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A Look At The Old Republic


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If you listened to customers you would of added the basic features every beta member asked for, instead like with forum answers we were ignored. Out of those millions i wounder how many are actually still playing cause i made my alt and there was like 5 people on each planet from the 50 people per planet at beginning. Why i did an alt was cause it was taking an hour to find groups for fp at 50 on a suppose it heavy server. its star wars of course its big but the name can only do so much, which in the drop in members the name isn't working to well.


I had to go back to Hutta for a class quest on an alt yesterday and there were 35 there at the time. Obviously, population seems to vary greatly between servers and factions on a server.


It took me 5 mins to put together a HM BT run last night.

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Nice propaganda.


Advice ; fix the games problems instead of working on this advertising crap. You even hired in Jack from Roosterteeth lol... class act :D


The funny thing withy this video is that it's, no offence meant with this but the video is very "american". Playing on emotional reactions from ppl " with no script" ye sure... Jack surely had no script xD


I wonder how well this video will work in EU where emotions isn't incorporated in advertisment as naively as it is in USA. Again no offence but this is how it is. USA uses "make over" and "emotional mountains" to create hype and make ppl buy products. In Sweden actually you can't do that both out of issues with laws and ppl don't buy this type of propaganda.



Interesting thread u started :D


Being an EU-player I was just wondering how many hours of rehersal those actors..eeh,I mean "players" got :D


Clearly a marketing tape made for the us ;)

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dang... every time I read your yellow words... my eheart races.... ohhh why cant my GF be nerdy...


hehe thinking the same. /raises glass. GG Bioware, loving this game and everything in it. Man this thing is gonna grow and grow. Glad those of us that love it got in on the ground floor and get to see it all unfold. As for the negative replies well, lets just say I am glad I'm not in a sports team with you guys as the game would be lost before we ever walked onto the field.... Kinda explains petty much everything right there hehe.


Nice vid too! :D

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Everything come down to Drones V Fanbois, no one discusses anything. And those who want to dont feel they can't. No matter what the topic, you have Fanbois praising it, and the drones attacking it, both groups thinking the other is clearly wrong while only they know the truth and are seeing it, while the other group is blind and trolling.

Both groups are a big flock of sheep, seems that no one can simply like TOR because they enjoy it, or simply be having fun in it if someone else isnt. Then again if someone dislikes something they are attacked as wrong.


Its kind of funny, kind of sad. But the forums will always be from here on out Drones V Fanbois, with some discussion thrown in on the odd occasion between the accusations of trolling and blindness.


And now back to the Drones V Fanbois...

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Unlike these other so called people, im giving BW more than just 2-3 months to keep patching and bringing fixes to the game, before i start pouting and throwing a tantrum with a false sense of entitled attitude. Call me a realist. Keep up the good work BW ;)


Best statement in this entire thread


+1 to you sir

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Decent video. And yes, there are lots of great things about the game, and people know it.


Thankfully all the negative trolls in this thread make up teeny tiny insignificant portion of the total gamers who enjoy this game. Over a million players, and only a few thousand ever use the forums for more then a couple posts? And of those a handful constantly throw hate and troll? Do the math. They mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.


Keep up the positive work Bioware.

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Fastest growing mmo in history might be technically correct, but it is very misleading. They are talking about the launch, which grew from zero to over a million in a week.


They would of been better off just saying "Largest launch in mmo history". Sounds just as good without the gimmicks.

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