Some people are busy healing, fighting, etc and might not be aware of the upcoming even. A simple "be ready to use AoE in a few seconds" can make a big difference. Or even "use AoE now!" - this is especially true for the Karagga fight and bomb/mouse droids.


Or on Soa - calling out "Mind Trap" can make a big difference when no one seems to notice the Mind Trap sitting there.


Or on Fabricator droid - calling out "Firing in 3 seconds" so people can be sure to not get incinerated by the flame blast.

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If you feel the same, please post here.



I do hate voice chat in games, including and especially in Operations/raids, and this is why:


- I dont want to hear people chitchatting while I play the game, neither wants my girl-friend who is doing stuff on her laptop (that wont run SWTOR! No clue why not, but I gave up on it) in the same room with me. We watched a few OP boss fight vids with people doing TS in the background and gosh! it is so annoying.


- We don't chit chat during boss fights, but during trash pulls, I don't care. its fun. It builds comradery.



- I should not have to use any kind of 3rd party software to play the game (fake argument actually, if BW adds an ingame voicechat I am gonna be seriously p...ed off and still not gonna use it)


- You don't want third party software but you don't want in house VoiP either. Most do both. so be pissed all you want.


- I definetly should not have to buy the hardware for TS (micro and headphones)


- This is well...your own choice really


- I raided a lot in the past without any voicechat. 3 years of Everquest and 2 years of Vanguard endgame raids with an asian-pacific guild, we rocked and voice chat was never needed.


- It is indeed never needed but sure beats typing. So it makes it easier.


- If you dont have the 5 mins before a fight to explain fight mechanics and assign jobs, then you wont do any better by rushing in and shouting at people


- Because some people need to be told to do it at the moment they need to do it, or they wont do it.

- If you want to shout at people for underperforming, use CAPS. My old guildleader was big at throwing fits after fails, with a rather motivation effect and better guild performance on the re-runs. 8-) If someone shouted at me via voicechat, Id simply leave.

- Just use normal letters, caps does not add anything and only annoys.


- to all that add a personal issue: I am ex-military and used to radio discipline and getting very irritated if people dont live up to that standard


- Aah yes, the infamous Radio Silence that...since the technical era has proven to be useless.


And for Christ sake! If someone joins your guild saying that he doesnt do voicechat then dont wait 2 weeks before you tell him that TS is mandatory for guild OPs!


- Agreed




On a side note: I am waiting impatiently for the custom UI and I hope that we will get macros in game soon, too.

Hotkeys that allow chat message like "Attacking %target, assist me now" and "starting CC on %target now" are really needed (at least by me)


Yeah...the parts in red.

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As other have pointed out, Voice Chat helps with on the fly changes (missing interrupts, getting CC'd, etc) that would be difficult to alert to the raid via typing. Honestly, with so much going on in modern games, I hardly ever read my chat box. Ever. If people are chit-chatting over vent during a raid, it's poor leadership. Personally, I have muted people in vent during my time playing WoW because they had diarrhea of the mouth which made it hard to hear things when the raid leader called stuff out/making assignments. Although, normal modes are so easy that I could probably roll my cat across the keyboard with my monitor turned off and still win.



Outside of that, if people still refuse to use TS/Vent for OPs, then my advice is to not join PuGs/Guilds that require it. No one is forcing you to join those groups/guilds.

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This is a stupid thread, Im sorry but it is.


Seriously, if something starts going wrong during a boss fight, is the Raid Leader expected to stop everything hes doing and type out his commands?


I understand the frustration with some people on Ventrilo and Mumble etc, but end of the day it's a more efficient way of communication, especially when yours hands are busy yknow - playing the game.


As above people suggested, just mute everyone else other than the important people (RL, Officers etc). Though I still wouldn't reccomend that because they might have some important information to relay that you'd miss out on.


And well you dont need a headset, you can hear what people say through the speakers. And as for a mic, they cost like £5 for a very simple basic one that I used to use. Although I agree you shouldn't HAVE TO buy it to play, unfortunately most guilds prefer it that way. Say you're tanking or healing or whatever:


eg. Tank


You arnt able to keep up with the DPS for threat


or eg Healer


You're healing Main Tank and need help because you're running out of recources whatever class you play.


It's efficient to be able to annouce that by voice chat for people to aid you as soon as possible. If you took the break to TYPE it, or worse didnt communicate it at all - then it could become a significant factor behind a wipe, and can make the difference between that glorious kill, or your 100th wipe.

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