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Soa bugged again after 1.1.4

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Confirmed - SOA - Tarro Blood.


Normal Mode (8 man).


First attempt rage timer. :D


Second attempt (the tank - me) was placed into a mind trap. SOA dissappeared - then he reset... :mad:


EDIT: This was during the 3rd phase.


I was trapped in the 2nd phase on the first run and everything went smoothly until he raged... <-- our bad.. couple ppl missed the platform when it dropped lmao... :rolleyes:


Edit #2


At least the intro Cutscene works. Thats how they get ya!! suck ya in for 50 lvls and then poo on ya with this junk at 50.... /woohhhsaaaa lol... :D

Edited by Smokey_swtor
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We're seeing a different bug tonight.


Destroying the pyramids during the platform-jumping phase does not remove any of Soa's orb stacks, forcing us to take 3-5 blasts at the start of phase 2 and 3. This ensures that whoever gets tossed around the room automatically dies since you get blasted while mid-air, and it makes healing through simultaneous blasts + orb ticks incredibly taxing.


Not a good sign. Bugs like these pretty much indicate that the changes were not tested at all.

Edited by Trephination
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Dunno, we got our first Soa kill on Hard Mode tonight and didn't have these issues... I was tanking, got Mind Trapped in P3, no respawn. Also no oddities with Ball Lightning damage. That said we have seen these same bugs in previous weeks though... may have just been good luck tonight.


Thats awesome!! Get good loot?? At least it works for some ppl...

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This sounds like what used to happen before they 'fixed' it, correct? What used to happen was that if the tank would get stuck in a mind trap, and the 2nd tank did not taunt fast enough, then Soa would despawn, or if 2nd tank taunted and then also got mind-trapped, then Soa would despawn.


Then they 'fixed' it, but that caused Soa to switch its aggo table very often.


Now, they fixed the fix, and it is back to the previous bug state? Weird, almost sounds like they reverted the code.


I can now confirm that every bug from last patch is in game again AKA adding in the dieing upon falling in lava/acid in KP. We had 3 ppl die to it today because they were bad and fell into the lava. Good job BW you can now not even solve a glitch but reroll your old ones good job I knew I could count on you!

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My guild just downed 16M Soa Nightmare for the first time tonight, took us 8 or 9 attempts and We didn't encounter any bugs. Our tank did get Mindtrapped a couple times and we always have a DPS taunt when that happened, not sure if that would effect it. Edited by FallenFaux
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When soa was created there were way too many bugs to fix, you would probobly have to delete the entire encounter and recreate it to fix everything, but if you reset after each wipe and make sure no one is tossed in the air in phase 2 before the platforms come down for p3 you wont have a problem.


btw can we please get some pve content that is cool and isnt a joke? im tired of leveling alts, i feel like this is just a mmo skyrim or something

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not true. must just be a glitch in you're op.


My guild just ran it tonight. everything went smoothly.


I flipped a coin tonight and it landed on heads, people must be wrong about coins landing on tails.

Edited by Daluu
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Our guild did soa HM tonight as well, was some fun glitches, mostly us killing teh pylons too fast and they not removing his orb effects. Had teh tank mind trapped, and he did not reset, but then, our dps is on the ball there an break the mind traps in under 3 seconds.


On the ball lightning, if you dont charge into the ball fast enough, you will take 3 ticks of dmg (two ticks of proximity and one for the explosion), has always been that way, perhaps you have hesistated too long, or there was a minor change in how fast the balls will tick their proximity dmg.


We weent in and cleared KP hm (16m of course), and we did notice that the turret gunners were lvl 0 with 7.6k hp. Not gonna complain, those turrest require a sacraficial marauder every pull, lol. However, was a fun glitch.


Every patch that tweaks encounters, will have a period of people thinking something is broken because their previous strat/rotation is no longer valid/optimal. The thing I love about the swtor encounters is that they are not "scripted" fights in that you can predict where to move to, and when (soa doesnt count, those are phase transitions, not scripts).


For the tanks getting mind trapped: guard your strongest healer, when we dont do this, soa resets, when we DO guard our healers, he doesnt.

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Whats sad is if this was PvP it would be hotfixed in a few hours. We will be lucky if we see a fix in the next patch...


Im not sure anymore if i want a hotfix... See what happend, they fixed the random aggro and in exchange we get the orbs messed up now. They dont always chase the right people. Seems that either both orbs follw the same person, or that they just switch aggro in the middle and follow someone else. Was really funny yesterday. The chased player run out of the group waiting for the orb to follow him, but that orb went straith into the group... and yes, it was the right player.

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Not really a bug but am I the only one who after running into their lightning ball then instantaneously gets picked for a nice flight by Soa Airlines in HM? Bit of a pain in the *** to be the one who has that happen to them every other fight and thus getting B-Rez'd. Edited by Paralassa
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I don't understand why they just don't make it impossible to be mind trapped if you are at the top of the threat list.


The thing is you can be top threat without pulling aggro.


This state is still better than the previous one though, at least we have an acceptable workaround.

Edited by anwg
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a little hint here: Dont ever teleport out of EV while the Fight is still on. > less bugs when you re-enter


A little hint here: You can exit, just make sure you reset the instance before re-entering and everything will be fine.


Well, to a certain degree. The tank will still get mind trapped in the latest state of the game though. And this is also the case if you are not exiting area. This is especially annoying for guilds running Nightmare Mode with only one tank and no other people with taunting abilities.

Edited by Tyfusius
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Server - Tarro Blood - SNAFU


16 Man Nightmare SOA down on first attempt without any bugs.


Not to say we haven't experienced them before, but haven't experienced them in a couple weeks now.


Yea the one I hate most is the stacks not coming off in platform phase. that's a brutal amount of damage to take when he lands on top of everything else.

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Is tthere anything in this gme, that is completely bug free?


I guess we'll cancel the EV Ops for friday evening then. Great job, Bioware.


As soon as any other MMO is out, I'll at least take a break from SWTOR until the majority of bugs and content holes is fixed. :p

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What's infuriating, is that with PTS player transfers, it would have taken less than an hour and a half for a group of players to test this. That's short enough of a time investment, that you could probably actually get a few guilds devoted to testing this once every patch. As a programmer of numerical simulations (not always really that complex) I know programming something as complex as an MMO must be daunting and convoluted, but geez they really need to test these. I've been basically giving them a pass week after week, because I know how hard this crap is, but now it is abundantly clear to me even, that PTS player transfers need to be reprioritized in the interest of preventing a frustrated player base.



EDIT: One thing people need to realize, is that it's not really surprising that they don't test the fights. (Or test an entire instance run for sure). Assuming, that to be 'exhaustive,' they run a full 8 man HM or NM EV run. Let's assume that the devs aren't doing this for free in their off time, so it's probably a minimum wage earning QA tester. A dev's time would be way too expensive, especially requiring 8 of them. So, 8 * $7.25/hour * (2 hours .. probably not l33t). $116 for each run. Ok, so that's not a lot. I guess they're just cheapskates. =) There's probably a lot of overhead, on top of that, so that figure is probably pretty low by at least 50-100%.

Edited by Seront
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