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Everything posted by Devoter

  1. Ihr könnt die TM Diskussion einstellen, wer mal im US Forum an der richtigen Stelle schaut wird das Interview entdecken das nach dem Guild Summit geführt wurde. Da steht drin das TM an sich abgeschwächt wird inddem einiges umgelagert wird in andere Fähigkeiten um Arsenal anspruchsvoller zu machen. Müssen sich die TM Heuler in den BGs anderes Opfer suchen, nehmt dann Sorc Blitze oder so.
  2. Hope that TM change made people less cry about OP TM, less spamming idiots play the class in WZ and open the spec for the buffs it needs, interrupt and mobility.
  3. Learn the game, classes and mechanics and come back then, thx.
  4. Ich habe es so lange aufgegeben, Leuten zu erklären wo der Unterschied zwischen Knockback und Interrupt liegt. Dachte nur die Leute im US Forum sind zu doof, die Deutschen anscheinend auch. Sonst müsste man den Mist mit: "Du hast doch rocketpunch" nicht immer wieder lesen. Und "es muss nicht jeder alles haben"? Da spricht ja mal wieder der genügsame deutsche Michel. Wenn dem so ist, dann sollte man den Interrupt gleich noch von 3,4 anderen Specs entfernen, DANN würde so etwas stimmen. Aber nur einer von acht (plus Spiegelklasse) Spezialisierungen so etwas vorzuenthalten ist einfach beschissenes Klassendesign. Und wer meint, Mercs seinen im PVP zu stark, sollte mal ein BG besuchen... Du bist nicht stark, weil das andere Team zu blöd ist dich in Ruhe zu lassen während Du Schaden raus haust. Fakt ist, der Merc ist stark ab dem Punkt wo er TM bekommt bis Stufe 49. Mit 50 wo alle mit entsprechendem PvP Kermpel herumlaufen, stinkt er ab. Er ist mit einfachsten Mittel zu kontern, hat 0 Escape-Möglichkeiten außer bei Huttball auf einer Rampe und sämtlicher CCs ist von annähernd jeder anderen Klasse simpel zu negieren. Jeder Melee zerlegt dich simpel ohne das Du dich wehren kannst. Ich rede natürlich von gleichwertigen Spielern und Equipstand. Absolut keine Möglichkeiten die range zu diktieren, was für eine Range Class notwendig ist. Rocketpunch ist nicht mal das Casten wert, bevor der GCD davon abgelaufen ist, hängt der Melee wieder an Dir dran. Des weiteren bist Du nur zu Fuß unterwegs, kein grappling hook, force speed, kein springen zu den Gegner, nichts. Mit das immobilste im Spiel. Das Missdesign des Arsenal/Trooper Baums kommt erschwerend oben drauf. Inkl. Setbonus dürften das so 9 Sachen sein, die von TM abhängen. Also merke: Nur weil Du rumstehst und Schaden machst wie ein doofer, weil das Gegner Team aus lauter Guffeln besteht, bist Du nicht zu stark, die anderen sind zu blöd.
  5. You wouldn't get down a similar equipt healer. You overheat first, even with an interrupt.
  6. I think they already said, that they want increase the number of targets healed by kolto grenade. If they want to make the trooper/merc more challenging to play, i'm the first one who welcomes that. Problem is that the whole arsenal tree is so close build around the TM, i don't think that would happen fast. You maybe have to rebuild the whole tree for that.
  7. Wouldn't count on that. At the guild summit right before the end someone asked if the mercs get an combat rez and the lead combat designer said no. If someone would have asked about the interrupt and he had say no, i've would canceled my sub on the fly while the summit was still going. Now i have to wait for the 1.2 patchnotes.
  8. That's wrong, nothing need to be nerfed in exchange or you have to nerf all other specs too at every class because everybody else has an interrupt.
  9. I don't see myself outdamaging any other dd spec in the game who has an interrupt at the same or more tools then i have... so whats your point?
  10. FOR THE 43290482302 TIME IN THESE FORUMS: KNOCKBACKS ARE NOT INTERRUPTS I'm sick and tired reading that same **** over and over again here. Really, is is THAT hard to understand? If you managed to find your ways to the forums, your have the right IQ to understand that. It is really simple! There is a whole game aside PvP, and there are NPC immun to knochbacks, CCs and so on but not to pure interrupts. And knockbacks are melee abilities while the merc is a range class... Good lord, whats so *********** complicated to understand about these very easy gameplay mechanics?
  11. Good lord, some people just don't get it...
  12. Nope, but someone asked, if mercs get an battle rez any time soon, because... well only healing spec without one. Devs: No. And that was the lead combat designer i think. If that dude don't get it why only the merc don't get those base lie abilites... well i wouldn't count on the interrupt... seems devs are not playing mercs oder the forum whine was loud enough...
  13. Its not broken, its just boring, if they change that, i would appreciate it. I think what is going to change is, that tm moves up in the arsenal tree, so you can't build some pvp heal specs with tm in it.
  14. Oh balance... right... and a powertech, a melee spec, needs a knockback for what? He wants to be close to his opponent, so he has a grappling hook.... and a grappling hook also interrupts casting, but its not an interrupt. And a knockback is also not an interrupt, even if interrupts it. so next please.
  15. Funny thing... i've would expected to somehow read more of a buff like interrupt, battle rezz or escape mechanism... but a nerf? That just hilarious...
  16. Everybody gets it, they just used the jetpack for the bounty hunter because it makes sense. So its no special class buff, its come with the legacy system.
  17. Don't get that arguing around the whole interrupt thing... Its a baseline ability that everyone has except 1 out of 8 specs + mirror classes. So there is just nothing to discuss, give it to everybody or take it away from half the other specs. There is absolutely nothing at a merc/commando that excludes him from an interrupt. Not the damage, tracer missiles, cc, or what so ever. Everybody else who comes here and give some weird explanation and some confusing ways to work around that issue with some dumb rocket punch/los whatever crap is just a normal mmo troll. They are as old as mmos themselves and don't want other specs getting there deserved balance boosts because its making his own class less unique or/and he maybe has to take some effort to kill that boosted class.
  18. And a range class is to forced into melee why? Funny thing is, as a pure range spec we have the worst escape mechanism, but everybody tells to get exactly there, melee, the last place to be... to work somehow around a crappy class design by denying a ability everybody else has. There are many other threads mercs complain about the survival in melee, because there nearly is none except you be lucky and in hutball. And people agree, even non mercs. But when it comes to interrupt, everytime: "hey you have jet boost" Which btw ist'n an interrupt, no matter how may times its repeated here. So, to "interrupt" someone, i have to walk to him because i have no ability to get there fast, use my "interrupt", which isn't one, and then try to get away with an ability i also not have... I'm the only one, who finds that absolutely ridiculous? Maybe BW should take away the interrupt from half the other classes, everybody get an umbrella for the **** storm...
  19. I just dont get that either since that whole discussion came up here. The stupidity was annoying at first, but now its just sad, that people just dont get the difference between CC abilitys and interrupts. And it is just a mystery to me why people think, that an pseudo interrupt like rocket punch is adequate for a pure range class spec like the merc.
  20. Obvious troll is still obvious. It doesnt need a nerf, the whole Arsenal Tree needs a revamp to be more interesting and maybe harder to play it. Above of that the merc need some extra tools for dictating range.
  21. Its a GAME... give them some ability, call it blabla whatsoever, problem solved.
  22. Rocket Punch? Who should use his brain here.... That ability isn't even worse using it to use it to keep people away. Its only a few meters and every melee is back to you before the gcd from it is over... You win nothing except some damage. Its only strong on huttbal, thats it. It would be a descent ability if it roots the target after it, but so its useless.
  23. Im not sure anymore if i want a hotfix... See what happend, they fixed the random aggro and in exchange we get the orbs messed up now. They dont always chase the right people. Seems that either both orbs follw the same person, or that they just switch aggro in the middle and follow someone else. Was really funny yesterday. The chased player run out of the group waiting for the orb to follow him, but that orb went straith into the group... and yes, it was the right player.
  24. Thats gonna change with 50 very fast. Most people there have proper PvP gear, lots of tools to root, snare, stun or get to to you very fast. You will lose against almost every melee and pretty much everybody knows how easy it is to counter a merc. You can only get to do good damage in the zerg, where everybody hits anybody. As soon as somebody picked you, you die. Only thing you can kill are other mercs, commandos or snipers. Maybe a sorc if the player is really dumb
  25. You are preaching to the choir here, believe me. Problem is, everythime something like this comes up, the pvp community burst in tears, angry that the merc isn't free valor points anymore. So i try to weaken that up front
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