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Funniest line in game?


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More like a success of random timing:


Rishi pirate: Better start running!

HK-51: Running only delays the inevitable.


You, sir, have won.



...Is it bad I read that in both the voices of the pirate and HK?

Edited by Anysao
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I wish I could remember the exact line, but maybe someone can correct me where I have it wrong. Recently, while running around on Yavin 4 with Kaliyo she pipes up and says "Attention all guards! I am the emperor. I have chosen this body, so all of you come to me, get down on your knees and worship this body!"


Or something along those lines. Made me laugh so hard I had to clean the coffee off my screen afterwards. Definitely wasn't expecting it.

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Warrior on DK, to Grathan:


Grathan: "Your unshielded mind gave you right away! You will die, savage!"

Warrior: "And your unshielded mind tells me you are a scum."

Grathan: < "smart" and "evil" remark >


LOL! Grathan thinks he is a scum...

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cant remember the exact line but i think its in black talon when they get a holocall from that guy theres an option that says are you always this ugly? something like this maybe someone can fill me in
"Something wrong with the holo, or is your face supposed to look like that?"


Second best line in the entire game right there...even as a Light character, I love insulting that *****wipe of a human being.

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Corsos names for his blasters.





Right before the smuggler is about to get

his wookie companion

, the assassin, in full armor, weapons from hell, clearly a honed killing machine, is sent to kill the smuggler, and says about Corso's guns:


"There's something unwholesome about a man who names his weapons."

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Warrior on DK, to Grathan:


Grathan: "Your unshielded mind gave you right away! You will die, savage!"

Warrior: "And your unshielded mind tells me you are a scum."

Grathan: < "smart" and "evil" remark >


LOL! Grathan thinks he is a scum...


I always found this mission a little strange. Killing Lord Grathan could easily be one of the most memorable moments for players on Dromund Kaas, simply because all four classes involve his compound in some form. Yet still, Grathan is only fought by *spoiler alert* Sith Warriors, who chose a light side option... Interesting, isn't it? Lock that kind of privilege behind a wall only a minority can get past...

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One of the dialogue options during the holocall with Beryl Thorne at the end of the Smuggler's first quest on Taris, Early Warning.


Beryl: "Hey Captain. How are things out there?"

Smuggler: "Beautiful scenery, great weather, man-eating creatures trying to kill me. You should be here."


Just such a deadpan delivery, cracks me up every time.

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I was playing my Inquisitor on Balmorra, when I heard this gem:


Iannos Tyrek: I don't know if it will work. The serum is designed for Colicoids.

Inquisitor, completely deadpan: How do you know I'm not a Colicoid?


The delivery is absolutely perfect. I love how I'm playing this giant, intimidating Sith who spends most of his time just sort of subtly manipulating people, and yet he can just say crazy crap like that and sound completely in character. My Smuggler and JK are my only characters over level 50 (59 and 55, respectively) but my Inquisitor (33) is quickly becoming my favorite.

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The delivery is absolutely perfect. I love how I'm playing this giant, intimidating Sith who spends most of his time just sort of subtly manipulating people, and yet he can just say crazy crap like that and sound completely in character.


The inquisitor story is really roller coaster-y in a way. Sometimes the writing is godawful (Andronikos Revel, anyone?), and sometimes it's comedic genius. I absolutely love the snarky comments in chapter one where your character is clearly throwing lines at the fourth wall to see what makes a dent.

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I think I got a winner here.


Okay, so, first some backstory. Back when the companion Treek, the Ewok Tank-Medic Mercenary came out in 2.3, she was supposedly bugged. She offered no conversations beside the first one for players (at least Imperial ones, from what I've heard). But to this day I had always assumed she just didn't have any more conversations, since after the Shroud's Datacube fiasco, players did not approve at all of story locked behind the Cartel Market (even if Treek isn't totally a CM thing). So I never bothered raising her affection, since I didn't craft much, and with mostly tank characters, I never really needed anyone but lovable HK-51. But today while I was buying her affection in shiny things on my recently 50'd Sage (the last class story I needed to play, thank you!) I realized she did have conversations and a story after all! So I set some Prefabs to be made, and I retreated to my ship to talk to her a bit.


And she says a line I laughed way too hard at.


"It is good the Empire has never visited my homeworld. My people would be conquered."


It gets funnier every time I read it. Maybe because of the subtlety behind it.


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I think I found C2-D4 and Jakarro's best line ever.


Right at the end of the Rishi arc...

C2-D4: "I do hope we get to kill a lot more Revanites. Not as satisfying as when I'm fully assembled and can do it myself, but still: dead Revanites."


Jakarro: "That might be the most I have let the droid say out of turn!"


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I've got another one. Ziost, my Smuggler...



... is told that Vitiate specifically wants him dead. His response?


"What, is he afraid I'm gonna beat him in a quick draw?"


Yes, it's in my signature, but I just wanted to make sure I spoil as little as possible here.


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Gotta love the BH one where the Jedi tries to force persuade you to surrender. "I can wave my hand like an idiot too."


Or this similar one from Tatooine on the Smuggler story:


Jedi: (Force Persuade) "You want to kill the Sith..."

Sith: (Force Persuade) "You want to kill the Jedi..."

Smuggler: "Will you two stop waving your hands around? You look like a couple idiots!!"

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From the Bounty Hunter quest line on Hoth:


NPC: We ain't much good in a scrap and likely won't get far without someone who is.

Mako: We can handle that, right?

BH (LS Option): No problem! Just watch out for shrapnel.

Mako: That's... not really a joke. We usually make a pretty huge mess.

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Fighting Commander Iven in the Imperial Guard Academy....and realizing the irony in him saying to your Miralukan Jedi Sage "You have no eyes!"




EDIT: Spelled the species name right...hooray for actually opening the legacy window to check >.>

Edited by Lewintelamon
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I posted this a long time ago, worth a repost. I think it was on a non-class quest on Nar Shadaa.


Jedi Knight questions the motives of Damrasch Hutt for wanting the Knight to free some Republic soldiers:


Damrasch the Hutt: "I'm guessing you want them to have freedom, happiness, all the synthfood they can eat...we just want our share of the profits."

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I've got another one. Ziost, my Smuggler...



... is told that Vitiate specifically wants him dead. His response?


"What, is he afraid I'm gonna beat him in a quick draw?"


Yes, it's in my signature, but I just wanted to make sure I spoil as little as possible here.


This one's not really funny, but I'm pretty fond of the Agent's response to that same line.



"I think he greatly overestimates the capabilities of the Empire's intelligence apparatus."



Anyway, some of the quotes I liked...


Agent - "I was the mysterious Cipher agent. You couldn't just let me go."

Temple - "I'm not going to respond to that."


Knight - "I don't need to see you. I can smell you."


"More toxic chemicals for you to wade in, my master." - Khem Val on Taris


About the Seeds of Rage:

Knight - "Judging by the name I'm guessing they're better off locked away."

Jedi Master - "We're fortunate the Sith have a weakness for melodramatic titles."



Malfunctioning Imperial droid on Balmorra - "My lord! It's a pleasure to meet someone so close to the Emperor!"

Knight / Consular - "Err...right..."


Inquisitor - "With great power comes a lot of nagging, apparently."


And I'm pretty sure this is a general dialogue option for Republic classes on Makeb, but I loved the JK's deadpan delivery - "I think you're overestimating the power of your real estate."

Edited by Teahat
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