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Everything posted by Darth_Eminok

  1. Your point is good and well thought out. But the problem is that the "MAIN GAME" is a strict WoW clone painted over with a Star Wars skin. If SWTOR had been planned out differently in a non-WoW sense... then undoubtedly this conversation won't be going on. It's the fluff that is required right now to keep the subscribers in my personal opinion. Perhaps I am wrong... perhaps you are wrong. But to be so sure is to wait and see... but unfortunately I won't be here until this game is able to capture my attention again. Raging Rakghoul is necessary.
  2. Hard. 1. Darth Bane 2. Darth Nihilus 3. The Exile 4. Darth Traya 5. Darth Revan 6. Kyle Katarn 7. Tyber Zann 8. Darth Krayt 9. Dark Jaesa Willsaam (Just some bantha fodder that serves as a decoy, but still deserves top 10.) 10. Luke Skywalker (Yes I like his character and story but I only have 10 slots!) It would've been easier to do top 50.
  3. We need THIS in the game... except that home planet price thing... or that guildie only pod racing bet stuff... uhh...
  4. Step 1. Get a good guild or you're dead. Come back to us when done
  5. Quite the sophisticated one. Your words have me sided with you.
  6. Yay! Han shot first! My turn: Obi-Wan: This was your father's lightsaber. Obi-Wan wishes to trade with you. Obi-Wan: You cannot trade bound items that belong to another person. You will be kicked for hacking in 10 seconds. Player [Obi-Wan] has been reported.
  7. I am too bored to get my SW to 50 atm... but here: Sith Warrior: Upon gaining the position of Emperor's Wrath he devises a plan with his top apprentice, Jaesa Willsaam, to undermine the Dark Council and use them to his advantage to turn them into his obedient slaves until the Empire is weakened and he has no more use for them, in which then he will obliterate them and assume position as the Dark One. The Empire splits, one side under the Dark One, and the other the original Empire that aims to gain their society, control, and power back. Jaesa Willsaam: After training extensively with her master, she is tasked to help him use to Dark Council to his advantage. She eventually is granted the title of Darth, and becomes Darth Ira upon the fulfillment of the mission. She is eventually killed in a space combat mission requiring Nova Squadron, the Dark One's most elite squadron, to secretly take control of an Imperial Dreadnought and use it to fire on the rest of the fleet, holding the moffs onboard hostage in order to keep the rest of the fleet from destroying their captured vessel. Upon boarding, the Squadron hastily took control with Jaesa leading, but were unprepared for the mass amount of Darths on the bridge, which quickly eliminated the sith assault, save for Jaesa, who fought valiantly until one of the Darths stabbed a lightsaber into her heart and dismembered her torso from her lower body. Fortunately the sith forces were able to disable the engines of the ship, causing the Dreadnought to plunge into the surface of Dromund Kaas while the rest of the Dark One's fleet fought the Imperials and forced them into a jump to lightspeed with a few remaining ships. Quinn: Malavai Quinn is charged with Treason against the True Empire and executed after being sent on a mission to find the Imperial Rebellion's base and failed as a way to prove himself. He was personally mutilated by the Dark One and his remains were used as a warning to all that nobody should cross the Dark One. Broonmark: After being given command of his own Assassin squad, he and his team are sent to Alderaan to eliminate all Nobles supplying/in affiliation with the Imperial Rebellion. The team succeeds and does not arouse much of a suspicion from the local population and goes out of their way to convert many nobles sided with the Republic to the True Empire, giving the True Empire more supplies for new weapons. Pierce: Pierce is boosted up to the rank of General for his amazing services to the Empire and the Dark One. He is given command of a large squadron and is assigned to lead an army along with his squadron against the Imperial Rebellion's ground assault on Dromund Kaas (the one in which Jaesa died in space) and succeeds in defeating the Rebellion forces with not too many casualties and is able to take the Commander of the army hostage for "interrogation". Vette: The Dark One forces her conversion to the dark side and is trained in the ways of the sith to replace Vette. She becomes exceptionally strong in the dark side of the force and soon becomes as cunning (and crazy) as Jaesa. Extreme corruption causes her eyes and skin to become red and is soon given control of her own Assassin squadron just like Broonmark. She begins recruiting more to become sith and serve under her master and eventually becomes a Dark Council member as a Lord and undergoes surgery to become enhanced with the best cybernetics to increase agility, strength, power, and intelligence. Great, look what you did to me now, I feel like writing fan fic now.
  8. Who am I? A writer. What Class did I pick? Sith Warrior - Dark V Why: I like to manipulate people and destroy them... EMPIRE FTW!
  9. Meh I'm speculating it's a rattataki... could you drive the space taxi and take a pic way up closer?
  10. Yes. For BW it apparently is... either that or they just don't want to develop the MMO.
  11. Title says it all. Discuss the signatures above your post or rate it on a 1-10 rating and why it got that rating. And there is no need to do it for my sig... I'm just that forum guy in the corner.
  12. "Use the force, Luke." "Why? I'm sure I can shoot it." *fires proton torpedoes and misses* *Death Star fires on Yavin IV* That probably wouldn't have ended it... but will have changed it... a lot.
  13. This might as well be: If you hate the game so much why are you in the forums attacking it instead of just playing your <insert game here>. No need to hate on the fanbois... I like arguing.
  14. sorry... I meant to put a , in between Luke EU and Vong Series. Edit: Fixed.
  15. Thread-Starter, if the "Uberness" can be covered with a good and interesting story to work off of, how can it be rendered lame? Isn't the story all that matters (along with dialogue... which comes with story) and "uberness" is another part of the stroy that contributes to it to make it dramatic or something? Yes there are limits, and that limit is the bad story... easy way out... like: A Darth in the Sith Order (in some timeline) is aware of a rebellion brewing in the edges of the galaxy and can be considered a threat. He thinks something in his mind and those planets explode. The End. Yes... bad. DERP. It's all in the way that the "uberness" is used and how good the main plot is. Sooo.... DERP. Please refer to Luke EU, Vong series or Darth Krayt, Sidious, or Vader.
  16. I once saw a Jawa's face in SWG... it was hideous. Please let's keep the hoods ON.
  17. The most perfect theme song for a pure dark-sided SW... or in other words my jugg. How can someone NOT have said this one already?
  18. Would you also like everything on the GTN to be free? K, do you want a drink with that, sir? There is no need to have everything handed to us on a golden platter.
  19. If you pay attention in Episode 4: A New Hope, Luke has a model/toy of an Imperial Shuttle in the Lars' Homestead. Sure, that's cool... but how about a stuffed Gizka! Edit: To post above me, please refer to line 1.
  20. *Observes situation* Interesting. The population seems to be in utter rage for something that they had asked for themselves. You asked for transfers and got it... deal with the situation.
  21. I wish someone would make 10 hours of Requiem for a Dream/Introduction (the version without the singing in the background for the first two minutes) correctly so I can continuously wet my pants in epic cutscenes and fights. . (Hint: Please do it.) Oh yeah... don't ever forget the original star wars soundtracks... or SWGEMU's imperial login screen. And: A full version of Requiem for a Dream that is probably a bit less epic due to the weird background singing :/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSY4Yi2ypno
  22. In SWG I found the gungans to be pretty cooler than what they were made out to be in the movies.
  23. Nothing. Simply improvise so the opponent(s) will never know my pattern. It is a weakness to rely on anything, and that is why the jedi will fall.
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